Larian Studios
Posted By: thrudder Greatest CRPG Ever Made!! - 06/08/23 02:11 PM
Yup This is It..... Been Playing Since Thursday Live , Played BG, BG2 All the Expansions, DOS, DOS 2 .... There is No doubt That BG3 will go Down as the Greatest Ever!!! I Will be Playing this for Years to Come Its Insane!!!!

Posted By: Beechams Re: Greatest CRPG Ever Made!! - 06/08/23 02:42 PM
It may well be the best RPG to date - and that itself would be a highly subjective claim - but to proclaim "There is No doubt That BG3 will go Down as the Greatest Ever!!!" is hysterical nonsense. You have, e.g., no idea of what the state of play of RPGs will be in five or ten years time.

With the unnecessary capitalisation and three exclamation marks, one could mistakenly believe this post was by Trump.
Posted By: The Red Queen Re: Greatest CRPG Ever Made!! - 06/08/23 02:45 PM
I think we can let people express a bit of hyperbolic excitement without responding just to rain on their parade! Have a heart. And please avoid insults.
Posted By: Turbo Left Re: Greatest CRPG Ever Made!! - 06/08/23 03:10 PM
Pathfinder : WOTR is better. Yes, unironically.
Posted By: Volourn Re: Greatest CRPG Ever Made!! - 06/08/23 03:43 PM
Playable but not even top 10 unless things change. There are some genuinely really good things, bit there is stuff that is just infuringly insulting to me as a player. But, grats for loving it.
Posted By: Kendaric Re: Greatest CRPG Ever Made!! - 06/08/23 04:23 PM
Yes, it's a good game, probably even very good. But it's also a good game with serious flaws, some of which were pointed out during EA.
Posted By: SerraShaar Re: Greatest CRPG Ever Made!! - 06/08/23 04:26 PM
it's a good game, I just wish we had a system of day&night....

It would be so pretty then laugh
Posted By: Zerubbabel Re: Greatest CRPG Ever Made!! - 06/08/23 05:11 PM
Originally Posted by Volourn
Playable but not even top 10 unless things change. There are some genuinely really good things, bit there is stuff that is just infuringly insulting to me as a player. But, grats for loving it.
Interested in hearing your top 10 CRPGs. I can’t even name 10 CRPGs that I like. 5-8, sure, but probably not 10.
Posted By: dwig Re: Greatest CRPG Ever Made!! - 06/08/23 09:34 PM
I won't be able to judge it relative to my other favorites until I've finished playing the release and then given it 5-6 months to sort of settle in.
Posted By: Leucrotta Re: Greatest CRPG Ever Made!! - 07/08/23 02:24 AM
It genuinely has a lot of great things going for it. Some of the areas of focus really shine through and put it heads above its competition. It's a very rough game though. There's a lot of jank and unpolished areas that went through early access. Dialogue is often....spotty in quality, there's some frankly odd choices they have made in the game.

I wouldn't put it above BG II. I'm not sure about where I'd rank it as a whole...reserving judgement for later. I need to see where the game takes me, but I'm not seeing the gold standard for rpgs do far here I think, or for that matter D&D games,/Forgotten Realms games/Baldur's Gate games..... I guess is what I'm saying.
Posted By: Boblawblah Re: Greatest CRPG Ever Made!! - 07/08/23 02:43 AM
I'm really enjoying it for sure, but I can already see the cracks. Having so much freedom means you can easily break quest order. One example, I went to grymforge before talking to the myconid sovereign and completely broke the 'save the gnomes' quest. Combine that with the awful romances, and greatest of all time? Eh..
Posted By: Ieldra2 Re: Greatest CRPG Ever Made!! - 07/08/23 07:35 AM
"Greatest ever" is perhaps a bit much, but it has been some time since I played a CRPG that I just couldn't stop playing for days in spite of some annoyances like the wilful camera, the inventory system, some hiccups during combat encounters where you have allies you don't control, and the fact that the lack of world map and in-game time makes plot and locations feel disconnected from its world.

