I play the Switch version of the game and there's something I only now just noticed.

At the beginning of the game, any Attitude you gain with your potential companions while on the Merryweather (such as from having points in the Persuasion civil ability or through positive dialogue choices such as pretending to be Lohse's spouse) will be wiped clean once you arrive at Fort Joy, with your Attitude with all the origin characters starting back at zero. This doesn't make much sense, as going back down to the hull to help rescue Lohse, Sebille, Ifan, Beast, and the Red Prince should increase your Attitude with them rather than having it return back to zero. And I haven't noticed if you can gain Attitude from dialogue on the Merryweather with any other Origin characters, but you definitely can with Lohse, and I don't see why she would just forget about that once you arrive at Fort Joy.

However, that alone isn't the main problem. It wouldn't be so bad, but if you have any points in the Persuasion civil ability, your Attitude with the NPCs (including the origin character companions) after arriving at Fort Joy will still be at zero, rather than being at five (or ten in the case of a lizard). More so, if you have a civil point and remove it at the Magic Mirror in Fort Joy, everyone's attitude will go down to negative five, because the game seems to see your point in Persuasion as still counting as zero (instead of five), so removing that point brings you down to negative five.

So starting the game with Persuasion seems to actually work against you, as you'll end up with zero Attitude with everyone anyway once you arrive at Fort Joy, and if you remove that point you'll end up in the negative Attitude with other NPCs. That makes it better to wait until after you get to Fort Joy to add Persuasion rather than begin the game with it.

I hope this can be fixed, so that having Persuasion from character creation will still allow you to start Fort Joy as having the Appropriate Attitude with NPCs, and I do think that any Attitude gained on the Merryweather (such as with Lohse), should remain.