Larian Studios
After just a couple of hours in game, my very early feelings, if it helps.
I am aware most of the points I mention have been already discussed in other threads.

First, some context: I am old enough to have played Baldur's Gate (the proper, first one) when it came out. Played it A LOT. What a revolution it was!
I realise that nostalgia is tricky, and easily leads to disappointment, so I launched BG3 trying to keep an open mind... But still hoping to find some of the feelings and atmosphere I loved so much in the original.

I enjoyed the character creation. Simple, but with a decent amount of options (even in early access). And my characters look cool. Great!
All set, ready to jump in!
And find myself in a *insert offensive adjective* space ship. Seriously, guys??? I came here to play Baldur's Gate. I want medieval villages, forests, fields, castles, maybe the occasionnal crypt. I don't want spaceships. If I did, I would go and create another character on The Old Republic, thank you very much.
But well, a spaceship is what I got. Deal with it, I tell myself, just a bad moment to go through, and it will get better later on.
So I start exploring this ship. Painfully.
I found movement a bit ackward at first, camera counter-intuitive, and map pretty much useless (because of the different levels not showing).
Nearly killed my first character just with the fire all over the floor; it is hard to know where you will get hurt or not.
My inventory fills in super-fast with tons of items giving elemental bonuses, creating AoE surfaces or acting on them, and other whatnots I will never use.
Did I mention that while I love BG, I didn't like Original Sin, precisely because of all this micro-management?
Even worse, not only my inventory gets jammed, but it also jams my quick actions buttons. After 10 minutes I have no idea what my action bars can or cannot do. (Thankfully I found since then options to prevent all the crap I pick up to go directly on the bar.)
Then I meet my first companions.
I like the dialogues and, unlike other posters, I kinda like the dice rolls. I wouldn't save and reroll: let my life be an adventure! If I fail, I fail. That is fun.
Pain starts again when I try to find a way to select all my party, or just some of them, and put everyone in formation. If it is possible at all, I haven't found how yet?
Party formation was the core of BG system? How can it not be there at all?
At this stage, to be honest, I am ready to quit.
I haven't found anything at all reminding me, not remotely, of Baldur's Gate. Instead, I am in a kind of Divinity: Original Sins, only even worse because I am on a spaceship and not in my beloved heroic fantasy environment. If the game had any other name than Baldur's Gate 3, I would have folded there, and gone on to play something else.
But, it IS called BG3. I am determined to give it a chance, so I force myself to keep on going and at least get off this ship to see what the future holds...
After crashing out of the ship at last, a bit of irony. I find myself on a beach, looking and feeling almost exactly like the start of DOS1. It's like the devs rubbing it in: "Mate, get real, you are not in Baldur's Gate, you are in Divinity!". I choose to laugh that off, and I keep on moving.
Thankfully, it gets a lot better from there on. Really a lot.
The ruins, the campsite, the forest: I am finally moving in a scenery I like, and I feel like exploring it.
I meet Shadowheart, and I enjoy my chat with her. This chat is actually the first time since I launched when I get a bit of BG feeling.
I am doing alright in the encounters, not too easy, not too hard (even if I ignore all the omnipresent elemental/environmental/surfaces DOS trademarks), I am beginning to understand how to organise my party.
I like talking with my companions, and I really like the large amount of options in dialogues and quests. It promises many different, interesting playthroughs.
Hopefully it will keep on getting better as I advance in the game.
I am now looking forward to seeing more of the world, which wasn't the case in my first hours.
In conclusion, one word to the devs, who I suspect are (at least most of them) too young to have known Baldur's Gate when it came out.
BG isn't about D&D, or any other mechanics. It never was.
It used D&D because well, a game needs a system, but the success of the game didn't come from that. It came from the atmosphere: great medieval-fantastic landscapes, funny/interesting/intriguing companions, pure and simple heroic fantasy world we were happy to visit. It was the first time in a video game people could actually build their party, and interact with it, for better or worse.The first time a computer game conveyed a proper sense of RPG.
My advice?
Focus on the story, and most important of all, on the characters.
Mechanics-wise, keep it simple. Maybe play a bit of BG1 and BG2 to get the hang of it. But remember: the more intuitive the mechanics, the more immersive your game will be. And to deserve a Baldur's Gate name, that's what you need.
Put all your complex DOS mechanics in a drawer, keep them for DOS3 someday. I am sure there is a vast audience for it, and it would be successful.
But it just doesn't belong in a BG game.
M'anon - That Illithid Nautaloid "SpaceShip" is older than you are by at least a decade.

I'llithid's having Living Ships goes back to the late 70's, and was formalized in Spelljammer (1989).

Welcome to D&D, spaceships and interseller/interdimensional empires have been a thing since Gary & Dave wrote them. That's the entire backstory to the Illithids. And the Gith (both).

And they've been significant players in The Realms since Ed (really nice guy) started writing it.

Originally Posted by Theliel

Welcome to D&D, spaceships and interseller/interdimensional empires have been a thing since Gary & Dave wrote them. That's the entire backstory to the Illithids. And the Gith (both).

And they've been significant players in The Realms since Ed (really nice guy) started writing it.

Even in traditional CRPGs they already had their spotlight in Planescape: Torment through your companion Dak'kon.
Funny you say that...
While playing the prologue I had several times the feeling I was a lot closer to Planescape than to Baldur's Gate...
While I do agree with the sentiment, I think a few people need to realise that this is a new game by new developers, not "Baldur's Gate Remastered". Just because you don't feel the familiarity and nostalgia straight away doesn't mean that you won't eventually.

Remember the original games had complexity too (THAC0 anyone?)
Originally Posted by Rastakwer
Funny you say that...
While playing the prologue I had several times the feeling I was a lot closer to Planescape than to Baldur's Gate...

True, and it was kinda great. wink However, it's a bit more "far out" an opening for a Baldur's Gate game, and I get why new players might find ich jarring.
Originally Posted by jonn
While I do agree with the sentiment, I think a few people need to realise that this is a new game by new developers, not "Baldur's Gate Remastered". Just because you don't feel the familiarity and nostalgia straight away doesn't mean that you won't eventually.

I agree with that, as I said I already get more of the feelings I was looking for, and I believe it will get better as the game's development advances.
However, while it might be a new game by new developers, they have chosen to call it "Baldur's Gate 3" because they hope it will bring them a huge amount of cash thanks to nostalgic people like me. This commercial choice makes them kinda accountable to respect the spirit of the originals.

Again, I believe they are aware of that, and we will get closer to it the more we progress.
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