I find myself more in tune with BG3 than with the Pathfinder games (and I loved Kingmaker), the POE games (and I loved POE2) and way, way more than the DOS games (which I disliked quite a bit)
Posted By: DumbleDorf Re: Greatest CRPG Ever Made!! - 07/08/23 10:37 AM
Its the greatest in quite a while, but the Pathfinder games are just as good, as well as the earlier BG and Icewind Dale games.

I never managed to get into the Divinity games unfortunately.
Posted By: Icelyn Re: Greatest CRPG Ever Made!! - 07/08/23 02:42 PM
Not really sure of the definition of a crpg, but so far (haven’t finished BG3 yet) BG3 is tied with the Mass Effect trilogy as my favorite game of all time! No game is perfect, but these are both exceptional games to me!

BG3 has a huge scope with lots of dialogue choices, reactivity, spells, and class and race choices.

Mass Effect trilogy has amazing companions, an iconic voiced pc, and a pc and companions that span 3 games.

I think both games do a great job with pacing and quests so that playing the game is never boring for me! The cinematic dialogue for both really pulls me into the game’s world.

For BG3 the companions are well written, but I do wish the good companions had been able to join the party earlier in the game considering the evil ones can.
Posted By: MrGrim Re: Greatest CRPG Ever Made!! - 07/08/23 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by Turbo Left
Pathfinder : WOTR is better. Yes, unironically.

Gotta agree with this. to the point where i wish they got the BG3 rights and not larian. Some stuff really made me dissapointed in larian for this release.
Posted By: Alodar Re: Greatest CRPG Ever Made!! - 07/08/23 05:33 PM
Best Baldur's Gate by far!
Originally Posted by thrudder
Yup This is It..... Been Playing Since Thursday Live , Played BG, BG2 All the Expansions, DOS, DOS 2 .... There is No doubt That BG3 will go Down as the Greatest Ever!!! I Will be Playing this for Years to Come Its Insane!!!!



BG3 rocks!
Best Baldur's Gate game, truest D&D experience, best CRPG.

Well done Larian!
Posted By: Stonechat Re: Greatest CRPG Ever Made!! - 07/08/23 07:10 PM
I do wish it had racial specific tutorial areas like Dragon Age: Origins had. I do still think DA:O is better (so far).
Posted By: HZM Re: Greatest CRPG Ever Made!! - 08/08/23 03:51 AM
Depending on your preference, to me, the best CRPGs ever made are either Witcher 3 or WOTR.
Posted By: DumbleDorf Re: Greatest CRPG Ever Made!! - 08/08/23 06:03 AM
Actually what I meant to say before but I was too afraid to since this is the BG3 forum, is that as others actually said, Pathfinder is still better.

I'm a masochist for deep character customization needing loads of spreadsheets and planning, and the whole needing to pick loads of feats and such every few levels and loads more classes and such I like a lot more.

5e feels too simplified for character customization, but the gameplay is still just as good.

E.G in BG3, I wont have two weapon specializations done on Astarion until level 10, as the first feat I put into stats to get 18 main stat asap, then two weapon bonuses at level 8 and 10 on a rogue.
Posted By: Beechams Re: Greatest CRPG Ever Made!! - 08/08/23 06:06 PM
Well the hotfixes don't seem to be the greatest ever made as the second (in five days) appears to be causing problems.
Posted By: Zentu Re: Greatest CRPG Ever Made!! - 08/08/23 07:15 PM
And the hyperbole begins to reach critical mass.
Posted By: Baronvonheadless Re: Greatest CRPG Ever Made!! - 09/08/23 04:33 PM
I like it a lot and the depth of choices and motion capture is great. They clearly put a lot of work into it.

My only criticisms is that act 1 seems to have to most diversity/locale so far.

