Larian Studios
There's a lot of changes that I would like to see made to the character creation system, but it's unlikely they'll all make it in. I just want to see what the public thinks.

Of these, I think bonds and flaws would be the most unlikely. Because in order for them to matter at all, they'd probably have to require unique dialogue options.
I voted for more faces, bodies and scars.

However hair customization is missing from the poll, along with a more proper way to customize colors.
Originally Posted by Crimsomrider
I voted for more faces, bodies and scars.

However hair customization is missing from the poll, along with a more proper way to customize colors.

Yeah I should've included that; there's already several mods for more hairstyles so it wasn't something I thought to add.
If I can't have a full-blown face customisation than at least let me have more than 4-5 faces to choose from frown

Also voted for height. I am a shortie, let me be short in my games too, please smile

If nothing else it would be cool if we could choose a defult height preset of an another race. Like, we create a human but want them on the shorter size, so we choose the elf body. Or we want our tiefling to be a walking mountain, so we choose an halforc body for them.
Aside from my vote choices, I'd really, really like it if they actually refined the character creation UI itself - having to flick through things one at a time is the most archaic, unfriendly system imaginable; we need to be able to view icons for for available options to pick form at a glance for what we roughly want, and to be able to jump back and forth between any options we want, to compare them. This is super basic stuff, and it's unthinkable that this game is so backwards that it's not giving us this. Even Monster Hunter has a better character creator than this game, at the moment.
Originally Posted by Crimsomrider
I voted for more faces, bodies and scars.

However hair customization is missing from the poll, along with a more proper way to customize colors.

I voted the same. I’d probably have gone for better hair options over scars if I was forced to pick. (Though I don’t necessarily need more hairstyles, it’s just that I find so many of the existing ones unusable with pointy eared races because of clipping, which could be fixed with what I’d hope would be some relatively minor tweaks.)

I like the idea of height variation, too, but would prioritise build and the lack of height variation might not be so noticeable if there was variety in body shape.

I like the idea of bonds and flaws, but wouldn’t really expect the game to respond to them. It’s already incredibly ambitious. But a free text biography like in BG1 & 2 where we can fill in details of our characters, including bonds and flaws if we like, would be welcome.
Originally Posted by Niara
Aside from my vote choices, I'd really, really like it if they actually refined the character creation UI itself - having to flick through things one at a time is the most archaic, unfriendly system imaginable; we need to be able to view icons for for available options to pick form at a glance for what we roughly want, and to be able to jump back and forth between any options we want, to compare them. This is super basic stuff, and it's unthinkable that this game is so backwards that it's not giving us this. Even Monster Hunter has a better character creator than this game, at the moment.

Omg right? Even the character creator on Roll20 is better than this.
More faces, more body types and height options.

I'd like to have more customizable equipment too, but that would be much easier to fix by just adjusting the loot in the early areas.
Does face/scar options include the ability to have your character look older? Not everyone wants to RP a main character that looks like they're 21.
Since I could only choose three options, I also voted for faces, bodies and scars (or wrinkles, freckles, a missing eye etc). But I would like height options and being able to choose a starting armor as well.

As for the bonds and flaws, I think it would get too complex to really take everything into account, even if only the premade options of the PHB would be available.

Personally, adding a wider range of dialogue options to choose from would be fine for me. Most times, this might not even require new lines for the NPCs, but they would help a lot in roleplaying a character.

Currently, I write my character's traits, bonds, ideals and flaws down on a character sheet, and try to roleplay accordingly.
Im not sure wich races are "Tasha custom" ... so maybe i should have picked that, since i really want as much races as possible ... but i presumed it was about fluid starting scores?

Anyway my votes were:
Rolled stats
Starting gear
More faces

In this order.
Originally Posted by RagnarokCzD
Im not sure wich races are "Tasha custom" ... so maybe i should have picked that, since i really want as much races as possible ... but i presumed it was about fluid starting scores?

