Joined: Oct 2020
I really don't have much to add to your voluminous post. As I've said I actually do like the proportions they're using for the Halflings now, that might be because Willow is one of my favorite movies. That said I actually think D&D gnomes should be more like what you want Halflings to be, which makes their absence as a PC so far more curious (think it might be related?)
I'm also maybe not as worried about what the choreography will end up being, based totally on Minthara's scene, which I first thought must have been left in by mistake. I'm glad they did leave it in, because it seems to be an actual look into their progress, as it apparently has gotten better and worse over the patches
Larian by all means take on Niara for consultation (if not more). I think the thread speaks for itself in that regard.
Joined: Jun 2020
To be honest, that was better than I was expecting ^.^ Thanks for the share.
I'm not too fussed about the various, ah, less than complimentary comments there – it's fully expected, and I know there's literally nothing I can do or say to dissuade those who make those comments from viewing the work that way. It's fine.
I absolutely agree with others here and elsewhere that they *Must* put in a SFW switch to skip over these parts automatically, both for those who aren't interested in seeing them, and also for streamers and the like who can't air that content.
Joined: Oct 2020
I was surprised too, maybe unfairly. Here's a nice one People are being scandalized by the content and I am just completely impressed by the forethought, attention to detail, effort, and presentation given to something comparatively minor.
These are the types of thinkers that elevate good to great. It's true too. This one was insightful despite itself I have pretty signifcany doubts they're gonna put like, full on missionary cutscenes into the game. The usual way games do this stuff is a titty and then a cutaway. I'm curious myself how much Larian actually intends to put in, considering what a big game they've talked.
Joined: Mar 2021
https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/ro2ola/thoughts_on_animated_sex_scenes_and/This more or less confirms the warning I gave about how this is going to be received. We have people in the thread calling this creepy, calling it unnecessary, and calling it a waste of development time. To be fair there are also people who can appreciate what Larian is going for here, and the work Niara is putting into it. One person I think nailed it by saying: "I'd happily see all that work put into fleshing out the actual game rather than this. Plenty of pornography on the Internet. This is a trainwreck of out of context outrage waiting to happen."
Joined: Mar 2020
I appreciate what Niara has done. If you are going to do it it should be done well. But I can't disagree with those wondering if the focus on nailing the cinematics is coming at the cost of other content. For all of its flaws -- including the unacceptable, unethical practice of releasing an unfinished game -- PF: WOTR is the best contender for spiritual successor to Baldur's Gate in terms of scope, gameplay hours and putting PC at the center of a world-shaking narrative. Glad the OP wasn't upset by the tone of the reddit threads. Here's another good comment: A very good writeup. The analysis is written with such tastefulness, respect, and precision to the work to suggest that the OP is probably some kind of cinematic designer or animator in their day job as well.
I work in game dev myself, and I know many teams would love to have such thoughtful analysis go into their scenes in game. We can only hope that Larian has committed to putting this much care into their scenes as well.
I think many of the commenters (and probably modern American sensibilities in general) are probably a bit too prudish for their own good. Sex is a natural part of romance, and to be reviled by it but yet gleefully endorse violence is a hypocrisy I can never understand.
Sex scenes are great, especially when they’re tasteful, and a fitting way to impart emotional and narrative significance to established character relationships. The OP is clearly coming from that angle if one puts even a little effort into reading their post.
Last edited by KillerRabbit; 31/12/21 07:55 PM.
Joined: Jun 2020
I do agree - I think we are all aware that there will be people who view and receive this work in that way, and that it can very easily be taken out of context, etc., Out in the rest of the internet wilds, there isn't anything I, or anyone else, can do to convince them other wise or dissuade them from reacting as they''re going to; here at least, I can ensure that the thread for the analysis itself stays clear of that... but I probably did come down on Blackheifer a bit hard earlier, so I am sorry if you felt I was overly strict. I just want to keep those reactions out of this space - they're going to be free range anywhere else it gets discussed, and I'm fine with that.
I can absolutely acknowledge the concerns about how much effort and resource goes where, but I'm not content with them sacrificing one thing for another, when both are important (in my mind), so I'm going to keep pushing for them to do everything right and well. Unfortunately, Sozz raises a good point, in that, to be frank... Biting off more than they can chew has been the defining feature of Larian's development of this game; they promise the sky before they've even worked out how to deliver it. So... sadly, yes, there is a very real chance that the scene with Minthara is not something that they're going to actually manage to fix, nor continue delivering for every other intimate moment... and we may well end up with tasteful fade outs for everything else at final release, simply because it was more than they were actually ready to deliver. I hope not, but despite the work I'm doing, I still acknowledge that as a possibility. All of this is just so that they can do everything that they do manage, well.
To the topic at hand, within the partial scenes we were able to see before they took them back out of the game (or anything else that anyone else has seen in data mines or leaks, too), were there any common choreographies that we know for sure that Larian are using that I didn't actually cover? I thought about delving the dream sequences for things that need considered, but last I checked they were so broken that I couldn't even see what was going on half the time...
