Larian Studios
Posted By: Modder Why this game is as good as it is - 29/08/22 04:54 PM
- Comparing to other similar turn based RPGs i think the combat on BG 3 is very good and well made. Since fallout 1 and 2 i havent seen any game achieving such enjoyable combat animations and those games are very old. But this game has very well detailed animations and effects and sounds on combat. For example 2 hand weapons dont look like character would be swinging toy weapons that weight 0,5kg which is big problem on most games. Realistic brutality is lacking tho, would love to see death animations where axe or sword would sink into body and character has to slowly pull it off the body. Or Fallout 2 style deaths where half the stomach gets blown away or leg or where arrow hits head and dying creature slowly falls to knees and then on his face, on fallout 1 and 2 it all worked so well because animations were slow, todays games that are doing similar brutality the animations are unrealisticly super fast which kinda ruins the realism aspect of it and makes it look like ridiculous cartoon.

- D&D leveling system is probably most interesting and makes this game so much more interesting.

- Probably best feature is the multiple possible options you can choose from when following the story and doing quests

- Possibility to play as good or evil or anything between, people today are so sick of hollywood style cliché stories where good always wins and outcomes are too easily predicted. Which makes me hope your story will have big surprises, so big that anyone who tried to achieve for example good ending of the game, might actually fail it even if he/she chose all the obvious "good" choices during the story, so that he has to try again.

All these 4 things together are making the game so replayable that it think it will be legendary game.

Edit: When playing game like this, i think very important aspect of combat is that whatever ability spell or attack it is you are using, when you point and click and action happens, it must be satisfyingly powerful; meaning visuals, sound and animation must feel powerful. When you swing heavy axe at enemy, it must look and sound like heavy axe piercing through mail armor sinking into enemy. Or when you for example miss fireball, it would be nice if the animation would throw the fireball at enemy but then it ricochets from enemy's armor or shield and visual effect would like split the fireball in 2 pieces that are flying away (similar to some tank vs tank battles on company of heroes for example) . This is something i havent seen gotten right since fallout 2. On that game when you point, click and watch how difficult enemy is annihilated completely, its what combat on this kind of games can be at best.
Posted By: mrfuji3 Re: Why this game is as good as it is - 29/08/22 06:10 PM
Originally Posted by Modder
Possibility to play as good or evil or anything between, people today are so sick of hollywood style cliché stories where good always wins and outcomes are too easily predicted. Which makes me hope your story will have big surprises, so big that anyone who tried to achieve for example good ending of the game, might actually fail it even if he/she chose all the obvious "good" choices during the story, so that he has to try again.
I like shocking and surprising moments, and they can be very impactful. But I don't want any final outcome to come as a complete surprise. Plot twists for their own sake are...not great. There should be hints and clues along the way such that, when any plot twist happens, everything you've experienced is recontextualized and it makes perfect sense why and how things would end up this way.

An ending of "Things end terribly for you because you chose Good options even though you had no way of knowing those options were leading to this outcome; sucks to suck!" would be unfulfilling and frustrating imo.
Posted By: Wormerine Re: Why this game is as good as it is - 29/08/22 06:25 PM
It's the only proper cRPG with a massive team and what must be an enormous budget. I can't think of an RPG since Black Isle's closure that wouldn't be made on a tight budget, aimed at nieche audience. The best one could hope for is a AAA hybrid RPG like Witcher or Mass Effect. The closest we got until now was Dragon Age series, and BG3 just seems to be doing both RPG elements and eye candy much better then those series.

It also helps that it is a stand-alone studio with no publisher oversight, doing a game they believe in. No trend chasing, just people at Larian doing what they think will be the best and most fun game to play.
What I like about the game as it is :
  • The music is simply amazing.
  • I actually like what they are doing with the companions. It's fun to interact with them and to learn more about them and their stories.
  • I find the combat system fun.
  • My friends don't really play games (even tabletop games), so being able to play a version of dnd is pretty neat. The graphics are beautiful and creating/planning new characters is fun.
  • The npcs (animals included) are also very interesting and fun to interract with. This includes : Aradin, Mattis, Rolan, Auntie Ethel, Rugan, Dhourn, the depressed bear, the Redcaps pretending to be sheeps, Barcus Wroot, most goblins...and the list goes on.
  • There's a lot to do without it feeling overwhelming and without it breaking immersion.

T.L.D.R It's fun and the music is great.
Posted By: Icelyn Re: Why this game is as good as it is - 30/08/22 03:50 AM
Here are a few of the things I think make BG3 a great game!

  • Halsin!🐻😊
  • Party-based game: I love having companions with banter and personal quests
  • Cinematic dialogue and high-quality voice acting pull me into the game
  • Interesting main and side quests: No fetch quests that waste your time
  • Lots of dialogue choices including class and race options
  • Lots of spells to cast
Originally Posted by Icelyn
Here are a few of the things I think make BG3 a great game!

  • Halsin!🐻😊
  • Party-based game: I love having companions with banter and personal quests
  • Cinematic dialogue and high-quality voice acting pull me into the game
  • Interesting main and side quests: No fetch quests that waste your time
  • Lots of dialogue choices including class and race options
  • Lots of spells to cast


OMG how did I fail to mention daddy Halsin and the on-point voice acting???
Posted By: Alexlotr Re: Why this game is as good as it is - 30/08/22 11:10 AM
I think that the main reason this game is as good as it is (which is not good) is that they didn't bother to make a new engine from scratch and tried to build on top of the dos engine instead. And it just works poorly for a dnd5 game.

Second reason is that they're inprinting too much of themeselves into the game instead of neutrally realizing the fine system and world that already exist. DnD and Forgotten Realms in particular have character (strong and recognizable), you don't have to bring yours to make it alive/interesting, it's already there. You just mess the things up.
Posted By: The Red Queen Re: Why this game is as good as it is - 30/08/22 11:25 AM
Originally Posted by Alexlotr
I think that the main reason this game is as good as it is (which is not good) is that they didn't bother to make a new engine from scratch and tried to build on top of the dos engine instead. And it just works poorly for a dnd5 game.

