Joined: Mar 2020
Well, you're not wrong as well. The risk of long EA is people losing interest. Whenever people loose interest in EA is hardly relevant. It is important how much attention 1.0 will bring - among existing players and more important potential new audience. While waiting months at a time for a new update is grueling, the more Larian can keep for themselves the better for them. The better 1.0 release, the better for them. It is not a live-service title that requires to keep it's player base "engaged".
Joined: Oct 2020
You give me the impression that you are so worried to lose out even a single costumer with some information you give out that you prefer upsetting even more with not giving any information at all. Is it good time to mention that concidering Twitter posts and coments ... Larian seems to have close relationship with Paradox Interactive? I allways feared they catch their habbits. :-/ I, personally, hardly ever play BG3 anymore because I am tired of the same convos and content. That sounds like perfect time for moding!  I know you dislike them ... i did too ... But sometimes its worth to overcome some prejudices. 
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings.  Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!
old hand
old hand
Joined: Apr 2022
I agree with PrivateRaccoon.
I'm even tired of reporting ingame stuff that hasn't been noticed for ages, my time is too valuable for that then... On the other hand, community managers can't do much about it either if they've been muzzled from above? They have to wait just as we do...
Last edited by Lotus Noctus; 08/10/22 09:42 AM.
Volunteer Moderator
Volunteer Moderator
Joined: Aug 2021
Hey all, first of all, thank you for staying with us on this adventure for these 2 years and for all the feedback you have shared with us so far.
And also, not to worry! The team continues to work very hard on Baldur's Gate 3 as we head on to 2023, I can't wait to share more with you all! Thank you for these comforting words. I can wait a little to hear more from Larian  If I may hazard a question: Are you on track to meet your goals? (No need to specify goals or timeline, just… is everything ok? I don’t live too far from Ghent, I could bring you orange slices or cucumber water or something.)
Larian alumnus
Larian alumnus
Joined: Aug 2022
It's making excellent progress, it's fantastic to see it all come to life behind the scenes  We aim to release Baldur's Gate 3 in 2023: We can't wait to put the game between your hands!
Retired Senior Community Manager - Baldur's Gate III & Larian Studios ► Twitter Nicou
Joined: Oct 2020
I dont want to sound rude ... but i probably will ... Bcs this seems like the most generic "here is your reply now leave me be" i can imagine. 
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings.  Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!
Joined: Oct 2017
Well it's just par for the course, I'm sure the community managers (who may or may not know any more than we do) have been cautioned against imparting any real information (which apparently Larian has decided is in their best interests). Ie more of the same 
Joined: Oct 2021
The odds that your feedback is being listened to this late into development is... slim to none, at least for release. Based on the improvements to visuals, cinematics, etc. they are in the stages of polishing the game and finalizing everything. Odds are systems are pretty much set in stone and won't be changing in any kind of significant way until the game launches. The game has been in development for like five years and in Early Access for over two now, with tons of feedback coming from the same content in the game. I imagine Larian will be reviewing feedback upon full launch of the game and implementing it with patches moving forward after the entire community is participating.
The above is as true as what was stated earlier in the thread that two years of Early Access is not something to be celebrated or published as a great feat or something like that. You can look at feedback on Reddit, Twitter, etc. around the topic to see large swathes of the community see it as a negative as opposed to a positive.
Joined: Jun 2022
I applaud Larian for their dedication to making this a great product, but damn maybe hire some more people so we can get this game finished. I was totally onboard giving them my money in EA, I understood that there would be a significant wait as EA is supposed to be a year give or take so I was prepared to support them and all but two years in and all we get is "We aim to release Baldur's Gate 3 in 2023"? Aim to release?
If you weren't within a year or so of release you should not have put the game into EA but you did and now you're entering your third year of EA. Seriously, staff up and get this game finished before you lose all the goodwill of those of us that bought in early to help you out. I can tell you for free that you'll never get another dollar for EA from me on future projects, fool me once and all that.
Joined: Oct 2021
The above is as true as what was stated earlier in the thread that two years of Early Access is not something to be celebrated or published as a great feat or something like that. You can look at feedback on Reddit, Twitter, etc. around the topic to see large swathes of the community see it as a negative as opposed to a positive. See? I applaud Larian for their dedication to making this a great product, but damn maybe hire some more people so we can get this game finished. I was totally onboard giving them my money in EA, I understood that there would be a significant wait as EA is supposed to be a year give or take so I was prepared to support them and all but two years in and all we get is "We aim to release Baldur's Gate 3 in 2023"? Aim to release?
If you weren't within a year or so of release you should not have put the game into EA but you did and now you're entering your third year of EA. Seriously, staff up and get this game finished before you lose all the goodwill of those of us that bought in early to help you out. I can tell you for free that you'll never get another dollar for EA from me on future projects, fool me once and all that.
Joined: Aug 2022
[...] EA is supposed to be a year give or take[...] While I can understand people feeling impatient and wanting the game to be release, that's a false assertion. ![[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]](https://i.imgur.com/lsmkWQj.png) No, EA game don't have a time limit and there aren't supposed to be a year or so. You've set yourself up with that assertion and those expectations. It's ok, that happens. But they have no obligation to rush since there was no promises to release the game after a year "give or take". The above is as true as what was stated earlier in the thread that two years of Early Access is not something to be celebrated or published as a great feat or something like that. You can look at feedback on Reddit, Twitter, etc. around the topic to see large swathes of the community see it as a negative as opposed to a positive. I'm on reddit. I've seen no major backlash there. People just express that they can't wait to play to game. But not all, and not the majority, are that angry about it.