Joined: Oct 2020
I wonder if they're going to do a "Valentine's Day" patch that might shed light on this. On the other end, I'm also wondering if they won't keep as much of this in their pocket as possible until the full release.
Larian Studios
Larian Studios
Joined: Feb 2018
Hi all,
We appreciate the amount of thought and the intent that went into this feedback. Unfortunately, the post’s imagery doesn’t meet our standards for community content within the forums. We’ve removed the images but left the text.
Joined: Jun 2020
Thanks to Mollygos and other Larian representatives for the unlock and for working with me on this issue.
I'll be continuing my work on the next leg of this project, but won't be posting any more of the final assessments until we find an acceptable means of sharing the supporting images along with the work.
Whether my next project is in a new thread, or here, I want to leave this here to say thank you to Vometia, Mollygos and everyone else involved in coming to the table with me on this.
Joined: Oct 2020
Given what Minthara's scene is already like and with more to come, how does Larian's Forum intend to proceed with regard screenshots, discussions etc...?
I mean, I didn't feel Niara's work went beyond what's in gameplay, so we need to know where the boundaries are going forward.
If the forum is going to have a different age rating to the game, then everyone needs to be very very clear on that.
Joined: Dec 2021
Wish I would understand what this thread is. Sounds epic. Someone wants job at Larian? Job interview.
Group Sex is where I stand. It has never been done in game industry before. Astarion, Wyll and Gale could take Laezel for a ride.
Last edited by GreatWarrioX; 01/02/22 02:00 AM.
Joined: Jun 2020
If some of our dialogue options are to believed, the possibility of getting our characters involved in multiple partner situations is still potentially on the cards.
If I get through all of my other goals, talking about three or four person choreography is something I may indeed have to get around to as well... but that would be a very big task to approach, and an even bigger one for Larian to accommodate varying partner sizes for well, so from here it looks like quite a mountain to scale.
Joined: Dec 2021
If some of our dialogue options are to believed, the possibility of getting our characters involved in multiple partner situations is still potentially on the cards.
If I get through all of my other goals, talking about three or four person choreography is something I may indeed have to get around to as well... but that would be a very big task to approach, and an even bigger one for Larian to accommodate varying partner sizes for well, so from here it looks like quite a mountain to scale. I think Larian is follish not to do group sex. Nearly all, if not all companies like to keep it at 1 on 1.
Joined: Oct 2020
Given what Minthara's scene is already like and with more to come, how does Larian's Forum intend to proceed with regard screenshots, discussions etc...?
I mean, I didn't feel Niara's work went beyond what's in gameplay, so we need to know where the boundaries are going forward.
If the forum is going to have a different age rating to the game, then everyone needs to be very very clear on that. +1
Hoot hoot, stranger! Fairly new to CRPGs, but I tried my best to provide some feedback regardless! <3 Read it here: My Open Letter to Larian
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
About characters with a small size. What do you think - is Dick Slider needed in BG 3 like in Cyberpunk?
Thanks to Larian for Baldurs Gate 3 and the reaction to player feedback
Joined: Jun 2020
I doubt we'll go there ^.^
However... if we do get 'complete' models for our intimate sequences, it may be worth bearing in mind that, in terms of mammalian primate and primate-adjacent species, there is a rough negative correlation (in males) between creature size and genital size - at species level averages, larger creatures tend to present smaller genitalia, while smaller ones present larger equipment. There's also an inverse correlation between flashiness and prominent attraction displays, and genital size in males - flashier and more showy primate and primate adjacent species trend towards having smaller and less productive sex organs than species that do not engage in great amounts of visual display behaviour - so there's every possibility that our very plain, rustic halfling boys are actually packing pretty hard, by the averages...
Joined: Oct 2020
Im sorry i just need to clarify this ... Are you suggesting that Gnome should win penis measuring contest over Half Orc? O_o
Bcs that seems ridiculous.
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings.  Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!
Joined: Oct 2020
This is for gold. Very much not a subject i care or know much about but i think you just earned your PhD in "small dnd races erotic depictions in video games". Seriously, if you dont already do something professional involving creativity & writing, you should consider it imo.
Joined: Sep 2020
+1 thanks to mods for unlocking this thread. It has some very detailed analysis and examining these topics is important, especially if Larian actually plans to have sex scenes in BG3 with the smaller races. Im sorry i just need to clarify this ... Are you suggesting that Gnome should win penis measuring contest over Half Orc? O_o
Bcs that seems ridiculous. ... there is a rough negative correlation (in males) between creature size and genital size - at species level averages, larger creatures tend to present smaller genitalia, while smaller ones present larger equipment. [...] so there's every possibility that our very plain, rustic halfling boys are actually packing pretty hard, by the averages... Isn't there actually supposed to be a negative correlation in the genital size relative to overall body size? E.g., Human height 5 ft; human penis size 5 inches. Gnome height 3 feet; gnome penis size 4 inches? Smaller in absolute terms, but larger relative to height.