Joined: Mar 2003
Table of ContentsKnown issuesUpdate issues- Not getting Patch 8
- After the latest update, previous saves can not be loaded
- Problems with the install process itself
Launcher issues- Mismatch data warning
- .Net Core error message when starting the launcher
- The launcher crashing on startup, or not displaying the 'get started' or 'play' buttons
Issues with ModsGame Crashes- Crashes on startup or during gameplay
- Crashes on startup
- Crashes during gameplay
- Crashes on startup or in character creation
- Crash after tutorial, at the end of the nautiloid
Issues with saves or new games- Errors or crashes when loading saves
- Certain classes or races not showing up in character creation as options
Contacting SupportYou can contact support by emailing supportbg3@larian.com, using the Help button on the Launcher or the form on the support website.  Notice:  I will leave the topic open for feedback, questions and suggestions on the topic itself, but please do not report bugs in this topic. Make a new topic or post in an exiting one for the relevant issue. Having multiple different bugs reported in the same topic, mixed in with feedback, will make it harder to keep track of reported bugs, and will make it harder for anyone searching for specific issues to find relevant information.
Joined: Mar 2003
Known issuesAny issues that start to become commonly reported, should be listed here, with any fixes or workarounds, and whether additional information would help investigating the cause (saves, CrashDump files, etc). The dialogue with Raphael can stop at a black screen when he tries to teleport the party to another location, if a character in the party is in a wild shape or disguised. If you have the character(s) dismiss the wild shape or use Dispel Disguise before long resting, the transition should work properly. The party can end up in a state where they can not long rest, and have the option on the map to Leave Camp while not in camp, after reloading the auto save made after a long rest in Waukeen's Rest. Dual Wielding can use the bonus action but not make the offhand attack. Until this is fixed, it can be avoided by toggling off dual wielding attacks, and manually attacking twice. There are a couple of dialogues which can appear stuck, with no options shown, but can be progressed by hitting Space or the '1' key. For example when recruiting Wyll and using the Bard dialogue option, the next line isn't voiced and Wyll doesn't finish his response. Though rare, a couple of people have also reported specific dialogues which did not have the NPC speak or show the dialogue options, but right clicking near the bottom of the screen (after a couple seconds) would skip past the NPC line and show the dialogue options. The keybinding [0-9, -, =] do not work for the hotbar, and the labels are not shown, except for the Custom section; the hotkeys for skills and items added to this section will work even when a different hotbar is selected. This will be fixed in a future update. Hotfix 6 (v4.1.1.1829258) fixes the problem with companion characters becoming unresponsive after the dialogue with Halsin after the camp celebration. With Hotfix 5 (v4.1.1.1755403), Lae'zel should no longer stop following after visiting camp (in a previous Patch 8 savegame loaded in hotfix 4). Hotfix 4 (v4.1.1.1739262) fixed a potential crash issue when saving or levelling, and another when dismissing companions and having items automatically transferred to the character inventory. As of hotfix 3 (v4.1.1.1721785), companions should no longer get stuck in mini-camps. The first hotfix (v4.1.1.1707785) addressed crashes after log resting or when changing appearance in character creation (especially hair or tattoos), and issues where characters could stop following.