I’m in rivington and it’s reminding me so much of DOS2.

Shadowlands were cool but a little basic.

The main thing that bugs me are the costume design/clothing choices.

Some characters just look so over the top and silly (gortash and Orin).

I thought Thorm actually looked best and he’s iced out by act 2.

I wish it felt a little darker, and more self serious and less comedic.

It’s also annoying that every character companion hits on you and try’s to bed you. I get making everyone romancable to help be inclusive and flexible to everyone’s sexual preference. But it’s kinda funny when ppl just tell u they’re crazy for u for no reason with no flirtation or anything besides being kind.

I like that you can romance if you want to in act 1 and progress it which is nice. Some games make you wait too long with too much hard to get style of interactions. However…

The game is just a little too horny haha.

But besides that it’s an amazing game.
Posted By: DumbleDorf Re: Greatest CRPG Ever Made!! - 10/08/23 01:45 PM
The main reason why this game feels as good as it does is because there hasn't been anything like it in a long time. AAA developers seen to have unanimously gone down the route of simple cash grab games loaded with microtransactions, the recent scandal with Blizzard adding the season pass button over the login button with auto purchase and no refund options is just vile, I was wanting to get D4 but I won't be buying anything from Blizzard anymore, and I refuse to play 'always online' games anymore because good luck with disconnects and lag killing your characters.

For a long time I've been wanting more games like Grim Dawn, single player offline ARPGs, but the consensus even among fans is 'these games cost too much to make, it isn't worth the developers time to make them single player without a cash shop' blah blah blah, which Larian have just thoroughly debunked and now the whole industry is mad.

Everytime a gamer says 'lol how would devs make any money without P2W' I just cringe.
Posted By: Zerubbabel Re: Greatest CRPG Ever Made!! - 10/08/23 01:53 PM
Any glance at the history of economic thought, from Smith to Say to Walras to Menger to Keynes will show that it is not just the value of a product itself that makes it worthwhile. It is the time and place that it occurs. This game is so well-received because people have been starving for this kind of game for over a decade, and it comes in a time of live service trash.
Posted By: schpas Re: Greatest CRPG Ever Made!! - 10/08/23 08:23 PM
Posted By: Liley Re: Greatest CRPG Ever Made!! - 11/08/23 06:18 AM
I was hesitating to even purchase this game a few weeks ago, but now I'm in love.

I'm still in act 1 with about 30 hours played as I don't have time to play everyday + I don't want to rush it. I didn't play EA, so everything is new to me. I want to enjoy it as much as I can, because there will be only one "first time experience", you'll never get that back after finishing the game. I'm even not as bad in combat as I thought I would be laugh Some fights I have put aside and saved up for later when I'll be a bit stronger (that giant spider under the cellar kicked my a**). My party hit level 5 yesterday and I think I'm becoming better at combat, which makes so much fun. I'm loving the story so far, I love that there are so many interactions with my companions. Almost every time I enter the camp there's something new to talk about.

This is the first time since ... I can't even remember (probably since Dragon Age times) ... where I just don't wanna stop playing. I loved BG1 and BG2 and even though BG3 is so much different, it brings up the same emotions within me: pure excitment and joy like being a little kid again. I never thougt we would have a game like this again. Thank you Larian.
Posted By: Ieldra2 Re: Greatest CRPG Ever Made!! - 11/08/23 07:53 AM
I'd like to talk about an aspect that doesn't get enough attention IMO.

This game is an artistic achievement. Consider all the creativity that went into making the locations, how well they are made, how well it all comes together with the stories told in those locations, how you feel the weight of a place's history just by exploring it and perhaps reading the old books you find there, how the mood of a place comes across so perfectly through visuals and sound, and so on. I honestly have never seen any other isometric CRPG with this level of immersion and immersive storytelling, and even third-person 3d games rarely do it that well.