Second reason is that they're inprinting too much of themeselves into the game instead of neutrally realizing the fine system and world that already exist. DnD and Forgotten Realms in particular have character (strong and recognizable), you don't have to bring yours to make it alive/interesting, it's already there. You just mess the things up.

Boo!!! Can't we have one positive thread without having criticisms that aren't relevant to the points being made being interjected? There are plenty of other critical threads, and I have plenty of my own criticisms of the game, but it would be lovely to have at least the odd thread where we can unabashedly share what we enjoy about the game.

EDIT: Of course, you are very welcome to start a thread about why the game is as bad as it is, and I'd promise not to post in that about how the game is great actually!
Posted By: neprostoman Re: Why this game is as good as it is - 30/08/22 11:30 AM
I think that the main reason this game is as good as it is (which is not good) is that they didn't bother to make a new engine from scratch and tried to build on top of the dos engine instead. And it just works poorly for a dnd5 game.

Second reason is that they're inprinting too much of themeselves into the game instead of neutrally realizing the fine system and world that already exist. DnD and Forgotten Realms in particular have character (strong and recognizable), you don't have to bring yours to make it alive/interesting, it's already there. You just mess the things up.

Well I think it works wonders for a DnD game and what you are saying is just a baby duck syndrome. I think the proud DnD 5e protectorate should see the benefits the Larian's approach brings to their beloved DnD game, which is a transitory playground for people who are not aware with the tabletop version. DnD is hard to comprehend for a lot of people, due to social anxieties, elaborate systemic rules, poor imagination and an enormous price tag for player/DM equipment to compensate for the lack of it (imagination). BG3 is more newcomer-friendly, which can easily then result for a new player base for the DnD tabletop, making it even more popular, accessible and easier to set up.
Posted By: Amirit Re: Why this game is as good as it is - 30/08/22 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by neprostoman
I think that the main reason this game is as good as it is (which is not good) is that they didn't bother to make a new engine from scratch and tried to build on top of the dos engine instead. And it just works poorly for a dnd5 game.

Second reason is that they're inprinting too much of themeselves into the game instead of neutrally realizing the fine system and world that already exist. DnD and Forgotten Realms in particular have character (strong and recognizable), you don't have to bring yours to make it alive/interesting, it's already there. You just mess the things up.

Well I think it works wonders for a DnD game and what you are saying is just a baby duck syndrome. I think the proud DnD 5e protectorate should see the benefits the Larian's approach brings to their beloved DnD game, which is a transitory playground for people who are not aware with the tabletop version. DnD is hard to comprehend for a lot of people, due to social anxieties, elaborate systemic rules, poor imagination and an enormous price tag for player/DM equipment to compensate for the lack of it (imagination). BG3 is more newcomer-friendly, which can easily then result for a new player base for the DnD tabletop, making it even more popular, accessible and easier to set up.

Can not speak for all the crowd, but quite sure a lot of them fear exactly this: people who learn DnD from BG3 and come to the tables with expectations for DnD to be like that - with broken rules and butchered lore.

And yet, I, personally, also think the game is good as it is. The injection of DnD to DoS is refreshing. Beloved features of DoS are still there. Should they position it from the start this way, do not think there would be any complaints. As of now, some little polish, a bit of tweaking - and the game is good to go!
Posted By: RagnarokCzD Re: Why this game is as good as it is - 30/08/22 12:18 PM
[Linked Image from]
Posted By: neprostoman Re: Why this game is as good as it is - 30/08/22 12:27 PM
I don't quite understand those fears. I guess you might fear it if you play with a completely random party, but it would either way be an unpredictable experience, either way a gamble. I usually play with people I know, with a DM I've met while serving in the military and a couple of his/mine friends, and we enjoy the game a lot and respect each other in their approach to the game and opinion on the rules. This is like what DM exists for, to make the experience enjoyable for everyone smile

So unless one is just an internet warrior with a baby duck syndrom, I can't see a logical reason to be negatively tuned towards the game in that sense. It is all feelings and stuff, imo.

Anyway, as I've been corrected in another thread - we should probably not go too off topic here, even though I myself don't see the harm in it. I agree with the OP that the game is good because it gives you a wholesome experience of playing an RPG, and DnD elements making their highlight in it are the cherry on top!
Posted By: Ranxerox Re: Why this game is as good as it is - 30/08/22 09:25 PM
The music is pretty darn good.

I hope they held some back for final release but if not its still has a great soundtrack.

The graphics are fantastic

The maps have their limitations but some of the settings so far are very cool and imaginative.

Hopefully Larian is as supportive of mods as they were with DOS2. I look forward to tweaks and improvements that the community comes up with to address many of the flaws in the game (UI, homebrew, lighting, armor choices etc.)

Its a very good game in many respects and could be even better by final release.
Posted By: Alexlotr Re: Why this game is as good as it is - 31/08/22 12:01 AM
Originally Posted by The_Red_Queen
Boo!!! Can't we have one positive thread without having criticisms that aren't relevant to the points being made being interjected? There are plenty of other critical threads, and I have plenty of my own criticisms of the game, but it would be lovely to have at least the odd thread where we can unabashedly share what we enjoy about the game.

EDIT: Of course, you are very welcome to start a thread about why the game is as bad as it is, and I'd promise not to post in that about how the game is great actually!
I thing that explaining why this game is not so good falls under the topic "Why this game is as good as it is". Because "as it is" might mean that it's not good. But you know, not a native English speaker here.