Last edited by Raze; 17/09/22 04:25 AM. Reason: updates
Joined: Mar 2003
Update issuesNot getting Patch 8For OSX the update is not quite ready. It should be available soon, but we do not have a specific ETA yet. For Windows: What is the version number shown in the bottom left of the launcher (under the Play button), or bottom centre of the main menu in-game? The current patch 8 version is If you were expecting the version number to correspond directly to the patch number, the initial 4 is actually the generation of the game engine (D:OS 2 version numbers started with 3.0 for the original release, for example, and 3.6 for the Definitive Edition). To get the latest version (see the pre-patch announcement for details): In the Steam library, right click on the game and select Properties, switch to the Beta section and then in the dropdown list select 'None'. With the GOG release, in Galaxy select the game, then the settings icon at the top right (beside the Play button) and under Manage Installation select 'Configure...'; after that either check automatic updates or select the latest update in the list of available versions. If that wasn't the issue, try logging out of Steam/Galaxy, exit the client, reboot, start the client again, log in, and see if that helps. Try verifying local files: in the Steam library, right click on the game and select Properties, switch to the Local Files tab and then click on the 'Verify Integrity of Game Files...' button. With the GOG version, in the (optional) Galaxy client, select the game, then the settings icon at the top right (beside the Play button) and under Manage Installation select 'Verify / Repair'. After the latest update, previous saves can not be loadedIs there a 'Deprecated version' error in the load window? (on the bottom right, where it shows the save version number) Unfortunately, due to the nature of changes in major game updates during Early Access, it is not possible to maintain backwards save compatibility. Saves from patch 7 or earlier (up to will not work in patch 8 ( or later). However, you can revert to the earlier game version to be able to continue with your existing saves (see the pre-patch announcement for details). In the Steam library, right click on the game and select Properties, switch to the Beta tab and then in the dropdown list select Patch 7. With the GOG release, in Galaxy select the game, then the settings icon at the top right (beside the Play button) and under Manage Installation select 'Configure...'; after that uncheck automatic updates, if required, and select the last version before the patch 8 update ( Currently Stadia does not support delaying an update (as can be done with the GOG version) or beta branches to keep the older patch versions available (as on Steam). Problems with the install process itselfTry logging out of Steam, or Galaxy for the GOG version, exit the client, reboot, start the client again, log in, and see if that helps. If possible, try verifying local files: in the Steam library, right click on the game and select Properties, switch to the Local Files tab and then click on the 'Verify Integrity of Game Files...' button. With the GOG version, in the (optional) Galaxy client, select the game, then the settings icon at the top right (beside the Play button) and under Manage Installation select 'Verify / Repair'. With the Steam version: In the client, in the Steam menu select Settings, then Downloads, and try changing your Download Region. Try exiting out of Steam and check the SteamApps folder where the game is installed, and if there is a file there called appmanifest_1086940.acf.tmp.save, delete it and restart Steam. Issues with that file can cause problems with the update or install process (such as Steam repeatedly pausing the download). Try clearing the download cache and reboot your computer (in Steam, Settings, Downloads section). Try checking your drive(s) for errors. In Windows Explorer, right click each drive and select Properties, switch to the Tools tab and click Check Now in the Error-checking section. For the boot drive this will prompt to schedule a scan for the next time the system is rebooted. Make sure you have enough free drive space to install the update/game (twice the download size, plus enough for the update/install process). With Steam for patch 7 to patch 8 the download is about 37GB, with the total free space needed for the download and update about 104GB; with the GOG version, with Galaxy the download size is slightly over 86GB. If required, a program such as WizTree could help track down files and folders taking up the most space, some of which you may be able to delete or move to a different drive, etc. If nothing else helps, you should at least be able to uninstall the game, and try a clean install (before deleting, right click the game in the Steam library, select Properties, switch to Local Files and select 'Browse Local Files...', then after uninstalling the game, make sure that folder is removed or empty). You could also try reinstalling Steam. You can effectively do this without having to redownload any games installed on the same drive by deleting everything in the Steam install folder except for Steam.exe and the SteamApps folder, rebooting and running the Steam.exe executable.
Joined: Mar 2003
