Joined: Oct 2020
I'm sure this has been mentioned, but the ability to manage the characters, who are not in your party, at comp would be great. Instead of having to throw someone out of the party, invite someone else in, run to the chest, equip them, kick them back out of the party, then invite the original one back. And have to hear all the complaining and "You think you can survive without me!!" convos. :P
Perhaps have a separate bar that you can select the characters outside of your party and you can switch equipment and other items with them. Also can level them up right from camp.
Joined: May 2019
Yup. +1 This is is one I've been beating the drum for not only in this game but in many other similar RPGs. Why is it so hard for devs to understand this very basic quality of life issue? Have some way for us to access the equipment of ALL our companions, not just only the ones in our active party, to make equipment distribution not be a huge pain in the ass. Why is this such a big ask? Shouldn't this be obvious?
Joined: Sep 2020
+so much.
It is a needless hassle to require going through 2 dialogues - during one of which you get snarked at for leaving the character behind - to replace party members. We should be able to access the inventories/equipped items of all party members while in camp, and changing your party should be much quicker: in particular, not requiring any dialogue besides possible voice barks.
Joined: Oct 2020
+so much.
It is a needless hassle to require going through 2 dialogues - during one of which you get snarked at for leaving the character behind - to replace party members. We should be able to access the inventories/equipped items of all party members while in camp, and changing your party should be much quicker: in particular, not requiring any dialogue besides possible voice barks. This is a very good point. Especially since, I assume, there is going to be the option for more party members (I hope so anyway). Again it is EA, and I'm guessing there are many things on the list to be worked on, so this is would just be another item there. 
Last edited by Vortex138; 20/03/22 04:48 PM.
Joined: Mar 2020
+1 Even if companion cast gets reduced after act1, we still will have mercenaries we might want to have. Party wide management in camp would be greatly welcome.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
Joined: Oct 2020
The simplest solution would be just to add all companions to your “party” when you’re at camp. We already know the UI can handle it.
You could even have a quick screen when you leave camp which lets you change who’s in your team (like Mass Effect or Dragon Age). That would encourage people to mix things up a bit and think about the best team for each mission
Joined: May 2019
The simplest solution would be just to add all companions to your “party” when you’re at camp. We already know the UI can handle it.
You could even have a quick screen when you leave camp which lets you change who’s in your team (like Mass Effect or Dragon Age). That would encourage people to mix things up a bit and think about the best team for each mission This.^ So this!! This is exactly how I would want it done. Yes it works so very well in the DA games, and, as you correctly point out, it incentivizes us to reevaluate our party composition every time we leave camp and not just lazily keep the same group always.
Joined: Oct 2020
+1. This is something Larian really should have a look at. I doubt it would require much resources from them to fix this issue. And while we're at it, please let me rotate and zoom in and out on my character model when I open the inventory.
Joined: Oct 2020
The simplest solution would be just to add all companions to your “party” when you’re at camp. We already know the UI can handle it.
You could even have a quick screen when you leave camp which lets you change who’s in your team (like Mass Effect or Dragon Age). That would encourage people to mix things up a bit and think about the best team for each mission +1 ! Always thought the DA system was really good at this. Never understood why other crpgs didn't pick up on it! D:
Hoot hoot, stranger! Fairly new to CRPGs, but I tried my best to provide some feedback regardless! <3 Read it here: My Open Letter to Larian
Joined: Oct 2021
+1 to both suggestions - possibility to manage all companions in camp and party selection screen when you leave it (this option should be able to get toggled off via menu option though for people, who want to keep the same party and not choose similar people every time they leave camp). Larian have also already created such a selection screen for one of their Panels from Hell (Mage Tower one, where people determined the party composition for it), so it is not a problem for them to create a similar one for game itself if they want to.
Joined: Mar 2022
Was thinking about that too. I love how it was made for example in DAO: you leave camp and choose whom to take. That model I like. Kicking characters out of party and hear them camplaning about that I greatly dislike. In that case I usually just stack with the same companions for entire game and the others are just lvl 1 "leftovers" I dont use
Joined: Oct 2020
+1 to both suggestions - possibility to manage all companions in camp and party selection screen when you leave it (this option should be able to get toggled off via menu option though for people, who want to keep the same party and not choose similar people every time they leave camp). Larian have also already created such a selection screen for one of their Panels from Hell (Mage Tower one, where people determined the party composition for it), so it is not a problem for them to create a similar one for game itself if they want to. It would make sense to have the former party preselected, so you only need to make changes if you desire to do so.
Joined: Sep 2020
It would make sense to have the former party preselected, so you only need to make changes if you desire to do so. Agreed. This is how DAO did it and it worked well imo. A single click per current party member you want to stay at camp, and a single click per party member you then want to replace them with.
Joined: Feb 2020
If I understand well you're suggesting mostly the same as Pathfinder when you're in safe area and leaving them.
I agree, it would be better. Just as deirdre said, (quote) " I usually just stack with the same companions for entire game and the others are just lvl 1 "leftovers" I dont use"
Last edited by Maximuuus; 30/03/22 07:35 PM.