Larian Studios
Posted By: VeronicaTash Height/Weight Ranges - 02/01/21 04:34 PM
Traditionally, members of races are not of uniform size, being given a range of heights and weights based on their race and sex.

Originally Posted by 3.5e Player's Handbook
Table 6–6: Random Height and Weight
Base Height Base Weight
Race Height Modifier Weight Modifier
Human, male 4´ 10” +2d10 120 lb. × (2d4) lb.
Human, female 4´ 5” +2d10 85 lb. × (2d4) lb.
Dwarf, male 3´ 9” +2d4 130 lb. × (2d6) lb.
Dwarf, female 3´ 7” +2d4 100 lb. × (2d6) lb.
Elf, male 4´ 5” +2d6 85 lb. × (1d6) lb.
Elf, female 4´ 5” +2d6 80 lb. × (1d6) lb.
Gnome, male 3´ 0” +2d4 40 lb. × 1 lb.
Gnome, female 2´ 10” +2d4 35 lb. × 1 lb.
Half-elf, male 4´ 7” +2d8 100 lb. × (2d4) lb.
Half-elf, female 4´ 5” +2d8 80 lb. × (2d4) lb.
Half-orc, male 4´ 10” +2d12 150 lb. × (2d6) lb.
Half-orc, female 4´ 5” +2d12 110 lb. × (2d6) lb.
Halfling, male 2´ 8” +2d4 30 lb. × 1 lb.
Halfling, female 2´ 6” +2d4 25 lb. × 1 lb.

So, for example, a human male can be between 5' and 6'6" while a human woman is between 4'7" and 6'1". Elven men and women are both between 4'7" and 5'5" Even tiny halflings are between 2'10 and 3'4 and between 2'8" and 3'2" respectively. It would be nice to put some scaling in model sizes to account for this - possibly accounting for different body shapes as well.
Posted By: fallenj Re: Height/Weight Ranges - 02/01/21 09:18 PM
Height and weight has changed since 3.5 from what I remember. You also have to consider that we are playing in forgotten realms and there are sub races with different height and weights as well. For example a lightfoot halfling will be skinner than say a strongheart / I'm blanking on the second name, along with if Ghostwise also have different sizes.

This info generally is coming from another thread about halflings and 3.5 was still on using the proportions of a normal human shrunk down. While 5e went back to there hobbit roots and now they look more like them.
Posted By: Niara Re: Height/Weight Ranges - 02/01/21 11:00 PM
The 5e table is very similar:

Originally Posted by 5e PHB, pg 121
Random Height and Weight

You can decide your character’s height and weight, using the information provided in your race description or on the Random Height and Weight table. Think about what your character’s ability scores might say about his or her height and weight. A weak but agile character might be thin. A strong and tough character might be tall or just heavy.

If you want to, you can roll randomly for your character’s height and weight using the Random Height and Weight table. The dice roll given in the Height Modifier column determines the character’s extra height (in inches) beyond the base height. That same number multiplied by the dice roll or quantity given in the Weight Modifier column determines the character’s extra weight (in pounds) beyond the base weight.

[Linked Image from]

The most prominent difference is that they now list variance by subrace (only in some cases - lightfoots and stronghearts weren't given different entries in the 5e table, even though stronghearts are written as sturdier of body), but don't list variance by sex any more.

I think that the best we can ask for form LArian rihgt now would be that there are some height variations in any future body type options they might give us; they've been adamant so fr about not implementing body sliders or face sliders, etc., but they do seem to have the gorund work in place for different body types per race. I'd support a couple of different height options as well, certainly.

Off topic: Please also, Fallen, part of what I've been trying to illustrate in other threads is that we have artwork representing healthy proportions on halflings in the phb, alongside the cartoony ones - the cartoony look in some of the artwork is no more 5e canon than the other art sources in the exact same book, and if we look across our more recent official source books, the healthier, more normal body proportions are more frequent in the art than the freakish bobble heads. Saying that 5e officially uses the badly proportioned designs does a disservice to any hope of getting Larian not to use those designs, I feel. Better to focus on the fact that they are only some of the artwork, that the formal texts don't define it, and that we have a greater array of well proportioned, good-lookng artwork in official 5e books than not.
Posted By: fallenj Re: Height/Weight Ranges - 03/01/21 03:18 PM
Didn't say bad, I said hobbit and that means more meat on there bones compared to the skinny halflings of 3.5
Posted By: Niara Re: Height/Weight Ranges - 05/01/21 02:04 AM
Fair enough, Sorry if that came off defensive... I'm a bit over-invested in seeing them do this well, I think.
Posted By: fallenj Re: Height/Weight Ranges - 05/01/21 07:22 AM
Niara, you are setting yourself up for disappointment. You made your point very well known and if the devs looked at your thread they would have done so by now.

Take a breather, do something different.

Take it easy.
Posted By: Niara Re: Height/Weight Ranges - 05/01/21 08:22 AM
I know...

I'm planning to get back to other topics soon, after I've taken some time and a bit of a break (it is a new year after all). I've got the current thing I'm working on to finish, but after that, I'm hoping to get back to mechanics and class implementation.... if I'm allowed to. People here at home are telling me I'm putting far too much time and effort into this and that I'm burning myself out. I should probably listen to them.

But, to the original topic, +1, I do fully support more character customisation options being given to us, especially things like height and build.
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