Launcher issuesMismatch data warningIf there is a mismatch data warning, the launcher creates a log file listing any files in the install folder which are not expected, as well as files in the Mods folder. To check it, copy %LocalAppData%\Larian Studios\Launcher\Cache into the location bar in Explorer and hit Enter, then look for a text file named steam_4.1.1.1695932_alteredFiles.txt (or similarly, starting with 'galaxy_', for the GOG version). Old mods or partial pak files left over from a problem with an update are more likely to cause game issues; stray text files, etc, should not cause a problem, but they should be cleaned up anyway, to eliminate the warning (if you are not going to be restoring any mods that are compatible with patch 8). Starting with patch 7, the game uses the local AppData folder for the current user account: 'C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Local\Larian Studios\Baldur's Gate 3'. For compatibility, if there is no local AppData folder for the game when it is started, but there is a game folder in My Documents, it will copy the profiles and configuration files over from the Documents folder, but that may mean copying old mods there, as well. If you didn't already check this, if applicable, the easiest way to get to that folder would be to copy the line %LocalAppData%\Larian Studios\Baldur's Gate 3\Mods into the location bar in Explorer and hit Enter. .Net Core error message when starting the launcherIn Windows Control Panel, Programs and Features, try right clicking the Microsoft Windows Desktop Runtime entry (3.1.x), select Uninstall and then Repair. If that does not help, repeat the process but continue with the uninstall, reboot and then try installing the .Net Core redistributable. The minimum required version is 3.1.8, which can be found in the Steam install folder or Galaxy redist folder, while the most recent version (3.1.26 as of July 7, 2022) can be found here. ..\SteamApps\common\Baldurs Gate 3\DotNetCore C:\Program Files (x86)\GalaxyClient\Dependencies\__redist\dotNetCore318_x64\ The launcher crashing on startup, or not displaying the 'get started' or 'play' buttonsAre you shutting down all non-essential programs (especially anti-virus) before starting the game? Firewalls can cause conflicts (generally on startup or loading screens) and overlays from graphics tweaking/monitoring programs or chat programs can also cause issues. Try verifying local files: in the Steam library, right click on the game and select Properties, switch to the Local Files tab and then click on the 'Verify Integrity of Game Files...' button. With the GOG version, in the (optional) Galaxy client, select the game, then the settings icon at the top right (beside the Play button) and under Manage Installation select 'Verify / Repair'. Try starting the launcher directly from the '..\SteamApps\common\Baldurs Gate 3\Launcher\LariLauncher.exe' executable. If possible, try resetting the launcher in the options (button with the gear icon in the bottom left of the launcher window), then exit and restart the launcher. If that helps, there should be a 'get started' button to click on, and then you can either create or log in to an account, or there should be a button to skip creating an account in the lower right, along with a checkbox to not ask again. Try copying and pasting %LocalAppData%\Larian Studios into the location bar in Windows Explorer, hit Enter, and then in that folder delete or rename the 'Launcher' folder and try starting the launcher again. If that helps, the first time the launcher starts it may take a little longer, as the cache is rebuilt. If the issue is the launcher not displaying the start page properly, try temporarily disconnecting from the internet and see if that gets the launcher working. If it doesn't get a response checking for updates (latest news, the notification messages before major patch releases, etc), there should be an offline version of the launcher page shown. If you check the Event Viewer, does that give an error code or 'Faulting Module' file name that might help identify the cause of the crash? - click Start (or WinKey-R), then type "event viewer" into the search box. in Windows 10, 'event' should bring up 'View event logs'. - after starting the Event Viewer, expand 'Windows Logs' in the left column and select 'Application' - in the center column, look for a recent error for the game (maybe sort by Date and Time, or search for 'LariLauncher') - check the information under the 'General' tab below the list of events, starting with "Faulting application name..." If that does not help, please copy and paste %LocalAppData%\Larian Studios\Launcher\Logs into the location bar in Windows Explorer, hit Enter, and from that folder contact support with the runlog.txt file. Also include a dxdiag report (WinKey-R, type in dxdiag and hit enter, then when it finishes loading click on the 'Save All Information...' button and save the report somewhere handy), check the '..\Baldurs Gate 3\Launcher' install folder for the gold.log file, and if there are any CrashDump files being created, zip a few together to include.
Joined: Mar 2003
Issues with Mods
Due to the nature and number of changes in major game updates, there are invariably some mods designed for previous game versions which will cause conflicts and problems after an update. This is possible after hotfixes, but much less likely.
In the past, problems have included startup crashes, crashes or missing options/models/textures in character creation, characters being encumbered at the start of a new game, being unable to exit the game options, being unable to leave camp, and cosmetic issues such as Shadowheart's hair being given a metallic texture.
If you have any problems with the game and have mods installed which were not specifically designed for patch 8, or confirmed to be compatible by the mod author or community, try removing them.
Check the 'Mods' and 'Public' folders in the '..\SteamApps\common\Baldurs Gate 3\Data' folder, etc; if present, both folders are safe to delete). If applicable, you can also delete the modsettings.lsx file in the profile folder, if you're not using a new profile for patch 8.
Starting with patch 7, the game uses the local AppData folder for the current user account: 'C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Local\Larian Studios\Baldur's Gate 3'. For compatibility, if there is no local AppData folder for the game when it is started, but there is a game folder in My Documents, it will copy the profiles and configuration files over from the Documents folder, but that may mean copying old mods there, as well. If you didn't already check this, the easiest way to get to that folder would be to copy %LocalAppData%\Larian Studios\Baldur's Gate 3\Mods into the location bar in Explorer and hit Enter.
If the launcher is not giving a data mismatch warning (see above), that should mean there are no mod files in the install folder or the Mods folder.