Originally Posted by neprostoman
Well I think it works wonders for a DnD game and what you are saying is just a baby duck syndrome. I think the proud DnD 5e protectorate should see the benefits the Larian's approach brings to their beloved DnD game, which is a transitory playground for people who are not aware with the tabletop version. DnD is hard to comprehend for a lot of people, due to social anxieties, elaborate systemic rules, poor imagination and an enormous price tag for player/DM equipment to compensate for the lack of it (imagination). BG3 is more newcomer-friendly, which can easily then result for a new player base for the DnD tabletop, making it even more popular, accessible and easier to set up.
More newcomer-frendly than what? Than a pen and paper version? Probably, you at least don't need other people to be able to play the game here. But why compare it to pen and paper, which is entirely different activity? We should compare it to other versions of BG3 - to what it could have been. Do you really think that having actual dnd rules, instead of bonus action shove for 30 ft., would somehow be less newcomer-friendly? Or having a world that would make sence insead of throwing-healing-potion-to-crate-a-healing-bath would be less new newcomer-friendly? And how exactly those weapon-based skills are newcomer-friendly? I think that they made 0 newcomer-friendish things, actually. But yes, they made quite a lot of silly and goofy (which is "fun", it seems) things. I don't think that being silly and lacking seriousness is newcomer-friendly somehow.

Originally Posted by Amirit
The injection of DnD to DoS is refreshing.
Well, BG3 would be even more refreshing than ingecting some dnd into DoS...
Posted By: The Red Queen Re: Why this game is as good as it is - 31/08/22 02:01 AM
Originally Posted by Alexlotr
I thing that explaining why this game is not so good falls under the topic "Why this game is as good as it is". Because "as it is" might mean that it's not good. But you know, not a native English speaker here.

I grant that it’s not impossible to understand the title as talking about the factors driving the level of quality of the game, whatever that level is. But yes, that is not the natural interpretation for a native English speaker. Unless context suggests otherwise, there’s a clear implicature in the phrase “what makes this as good as it is” that it is good, or at least the factors that are being talked about are ones that are making it better than it would otherwise be.
Posted By: timebean Re: Why this game is as good as it is - 31/08/22 02:10 AM
Finally! A positive thread!

Things I like about the game:

1) That it is turn based. RtwP confuses the everloving crap outta me (and is why I have skipped many games I would have otherwise played)

2) The narrator. One of the reasons I never got into tabletop was that I never met a DM who could pull me into the setting. Her voice is amazing. I always pretend I am sitting with her at a table and playing when she speaks .

3) The dice rolls. It helps me understand what is happening and why…and makes me actually *want* to try tabletop again.

4) Gale 💚. His VA is outstanding and I like his dialogue. I want more sass/arguing with my sorceress tho before we bang (c’mon Larian…make it happen! I needs it!)

I have my own issues with the game (origin chars is my biggest gripe, and the way convos work with a party), but I really like those 4 things in particular.

The game does indeed make me want to try tabletop. But the … the DnD fanbase often convinces me that newbs aren’t really welcome. All good tho…I am happy to stick with single player RPGs and write bad fanfics to create fun stories! Lol
Posted By: AmuroSaotome Re: Why this game is as good as it is - 31/08/22 04:17 AM
Originally Posted by Alexlotr
I think that the main reason this game is as good as it is (which is not good) is that they didn't bother to make a new engine from scratch and tried to build on top of the dos engine instead. And it just works poorly for a dnd5 game.

Second reason is that they're inprinting too much of themeselves into the game instead of neutrally realizing the fine system and world that already exist. DnD and Forgotten Realms in particular have character (strong and recognizable), you don't have to bring yours to make it alive/interesting, it's already there. You just mess the things up.

The current engine works great, regardless of whether you don't like the changes. Plus the benefits of using an existing framework with expanded features. Do you understand how much work goes into making a completely new game engine? What specifically can't this one do that's so important, 'cause I don't think any of your issues have to do with the game engine.

And what do you mean they should be "neutral"? They can't make their own game too much like... their own game? What good studio makes games with nothing of their own style in it? Why would they hire an RPG company known for their particular style to make a generic no-frills DnD game?

People here legit act like they stole the rights to use DnD or something. Like if you called up WotC they'd be like "They're making WHAT game? We had no idea!"

Originally Posted by Alexlotr
More newcomer-frendly than what? Than a pen and paper version? Probably, you at least don't need other people to be able to play the game here. But why compare it to pen and paper, which is entirely different activity? We should compare it to other versions of BG3 - to what it could have been. Do you really think that having actual dnd rules, instead of bonus action shove for 30 ft., would somehow be less newcomer-friendly? Or having a world that would make sence insead of throwing-healing-potion-to-crate-a-healing-bath would be less new newcomer-friendly? And how exactly those weapon-based skills are newcomer-friendly? I think that they made 0 newcomer-friendish things, actually. But yes, they made quite a lot of silly and goofy (which is "fun", it seems) things. I don't think that being silly and lacking seriousness is newcomer-friendly somehow.

The obsession with complaining about shoves is actually brain rot. If you asked someone what was important for a proper game of DnD, how far down the list would strict adherence to shove mechanics be? The verticality in this actually makes shoving useful and interesting. You might think they should be toned down, but it's more fun and engaging than shoving ever has been. I've been genuinely impressed by how useful verticality is when in most games it's mostly cosmetic.

To add to this here's some stuff they added that I really like

1. Improvised weapons, throwing enemies, mobility - This is a big improvement over DoS2 which only had point to point teleports/movement abilities. The battlefield more engaging with the ability to affect the world and enemies around you. Being able to throw improvised weapons really feels like a scrappy fight where you use everything around to your advantage.

2. Weapon Skills - The weapon skills make each one have more of a reason to exist. At least early on, you won't just choose the highest dice value. Even later on you might even keep a worse weapon with a good ability in your back pocket for special occasions.

3. Toggle turn based mode - A great new way to tackle puzzles and traps. As well as move with precision and start fights in a coordinated manner.