Yes, for instance, instead of +2 DEX and +1 INT for High elves, you can to put +3 abilities score wherever you want (max +2 per ability, max 20 total), like +2 DEX and +1 CHA.

Personally, I've picked :
- Body type options (the current male one is too muscular for how I would envisioned non-STR based characters, especially casters, like Gale).
- Choose starting weapons and armor (I don't normally play STR based characters but players that do should be able to pick heavy armor)
- Tasha's custom races (I just think it's better and makes more sense to me)

But honestly I also like the others, especially "Rolling for ability scores " (although...I would abuse it 😅), "More face presets" and "Face/body scar options".
Originally Posted by MelivySilverRoot
Yes, for instance, instead of +2 DEX and +1 INT for High elves, you can to put +3 abilities score wherever you want (max +2 per ability, max 20 total), like +2 DEX and +1 CHA.
Thank you ...
In that case i voted just as i wanted to. :3

I mean, i dont want to start discusion about it, but purely my own opinion ...
If i can start with 18 in my primary score ... i dont really mind to have +2 from race set to something i dont really need that desperately. laugh
Originally Posted by gaymer
Does face/scar options include the ability to have your character look older? Not everyone wants to RP a main character that looks like they're 21.

Definitely with you that there should be more options for older characters, either through being able to age preset faces through customisation or just by having more presets with more mature features. There’s the odd one at the moment (there’s certainly a more mature dwarf male and halfling male preset in EA) but I agree we need more options.
Good news, one of these options has been datamined :
Originally Posted by snowram
Good news, one of these options has been datamined :

Yes 🥰! Nice, thanks for sharing!
Originally Posted by snowram
Good news, one of these options has been datamined :

Thank you for sharing! This is very good news indeed 😊
I know it’s a bit off topic, but just one extra point about more face presets, face customisation options, hairstyles, body shapes and heights is that these are not only useful for character creation, but can also be used for NPCs where they can go a long way to helping the world feel more real. It’s weird when everyone of the same sex and race has the same shape and everyone has a variation on just a few features.

Though for me, a nice to have if Larian continue to use the CC options for (most) NPCs, which does seem efficient, would be for NPCs to each have an alternative face and perhaps hairdo which they would use to prevent them sharing the face and ideally hairstyle of my main character. Kind of like the alternative portraits in the original games, though I accept this would be more costly!
All of it honestly.
Originally Posted by gaymer
Does face/scar options include the ability to have your character look older? Not everyone wants to RP a main character that looks like they're 21.

Same, it's not easy to play a Gandalf-looking wizard when your skin is silky smooth.

Also it might be a bit weird when all the young and hot party members are horny for some 90-year old dude.
Originally Posted by Back_Stabbath
Also it might be a bit weird when all the young and hot party members are horny for some 90-year old dude.

Don't underestimate the hotness of intelligence, wisdom and/or charisma :p
More face presets, choose starting gear, and rolling for attributes.

These are things I think wouldn't take too much extra development time. I like the idea of body types, but again, with intimate scenes, they're going to have to account for each type of height/body which means that it could get complicated very quickly.

I don't know what the other two are (bonds and flaws/custom races)
Originally Posted by MelivySilverRoot
I also like the others, especially "Rolling for ability scores " (although...I would abuse it 😅)

Yep, I can’t be trusted with ability score rolling either. And given the number of hours each playthrough takes, I don’t think I could manage to force myself to just play a character with the rolls as they fell, much as I appreciate in principle the skill and interest in making the best of what you get.

But while I personally probably need the discipline imposed by point buy or standard array, I can see why folk want rolling so wouldn’t object to it being added as an option even though I’d need to try to force myself not to use it.
Originally Posted by Boblawblah
I don't know what the other two are (bonds and flaws/custom races)

(I copied this from, it's part of the character creation in the Player's Handbook for 5e)

Bonds might answer any of these questions: Whom do you care most about? To what place do you feel a special connection? What is your most treasured possession?