Joined: Mar 2003
Game CrashesSome troubleshooting suggestions are applicable to any type of crash, while other are more specific, so they have been grouped accordingly. Crashes on startup or during gameplayAre you shutting down all non-essential programs (especially anti-virus) before starting the game? There is a known issue with the ASUS Sonic Studio Virtual Mixer that can cause a crash on startup; if applicable, try disabling or uninstalling the program. Try verifying local files: in the Steam library, right click on the game and select Properties, switch to the Local Files tab and then click on the 'Verify Integrity of Game Files...' button. With the GOG version, in the (optional) Galaxy client, select the game, then the settings icon at the top right (beside the Play button) and under Manage Installation select 'Verify / Repair'. In the launcher, try switching between DirectX 11 and Vulkan, as applicable, to see if that makes a difference. Try exiting out of the Steam client, or Galaxy for the GOG version, and starting the game directly from the '..\SteamApps\common\Baldurs Gate 3\bin' folder, by right clicking the executable (bg3.exe for Vulkan, or bg3_dx11.exe) and running as administrator. Try right clicking the executable, select Properties, switch to the Compatibility tab and check off the 'Override high DPI scaling behavior' option (set it to Application), run as administrator and disable fullscreen optimization, and maybe set a Win 7 or 8 compatibility mode. In Windows 7, check off the option to 'Disable display scaling on high DPI settings', disable desktop composition and run as administrator. Check for updated graphics drivers, and Windows updates in general. Try updating the Vulkan Runtime. Normally this is included with graphics drivers, but manual updates have been reported to fix a couple of crashing issues. The Runtime installer can be downloaded from this site, or the direct download link (the latest as of July 7, 2022). Mods designed for previous patches can cause crashes, as described above. Try browsing to the 'C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Local\Larian Studios\Baldur's Gate 3\LevelCache' folder and delete the contents. A corrupt file there can cause problems, usually when saving or loading. The easiest way to get there would be to copy %LocalAppData%\Larian Studios\Baldur's Gate 3\LevelCache into the location bar in Explorer and hit Enter. If you check the Event Viewer, does that give an error code or 'Faulting Module' file name that might help identify the cause of the crash? - click Start (or WinKey-R), then type "event viewer" into the search box. in Windows 10 or 11, 'event' should bring up 'View event logs'. - after starting the Event Viewer, expand 'Windows Logs' in the left column and select 'Application' - in the center column, look for a recent error for the game (maybe sort by Date and Time, or search for 'bg3') - check the information under the 'General' tab below the list of events, starting with "Faulting application name..." Try doing a clean boot and then test the game. Click Start, or hit WinKey-R, type in msconfig and hit enter; in the General tab, click Selective Startup, uncheck Load startup items (if required) and leave Load system services and Use original boot configuration options checked. Next, click on the Services tab, check the box to Hide all Microsoft services, then click the Disable All button (maybe make a note of which are currently enabled/disabled), then click OK and reboot the computer. Run msconfig again to switch back to the normal boot configuration. Crashes on startupTry right clicking and holding on the bg3_dx11.exe / bg3.exe executable, then hold Shift down, release the right mouse button and select Run as administrator, continuing to hold Shift until the splash screen comes up. Holding Shift prevents the game from taking focus when loading, and can avoid certain resolution or DirectX/Vulkan issues. Holding Shift when starting the game from the launcher may do the same thing. If you are using a program such as Process Lasso to adjust the core affinity for games (for example to have games and system processes run on different cores), try disabling it to restore the default (all cores). One person reported a conflict with Process Lasso's 'core engine' being on, even with the settings for the game restored to default. If the game gives a VC related dll error when starting from the executable, try installing the 2019 Visual C++ redistributable (64bit), or the latest 2022 release. In the Control Panel, Programs and Features, try right clicking the MS VC++ 2015-2019/2022 redistributable entries (32 bit and 64) and select Uninstall and then Repair. If that does not help, repeat the process but continue with the uninstall, reboot and then try installing from the redistributable installer. C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Steamworks Shared\_CommonRedist\ C:\Program Files (x86)\GalaxyClient\Dependencies\__redist or https://support.microsoft.com/en-ca/help/2977003/the-latest-supported-visual-c-downloadsCrashes during gameplayIs there any pattern to when the crashes happen (in combat, when interacting with items or starting dialogues, etc)? If time is the only pattern, does it matter what you are doing in-game, or if you just leave it sitting at the main menu or options? (if it crashes frequently enough for that to be feasible to test) After loading a save does leaving the character idle still result in a crash, or does there need to be some kind of input, or character/camera movement/interaction? For a crash in character creation, can you get through if you just accept the