4. Multiplayer - It's pretty rare to get co-op multiplayer story driven RPG games especially one this expansive. It usually isn't something that interests me personally, but if they the ability to create custom scenarios I can definitely see myself trying it out.
Posted By: GM4Him Re: Why this game is as good as it is - 31/08/22 08:54 AM
Any time someone picks on another for not liking the shove mechanics, it just grates on me. It is 100% a legit frustration when you are playing a game and you have some enemy baby goblin shove your tank 30+ feet away from an edge off a cliff. Lae'zel is full health, and she dies because 7 HP, +0 Athletics goblin rolled an 18 while Lae'zel rolled a 2, so he somehow shoved her a ridiculous distance and she dropped 100 feet to the ground... Or into lava by a duergar after shoving her more than 60 feet in one case I had.

Can you legit say that it is even remotely feasible in any way to shove a wrestler or highly trained soldier... Or anyone... Maybe more than 10 feet? Shoot! Even 10 seems HIGHLY unlikely.

And throw is also too OP currently. There's even an old saying "I trust him as far as I can throw him" which perfectly sums up throwing enemies. You really shouldn't be able to throw a person very far. I don't care if you're Arnold Schwarzenegger in his prime, throwing a fully grown 200 lb anything is HARD. 5 feet, maybe 10 at most should be the range, and for goblins maybe 15 at most. And there is no way in heck a person should be able to throw a cat across a chasm some 300 feet and have it not die when it splats onto the ground on the far side in a spider lair.

Yes. It's fantasy, but there needs to be some semblance of reality to it for it to maintain credibility. Also, more importantly, it's incredibly frustrating when you are trying to be strategic and you die because of some insane over the top mechanic. I literally did a barbarian playthrough to the harpy fight only shoving and throwing... SOLO with no companions. That's INSANE. I'm killing intellect devourers at level 1 by picking them up or shoving them off ships and into one another... SOLO. Intellect Devourers! It should take an entire party of 4 at least, at level 2, to even stand a chance against such a monster.

That, my friend, is broken.

Ahem. Now... Sorry folks. I know this post is meant to be more positive, but I really can't help it when someone PICKS on someone else for not liking shove. I'll post my positives later. It's a long list.
Posted By: neprostoman Re: Why this game is as good as it is - 31/08/22 09:50 AM
Originally Posted by Alexlotr
But why compare it to pen and paper, which is entirely different activity?

Isn't it what you were trying to do in your initial post? The second part of it?
This is by no chance a 'no you' comment - I just started to communicate withing the boundaries you've set, is all.
Posted By: The Red Queen Re: Why this game is as good as it is - 31/08/22 01:18 PM
I agree with lots of the things others have enjoyed about the game, but my top five I think are:

  • No (few?) generic NPCs or enemies, almost everyone has a name and a character making every encounter and fight meaningful.
  • A number of well-written, well-acted and well-animated characters, including some compellingly awful baddies (Ethel and Sazza are two of my faves) and companions I mainly want to get to know better.
  • Lots of foreshadowing of stories I want to find out more about quite aside from the main tadpole plot: Moonhaven and the Sharrans, the heretic Selunites and the shattered sanctum, the hags, Lorroakan (I have a terrible foreboding about Rolan), the dead three and Jergal, the companions, and so on.
  • The ability of the game to recognise and respond to your individual main character (though still hope this will be developed much further)
  • The fun echoes of what I have always assumed the PnP experience must be like (though I understand if people who actually play PnP don’t find the illusion nearly good enough!)

That was a hard pick, and there’s loads more stuff I like but I’ll stop there.

Except for another appeal to keep discussion of what’s wrong with the game in other appropriate threads, unless it’s specifically in response to something someone else has called out as a positive.

And I’m with GM4Him in thinking being dismissive or insulting about anyones’s criticisms of the game should have no place here either, quite apart from it being just begging for this thread to be derailed into further discussion of those criticisms.
Its so peachy and great. Whats not to love??

-The colors are so great, they make me tingle inside.
-The UI is incredibly responsive, just amazing ! Reminds how I love people so much.
-Dialogue is like watching a AAA movie, everyone is just so sweet.
-The gameplay is so engaging without being too deep, because lets face it, we are all busy bees in this wonderful world.

Hearts out Larian, your the best!

<BTW, this thread is just too hilarious; keep it up !>
Posted By: The Red Queen Re: Why this game is as good as it is - 31/08/22 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by mr_planescapist
Its so peachy and great. Whats not to love??

-The colors are so great, they make me tingle inside.
-The UI is incredibly responsive, just amazing ! Reminds how I love people so much.
-Dialogue is like watching a AAA movie, everyone is just so sweet.
-The gameplay is so engaging without being too deep, because lets face it, we are all busy bees in this wonderful world.

Hearts out Larian, your the best!

<BTW, this thread is just too hilarious; keep it up !>


And I’ll leave it at that, having typed and deleted a few responses.
Posted By: JandK Re: Why this game is as good as it is - 31/08/22 03:11 PM
Originally Posted by The_Red_Queen
Originally Posted by mr_planescapist
Its so peachy and great. Whats not to love??

-The colors are so great, they make me tingle inside.
-The UI is incredibly responsive, just amazing ! Reminds how I love people so much.
-Dialogue is like watching a AAA movie, everyone is just so sweet.
-The gameplay is so engaging without being too deep, because lets face it, we are all busy bees in this wonderful world.

Hearts out Larian, your the best!

<BTW, this thread is just too hilarious; keep it up !>


And I’ll leave it at that, having typed and deleted a few responses.

Seriously. This is why I rarely comment here anymore. The hatred and negativity disguised as "feedback." It's palpable and gross, infecting every thread.
Posted By: Alexlotr Re: Why this game is as good as it is - 31/08/22 03:21 PM
Originally Posted by AmuroSaotome
The current engine works great, regardless of whether you don't like the changes. Plus the benefits of using an existing framework with expanded features. Do you understand how much work goes into making a completely new game engine? What specifically can't this one do that's so important, 'cause I don't think any of your issues have to do with the game engine.
Well, to name a few: poor camera control, horrible character control system, where we have this stupid chain instead of convenient rectangle select like in YOU KNOW BG 1-2, IWD 1-2, Planescape: Torment, Pathfinders, Solasta, Pillars of Eternity 1-2, Tyranny, etc., lack of wall-climbing, lack of flying...

