I'm playing on Mac and I'm seeing a few issues with shortcuts:
- Character Panel (shortcut B): is this deprecated and substituted by the new Party Panels?
- in the Party Panel, the shortcuts for Spells, Inventory, work, while there is no dedicated shortcut for Character features. Normal?
- Place ping beacon: how is this supposed to work? Pressing Backslash doesn't do anything
- Highlight character: same issue
- Skills 11 & 12 fail to work in some locales (in my case I use an Italian keyboard), yet they work if I map them to Numpad period and Numpad enter

I am also in the process of creating a tool to control BG3 from the iPad (for example to have the "Camera Centre" available as a button when playing on a MacBook which doesn't have the Home key, yet about 50% of the shortcuts I set do not react in BG3, while they do when using the keyboard. Is there a specific way in which BG3 communicates its commands to the OS, I don't know, a specific language layout? Sometimes I can work around it by assigning F13-F19 key binds, but I'd rather be able to use the original ones.
Also, on macOS, pressing Cmd and Ctrl has the same effect for the key bind panel in the Game Options, but none of them work in-game.

Thank you for your assistance.