I hadn't actually noticed the change, as I usually either bypass Gale so he doesn't appear or kill him on first sight ( his sotto voce comment on being attacked is one of his best lines

I shall have to go back to pick him up and see if his new look still works with his vocal characterisation; judging by the image posted in this thread, he looks OK in his new incarnation.
As to his "alignment", I certainly wouldn't see him as needlessly cruel, and he shows no preference for lawfullness or chaos. He seems to prefer the PC to act in a manner that would usually be regarded as "good", but sometimes that is because it resonates with his own experience.
Against that should be noted that a guy with a deastating bomb in his chest that is "good" should actually isolate himself from everyone to reduce the danger to innocents. Plus, a "good" character would definitely not do what Gale actually does if you don't give him magic items to consume. In this Gale is definitely acting strongly in his self-interest, and that seems to be his owerall psychological outlook.
You could argue that he is Neutral Good, but I would peg him as True Neutral, just not the Druidic "karmic-balance" sort of Neutral; more the "I don't much care unless this intersects with me" sort of Neutral.
Having assassinated his character somewhat, I should note that Gale will probably be in my first party when the game is released, as I am interested in how his story unfolds. In EA, however, I am thoroughly bored with him, and rarely find him all that useful.