And I think that plays a big part in why people just want to go on playing, why simply being there in this fictional world and looking at things, or speaking with someone about small things, is, at times, enough to make you smile.
Posted By: Thrandarian Re: Greatest CRPG Ever Made!! - 11/08/23 02:53 PM
I find this game to be more a logistical nightmare, bogged down will tons of unnecessary fluff... and trust me, I use the word fluff for lack of being banned for what my replacement word would be.

Just glad I was able to experience Wizardry in 1980 at release. And well, the follow up games to the series, Knight of Diamonds, and Legacy of Llygamyn. Those my friends were true CRPG masterpieces. But I'm guessing most are too young to have had the privilege of experiencing something so masterful at a much simpler time in our world.
Posted By: Ieldra2 Re: Greatest CRPG Ever Made!! - 11/08/23 04:35 PM
Originally Posted by Thrandarian
I find this game to be more a logistical nightmare, bogged down will tons of unnecessary fluff... and trust me, I use the word fluff for lack of being banned for what my replacement word would be.

Just glad I was able to experience Wizardry in 1980 at release. And well, the follow up games to the series, Knight of Diamonds, and Legacy of Llygamyn. Those my friends were true CRPG masterpieces. But I'm guessing most are too young to have had the privilege of experiencing something so masterful at a much simpler time in our world.
Tell me you aren't serious. Maybe a very basic dungeon crawl with no story to speak of, where characters are nothing but stats, is your favorite type of game, but then why did you even buy this game? And yes, I actually was there at the time, so no bullshitting me about it.
Posted By: Warlocke Re: Greatest CRPG Ever Made!! - 11/08/23 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by Ieldra2
Originally Posted by Thrandarian
I find this game to be more a logistical nightmare, bogged down will tons of unnecessary fluff... and trust me, I use the word fluff for lack of being banned for what my replacement word would be.

Just glad I was able to experience Wizardry in 1980 at release. And well, the follow up games to the series, Knight of Diamonds, and Legacy of Llygamyn. Those my friends were true CRPG masterpieces. But I'm guessing most are too young to have had the privilege of experiencing something so masterful at a much simpler time in our world.
Tell me you aren't serious. Maybe a very basic dungeon crawl with no story to speak of, where characters are nothing but stats, is your favorite type of game, but then why did you even buy this game? And yes, I actually was there at the time, so no bullshitting me about it.

Yeah, everybody is entitled to what they like, but I was a bit confounded by that sentiment too. I always personally thought that every western RPG before Baldur’s Gate 1 was a bit rubbish.
Posted By: Volourn Re: Greatest CRPG Ever Made!! - 12/08/23 01:19 AM
Lol. Ultima and Fallout being seen as 'rubbish' explains a lot. Lol
Posted By: Warlocke Re: Greatest CRPG Ever Made!! - 12/08/23 01:30 AM
Originally Posted by Volourn
Lol. Ultima and Fallout being seen as 'rubbish' explains a lot. Lol

Forgot that Fallout came out first. I played BG1 before I played Fallout. I amend my statement to say western RPGs before Fallout. I stand my my lack of enthusiasm for Ultima.
Posted By: Ieldra2 Re: Greatest CRPG Ever Made!! - 12/08/23 05:16 AM
Originally Posted by Warlocke
Originally Posted by Ieldra2
Originally Posted by Thrandarian
I find this game to be more a logistical nightmare, bogged down will tons of unnecessary fluff... and trust me, I use the word fluff for lack of being banned for what my replacement word would be.

Just glad I was able to experience Wizardry in 1980 at release. And well, the follow up games to the series, Knight of Diamonds, and Legacy of Llygamyn. Those my friends were true CRPG masterpieces. But I'm guessing most are too young to have had the privilege of experiencing something so masterful at a much simpler time in our world.
Tell me you aren't serious. Maybe a very basic dungeon crawl with no story to speak of, where characters are nothing but stats, is your favorite type of game, but then why did you even buy this game? And yes, I actually was there at the time, so no bullshitting me about it.