defaults? What about creating a new profile first and then trying to start a new game? Try lowering the graphics settings and resolution, and switch to Windowed or Fake Fullscreen display mode, to see if that will make a difference. If the monitor refresh rate is higher than 60, try setting an FPS cap in the game options for 60. Try creating a new Windows administrator user account, switch to that account and try starting the game from there, directly from the executable. If the game doesn't crash frequently enough to make it feasible to test in a new game, you may need to copy your latest save over from your current user account. Each save is a folder in the 'C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Local\Larian Studios\Baldur's Gate 3\PlayerProfiles\<ProfileName>\Savegames\Story' folder. The fastest way to get there would probably be to copy %LocalAppData%\Larian Studios\Baldur's Gate 3\PlayerProfiles into the location bar in Explorer and hit Enter, then browse down from there. Crashes on startup or in character creationIf applicable, disable Steam cloud support either globally (in the client click on the Steam menu and select Settings, and then Cloud) or just for this game (in the library right click BG3 and select Properties, then switch to the General tab and check the Steam Cloud section). Alternately, exit out of the Steam client, or Galaxy for the GOG version, and just start the game directly from the executable when required. Next, try browsing to the 'C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Local\Larian Studios' folder and rename the 'Baldur's Gate 3' subfolder. The easiest way to get there would be to copy %LocalAppData%\Larian Studios into the location bar in Explorer and hit Enter. This folder contains the saved games, configuration files and a level cache folder. Deleting or renaming it will get the game to recreate it on startup; playing the game from a different Windows user account would effectively do the same thing. With Steam/Galaxy running and cloud support enabled, the client would just download the cloud copy of your existing profile. If you played in patch 6 or earlier and still have those profiles and saves, also browse to the '..\Documents\Larian Studios' folder and rename the 'Baldur's Gate 3' subfolder there (or delete it if you don't want to keep the saves), so patch 8 does not copy the game's earlier Documents folder to the local AppData folder (as part of the startup procedure if there is no existing local AppData folder). After that, see if you can start the game. If so, create a new profile and maybe check that you can start a new game and save/load. If that works, if you have any existing saves, exit and copy a couple saves from the renamed folder into the newly created profile's ..\Savegames\Story folder. If that continues to let you start the game and load the saves, move the rest of the saves over. If not, delete the new BG3 folder and extract the replacement folder from this download into your '..\Local\Larian Studios' folder, to see if that will let you start the game and get through character creation. The graphicSettings.lsx file is set to 1280x720 Windowed mode and Very Low quality preset, which you can change in the options (manually, or hit autodetect) if this gets the game working (as well as create a new profile). If the game still crashes, delete the replacement BG3 folder and (if you have any saves that you wish to keep) rename the original back again (as well as in the Documents folder, if applicable). Crash after tutorial, at the end of the nautiloidThis is occasionally reported, but except for a couple of known issues, fixed in previous updates, it has not been reproducible by QA. Try dropping the graphics settings to very low, lower the resolution as much as possible and switch to Windowed display mode, to see if you can get past that transition. That helped a handful of people on Mac with a crash there, in an earlier version of the game (generally caused by memory issues, especially if the system or video memory were below the minimum requirement), and usually helps in Windows. A couple people had a crash here with Virtual Memory disabled, fixed by enabling it (set to automatic / system managed). To check or change virtual memory settings, see these guides for Win 7/8 or Win 10One person reported a crash here with a secondary monitor enabled, but it worked when they temporarily disabled it. A couple of people have reported that repeatedly hitting the spacebar to skip the cutscenes helped. If that doesn't help, please contact support with a dxdiag report (WinKey-R, type in dxdiag and hit enter, then when it finishes loading click on the 'Save All Information...' button and save the report somewhere handy). Also check the '..\Baldurs Gate 3\bin' install folder for the gold.log file, and if there are any CrashDump files being created there (or in '..\bin\db\attachments'), zip a few together to include. If the crash is at a consistent place in-game, or there is a save in a situation where it the crash is reasonably reproducible, please provide a latest save at or before that point (or a Dropbox or Google drive link, etc). In Explorer you can zip a file or folder by right clicking on it/them and selecting 'Send To | Compressed (zipped) Folder'. Each save is a folder in the 'C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Local\Larian Studios\Baldur's Gate 3\PlayerProfiles\<ProfileName>\Savegames\Story' folder. The fastest way to get there would probably be to copy %LocalAppData%\Larian Studios\Baldur's Gate 3\PlayerProfiles into the location bar in Explorer and hit Enter, then browse down from there.