Originally Posted by AmuroSaotome
The obsession with complaining about shoves is actually brain rot. If you asked someone what was important for a proper game of DnD, how far down the list would strict adherence to shove mechanics be? The verticality in this actually makes shoving useful and interesting. You might think they should be toned down, but it's more fun and engaging than shoving ever has been.

Originally Posted by neprostoman
Originally Posted by Alexlotr
But why compare it to pen and paper, which is entirely different activity?

Isn't it what you were trying to do in your initial post? The second part of it?
This is by no chance a 'no you' comment - I just started to communicate withing the boundaries you've set, is all.
I was implying the whole thing. The system, the books and the existing games. I've read tons of Ed Greenwood and R. Salvatore, played most of the dnd games (even Demon Stone).
And those things have humor in them, obviously. Some. But they all are serious and what's the most important part - they all take themselves seriously. BG3, because of the Larianism, does not take itself seriously. It goofs around, being silly, kewly self-aware and "fun".
Posted By: The Red Queen Re: Why this game is as good as it is - 31/08/22 03:31 PM
Originally Posted by JandK
Seriously. This is why I rarely comment here anymore. The hatred and negativity disguised as "feedback." It's palpable and gross, infecting every thread.

Same frown

Originally Posted by The_Red_Queen

I feel you.
Posted By: RagnarokCzD Re: Why this game is as good as it is - 31/08/22 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by JandK
Seriously. This is why I rarely comment here anymore. The hatred and negativity disguised as "feedback." It's palpable and gross, infecting every thread.
If i can suggest ... just report it and move along, dont react on it thats what they often want. :-/
Posted By: The Composer Re: Why this game is as good as it is - 31/08/22 04:36 PM
I encourage you to ignore toxic posters or report if there's doubt but make sure to differentiate between legit criticism and unnecessary hostility/aggression on differing opinions. We act on moderation sometimes unseen, but there are several people who's on late summer breaks in hopes that some time away will help with cooling down a little 😊
Posted By: fylimar Re: Why this game is as good as it is - 31/08/22 05:40 PM
I know, that I'm often critical about the game, but I really feel entertained by it.
I really love the bard class and that you are able to make music ( and the musical pieces are very beautiful).
That you often have different ways to approach a situation.
I really think, a lot of npcs are well done, like Zevlor, Arabella and her family, Halsin, Abdirak, Auntie Ethel ( she is just the best!), Gut.
Scratch and the owlbear cub are adorable.
Some storylines are really engaging, like the whole Ethel Story, the arcane tower in the Underdark or Kagha and the shadowdruids.
I like the reference to your class in dialogue ( and I hope, there will be more for the older classes too in full release) and the score is very good.
@fylimar +1

I know I've already answered but I thought of something else 😅

As someone who gets easily distracted during conversations, the option to consult dialogues during and after a conversation is pure gold. I need to go back and check the dialogue logs more often that I would like to admit. And now I feel like it's missing in other games xD
Posted By: GM4Him Re: Why this game is as good as it is - 31/08/22 10:59 PM
OK. Finally. I have time to actually say everything I want to say about this game - to say all the good things I love about it and not providing any feedback about how I think the game could be improved. Here they are, in no particular order:

1. The Prologue. I don't care that it's similar to DOS 2 or any other game. I can't get enough of the prologue. It's, for some reason, my favorite part of the game. I love creating characters and running around the flaming nautiloid and killing imps and such. I actually do love that I can kill Zhalk and take his sword, even if it is insane that I can do so and even if the sword winds up being OP and the only sword my fighter uses for the rest of the game from that time on. I admit it. I'm severely tempted every time to just attack Zhalk and kill him, and if I fail, reload.

2. D&D 5e. Yes. It is. There is enough 5e that the game can be called 5e. No. Don't argue. It's my opinion. You can scream it till you're blue in the face, it won't matter. It is enough 5e to be called 5e. I know I'm one of the biggest ones out here screaming for more 5e and less homebrew, but at the end of the day, it is still 5e. I love 5e because it is simpler than previous versions of D&D. I am playing Pathfinder, and though I do love that game, all the feats are just too much. Everything is just too much. D&D 5e is simpler, quicker, and easier.

3. Character Creation. I'm a junky, and compared to other D&D games, BG3's character creation is the best. Again. Don't argue. It's my opinion. Neverwinter Online is maybe second best, but I still can't make characters look as good as BG3's. Also, I LOVE that character creation is quick and simple. You CAN make a character in seconds. Literally. Or you can take your time and really carefully pick your appearance, etc. It's whatever you want it to be. I'm not going to say how I think it could improve here, because this isn't a thread for improvements. The point is, I really like it a lot. I've taken a HUGE number of my D&D 5e characters and made them in BG3, and they translate pretty darn well - most of them. I love that I can take characters I've made in tabletop and actually see them come to life in this game.

4. Replayability. I've never played a game over and over and over again like this one, and we're only in EA. NEVER. KOTOR was my favorite game before this one, and I played it exactly twice all the way through. Once being good and once evil. Loved that game, but every time I tried playing it after that, I'd get through maybe a quarter of the game - half at best - and I'd get tired of it. Not BG3. I am STILL finding out new things about it every time I play it. Granted, they keep changing things, but that's not the point. There are SO many different paths you can take and SO many options. Yeah. The fact that I can replay this thing so many times and still get a new experience, that is incredible to me.

