Larian Studios
Posted By: PlugUglies Questions and Wondering - 18/11/21 08:25 PM
I was wondering what level do you think we can achieve by the end of Act 1 as you can be lvl 3 before hitting the Druid Grove depending on what you do and hit lvl 4 by the time or during your quest to save Halsim also whats the timeline to saving Halsim? ( I get bored doing the same things over and over ( even playing different characters/races so I will try to do things differently on each play through) so sometimes when I go to rescue him he has already slain the Goblins and is gone.

Just curious is all.
Posted By: RagnarokCzD Re: Questions and Wondering - 18/11/21 08:40 PM
I still believe that Swen has semi-confrimmed that they are planning to give level caps for Acts. :-/
Even tho i also believe its horrible idea. laugh

But that would mean that we will reach lvl 5.
But, just to be clear ... it could have ben just poor wording. laugh
Posted By: Tav3245234325325 Re: Questions and Wondering - 18/11/21 09:14 PM
I would like level caps for acts. It's more a modern PNP approach where a level up synchronizes with played events, and not in the middle of a fight just because a number increased.
Posted By: Wormerine Re: Questions and Wondering - 18/11/21 09:44 PM
Originally Posted by RagnarokCzD
I still believe that Swen has semi-confrimmed that they are planning to give level caps for Acts. :-/
It did sound like that, but it would be an unusual solution. They could “cap” levels per acts with xp available to the player - I don’t know how “flexible” BG3 will end up being when it comes to story progression (aka. If you will be able to skip 80% of content and follow crit path only) creating over abundance of XP. There are definitely side areas players can just ignore at the moment.
Posted By: Soul-Scar Re: Questions and Wondering - 18/11/21 10:07 PM
6-7 maybe depends on how they tweek the XP gained killing lower level monsters. I don't like being level throttled on an act by act basis it feels like a waste of time killing things. If swen adds it I will instantly get a mod to remove it, it is a bad idea. Why would you stop gaining experience anyway? Because it is inconvenient for the plot for you to do so? Pfft whatever. lol.

Again monsters and characters placed along your path that conveniently get more powerful just because you do is stupid. It may work in other games to have level caps but in D&D there is nothing stopping you meeting a level 20 lich at level one because Mr Lich just happened to be there, you know, as the world existed before the player and not because of it? Narr it will be fine.

If you meet something at way too high level for you there is nothing saying you cannot come back later when you are right? Nothing saying you cannot "have a go" at killing that ancient silver dragon at level 5. Can't imagine anything being left of your party 1 second after as it would wet fart you into orbit but still.

Level 6-7 is a nice spot imo although I agree nothing in act one would pose a challenge at this level. I mean nothing at level 4 does so what's the diff?
Posted By: EliasIncarnation Re: Questions and Wondering - 19/11/21 03:18 AM
Level caps for each act sounds like an awful idea.
It would be very restrictive, which is bad in a role-playing game.
If I want to be level 20 and trounce enemies in the first two acts, I should be able to.
Posted By: RagnarokCzD Re: Questions and Wondering - 19/11/21 08:54 AM
Originally Posted by Wormerine
Originally Posted by RagnarokCzD
I still believe that Swen has semi-confrimmed that they are planning to give level caps for Acts. :-/
It did sound like that, but it would be an unusual solution. They could “cap” levels per acts with xp available to the player - I don’t know how “flexible” BG3 will end up being when it comes to story progression (aka. If you will be able to skip 80% of content and follow crit path only) creating over abundance of XP. There are definitely side areas players can just ignore at the moment.
My gues ... yes and plenty.

I mean right now Grymforge is just deadend.
Take it evil players dont even get many reason to go there ... just as Halsin team is strongly encouraged to ignore Shadowcursed lands ... speaking of them, Halsin team is suppose to get into Grymforge (as it seems) yet they cannot continue from there.
And yes im aware that location was probably not yet revealed whole since we have no way to reach the Temple of Shar.