Joined: Mar 2003
Issues with saves or new gamesErrors or crashes when loading savesCan you load older saves, if available? If you start a new game, can you make a manual save and load it properly? Moving a bit from the initial character position can trigger an auto save, which might overwrite one from your current playthrough. If a new game has a problem, if you create a new profile and start a new game, can you save and load? Are you shutting down all non-essential programs before starting the game, especially anti-virus and any backup programs, etc, that may be monitoring disk activity? For example, a few people have had BitDefender block the game from being able to create files and folders, which has caused errors when loading. In those cases, including both the game executables and Larian Studios local AppData folder in BitDefender's trusted app and directory sections would fix the problem (Advance Threat Defense, Ransomware Protection / Safe Files, Application Access). Windows Defender has also caused issues (generally file system errors); in that case an exception for the game can be made in Start, Settings, Updates & Security, Windows Security, Virus & threat protection, Virus & threat protection settings, Add or remove exclusions. At least in patch 6 Avast and AVG have caused various save issues by blocking the game's access to the My Documents folder (one person reported it was the launcher that was the issue for Avast, and adding LariLauncher.exe to the trusted apps list fixed the problem; another reported that AVG quarantined the launcher). This has been less of an issue since patch 7, with the change to save the profiles in the local AppData folder. See the help sites for Avast or AVG, if applicable. Try browsing to the 'C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Local\Larian Studios\Baldur's Gate 3\LevelCache' folder and delete the contents. A corrupt file there can cause problems when saving or loading. The easiest way to get there would be to copy %LocalAppData%\Larian Studios\Baldur's Gate 3\LevelCache into the location bar in Explorer and hit Enter. Try verifying local files: in the Steam library, right click on the game and select Properties, switch to the Local Files tab and then click on the 'Verify Integrity of Game Files...' button. With the GOG version, in the (optional) Galaxy client, select the game, then the settings icon at the top right (beside the Play button) and under Manage Installation select 'Verify / Repair'. Try exiting out of the Steam client, or Galaxy for the GOG version, and starting the game directly from the '..\SteamApps\common\Baldurs Gate 3\bin' folder, by right clicking the executable (bg3.exe for Vulkan, or bg3_dx11.exe) and running as administrator. If applicable, disable Steam cloud support either globally (in the client click on the Steam menu and select Settings, and then Cloud) or just for this game (in the library right click BG3 and select Properties, then switch to the General tab and check the Steam Cloud section). Alternately, exit out of the Steam client, or Galaxy for the GOG version, and just start the game directly from the executable when required. Next, try browsing to the 'C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Local\Larian Studios' folder and rename the 'Baldur's Gate 3' subfolder. The easiest way to get there would be to copy %LocalAppData%\Larian Studios into the location bar in Explorer and hit Enter. This folder contains the saved games, configuration files and a level cache folder. Deleting or renaming it will get the game to recreate it on startup; playing the game from a different Windows user account would effectively do the same thing. With Steam/Galaxy running and cloud support enabled, the client would just download the cloud copy of your existing profile. If you played in patch 6 or earlier and still have those profiles and saves, also browse to the '..\Documents\Larian Studios' folder and rename the 'Baldur's Gate 3' subfolder there (or delete it if you don't want to keep the saves), so patch 8 does not copy the game's earlier Documents folder to the local AppData folder (as part of the startup procedure if there is no existing local AppData folder). After that, start the game, create a new profile and maybe check that you can start a new game and save/load. If that works, exit and copy a couple saves from the renamed folder into the newly created profile's ..