Yeah, everybody is entitled to what they like, but I was a bit confounded by that sentiment too. I always personally thought that every western RPG before Baldur’s Gate 1 was a bit rubbish.
There were several steps of evolution. First the games ceased to be pure dungeon crawls and included travel and a story. That was in the late 1980s and early 1990s and included the late Wizardrys and Realms of Arkania. Those were quite enjoyable at the time, though still a bit clunky to play compared with Fallout and what came after. Then Fallout started with the isometric map, trait-dependent dialogue and choices and consequences (which the BGs did not have to nearly the same degree). BG1 started with your party now consisting of actual characters with their own stories. Planescape:Torment was probably the first game to feature all of these elements to a significant degree, but at the price of having a defined protagonist. And I think I'll include "verticality" as a significant step, with the worlds of isometric games becoming three-dimensional. The first game I recall to have this feature was Divinity 2 (Ego Draconis) in 2009. And here we are, after another decade and more of resurgence and refinement which included the POE games, the Pathfinder games, Disco Elysium and the DOS games, playing a game like Baldur's Gate 3.
Posted By: DumbleDorf Re: Greatest CRPG Ever Made!! - 12/08/23 09:47 AM
Make western RPGs great again!

More CRPGs, I'm bored of Spiderweb Software graphics.

BTW if you love CRPGs, and think BG3 just isnt gay enough ....
Posted By: Warlocke Re: Greatest CRPG Ever Made!! - 13/08/23 02:24 AM
Originally Posted by Ieldra2
Originally Posted by Warlocke
Originally Posted by Ieldra2
Originally Posted by Thrandarian
I find this game to be more a logistical nightmare, bogged down will tons of unnecessary fluff... and trust me, I use the word fluff for lack of being banned for what my replacement word would be.

Just glad I was able to experience Wizardry in 1980 at release. And well, the follow up games to the series, Knight of Diamonds, and Legacy of Llygamyn. Those my friends were true CRPG masterpieces. But I'm guessing most are too young to have had the privilege of experiencing something so masterful at a much simpler time in our world.
Tell me you aren't serious. Maybe a very basic dungeon crawl with no story to speak of, where characters are nothing but stats, is your favorite type of game, but then why did you even buy this game? And yes, I actually was there at the time, so no bullshitting me about it.

Yeah, everybody is entitled to what they like, but I was a bit confounded by that sentiment too. I always personally thought that every western RPG before Baldur’s Gate 1 was a bit rubbish.
There were several steps of evolution. First the games ceased to be pure dungeon crawls and included travel and a story. That was in the late 1980s and early 1990s and included the late Wizardrys and Realms of Arkania. Those were quite enjoyable at the time, though still a bit clunky to play compared with Fallout and what came after. Then Fallout started with the isometric map, trait-dependent dialogue and choices and consequences (which the BGs did not have to nearly the same degree). BG1 started with your party now consisting of actual characters with their own stories. Planescape:Torment was probably the first game to feature all of these elements to a significant degree, but at the price of having a defined protagonist. And I think I'll include "verticality" as a significant step, with the worlds of isometric games becoming three-dimensional. The first game I recall to have this feature was Divinity 2 (Ego Draconis) in 2009. And here we are, after another decade and more of resurgence and refinement which included the POE games, the Pathfinder games, Disco Elysium and the DOS games, playing a game like Baldur's Gate 3.

Yeah, there definitely was a gradual development of the genre. But everybody got invested at different points. I can remember seeing my cousins play Wizardry when I was a kid, and even though I lived games, they just didn’t click with me at all. But I can still remember the first day I played Baldur’s Gate (was also introduced to Diablo on that same day) and being instantly, completely enthralled.
Posted By: Beechams Re: Greatest CRPG Ever Made!! - 13/08/23 08:37 AM
The greatest almost 500 bug fixes in the first week ever made.
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