Larian Studios
Posted By: DayVlad73 LOCK PICKING - 05/11/20 02:06 AM
PLEASE ADD IN ANIMATIONS FOR LOCKPICKING CHESTS... At least some sort of mini puzzle instead of just a bar that depletes. How about trying something like if you get the roll and defeat said lock then for thieves only there wouldbe like a mini lock picking system which involves thieves tools and the such but if your thief misses the roll than no animation or lock picking game. Also talk to dead needs the animations of the souls of the ones you are trying to talk to.

Posted By: Anfindel Re: LOCK piCK ing - 05/11/20 02:27 AM
This is not Fallout, nor is it Elder Scrolls. There is absolutely NO need for a lockpicking mini-game, as D&D is based upon stats, not eye/hand coordination in some game/puzzle. Nor, to be honest, does my arthritis need a real life agility check in order to play the game. If you want lockpicking or trap disarming animations, with the character bending over and manipulating tools, that's something entirely different, and up to Larian to choose to expend the time resources to create....hopefully AFTER they fix the UI issues !!
Posted By: DayVlad73 Re: LOCK piCK ing - 05/11/20 07:56 AM
dude arthritis perhaps its time to wrap up playing video games...maybe your age is effected by them...??? and stats kinda effect hand eye coordination agility is based upon whether or not you're agile and dexterous. no one claimed to think of this as fallout or elder scrolls, the latter which i have never played nor do i care to.
Posted By: Agrippa Re: LOCK piCK ing - 05/11/20 08:07 AM
The point is, for basic skill checks, we'd rather have the game doing checks against the characters that we've created. Not having the game do checks against our real life skills. Probably most of us don't play games to the degree of professional Korean Starcraft gamers.
Posted By: DayVlad73 Re: LOCK piCK ing - 05/11/20 08:18 AM
cm0n man if your worried about skill checks on a simple mechanism such as a door lock or a car door and these things seem difficult to perform (not stabbing at your arthritis), then you probably should be re thinking about other areas in your life that dont involve staring at a screen for hours on end. I simply meant this for fun and a unique way of opening chests and your attacking my idea as if im telling you personally to revert religions or something.
Posted By: Agrippa Re: LOCK piCK ing - 05/11/20 08:39 AM
I apologize if I came off as "attacking your idea." I find puzzles and mini-games to sometimes be fun in some settings. In a Dungeons and Dragons setting, however, I much rather enjoy it when the game allows me to sink into the character(s) that I've created and to play using their strengths and weaknesses. Action RPGs typically play against the player's strengths and weaknesses, rather than the characters' I'm not attacking the idea, so much as not wanting to be forced to use it here. I'd rather have the game focus on the strengths and weaknesses of my characters. They clearly have the resources available to add something like this, however. I'm not against them adding puzzles and mini-games as options for players that like that sort of thing...just make them optional add ons, though, not forced gameplay.
Posted By: Anfindel Re: LOCK piCK ing - 05/11/20 09:07 AM
Originally Posted by DayVlad73
dude arthritis perhaps its time to wrap up playing video games...maybe your age is effected by them...??? and stats kinda effect hand eye coordination agility is based upon whether or not you're agile and dexterous. no one claimed to think of this as fallout or elder scrolls, the latter which i have never played nor do i care to.

Um, no - my physical condition does not mean I should wrap up playing games. I have no intention to play with flight simulators, nor am I running off to play competitive shooters. I am playing a character and my character is picking a lock...I am not. Just as my character is swinging that sword - I am not. And my reference to Fallout and Elder Scrolls is because they DO incorporate 'mini-games' for lockpicking, as per your request. Skill checks check the skills of the character in D&D, not the player.
Posted By: TheOtherTed Re: LOCK piCK ing - 05/11/20 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by DayVlad73
you probably should be re thinking about other areas in your life that dont involve staring at a screen for hours on end.