\Savegames\Story folder. If that continues to let you start the game and load the saves, move the rest of the saves over. If loading still gives an error or crashes, delete the new BG3 folder and rename the original back again (as well as in the Documents folder, if applicable). If a new game in a new profile also gives an error or crashes when loading: Try doing a clean boot and then test the game. Click Start, or hit WinKey-R, type in msconfig and hit enter; in the General tab, click Selective Startup, uncheck Load startup items (if required) and leave Load system services and Use original boot configuration options checked. Next, click on the Services tab, check the box to Hide all Microsoft services, then click the Disable All button (maybe make a note of which are currently enabled/disabled), then click OK and reboot the computer. Run msconfig again to switch back to the normal boot configuration. Try creating a new Windows administrator user account, switch to that account and try starting the game from there, directly from the executable. If a new game is fine but recent saves give an error or crash, please contact support with your latest save (or a Dropbox or Google drive link, etc), and if older saves are ok, the most recent save that you can load, and the oldest you can not. In Explorer you can zip a file or folder by right clicking on it/them and selecting 'Send To | Compressed (zipped) Folder'. Each save is a folder in the 'C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Local\Larian Studios\Baldur's Gate 3\PlayerProfiles\<ProfileName>\Savegames\Story' folder. The fastest way to get there would probably be to copy %LocalAppData%\Larian Studios\Baldur's Gate 3\PlayerProfiles into the location bar in Explorer and hit Enter, then browse down from there. Certain classes or races not showing up in character creation as optionsDouble check the version number in the bottom centre of the main menu: patch 8 should be If the Druid or Sorcerer classes are also missing, in addition to Bard, it probably isn't a case of not having the latest update. This issue can be caused by mods (see above). Try creating a new profile and then start a new game to test. Try verifying local files: in the Steam library, right click on the game and select Properties, switch to the Local Files tab and then click on the 'Verify Integrity of Game Files...' button. With the GOG version, in the (optional) Galaxy client, select the game, then the settings icon at the top right (beside the Play button) and under Manage Installation select 'Verify / Repair'. If applicable, disable Steam cloud support either globally (in the client click on the Steam menu and select Settings, and then Cloud) or just for this game (in the library right click BG3 and select Properties, then switch to the General tab and check the Steam Cloud section). Alternately, exit out of the Steam client, or Galaxy for the GOG version, and just start the game directly from the executable when required (bg3.exe or bg3_dx11.exe in the '..\SteamApps\common\Baldurs Gate 3\bin' folder, or similarly for the GOG install folder). Next, try browsing to the 'C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Local\Larian Studios' folder and rename the 'Baldur's Gate 3' subfolder. The easiest way to get there would be to copy %LocalAppData%\Larian Studios into the location bar in Explorer and hit Enter. This folder contains the saved games, configuration files and a level cache folder. Deleting or renaming it will get the game to recreate it on startup; playing the game from a different Windows user account would effectively do the same thing. With Steam/Galaxy running and cloud support enabled, the client would just download the cloud copy of your existing profile. If you played in patch 6 or earlier and still have those profiles and saves, also browse to the '..\Documents\Larian Studios' folder and rename the 'Baldur's Gate 3' subfolder there (or delete it if you don't want to keep the saves), so patch 8 does not copy the game's earlier Documents folder to the local AppData folder (as part of the startup procedure if there is no existing local AppData folder). After that, start the game, create a new profile and check for Druid, Sorcerer and Bard in the Class section of character creation, as well as the Gnome race. If that gets everything to show up, when you are done that session and quit the game, you can optionally delete the renamed Documents BG3 folder, if there are no saves there you still want to have available. If you have existing patch 8 saves, create a different profile, exit and move them over from the renamed folder to the new profile's ..\Savegames\Story folder. If that still doesn't help, delete the new BG3 folder and extract the replacement folder from this download into your '..\Local\Larian Studios' folder to test. The graphicSettings.lsx file is set to 1280x720 Windowed mode and Very Low quality preset, which you can change in the options (manually, or hit autodetect) if this gets the classes and races to show up (in that case you may wish to exit back to the main menu and create a new profile, as well).
Joined: Mar 2003
Contacting SupportYou can contact support by emailing supportbg3@larian.com, using the Help button on the Launcher or the form on the support website.
Joined: Mar 2003
Joined: Mar 2021
Hi. Just encountered a bug while playing a half woodelf bard. I threw the spiked bulb on the mindflayer and the devil during the intro and the game crashed both times i tried the same thing. The result was game crash both times. This was on stadia
Last edited by Deltaviking; 08/07/22 08:25 AM. Reason: Filling in more info
Joined: Oct 2020
Just tried the entire solution for fixing the crashing issue in character creation, and it didn't work.
