Larian Studios
Both out of a desire to have more control over character appearance and as a homage to the original games, it would be really neat to have a colour selector implemented in the character creation screen and the inventory. Something along the lines of this:

[Linked Image from]

With, perhaps, a checkmark that defaults to the standard colours of a worn set of gear. As far as I am aware, the colour implementation remains the same as in D:OS2, where the Game Master mode allowed you to custiomize three equipment colours on a character. So, if the colour values aren't hard-coded into a particular piece of gear or anything, I think there's nothing really standing in the way of this feature being added for the cosmetics' (and, again, the homage's) sake.
Countless times have been suggested to be able to paint the equipment here ...
But I really don't like this design very much. :-/

I would expect there to be an interactive object in the camp ... like a mirror ... where we can both change our hairstyle and repaint our hair, and adjust the colors on the equipment.
I like your idea a lot.
I'd like this. While a mirror in camp, like RagnarokCzD has suggested, may be more immersive, your suggestion is certainly more practical. +1
I'm pretty sure it won't be implemented, because apparently for some clothes, color matters. Remember drow armor.
There's already some kind of tinting system. Rogues have black sleeves in leather armor while Rangers have green. So I'm kind of expecting players to get some control over it like in the original games. Probably some armors should have locked colors so you can't turn a Red Dragon Scale Mail green or an Ankheg Plate Mail metallic.

Switching hair and facial hair would be cool too. Probably the camp should be the place to change your appearance rather than in the middle of a dungeon.
Originally Posted by Nyloth
I'm pretty sure it won't be implemented, because apparently for some clothes, color matters. Remember drow armor.
Im sorry if this feels harsh, but this argument is void ...
As long as you are able to play Lolthsworn cleric or Llolth Drow ... that will be totally chaotic Good ... you want to tell us that someone would care that your fashion sence is also a little off? laugh

Yes, Drows wear certain collors ...
Yes, Drow would never Dye their armor ...
But either we are not Drow, so we have no reason to care about anything previously mentioned ...
Or we are really odd Drow, that dont care anyway ...
OR ... finaly ... there is one teensy weensy but ever so critical little tiny group ... that will simply not Dye their amor, even if that feature will be there. laugh
I love this idea. +1
A colour picker is the simplest solution of all for choosing colour for armour/clothing, so to me that's the best. However, I'd want to be able to choose the colours for all parts of the clothing/armour (not just the cloth).

The colour palettes in the game so far are tasteful, so I like to think that would be carried over to a colour selection feature as well. Some games only give you crazy-bright colours to pick, and that's not what everyone wants. However, that should be an option too for those who do. wink
I care less how it's implemented than that it's implemented in some way.

Dyes would be fine. A vendor or item that changes the colors of your clothes would be fine. This would be fine.

That said I like this. Reminds me of the old Infinity Games as well as their modern versions.
I do not think it is a mandatory feature compared to other most important topics : better integration of DD5 system, better UI, more immersive UI.
Originally Posted by Alef
I do not think it is a mandatory feature compared to other most important topics : better integration of DD5 system, better UI, more immersive UI.
It's a smallish thing, sure, but such little features for having more tools for player expression through their character, adding up, make the game ever more pleasing for those who care about such things and don't just go into an RPG to kill things, loot stuff and dismissively click through dialogue.
Originally Posted by Brainer
Originally Posted by Alef
I do not think it is a mandatory feature compared to other most important topics : better integration of DD5 system, better UI, more immersive UI.
It's a smallish thing, sure, but such little features for having more tools for player expression through their character, adding up, make the game ever more pleasing for those who care about such things and don't just go into an RPG to kill things, loot stuff and dismissively click through dialogue.

+1 Definitely true.
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