Last edited by MelivySilverRoot; 10/10/22 11:00 PM.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Mar 2022
Pretty much all the backlash is in the Steam forums, where some users are in a crusade to whine as loud and often as possible in the hope it will speed up development. Unfortunately for Larian, they seem to live in a parallel universe where Covid wasn't a thing and buying an early access game guarantee a release in the following months.
Joined: Dec 2020
I'm looking forward to when Covid won't be an excuse for delays and shitty products.
Joined: Sep 2022
I think 3 years is EA is completely fine...with a bit more communication. Weekly short updates, game diaries, more <non fan> world artwork, concept art...etc. All that is dreadfully lacking. We have the same companion pictures recycled for the 100th time. Even these art pictures has not evolved, I would of expected better public relations art content after two years. At this point feedback seems pretty much over for Larian...and has been for the last year? Just minor tweaking this and that. And still adding classes...3 years + in. This I cannot comprehend. Classes are the pillars of your gameplay for everything yet it is being added like yearly Patch <gifts> to the player base. Day 1 EA should of had ALL classes. Then you improved/test them from there. My thoughts on this anyways...This game feels very disjointed in its creation process. But what do I know I am not a game developer...I just make Turnips 
Last edited by Count Turnipsome; 10/10/22 11:45 PM.
It just reminded me of the bowl of goat's milk that old Winthrop used to put outside his door every evening for the dust demons. He said the dust demons could never resist goat's milk, and that they would always drink themselves into a stupor and then be too tired to enter his room..
Joined: Oct 2021
The experience has killed my interest in ever buying an EA game ever again. To me the biggest annoyance has been the lack of engagement with the community about progress etc. Larian's communication has been abysmal.
Joined: Sep 2022
Last edited by Count Turnipsome; 11/10/22 12:19 AM.
It just reminded me of the bowl of goat's milk that old Winthrop used to put outside his door every evening for the dust demons. He said the dust demons could never resist goat's milk, and that they would always drink themselves into a stupor and then be too tired to enter his room..
Joined: Oct 2021
The experience has killed my interest in ever buying an EA game ever again. To me the biggest annoyance has been the lack of engagement with the community about progress etc. Larian's communication has been abysmal. I think Larian's communication has been great. They have been doing 3-4 major events a year where they do pretty deep dives into the development, thought processes, etc. I'm not sure what other gaming companies are doing anything even close to the Panel From Hell stuff that Larian is doing. CD Projekt Red has done quite a bit of stuff this year - but nothing on the scale of repeated Panel From Hell stuff. I think fans of video games have expectations of communication that don't align with reality. Look at any AAA developer - as far as I can tell none of them communicate with their fanbase as much as Larian has, though maybe I am missing one of them.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Mar 2022
The experience has killed my interest in ever buying an EA game ever again. To me the biggest annoyance has been the lack of engagement with the community about progress etc. Larian's communication has been abysmal. I think Larian's communication has been great. They have been doing 3-4 major events a year where they do pretty deep dives into the development, thought processes, etc. I'm not sure what other gaming companies are doing anything even close to the Panel From Hell stuff that Larian is doing. CD Projekt Red has done quite a bit of stuff this year - but nothing on the scale of repeated Panel From Hell stuff. I think fans of video games have expectations of communication that don't align with reality. Look at any AAA developer - as far as I can tell none of them communicate with their fanbase as much as Larian has, though maybe I am missing one of them. Exactly my thoughts. What people actually mean by "more communication" is often "all the finalized game", failing to see features and future acts aren't yet ready to be advertised. PFH are the best way to communicate progress I have seen ever. I don't know any other game that has that level of effort put in the presentation of new content. And it isn't like Larian isn't answering direct criticims either, there were plenty of cases where issues have been adressed (voiced protag, jump to disengage, surface spam, high ground adventage, pacifism options...). I know my post is probably sounding like fanboyism to some, I don't care. I am just happy that any of this is happening.
Joined: Sep 2017
To be fair, I don't even think the Communication Managers know much...
Joined: Feb 2020
The experience has killed my interest in ever buying an EA game ever again. To me the biggest annoyance has been the lack of engagement with the community about progress etc. Larian's communication has been abysmal. I think Larian's communication has been great. They have been doing 3-4 major events a year where they do pretty deep dives into the development, thought processes, etc. I'm not sure what other gaming companies are doing anything even close to the Panel From Hell stuff that Larian is doing. CD Projekt Red has done quite a bit of stuff this year - but nothing on the scale of repeated Panel From Hell stuff. I think fans of video games have expectations of communication that don't align with reality. Look at any AAA developer - as far as I can tell none of them communicate with their fanbase as much as Larian has, though maybe I am missing one of them. Exactly my thoughts. What people actually mean by "more communication" is often "all the finalized game", failing to see features and future acts aren't yet ready to be advertised. PFH are the best way to communicate progress I have seen ever. I don't know any other game that has that level of effort put in the presentation of new content. . I don't know any companies that put as much effort into presenting single EA patch. But most EA I played tend to be living. Larian's EA is absolutely dead of any kind of relations with the players 350 days per year for 2 years now. At this point I don't even understand why they hired 2 new community managers because things has not changed at all, except 4 messages on this board (1 was very usefull). But maybe I'm wrong and "managing comminuty'" does not mean "relation with the community". Not at all against you guys, really.
Last edited by Maximuuus; 11/10/22 05:03 AM.