Your bonds might be tied to your class, your background, your race, or some other aspect of your character’s history or personality. You might also gain new bonds over the course of your adventures.

Finally, choose a flaw for your character. Your character’s flaw represents some vice, compulsion, fear, or weakness—in particular, anything that someone else could exploit to bring you to ruin or cause you to act against your best interests. More significant than negative personality traits, a flaw might answer any of these questions: What enrages you? What’s the one person, concept, or event that you are terrified of? What are your vices?
What I would like to see the most, is saving and reloading the character, before starting online play, it seems like only natural to prepare the character beforehand. Or as useful import pre-defined character.

Now there are also races - more the better, goblin race could be fun, but probably not gonna happen.

Finally, just to get back old days of re-rolling endlessly - dice rolls, although I admit there is some cheese spending hours in the char-creation, all in all this feeling you were able to roll well, like above 90 or 100 is great.
Originally Posted by MelivySilverRoot
Personally, I've picked :
- Body type options (the current male one is too muscular for how I would envisioned non-STR based characters, especially casters, like Gale).
- Choose starting weapons and armor (I don't normally play STR based characters but players that do should be able to pick heavy armor)
- Tasha's custom races (I just think it's better and makes more sense to me)
I picked exactly these too! smile
Originally Posted by The_Red_Queen
Originally Posted by MelivySilverRoot
I also like the others, especially "Rolling for ability scores " (although...I would abuse it 😅)

Yep, I can’t be trusted with ability score rolling either. And given the number of hours each playthrough takes, I don’t think I could manage to force myself to just play a character with the rolls as they fell, much as I appreciate in principle the skill and interest in making the best of what you get.

But while I personally probably need the discipline imposed by point buy or standard array, I can see why folk want rolling so wouldn’t object to it being added as an option even though I’d need to try to force myself not to use it.

I rolled for stats once on a tabletop character. Sorcerer.

I had 3 18s.

My DM rejected it and made me do point buy.
Originally Posted by MelivySilverRoot
Originally Posted by RagnarokCzD
Im not sure wich races are "Tasha custom" ... so maybe i should have picked that, since i really want as much races as possible ... but i presumed it was about fluid starting scores?

Yes, for instance, instead of +2 DEX and +1 INT for High elves, you can to put +3 abilities score wherever you want (max +2 per ability, max 20 total), like +2 DEX and +1 CHA.

😅 I completely confused the books and was thinking of Tabaxi and Kenku... I've only got the PHB.

Then I would like to change my vote, I would like this very much, too.

I'd like to be able to customize my character's ability scores according to the kind of character I would like to play. It does not make a lot of sense why every high elf gets a +2 DEX, for example. There have to be clumsy ones, too 🙂
Originally Posted by Grieg
What I would like to see the most, is saving and reloading the character, before starting online play, it seems like only natural to prepare the character beforehand. Or as useful import pre-defined character.

Now there are also races - more the better, goblin race could be fun, but probably not gonna happen.

Finally, just to get back old days of re-rolling endlessly - dice rolls, although I admit there is some cheese spending hours in the char-creation, all in all this feeling you were able to roll well, like above 90 or 100 is great.

Yes, for some reason I never got bored of re-rolling stats for hours before every Planescape run to get an 18/00 strength.
Face / Body type - yes 100%
But, one very important thing! -
My priorities:
1.) rolling for stats (Character creation without rerolling for ages? IMPOSSIBLE!!! I think it took me over an hour to create my chars in BG1/2 and Solasta)
2.) more races (though having all PHB races should be the first priority here)
3.) body types (all barbarians must look like Arnie in Conan, even elfs and halflings ;-) )
Voted for more faces, height options, and Tasha's custom races.
Originally Posted by White.Kelevra
Face / Body type - yes 100%
But, one very important thing! -

It bothers me to no end that rapiers get sheathed on your back.
Originally Posted by Back_Stabbath
It bothers me to no end that rapiers get sheathed on your back.