Joined: Oct 2020
First, mine is really repeatable crash. I am at Druid grove vendor Aaron. for some reason, if I sell an item from my main gnome bard character, exit after and do a save, it always crash. Initially I thought it was random and tried selling just items from other companions and save afterwards. All worked fine. Did more save and still working but then just selling items for my main and click save crash the game still. I was trying to run the game as admin but could not load/find the save game (maybe because I disabled cross save?). Edited: I manage to run as admin and now my profile screw up and can't go back to my original profile. I can copy the save games and try but now profile is all screwed up  . Running as admin did squat and just broke my profile  This is the application error I got via Event viewer: -------------- Faulting application name: bg3.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x62c4a9d7 Faulting module name: ucrtbase.dll, version: 10.0.22000.1, time stamp: 0x00e78ce9 Exception code: 0xc0000409 Fault offset: 0x000000000007dd7e Faulting process ID: 0x10d0 Faulting application start time: 0x01d892f82f0a1d1a Faulting application path: E:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Baldurs Gate 3\bin\bg3.exe Faulting module path: C:\WINDOWS\System32\ucrtbase.dll Report ID: e8333ec4-9f03-4c49-87e2-6b8ab2047edb Faulting package full name: Faulting package-relative application ID:
Last edited by Mohd Nor Azmil; 08/07/22 06:58 PM.
Joined: Feb 2021
If I pass a spell scroll to Gale's inventory and then have him learn it, the subsequent save crashes. Can recreate this one faithfully.
Description Faulting Application Path: D:\GOG Games\Baldurs Gate 3\bin\bg3.exe
Problem signature Problem Event Name: BEX64 Application Name: bg3.exe Application Version: Application Timestamp: 62c82c5a Fault Module Name: ucrtbase.dll Fault Module Version: 10.0.22621.160 Fault Module Timestamp: f5fc15a3 Exception Offset: 000000000007f61e Exception Code: c0000409 Exception Data: 0000000000000007 OS Version: 10.0.22622. Locale ID: 1033 Additional Information 1: 3346 Additional Information 2: 33468fd23ce404791f1837ba3af175d5 Additional Information 3: 341d Additional Information 4: 341d6a970f1fa1dece362903909e4a77
Extra information about the problem Bucket ID: b887ca137fbabbc4fdf4866fb3e2cb4e (2158497935734786894)
Last edited by Don Bartenstein; 09/07/22 07:30 PM.
Joined: Jul 2022
There are a continuous crashes revolving around saving, camp long rest and maxed out level. Example:
Can't leave anything at camp if want to save/Can't send anything to camp if you want to save without crashing.
Can't use food for long rest or it crashes.
Once at maxed out level, can no longer save.
Joined: Jul 2022
We played with four friends and faced such a problem, after escaping from the nautiloid, everyone is lying on the beach in a knockout and this condition does not go away
Joined: May 2022
Had the lovely problem. Playing with My Friend, finished the Ship. Upon landing on the beach. we were both incapacitated. Could not get up or move around. My friend could go to camp, but was still laying on the ground incapacitated. Did not give us a beach auto save. so we have to go back to the last auto save and repeat the battle on the ship. Help? or please be aware of bug.
Joined: Jul 2022
I beg you, fix the hotkeys on the spell panel (in the settings everything is by default) it's just extremely inconvenient to click on frequently used spells with the mouse when you can use hotkeys on the keyboard
Joined: Oct 2020
So my save issue is repeatable and easily spotted, though I can't tell you why.
I have a CTD (crash to desktop) whenever I save my game, in any form (new, quick, overwrite). When it tries to save, instead of saving it under PlayerProfiles/Story, it tries to save it under Baldur's Gate 3/Temp, creating a Temp directory, then a folder under that named after the save, but the folder only ever contains the .png, not the actual save. Larian has confirmed that they can reproduce it and they are fixing it.
Where this problem shows up is after talking to a vendor...any vendor, it seems, as I've tried all of them. I have a save game where I can save and save and save without issue, but the moment I talk to a vendor, I can't save after that and it does the Temp thing above. I don't have to buy/sell, I just need to open the trade window, so I don't know precisely what's going on. I've bought/sold lots before now, but I'm at a point in my save game where the next save is a CTD after talking to any vendor in the game.
Joined: Jun 2022
I beg you, fix the hotkeys on the spell panel (in the settings everything is by default) it's just extremely inconvenient to click on frequently used spells with the mouse when you can use hotkeys on the keyboard Im always happy to see more patches and hotfixes but THIS please. Im waiting until this is fixed to start over.
Joined: Oct 2020
.Net Core error message when starting the launcherWill the game work with more recent versions of .NET once it launches? .NET 3.1 will reach end of support in December and will no longer receive security updates. A continued reliance on 3.1 would put computers at risk. See here for details