Larian Studios
Posted By: OcO Shattered Flail vs Chaos Flail - 03/05/21 11:36 PM
Reddit post with pic...


Above is the flail that the Flind is carrying.

I threw the Flind's corpse to the Blighted Village, down into the spider lair and finally down into the UD for Gut to animate. I used Lazeal to throw and getting through some places is super annoying to get right but can be done(after many a reload after getting the corpse stuck).

Like the minotaurs, you can throw the weapon on the ground by right clicking on it in the character sheet and a party member can then pick it up.

The Chaos Flail is just straight up more interesting and fun to swing around than the Shattered Flail's reduced state. I guess I'll see if someone mods it come release("Fixed Flind's Flail Mod" or maybe "Full Flind's Flail Mod" modders feel free to steal one of those names and make this happen please) , but I'd like Larian to just apply the Shattered Flail's abilities over to this model and let us loot it.

Yes that would boost the base damage from 1d6+2 to 1d8+2 and make it slightly stronger even before the heal ability is factored in, but will likely end up only so strong until the end of the mid game. It will still likely be outclassed by the good +3 weapons we see for the end game.

Thoughts, comments, concerns?
Posted By: OcO Re: Shattered Flail vs Chaos Flail - 04/05/21 03:07 PM
So nobody else likes the Chaos Flail model over the Shattered Flail model then?
Posted By: RagnarokCzD Re: Shattered Flail vs Chaos Flail - 04/05/21 03:19 PM
Chaos Flail certainly looks at least ten times better ...

And i dare to presume (read as hope) that items like this one, will be repairable when crafting will be implemented ...
Also, if i remember corectly ... one of dataminder spells for Bard(?) was "Repair item" or something like that ...
I wonder for some time now, about it...
That could be heal dedicated specificly for mechanical companions (Gnome Tinkering), or Warforged race (also datamined)
Or it could work for such items ... yet so far it was used for some "damaged Githyanki half plate armor" ... and it didnt repair that one.
Posted By: CJMPinger Re: Shattered Flail vs Chaos Flail - 04/05/21 04:29 PM
Mending is a cantrip not yet implemented so could be interesting to mend the flail.
Posted By: OcO Re: Shattered Flail vs Chaos Flail - 04/05/21 04:36 PM
Originally Posted by RagnarokCzD
Chaos Flail certainly looks at least ten times better ...

And i dare to presume (read as hope) that items like this one, will be repairable when crafting will be implemented ...
Also, if i remember corectly ... one of dataminder spells for Bard(?) was "Repair item" or something like that ...
I wonder for some time now, about it...
That could be heal dedicated specificly for mechanical companions (Gnome Tinkering), or Warforged race (also datamined)
Or it could work for such items ... yet so far it was used for some "damaged Githyanki half plate armor" ... and it didnt repair that one.

I would be kewl with "fixing" it through in game methods that maybe are not implemented yet. I'd actually like it better if that is what we have here and there is a way to upgrade and unlock the full version, bumping the dmg up a die and upgrading the model to include the twin spiked skulls.

I was afraid it had something to do with the physics on the skulls. They bounce around and clip through the character/ground/whatnot at times. I don't mind it personally. They are a little janky but not really to bad imo. I haven't seen them actually hitting anything around or breaking random things etc. But admittedly I haven't spent a lot of time testing them.
Posted By: OcO Re: Shattered Flail vs Chaos Flail - 04/05/21 04:45 PM
Originally Posted by CJMPinger
Mending is a cantrip not yet implemented so could be interesting to mend the flail.

Does 5e include some kind of item degradation/condition system then?

I had just recently elsewhere seen the armor condition states that RagnarokCzD mentioned. I honestly don't remember if/how older D&D handled condition/repairing.
Posted By: RagnarokCzD Re: Shattered Flail vs Chaos Flail - 04/05/21 04:50 PM
I just have to say it ...
I never seen the Flail model, until now ... it seem a little strange that *this* was broken to form of several femurs tied together. O_o
Posted By: OcO Re: Shattered Flail vs Chaos Flail - 04/05/21 07:09 PM

Edited my reddit post to add...
Edit: Here is a pic of the Chaos Flail in my right hand and Shattered Flail in my left. You can see glowy eye affect on the skulls and how they dangle. They clip through the ground when walking and unsheathed but fun to swing at things. The skulls are physics enabled and constantly moving.

Edit: I'm not sure how to add the picture here? Am I doing the picture link thingy wrong?
Posted By: CJMPinger Re: Shattered Flail vs Chaos Flail - 04/05/21 07:37 PM
Originally Posted by OcO
Originally Posted by CJMPinger
Mending is a cantrip not yet implemented so could be interesting to mend the flail.

Does 5e include some kind of item degradation/condition system then?

I had just recently elsewhere seen the armor condition states that RagnarokCzD mentioned. I honestly don't remember if/how older D&D handled condition/repairing.

Mainly based on the table. Just in general, if the DM said something was broken or dirty, it was broken or dirty. Mending typically is the answer to that. And being able to repair things in RP is actually pretty cool. On a RP level, it gives a good reason for player's to not have dents or knicks in their weapons and armor, it can be used to repair scavenged arrows for your archer friend, and allows you to do small interactions like repair a necklace as a gesture of good will.
In a videogame it'd likely have to be interpreted just a bit differently. How I'd implement it is give it a tag in conversations so a caster with mending can fix things sometimes and give it the ability to fix some broken things in the world, from worthless stuff like a broken bottle to more useful stuff like weapons or jewelry. I'd just make it a nice but not crazy cantrip to have, like how it is in Table Top DnD.
Posted By: RagnarokCzD Re: Shattered Flail vs Chaos Flail - 04/05/21 09:01 PM
OH ... i see.
I take it back, this is really simmilar. laugh
It seemed a lot smaller in that first screenshot. smile
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