5. Characters. I do really like the characters. I like the origins. I want them all in my party at once. (Hint hint - ahem... party of 6... ahem.) NO! I won't use this as a feedback thread. Back on track man! Back on track! Anyway, I really like all the characters. I do find myself wanting to try to help Astarion get free from Cazador and maybe even turn good. I want to help Shadowheart realize that she's been duped and Shar isn't her goddess. (Come on. You know it's true.) I want to help Lae'zel realize that her people aren't the greatest things since sliced bread (or pizza! I love pizza!). I want to help Gale be free of his devastation vortex and Wyll be free of Mizora. I want to help Karlach against Zariel, and I want to help Barcus find his friend Wulbren. Yeah, I even want to help all the Ironhand Gnomes
even if they are crazy terrorists who want to use Runepowder to blow up Baldur's Gate and half the Sword Coast (crazy idiots).
I like that every character, even the most mundane, has a personality and a life and a backstory. THAT part really makes the world feel more alive and real. It makes it more immersive.

6. The story. Yes. I am engaged in the story. I am hooked. I REALLY want to find out what happens next - both in the personal stories of the origin characters and the main storyline. I LOVE many aspects of the story: the war between Selune and Shar and the whole Grymforge location and the City of Darkness beyond it... the Selunite Outpost story and what happened to it... Moonhaven, Elliette, the Grove... ALL of it.

7. The graphics. Amazing. When I zoom in as far as I can go, I feel like I'm really exploring a real world. Faerun comes to life.

8. Dialogue options. This goes along with replayability, but it is its own entity. I am truly happy with how many dialogue options there are. Of course there could be more. I think we'll always want more even if they added another five or six per dialogue. However, at the end of the day, there is a LOT of dialogue, and they have branches and such for each. It really is amazing. And, for the most part, I'm happy with the options I have to choose from. There are very few encounters where I think to myself, "Ugh! I really don't like any of my choices."

9. Multiplayerability. I have enjoyed playing this game with my wife - even though it has only been on the same computer. We hotseat it. Using the trick where you can set up multiplayer, we create two sessions on the same computer and both create custom characters. Then we go around together experiencing the game and deciding where we go and who we take with us. She takes 1 origin character and I take the other during combat, and we take turns in regards to who will initiate dialogues. It's been a lot of fun.

10. Fun Factor. Whether you are just wanting to be stupid and goof around, or whether you really take the game totally serious, you can do so and have a lot of fun with this game. I tend to take games like this more serious. My wife does not. Yet we both still very much enjoy it. When the Disney squirrels pick on Alfira, and now they dance and you can help them by putting lyrics to their tune, I can't help but cringe a bit but smile. I love talking to Scratch and helping him grieve for his master. I like even talking to all the characters - which is not true for all RPGs that I've played. They each have personalities. All in all, it's a blast.

There are more, but I've once again run out of time. I WANT to provide more because most of what I post just details what I think needs to be tweaked or changed in the game to make it better. I don't tell Larian enough how good I really think the game actually is. And when I'm particularly passionate about some sort of change or another, it seems almost like I hate the game. I don't. All things considered, if they didn't change anything else, I'd still love this game. Even if they didn't finish it, I certainly got my money's worth out of it, and I certainly enjoyed it tremendously. That's how much I really and genuinely do love this game.
Posted By: Crimsomrider Re: Why this game is as good as it is - 31/08/22 11:04 PM
Personally I can't really express what I love about the game in the form of a list, as I love it as a whole, so I'll just say I tremendously love the game and enjoy it.

Larian games manage to resonate with me on so many levels and I'm surprised by how addicted I am to Baldur's Gate 3, even though it is in Early Access. Initially I was afraid of playing it for this very reason because I thought I won't enjoy EA as much as I do or that I would burn myself out, but Larian just knows how to tickle my fancy and I'm enjoying the EA so much, with my excitement for the final product never dwindling. In fact it keeps exponentially rising for the final release.

The only wish I'd have from an artistic point of view would be for the main menu to be more interesting, as the danky wet cave is a bit unimpressive compared to their other titles. Divinity Original Sin 2 had a very interesting main menu with each option showcasing the mural of the Seven gods and how the seven races came to be. So I hope Baldur's Gate will have a more interesting main menu.

I was thinking the Nautiloid flying towards the horizon with clouds bursting in and enveloping it as those three massive hell pillars signifying the title have the light shining behind them. Something like this below; except the point of view being behind the Nautiloid and further away as it flies towards the horizon.
[Linked Image from]
[Linked Image from]

But all in all absolutely love the game and it's already one of my all-time favorites.
Why this game is as good as it is….

The graphics are great.
The music is good.
The UI has gotten better.
The dialogues are really funny sometimes.
There are tons of items everywhere.
All the companions are likable.
The D&D gameplay is super easy to understand and addictive.
The game can goofy, serious, bloody, sexy…etc..all at the same time. So basically fit to anyone’s gaming mood.
The character creatore is next level compared to whats out there. Especially the hair colors.

A more pertinent question, if I may ponder, would be…<why this game isn’t as good as it could be> This might help Larian make the game even better and be more productive as <feedback> for the game. Hence adding< …BUT…> after each above positive qualities.
Posted By: The Red Queen Re: Why this game is as good as it is - 01/09/22 06:04 AM
Originally Posted by mr.planescapist
A more pertinent question, if I may ponder, would be…<why this game isn’t as good as it could be> This might help Larian make the game even better and be more productive as <feedback> for the game.

It’s an important question, though not actually “pertinent” here because here we’re talking about something else. Why not make a separate thread about it, or add your thoughts to one of the many threads that already exist that discuss areas of the game that can be improved?

EDIT: Of course as you’ve added to your post, it can be useful to give suggestions on how good features can be made better if we have some. But as many of the posts already do that, I don’t think that’s something you need to tell anyone.
If I might add also, something I love Larian for is the support for MacOs M1/M2 chips and their optimization. Can't argue there.
DOS2 runs amazing on these chips (and not natively!), and thanks to these chips being also incredibly power efficient I can get 5hours plus of gaming on battery power alone.
Posted By: GM4Him Re: Why this game is as good as it is - 01/09/22 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by mr.planescapist
Why this game is as good as it is….