Cpncidering this maybe, just maybe, Larians decided to give us level cap bcs they expected us to just follow main plot:
Halsin - Underdark
Minthara - Mountain pass
Githyanki - Creche (shadowcursed lands? dunno)
And ignore the rest ... but then someone realized that there is litteraly nothing stoping us from explore it all ... and potentialy triple or quadruple amount of our XP ...
In such case level cap (even if anoying for players) may seem like acceptable tool to prevent this.
Posted By: EvilVik Re: Questions and Wondering - 19/11/21 09:17 AM
Of course we will explore it all. Every nook and cranny. This is a Baldur's Gate game after all - no stone left unturned wink
Posted By: Maximuuus Re: Questions and Wondering - 19/11/21 09:58 AM
I'm not sure the amount of xp required to level up in the early access represent what it will be at release.

Being able to reach level 4 so fast and probably level 6 (or 7) at the end of act 1 would not really make sense, especially if we're capped at level 11-12-13 at the end of the game.

A cap per act would be a terrible idea because it would mean temporaries max levels.
Level max is not something players like to reach too fast in my opinion and "too often" would probably not be satisfying neither.

I personnaly prefer NOT to ever reach the max level than fighting or questing for "nothing". One more or less level does not make a huge difference in DnD so I would not mind if I the games end when I'm level 12 rather than level 13.

In my opinion someone that is doing everything in act 1 should reach +- 75% of level 5 to 6. It should not prevent players that are not doing too much side content to reach level 4 or 5.

But it's a hard balance because levels in DnD happen less often when you reach higher levels whereas video games players like to level up more or less regularly.
They will have to spread the increase in levels wisely over the whole game and I don't think it's possible to do that until the whole game is ready.
Posted By: Scales & Fangs Re: Questions and Wondering - 20/11/21 09:02 PM
Originally Posted by RagnarokCzD
I still believe that Swen has semi-confrimmed that they are planning to give level caps for Acts. :-/
Even tho i also believe its horrible idea. laugh

But that would mean that we will reach lvl 5.
But, just to be clear ... it could have ben just poor wording. laugh

I would not mind a level cap per chapter actually. That being said, I do think we reach level 4 too fast in EA. I will probably open a new thread altogether.
Posted By: RagnarokCzD Re: Questions and Wondering - 20/11/21 09:19 PM
Originally Posted by Scales & Fangs
That being said, I do think we reach level 4 too fast in EA. I will probably open a new thread altogether.
I believe i have seen allready such topic (maybe not even one) ...

But im too lazy to search them right now. laugh
Maybe tomorow. laugh
Posted By: Saito Hikari Re: Questions and Wondering - 20/11/21 10:08 PM
An act-based level cap would open a whole can of worms. Namely that it would generally result in one of the following two scenarios.

1) We're not going to be allowed to re-visit the locations featured in earlier acts at all.


2) People will rush the critical path to raise the level cap, so they don't have to worry about 'wasted EXP' when going back to do sidequests.
Posted By: Boblawblah Re: Questions and Wondering - 20/11/21 10:14 PM
Just please don't do it like DoS2 where you had to do almost every little quest, kill every little enemy to be at the "right" level to progress (i know later on it didn't matter, but early game it most definitely did)
Posted By: Saito Hikari Re: Questions and Wondering - 22/11/21 09:34 AM
Originally Posted by Boblawblah
Just please don't do it like DoS2 where you had to do almost every little quest, kill every little enemy to be at the "right" level to progress (i know later on it didn't matter, but early game it most definitely did)

Late game it DEFINITELY mattered. The damage formula in DOS2 was as such that if you were even 1 level under an enemy, you were at a significant disadvantage (and being 2 levels under meant that the encounter was near unwinnable without some major clairvoyant cheese). The opposite was true as well, you pretty much had to try to lose any encounter where you were one or two levels above an enemy.

And endgame DOS2 (on Tactician difficulty at least) was ultra rocket tag to the max already.
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