Larian Studios
Posted By: Bufotenina Goblin's bosses - 22/12/20 10:22 PM
I eliminated both the priestess and Minthara without cause a ruckus. In this run I would prefer not to get id of all the camp's goblins. But i can not find a way to kill the bugbear without starting a commotion in the camp.

Any hints?
Posted By: RBarbare Re: Goblin's bosses - 22/12/20 11:52 PM
Killing Dror Ragzlin turns all goblins and their allies hostile anyway.

If you are going to leave some goblins, why not leave the bugbear too?
Posted By: Bufotenina Re: Goblin's bosses - 23/12/20 11:55 AM
I need to kill him to complete the quest. That's as a player, from the role playing point of view my fighter doesn't like evitable slaughter, well this mean that I'm gonna erase the camp from the map :shrug:
Posted By: Skryia Re: Goblin's bosses - 23/12/20 11:51 PM
But but but... the goblins are punks who contain valuable XP and loose change... how could a noble hero and self-respecting adventurer not slay them all for said XP and cash?!? 😈
Posted By: Kajsentlyha Re: Goblin's bosses - 24/12/20 07:05 PM
I've been wandering about this myself. After all the talk about taking down the bosses so that the rest of the horde will disperse, why is there no option to stealthily kill Dror Ragzlin? On some playthroughs it would make much more sense for my character to choose stealth over genocide.

Also, is it just me, or they've taken out the option to ask Priestess Gut to go somewhere more private? Now she will just offer to bring you there herself. I think if was better the way it was before and it was my preferred course of action for my rogue. They've also taken out the "now you die" dialog option when talking to her after following her to the chapel.
Posted By: Bufotenina Re: Goblin's bosses - 24/12/20 08:13 PM
Originally Posted by Skryia
But but but... the goblins are punks who contain valuable XP and loose change... how could a noble hero and self-respecting adventurer not slay them all for said XP and cash?!? 😈

My first Tav, a thiefling ranger, despised and loathed the ways of the goblins so with him I didn't flinch and brought mayhem and destruction in the goblin camp.

But this Tav? He is both lazy and with a very personal code that is he kills only if there's no other less tiring option (also if the story revolves, a lot, around cutting the head to make the gobbos disperse why there is not a way to complete the quest in the way they state it should? Everyone push for the "stealth2 strategy, even Haslin take his time to explain that having him in the party would mean a mass slaughter. What's the point of all of that if seemingly the eradication of all goblins is the only way? (On the xp points: I'v reached, in this run, the 4th level easily a way before the goblin camp).
Posted By: Skryia Re: Goblin's bosses - 24/12/20 10:11 PM
Hehe. I always end up slaughtering the outer camp *before* going inside to the bosses. I guess I’m just a “murder hobo” at heart. But I do noble stuff like rescue the owlbear, and Volo, and the Druid! Because manners and nobility and stuff!
Posted By: Kajsentlyha Re: Goblin's bosses - 25/12/20 10:22 AM
I have great fun slaughtering goblins both inside and outside, but in some playthroughs it just feels out of character. I would appreciate having the option to kill just the bosses (and maybe the goblins closest to them) without having every single one of them become hostile. Right now you can kill all goblins outside the temple without those inside suspecting a thing (if you pass the skill check), but if you kill Dror Ragzlin every goblin inside and outside the temple will immediately turn hostile. That doesn't make much sense to me. Once the bosses are killed, goblins should disperse. I would love to step out of the temple, show Dror Ragzlin's severed head to the goblin camp and watch them start running for their lives. Or just stealthily leave the camp without them suspecting what I've been up to.
Posted By: Bufotenina Re: Goblin's bosses - 25/12/20 11:27 AM
There is an explanation that just came to my mind: everyone says that the Goblins will disperse if their leaders fall. Maybe the loss of their thinking heads make the goblins regress to a more feral state (I'm still not convinced though because once the war drums are destroyed how do gobbos out the inner sactum knew of the dead bosses? Even when one of the kids was able to flee from bear-halsin they weren't allarmed).
Posted By: Capt.Wells Re: Goblin's bosses - 25/12/20 01:36 PM
I imagine that I'm in the minority here, but I've failed thus far in my efforts to eradicate all three of the goblin leaders and consider it impossible. Sort of makes all of the other console games that I've played over the last decade a waste of time. Now I admit that I've previously skipped stuff like Dark Souls, so I've not been acclimated to masochistic games like this one before? Maybe it's the whole turn base mechanic, which I don't mind all that much as a concept, but haven't managed to overcome sufficiently?

