Joined: Jul 2022
So, I've recruited everyone and I've told Wyll and Astarion both to head to camp and chill out. After around 5ish hours of playtime on this playthrough, I've finally realized that they're both not actually at camp, nor are they at their respective starting locations. I literally can't find them. Has anyone else had this happen to them? I even told Wyll I'd bash some goblin heads in with him..
Last edited by Chilly87; 13/07/22 02:41 AM.
Joined: Oct 2020
Same issue. For me, Astarion and the mage. Surprisingly, if you look at some of the scenes at the camp (like talking with the dog), you can see them in the background. It is just they physically not there.
Joined: Dec 2020
Same here, after freeing Halsin, both Lae'zel and Gale disappeared from camp. They were there right before freeing him.
Joined: Aug 2021
Same thing. I was able to go to camp, drop off Gale, go to an inner cell at the druid's camp (where you can talk to Nettie), go to camp again, and pick up Astarion, leave the cell, and go to camp and find Gale there. That stopped working after meeting Raphael.
Joined: Nov 2020
Another forum member hinted that there is a dissapearance bug if you change your group in the camp while you are in a dungeon or cave. Go to a dungeon or cave, go to camp then and look if you find your missing companions.
Joined: Jan 2021
Same issue. First Astarion and now Gale. Pisses me off as I only took Wyll along for the Goblin camp and wanted to switch back to Gale for my party.
Joined: Dec 2020
Yeah, it just happened to me - I left Lae'zel in camp and she disappeared on me. Have to try camping in a cave again - or the goblin camp.
"We are all stories in the end. Just make it a good one."
Doctor Who
Joined: Jul 2022
thanks for the tip, i'll give that a go.
Joined: Jul 2022
okay super weird, but i found them. they are ONLY at camp when im in the underground passage near the makeshift prison in the druids grove. i tried to switch characters out, leave the undergound passage and go back to camp outside and the ones i replaced are now gone from camp lol
Joined: Jul 2022
yep has just happened to me too. After Testing seems to be that once you take a long rest in any of the camp sites beside the main camp (the one you have the party with the Tieflings) the companions you don't have with you get stuck there. Also noticed the owlbear cub wasn't there so maybe could be related to that
Joined: Jul 2022
even the Jergal the talkative skeleton only shows up in that one specific cave, such a wild bug.
Joined: Jul 2022
It's happening to me as well. A few times after hunting them down and having them join my party, it said I had recruited them again.
Balance is more than light and dark, more than sin and virtue.
Joined: Oct 2020
Yeah lost Lae'Zel too - haven't even noticed for quite some time so now I'm wondering whether I should really track back...
Joined: Jul 2022
So I managed to get them all gathered back into one spot. The "main camp" by first finding what random underground camp area where I could at least see them all. In this case, inside the goblin fortress. I simply left camp in the goblin fortress, then dismissed the party members from outside the camp. They left, walked back to camp. I reentered the camp area in the fortress, asked the remaining party members that I hadn't dismissed from outside the camp, and then repeated the action. After using this idea, I entered the "main camp" near the grove and all members were there. Hopefully it remains that way for the time being.
Balance is more than light and dark, more than sin and virtue.
Joined: Oct 2020
thank you, this worked 
Joined: Jul 2022
I have the same issue. Astarion, and the fighter, I forget her name... are missing. Withers -was- in my camp, but he's missing too. I came to see if there's a fix before I lose scratch.