The graphics are great.
The music is good.
The UI has gotten better.
The dialogues are really funny sometimes.
There are tons of items everywhere.
All the companions are likable.
The D&D gameplay is super easy to understand and addictive.
The game can goofy, serious, bloody, sexy…etc..all at the same time. So basically fit to anyone’s gaming mood.
The character creatore is next level compared to whats out there. Especially the hair colors.

A more pertinent question, if I may ponder, would be…<why this game isn’t as good as it could be> This might help Larian make the game even better and be more productive as <feedback> for the game. Hence adding< …BUT…> after each above positive qualities.

There are SO many other posts... SO many... About how Larian could make the game better. This thread is simply here for people who want to let Larian know that amidst the $#@$ storm of posts that are "more productive as <feedback>" we actually have 1 thread that let's them know "Hey. We actually do like your game."

Almost 2 years now of posts tearing the game apart. It is sometimes good to remember why we're even on this forum. We love the game even if there are things we have in mind that would make it better.
Posted By: Crimsomrider Re: Why this game is as good as it is - 01/09/22 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by mr.planescapist
A more pertinent question, if I may ponder, would be…<why this game isn’t as good as it could be> This might help Larian make the game even better and be more productive as <feedback> for the game. Hence adding< …BUT…> after each above positive qualities.

The feedback section of the forum is also for praise; "thoughts on issues, ideas/requests, cheese, praise and everything revolving what you hope to see Larian do/not do."

Praise is feedback just as equally as regular feedback is, because it tells them that people are enjoying something as opposed to not enjoying something. So this thread by all means and definitions is justified and counts just as much as feedback as all the rest.
Posted By: Gray Ghost Re: Why this game is as good as it is - 01/09/22 01:02 PM
Yeah, there's no shortage of topics on the forum covering what's bad or doesn't work in the game. If there was an abundance of consistent positive feedback such that it drowned out the criticism, that'd be one thing. But that's not the case. Positive feedback is a healthy part of the process. It's good to not only remind ourselves and each other that there's good stuff in the game, but it's good to acnowledge that stuff to Larian as well. It lets them better understand what actually works and where they can afford to pay less attention.
Posted By: Ranxerox Re: Why this game is as good as it is - 01/09/22 09:27 PM
Originally Posted by mr.planescapist
If I might add also, something I love Larian for is the support for MacOs M1/M2 chips and their optimization. Can't argue there.
DOS2 runs amazing on these chips (and not natively!), and thanks to these chips being also incredibly power efficient I can get 5hours plus of gaming on battery power alone.

Wow that’s amazing. I can’t play it at all on battery
graphics slow right down don’t know much about computers so I’m guessing it’s some sort of power management issue.
Posted By: Saito Hikari Re: Why this game is as good as it is - 01/09/22 11:03 PM
I'm still rather intrigued about how each of the companions are going to end up. And the game does have a lot more unique dialogue options in regards to your race and class than most other cRPGs. It's for that reason that I don't see myself ever playing an origin character, as I'd basically be locking myself out of dialogue options exclusive to custom characters. (It is one major difference from DOS2's implementation and BG3's assumed implementation of the system - playing a custom in DOS2 basically locked you out of dialogue options exclusive to origins, while there were practically no custom exclusive dialogue options. BG3 is already different in the sense that we aren't going to get companions of certain classes or races, meaning we can only see the relevant dialogue options through a custom character.)

Hmm... Graphics, character customization, the reactivity... I don't have much to add to these topics that haven't already been said, other than yeah, they're great. Though I'd be disappointed if a cRPG with this level of funding that probably has a higher budget than every other notable cRPG released in the past five years -combined- didn't hit those out of the park. I admit it's still a monumental effort - money doesn't automatically result in great animators, it just makes it easier.

On other topics, I find it really difficult to care about conversations regarding the reaction system in particular anymore. I've said my piece over the years, and we're at a point in BG3's development where it's safe to assume that you should just cut your losses, accept that the reaction system is essentially finalized at this point, and enjoy things for what they are. Evidently the BG3 subreddit is sort of in the same mood on this topic lately too, from how people on both sides of the aisle have basically completely shut up about it at this point. There's some disappointment, but at some point you kinda have to self-reflect and know that it's basically all on us for clinging to these expectations for so long to begin with.

Still, having unreasonable expectations in general can be dangerous, whether they come from a place of criticism or hype - the former CDPR worshippers basically learned that lesson for life on the latter side with the release of Cyberpunk.
Posted By: The Red Queen Re: Why this game is as good as it is - 02/09/22 12:18 AM
Originally Posted by Saito Hikari
On other topics, I find it really difficult to care about conversations regarding the reaction system in particular anymore. I've said my piece over the years, and we're at a point in BG3's development where it's safe to assume that you should just cut your losses, accept that the reaction system is essentially finalized at this point, and enjoy things for what they are. Evidently the BG3 subreddit is sort of in the same mood on this topic lately too, from how people on both sides of the aisle have basically completely shut up about it at this point.

Okay, slightly going against my own appeals to keep this post about the game’s good points here, but hope folk will forgive me as I’m still trying to be positive!

I had assumed the reason things had gone quiet on reactions is because there’s been lots of good discussion, people have made their points, and Larian have said they’re working on improving reactions. Now, until we see what they come up with, there doesn’t seem to be much point in going round and round over the same ground. I’m sure we can all look forward to lots more bracing debate about reactions once we see Larian’s changes to the system.
Posted By: AmuroSaotome Re: Why this game is as good as it is - 02/09/22 12:29 AM
Originally Posted by GM4Him
Ahem. Now... Sorry folks. I know this post is meant to be more positive, but I really can't help it when someone PICKS on someone else for not liking shove.

