Larian Studios
Posted By: Criminon Some Things I feel Are Missing - 19/01/21 09:02 PM
So a really fun part about D&D is making your character, and while I think in the current state the character creation is good, I feel like it doesn't quite live up to a real campaign. A few things I'm a bit sad about that seem to be left out is starting gold, as well as being able to buy starting equipment. Another big one is trinkets. Something I've noticed is while every character in the story has a very rich background and history, yours is basically non existent. While I think this was done mostly to allow for many different people to imagine their backstory, adding an area to define this would be nice as well. I also think that the trinkets could come in handy here as well if they were tied into your own personal story. I know that having 100 different trinkets in the game with 100 story options isn't as easy as it is said, but I really do think this would breathe a lot of replayability into BG3, as well as push it further away from the Divinity formula, making it stand out more as it's own game.

Another one would be something that has already been asked for, but after around 100 hours on BG3 I really do feel that it's necessary. That would be alignments. Character defining and role play are obviously at the center of D&D. Anything to help better define your character and progress your character down that path would greatly help immersion. Once again, I know what this entails. Countless amounts of new dialogue and branching paths for conversation. I know it's unrealistic to expect this of a video game, but I think with these ideas added, it really would push BG3 closer to feeling like a genuine roleplay experience.

Thanks to all who read, regardless of what your opinion is on the matter.
Posted By: Sozz Re: Some Things I feel Are Missing - 19/01/21 09:12 PM
These are topics that have come up a few times, Here is a topic I started about the benefits of a Prologue, And here are another few places that discussed the topic of the custom MC's characterization Character Acting, Demeanor and Personality and Dragon Age - Next Gen RPG

As for Alignment, Wizards has been trying to downplay that aspect of D&D for a while now, and there is evidence that Larian had it in the game for a long time and only recently took it out before the EA

and having some starting gold to choose equipment with doesn't make total sense considering we're set to zero from the jump
Posted By: daMichi Re: Some Things I feel Are Missing - 19/01/21 09:19 PM
Originally Posted by Sozz
As for Alignment, Wizards has been trying to downplay that aspect of D&D for a while now, and there is evidence that Larian had it in the game for a long time and only recently took it out before the EA

and having some starting gold to choose equipment with doesn't make total sense considering we're set to zero from the jump

Regarding alignment, did they state this in an interview?

We don't start naked, we have armor and a weapon. Why not some personal item, like an amulet the grandmother of MC gave it to him /her when he/she was little? Or a lockpick if I am a rogue? Did the Illithids take this, but not my weapon?

Doesn't make much sense for me. So choosing some starting equipment or having a little bit more of it as by my background would make sense.
Posted By: Criminon Re: Some Things I feel Are Missing - 19/01/21 09:22 PM
Originally Posted by daMichi
Originally Posted by Sozz
As for Alignment, Wizards has been trying to downplay that aspect of D&D for a while now, and there is evidence that Larian had it in the game for a long time and only recently took it out before the EA

and having some starting gold to choose equipment with doesn't make total sense considering we're set to zero from the jump

Regarding alignment, did they state this in an interview?

We don't start naked, we have armor and a weapon. Why not some personal item, like an amulet the grandmother of MC gave it to him /her when he/she was little? Or a lockpick if I am a rogue? Did the Illithids take this, but not my weapon?

Doesn't make much sense for me. So choosing some starting equipment or having a little bit more of it as by my background would make sense.

I know in the very first video they showed off, that was one of the questions, and larian did seem to want to have it in the game. I hope they get it in honestly. Exactly with the starting items. And we could always retrieve it from a spot on the ship before it crashes as well.
Posted By: daMichi Re: Some Things I feel Are Missing - 19/01/21 09:30 PM
Thanks for the info!
Posted By: T2aV Re: Some Things I feel Are Missing - 19/01/21 10:02 PM
As An Illithid, I don't care about your puny weapons. As for your trinkets, all of your trinkets are belong to us ........(as well as your gold)
Posted By: daMichi Re: Some Things I feel Are Missing - 19/01/21 10:14 PM
Of course they do 😁

So very nice of you to store them in a neat spot on the way to the helm! 😁
Posted By: Evandir Re: Some Things I feel Are Missing - 20/01/21 12:11 AM
Yeah... the whole, "no chainmail till at least lvl 3," thing is a pretty big middle finger to STR characters.
Posted By: dwig Re: Some Things I feel Are Missing - 20/01/21 09:58 PM
Originally Posted by Evandir
Yeah... the whole, "no chainmail till at least lvl 3," thing is a pretty big middle finger to STR characters.

Is chainmail available at level 3 now? I didn't find any at all in my play through. It is something that should definitely be available early though.
Posted By: RBarbare Re: Some Things I feel Are Missing - 20/01/21 10:38 PM
Re: Armor restrictions

Mods may not be your thing, but if they are:

That unlocks a whole lot of already-implemented content, including several weapons (up to +2 supposedly but I have only seen +1), several armors (up to +2), and some miscellaneous gear. It also adds random chances for items to some chests and tweaks the vendor lists so they may carry the items.

Still completely true to 5e as implemented by Larian - it just unlocks locked content.
Posted By: Evandir Re: Some Things I feel Are Missing - 20/01/21 11:10 PM
Originally Posted by dwig
Originally Posted by Evandir
Yeah... the whole, "no chainmail till at least lvl 3," thing is a pretty big middle finger to STR characters.

Is chainmail available at level 3 now? I didn't find any at all in my play through. It is something that should definitely be available early though.

There is chainmail available in the goblin village from the halfling(?) merchant. The earliest I've gotten there naturally was level 3. That's what I was referring to.

Technically you could probably get it at Lvl 1 if you hardcore metagame and make a beeline for the village, but you would have to skip a decent amount of content to pull that off.
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