So I am not the only one 😄 It would be nice if our character could wear it at the hip.
Originally Posted by Lyelle
Originally Posted by Back_Stabbath
It bothers me to no end that rapiers get sheathed on your back.

So I am not the only one 😄 It would be nice if our character could wear it at the hip.

I can only guess that it's a clipping issue, but IMO it'd still look better on your hip than on your back. Like, entire armor sets have clipping issues by themselves so I don't think it'd be a big deal if rapiers/maces/longswords clipped through characters' arms a bit.
Originally Posted by Back_Stabbath
I can only guess that it's a clipping issue, but IMO it'd still look better on your hip than on your back. Like, entire armor sets have clipping issues by themselves so I don't think it'd be a big deal if rapiers/maces/longswords clipped through characters' arms a bit.

I think so, too. I don't think clipping issues can be completely avoided, and I would prefer if my bard could wear her rapier properly, even if this would mean it would clip through her arms or legs a bit.

I get why there are no scabbards etc. for weapons though, the animations for drawing a weapon would become quite complex - or the weapons would simply go through them.
It does look funny if weapons are somehow magically glued to the characters, but that is something I have learned to ignore in games 😄
I voted for more body types, heights, and Tasha's custom races.

Heights especially would be nice. Some characters lose their oomph if they're just head height with everyone else that exists.

Tasha's rules are a priority for me too because most of my favorite races just have absolute crap stats for my favorite classes.
Rolling stats, more faces, choose equipment.
Voted for only More Face and Starting Gears. I also want more type of voice, at least one that sounds evil or savage
Those are awesome. It's amazing how much personality scars can add to a face. It makes a difference between very green characters, and characters who have already seen either a bit of combat, or extensive battling.
Originally Posted by ioci
I also want more type of voice, at least one that sounds evil or savage

Good point! Speaking for the English language voices, I think we do need a gruffer, deeper female voice and the two male voices are way too similar. I reckon you could get rid of one of those and replace it with a less posh version, corresponding to (female) voice 2 and then also add a gruffer, deeper one suitable for your stereotypical dwarves, half-orcs (hopefully!) and burly warrior types. I think there may actually be some additional player character voices at least partly recorded and unlocked in mods, though haven’t experimented with mods much yet.

Even more variety could be still better, but I live in hope of a fully voiced custom character and the more different voices there are, the less likely that would be possible.
I second the request for additional voice sets—especially so if we can get one voiced by Allegra Clark, who is my favorite voice actress smile

Other features not mentioned that I would like are facial piercings (with choice of jewel type and color) and the option (possibly in alternative to the "rolling for stats" choice) to have more points in the Point Buy system. Not just for power gaming, with which there would be nothing wrong in a single player game, but in my case because I'd like to recreate my tabletop character and the present point buy allocation doesn't allow for it.
My highest priority is "Rolling for Ability Scores" As that would allow for a bit more flexibility when choosing a class that requires more primary stats (Monk for example).

After that its more face and body options (because what we have currently is pretty dismal). As for races... I would not mind a few more options: Like I am hoping for Shadow Kai +2 dex, +1 con, as it would fit with the "shadow" theme vibe this game is going with and might be mistaken as a drow in some instances. But with that I would also like to see an option to use the spiked chain weapon as the racial weapon, as that along with a monk class would be killer.
I voted for Tasha's also for bonds and flaws. I think both will enhance and strengthen the game/characters
I hope, Larian see this theme wink
Voted for:
- more mugs - I share the view that male Elves do not look elvish
- height options
- body types

Someday I will play a Tanya von Degurechaff lookalike ...

I've warmed to the point buy - saves time. No more clicking for an hour to get a +85 result on the rolls :P
I want a silent protagonist.
And a LOT MORE faces.
Body types would be nice but I dont actually mind the one we have now.
Rolling for stats would also be nice.
Rolling for stats.

Because BG.
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