Reading comprehension level: 0

Disagreeing with them is picking on them? I even clarified that wanting it toned down is fine, but the hyperbolic obsession with that singular mechanic is comical. Even in your post you write paragraphs about the true realistic nature of shoving in a game where a barbarian can be so mad that stabbing them is less effective.
Posted By: The Red Queen Re: Why this game is as good as it is - 02/09/22 12:46 AM
Originally Posted by AmuroSaotome
Originally Posted by GM4Him
Ahem. Now... Sorry folks. I know this post is meant to be more positive, but I really can't help it when someone PICKS on someone else for not liking shove.

Reading comprehension level: 0

Disagreeing with them is picking on them? I even clarified that wanting it toned down is fine, but the hyperbolic obsession with that singular mechanic is comical. Even in your post you write paragraphs about the true realistic nature of shoving in a game where a barbarian can be so mad that stabbing them is less effective.

NOT okay. You said “The obsession with complaining about shoves is actually brain rot” in your previous post and that’s not just disagreeing, that’s being unnecessarily rude. As is your new post. As well as being off topic.
Posted By: AmuroSaotome Re: Why this game is as good as it is - 02/09/22 12:49 AM
Originally Posted by The_Red_Queen
that’s being unnecessarily rude

I'm matching the tone of the discourse. Is my hyperbole worse than theirs?
Posted By: Sozz Re: Why this game is as good as it is - 02/09/22 01:14 AM
Originally Posted by AmuroSaotome
I'm matching the tone of the discourse. Is my hyperbole worse than theirs?
You can hear yourself, right?
Posted By: GM4Him Re: Why this game is as good as it is - 02/09/22 02:20 AM
Originally Posted by AmuroSaotome
Originally Posted by GM4Him
Ahem. Now... Sorry folks. I know this post is meant to be more positive, but I really can't help it when someone PICKS on someone else for not liking shove.

Reading comprehension level: 0

Disagreeing with them is picking on them? I even clarified that wanting it toned down is fine, but the hyperbolic obsession with that singular mechanic is comical. Even in your post you write paragraphs about the true realistic nature of shoving in a game where a barbarian can be so mad that stabbing them is less effective.

Your reading comprehension is 0? That explains a few things. Lol. Now don't get all offended. That was meant as a joke. Trying to lighten ya up. This is supposed to be a positive thread.

Seriously. Let's not argue about Shove on this thread. It's been argued to death. Besides, I'm right and you're wrong. 😜
Posted By: The Composer Re: Why this game is as good as it is - 02/09/22 04:57 AM
Originally Posted by AmuroSaotome
I'm matching the tone of the discourse.

Originally Posted by GM4Him
Your reading comprehension is 0? That explains a few things. Lol. Now don't get all offended. That was meant as a joke. Trying to lighten ya up.

Fighting fire with fire is just more arson. Keep it civil please 😊
Posted By: GM4Him Re: Why this game is as good as it is - 02/09/22 10:52 AM
Originally Posted by The Composer
Originally Posted by AmuroSaotome
I'm matching the tone of the discourse.

Originally Posted by GM4Him
Your reading comprehension is 0? That explains a few things. Lol. Now don't get all offended. That was meant as a joke. Trying to lighten ya up.

Fighting fire with fire is just more arson. Keep it civil please 😊

Awe! Seriously? I really did mean it as a joke - like a dwarf with his companions having an insult contest. "You're hurling an insult at me? Hee hee. Good one. All right. How's this one for ya?"

But I guess it might end in tragedy so...
Posted By: Saito Hikari Re: Why this game is as good as it is - 03/09/22 07:54 AM
Originally Posted by The_Red_Queen
I had assumed the reason things had gone quiet on reactions is because there’s been lots of good discussion, people have made their points, and Larian have said they’re working on improving reactions. Now, until we see what they come up with, there doesn’t seem to be much point in going round and round over the same ground. I’m sure we can all look forward to lots more bracing debate about reactions once we see Larian’s changes to the system.

I really wasn't going to post in here again, but I figure it's worth pointing out that the new community manager's statement on reactions was actually a very non-committal 'we're looking into it' statement that could be interpreted a bunch of different ways. And lately I've been seeing people twisting that statement into 'they're definitely changing the reaction system!' on Reddit and on Larian's discord.

Ironically, it's not even the people crowing for reactions for years that are stretching the statement that far. Don't do that to yourselves.
Posted By: RumRunner151 Re: Why this game is as good as it is - 06/09/22 08:43 PM
Originally Posted by GM4Him
1... actually do love that I can kill Zhalk and take his sword, even if it is insane that I can do so and even if the sword winds up being OP and the only sword my fighter uses for the rest of the game from that time on. I admit it. I'm severely tempted every time to just attack Zhalk and kill him, and if I fail, reload.

4. Replayability. I've never played a game over and over and over again like this one, and we're only in EA. NEVER.
I agree with all your points, but I wanted to comment on these 2...
Don't stop at Zhalk...kill them all. The mind flayer and both cambions too. (without leveling up). Takes some doing...but VERY rewarding both in game and emotionally.

The replayability is off the charts. I know I get a lot of grief, but even if we got no more than the initial release...totally worth the $$ spent to me. The rest is icing. I am literally dying waiting for more story content. And it's so good, how could you not play it again and try different options? I get people's frustrations with some of it and their dreams of the perfect game it could be to them...but it's so good already.

And I know I am really going to have some people go out of their minds with this statement... As blown away as I was by BG1 and NWN when they came out... to me this is even better.

Call me a fanboy....I get it. My only hope is that BG3 is like Pools of Radiance... so good that many more are made after it. Like this game is to me as amazing and good as when I did PnP Temple of Elemental Evil back in... I dunno 1990ish?

I'll stop now.
Posted By: JandK Re: Why this game is as good as it is - 06/09/22 08:59 PM
Originally Posted by RumRunner151
Like this game is to me as amazing and good as when I did PnP Temple of Elemental Evil back in... I dunno 1990ish?

Same. I can practically quote the Temple of Elemental Evil module from memory.
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