I do like the game and continue to soldier through, but do wish that there was a setting which allowed for a more casual playthrough to enjoy the overall story, without having my guys get slaughtered no matter where they went or by whomever they encountered?

No, it's not really that dramatic, it just seems that way a lot of the time!
Posted By: bullse Re: Goblin's bosses - 25/12/20 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by Capt.Wells
I imagine that I'm in the minority here, but I've failed thus far in my efforts to eradicate all three of the goblin leaders and consider it impossible. Sort of makes all of the other console games that I've played over the last decade a waste of time. Now I admit that I've previously skipped stuff like Dark Souls, so I've not been acclimated to masochistic games like this one before? Maybe it's the whole turn base mechanic, which I don't mind all that much as a concept, but haven't managed to overcome sufficiently?

I do like the game and continue to soldier through, but do wish that there was a setting which allowed for a more casual playthrough to enjoy the overall story, without having my guys get slaughtered no matter where they went or by whomever they encountered?

No, it's not really that dramatic, it just seems that way a lot of the time!

Just hazarding a guess here but I would think Larian will provide various modes of play once game hits full release or shortly after full release.
Posted By: Kajsentlyha Re: Goblin's bosses - 25/12/20 05:04 PM
Originally Posted by Capt.Wells
I imagine that I'm in the minority here, but I've failed thus far in my efforts to eradicate all three of the goblin leaders and consider it impossible.

With a lucky initiative check you can kill Priestess Gut without her taking a single turn. Of course if she does get that first turn and calls for help, things will get more tricky. Minthara is pretty easy, especially if you destroy the war drum in her room. The only problem could be Dror Ragzlin because there are quite a few people in the same room with him, and other goblins will come from adjoining rooms, but some of them have very low HP. A rogue with a little luck on their side can kill three of those in a single turn. The right spell can send a few of them flying into the spider pit. Or you can shoot them from above. There are really quite a few ways to slaughter them.
Posted By: Bufotenina Re: Goblin's bosses - 25/12/20 08:25 PM
Originally Posted by Kajsentlyha
Originally Posted by Capt.Wells
I imagine that I'm in the minority here, but I've failed thus far in my efforts to eradicate all three of the goblin leaders and consider it impossible.

With a lucky initiative check you can kill Priestess Gut without her taking a single turn. Of course if she does get that first turn and calls for help, things will get more tricky. Minthara is pretty easy, especially if you destroy the war drum in her room. The only problem could be Dror Ragzlin because there are quite a few people in the same room with him, and other goblins will come from adjoining rooms, but some of them have very low HP. A rogue with a little luck on their side can kill three of those in a single turn. The right spell can send a few of them flying into the spider pit. Or you can shoot them from above. There are really quite a few ways to slaughter them.

To get rid of the bosses is not the problem (if you are low level you can use diverse strategies, if you are level 4 you have the power to get an easy win) the problem is that the quest no matter what strategy is used ends always in the same way: the goblins going aggro.
Posted By: DragonMaster69 Re: Goblin's bosses - 25/12/20 09:45 PM
Originally Posted by Bufotenina
Originally Posted by Skryia
But but but... the goblins are punks who contain valuable XP and loose change... how could a noble hero and self-respecting adventurer not slay them all for said XP and cash?!? 😈

My first Tav, a thiefling ranger, despised and loathed the ways of the goblins so with him I didn't flinch and brought mayhem and destruction in the goblin camp.

But this Tav? He is both lazy and with a very personal code that is he kills only if there's no other less tiring option (also if the story revolves, a lot, around cutting the head to make the gobbos disperse why there is not a way to complete the quest in the way they state it should? Everyone push for the "stealth2 strategy, even Haslin take his time to explain that having him in the party would mean a mass slaughter. What's the point of all of that if seemingly the eradication of all goblins is the only way? (On the xp points: I'v reached, in this run, the 4th level easily a way before the goblin camp).

As for the XP cap I couldn't agree with you more I've already reached it and I've not even Gotten to the goblin camp or even been near the Underdark. So the idea of a level 4 cap makes no sense because now whatever we do we aren't getting any XP for nor can we gain any experience levels because of the damn cap. I for one hope that when Larian releases the next update that they raise the cap to say level 6, add more gameplay, and fix moe of the bugs like the ones with some of the feats and weapons.
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