This would seem to apply to any gamer, of any age, and of any physical condition. Maybe you should back off on the "old people" schtick before someone asks how many hours you spend staring at a screen instead of engaging in personal and social development.

As for the topic, I agree with Agrippa and Anfidel. While I think Bethesda-style lockpicking mini-games are fun (even the Oblivion and ESO versions that everyone complains about), this is a game based (mostly) on D&D. Everything (except tactical positioning) works on die rolls, and it just wouldn't be D&D otherwise. And to be honest, that appeals to my inner gambler in a way that Bethesda games don't.
Posted By: ash elemental Re: LOCK piCK ing - 05/11/20 11:55 AM
Originally Posted by Anfindel
And my reference to Fallout and Elder Scrolls is because they DO incorporate 'mini-games' for lockpicking, as per your request. Skill checks check the skills of the character in D&D, not the player.

And those lockpicking games were terrible. It got annoying so quickly.
Posted By: Osprey39 Re: LOCK piCK ing - 05/11/20 12:42 PM
Originally Posted by DayVlad73
dude arthritis perhaps its time to wrap up playing video games...maybe your age is effected by them...??? and stats kinda effect hand eye coordination agility is based upon whether or not you're agile and dexterous. no one claimed to think of this as fallout or elder scrolls, the latter which i have never played nor do i care to.

My young (I assume) friend, you better hope you still have the time and want to for playing video games when you get to your middle years and beyond. Don't give that person grief because they still enjoy something even though they are past the median age of participants.

That said, Anfindel is right and you are wrong. This game is not a twitch fest nor was it intended to be such. Look at the combat. Do you have to sit there and mouse click every time you want to swing your weapon? Do you have to circle strafe to get around to flank enemies? No and no. Why would you expect picking locks to be any different?
Posted By: Firesnakearies Re: LOCK piCK ing - 05/11/20 03:17 PM
Please no lockpicking minigame. I've already had to do 10,000,000 lockpicking minigames in tons of other RPGs, and they are NEVER fun.
Posted By: DayVlad73 Re: LOCK piCK ing - 05/11/20 04:36 PM
if i came off as aggressive to that dude it certainly wasn't my intentions, I just want some kind of animation with the locks that are being picked instead of a bar that gos across I mean how many times have we seen that in a game as well???
Posted By: DayVlad73 Re: LOCK piCK ing - 05/11/20 04:39 PM
that sounds pretty reasonable also I wasn't trying to be mean as much as I was endeavoring to protect my idea, but if i came across as crass than i certainly didnt mean to do so.
Posted By: Warlocke Re: LOCK piCK ing - 05/11/20 04:46 PM
I’d prefer no animations. Any animations they do will significantly increase how long it takes to open the lock. I’d rather they keep it quick.
Posted By: Frumpkis Re: LOCK piCK ing - 05/11/20 05:35 PM
Lockpicking is almost superfluous in this game, since you can just bash down most locked doors with a sword. The only reason I ever use lockpicking is because it's faster than a physical attack. I wouldn't want it slower.

I also agree with others here that player skill-based lockpicking a la Bethesda isn't needed in this type of game. There are enough other ways to include puzzles that require a bit of manual input, like placing barrels over floor vents.
Posted By: Capt.Wells Re: LOCK piCK ing - 05/11/20 06:10 PM
Actually I think that video games are great for older players.

I'm pushing sixty myself and love rpgs and I had felt sort of like an oddity (having really only started playing video games about a decade ago). But in the interim, I've been surprised to meet quite a few older players too, so with a nod and a wink to those who've manifested a bit of ageism in this thread; please leave the geezers alone!
Posted By: DayVlad73 Re: LOCK piCK ing - 05/11/20 06:59 PM
dude you dont have to agree with me but by no means should barrels even be in this game!!! they want technical perfection well barrelmancy certainly isn't included in 5e d&d
Posted By: Imora DalSyn Re: LOCK piCK ing - 05/11/20 07:46 PM
Originally Posted by Anfindel
Originally Posted by DayVlad73
dude arthritis perhaps its time to wrap up playing video games...maybe your age is effected by them...??? and stats kinda effect hand eye coordination agility is based upon whether or not you're agile and dexterous. no one claimed to think of this as fallout or elder scrolls, the latter which i have never played nor do i care to.

Um, no - my physical condition does not mean I should wrap up playing games. I have no intention to play with flight simulators, nor am I running off to play competitive shooters. I am playing a character and my character is picking a lock...I am not. Just as my character is swinging that sword - I am not. And my reference to Fallout and Elder Scrolls is because they DO incorporate 'mini-games' for lockpicking, as per your request. Skill checks check the skills of the character in D&D, not the player.

Games where you can pick high level locks with barely any skill level, just by being good at the minigame.

No minigame please. This is a simple die roll.

Now I would like to see my character kneel and fiddle with the lick, but yeah.
Posted By: Imora DalSyn Re: LOCK piCK ing - 05/11/20 07:48 PM
Originally Posted by Warlocke
I’d prefer no animations. Any animations they do will significantly increase how long it takes to open the lock. I’d rather they keep it quick.

Not if the animation plays while the bar is filling. Like spell cast animation.
Posted By: Osprey39 Re: LOCK piCK ing - 05/11/20 08:04 PM
Originally Posted by DayVlad73
dude you dont have to agree with me but by no means should barrels even be in this game!!! they want technical perfection well barrelmancy certainly isn't included in 5e d&d

I don't disagree with you regarding "barrelmancy" but I think the guy was referring to covering up the vents in a particular room which prevents flammable grease from coming out of them when a trap is sprung. Realism issues aside, I'm fine with that and crates work just as well as barrels.
Posted By: Warlocke Re: LOCK piCK ing - 05/11/20 08:10 PM
Originally Posted by Imora DalSyn
Originally Posted by Warlocke
I’d prefer no animations. Any animations they do will significantly increase how long it takes to open the lock. I’d rather they keep it quick.

Not if the animation plays while the bar is filling. Like spell cast animation.

The bar fills up so fast that there is barely any time for the character to perform an animation.
Posted By: Anfindel Re: LOCK piCK ing - 05/11/20 11:31 PM
Originally Posted by Capt.Wells
Actually I think that video games are great for older players.

I'm pushing sixty myself and love rpgs and I had felt sort of like an oddity (having really only started playing video games about a decade ago). But in the interim, I've been surprised to meet quite a few older players too, so with a nod and a wink to those who've manifested a bit of ageism in this thread; please leave the geezers alone!

Grats to you Cap'n. I pushed past that 60 wall - and have no intention of giving up my RPG addiction - started with D&D back in the 70's and never stopped. Besides, a guys' gotta have someplace to hide from career, spouse and teenage daughter (yes, this geezer managed to squeeze out a kid not that long ago)- bless 'em all, but some days....!! (same goes for the gals out there, dodging spouses).

Hell, I met my wife gaming and we raided together in Everquest for years.
Posted By: Mister Monster Re: LOCK piCK ing - 06/11/20 04:18 AM
No 'minigames' please. This is intended to be a D&D game; in D&D, success or failure of actions that require a measure of skill or concentration (like lockpicking) are judged by a roll of the dice.

Posted By: MatronPain Re: LOCK piCK ing - 06/11/20 11:51 AM
I'll join the no mini-games people here. I want to play a character (or 6) in this game not play me and my medication full, run down, gout addled gamers body.

20 Dexterity should mean 20 Dexterity, not 20 Dexterity minus my reactions minus my pc processor minus my graphics card.

If you want mini-games there are a million out there already.

Animation for me isn't really needed, however I can see the attraction for people who want a more immersive experience.

If the dev's want it we'll get it I suppose.
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