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I reach Level 4 now and free Halsin but he dont want to leave until the goblin leaders are dead.
I manage to destroy the war drum near Minthara and kill her. But I dont know how to kill the others.
The Gutt Priest: hint was, follow her in her temple! But she dont go anywhere? Maybe a bug? I found her private rooms and kill the big ward polma there and solve the moon Puzzle So how to kill her inside this open Area with so much goblins around?
I free the Bard and some tortured man (liam?) and poisoned some of the goblins outside.
I Manage to do the interaction with Dror Ragzlin and his mindflyer. He send me to help Minthara. But now I must kill him.
So whats the solution for such big fights?
While fighting the wildmill, I manage to flee with my main character, while the ogers eat the gnomes and my other 3 characters are killed. But the ogers kill all goblins, So I can revive my 3 members later. But for the fight in goblin camp I have no more ogers.
Maybe start outside leave one Character far away, try to kill as much as possible flee and let the rescuer in the camp revive the others? Maybe need to wait for the full game with easy modus.
Alixdragon -==(UDIC)==- Der einzige Mensch, der Dir im Weg steht, bist Du.
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You can get up in the rafters and kill Ragzlin sometimes its super easy other times things can go pear shaped, At the windmill you can blind shot them while in stealth , again sometimes super easy sometimes not but if you dont want the xp just concentrate on killing Fezzerk or whatever his name is and he surrenders And just to make us feel even more inferior watch some of these https://www.youtube.com/c/sintee106/playlistsI am using lvl up mods atm and 5E spell mod and still get my ass handed to me in some fights with a full party  My party was lvl 6 and Neer and his mob still thrashed me
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I reach Level 4 now and free Halsin but he dont want to leave until the goblin leaders are dead.
I manage to destroy the war drum near Minthara and kill her. But I dont know how to kill the others.
The Gutt Priest: hint was, follow her in her temple! But she dont go anywhere? Maybe a bug? I found her private rooms and kill the big ward polma there and solve the moon Puzzle So how to kill her inside this open Area with so much goblins around? If your character isn’t immune to sleep, Gut is easier to beat because she’ll try to put your character to sleep if you refuse her help, then imprison you and move to the room with Polma, so you can break free and kill just her and Polma. If you’re resistant to sleep, I think you’re stuck fighting against her on the main map, but you can do a couple of things to make it easier, e.g. 1. Don’t keep your party out of the room - if you want to speak to Gut before attacking her, keep them hidden at the chasm edge in Gut’s room, or through the door to her chambers. 2. Cast silence on Gut to prevent her calling for help.
"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"
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At the windmill if you dont want the xp just concentrate on killing Fezzerk This. If you get Fezzerk’s HP low enough, he’ll surrender and the rest of the goblins will run away.
"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"
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You can get up in the rafters and kill Ragzlin sometimes its super easy other times things can go pear shaped, Agreed. If you’ve recruited Lump then you can also call the ogres for the fight with Ragzlin, but due to limited room they don’t always appear in a useful place. If you can speak with animals, you might be able to persuade the spiders in the pit to attack the goblins too - they will tend to go for Ragzlin’s room I think after dealing with the closest guards. They won’t last long by themselves, but can provide a distraction. Also look out for the enemies with low HP and pick these off first, so there are fewer to deal damage in return. There are a number of these in Ragzlin’s room, so with some luck you can very quickly reduce the number of enemies you’re dealing with. Another possibility is to keep your party in or near the library on the way to where you found Minthara after she and the nearby goblins are dead. Then send someone with a good ranged attack to snipe through the broken wall to Ragzlin’s room to start the fight. If the door nearest the library is still locked, then the enemies will tend to come the long way round, giving you chance to damage them from range before they get to you and generally not have to deal with them all at once. If you have an area of effect spell like Cloud of Daggers or just a fire surface or two, forcing enemies to come to you through them will mean they lose HP on the way. (Be wary of pulling other goblins from the main room into this fight, though, if you have it outside Ragzlin’s room.)
"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"
Joined: Mar 2003
Thanks! Manage to kill Ragzlin with your ideas!
I use invisibility to open the spiders door and tell the spiders go out.. But they are fast killed.
Then place my party on the highs over ragzlin and destroy the war drums and close the doors.
Ragzlin drow sometimes my party members in the spider area so I can easy flee to camp and use the gate back to the area of the death Polma. Sneeking in the Minthara area and use the ladder there you can jump an fight again, taking also the death and get back to live party members with me from the camp. So I manage to kill Ragzlin.... But now all goblins are angry. And Gutt ist left...
And stupid fighting, climbing, eat healing potions time.... I need about 2 hours for killing the Ragzlin! Where is the fun in doing this... (Need to reload sometimes when I did the false jump or spell...)
Yes its possible to kill but its no fun... and Priest Gutt left and about 20 goblins inside and also about 20 outside.... I think ist possible but it takes so long and my traders are out of healing potions.
Where is the fun in such an endless fight? AND There are some other groups like the spiders waiting for me in the dark... also big fights... And the witch in the swamp. I read the solution for the witch, sounds horrible.
My problem is 70% of the gaming time is fighting and only 30% exploring. Hope the easy mode or some mods/cheats will correct this. I have no problem to Play the game later many times, to explore all the corners, but with this stupid fights?
(What I also dislike are the long speeking dialogs. I read the text fast and must wait until the video is over!)
Last edited by Alix; 07/09/22 04:38 PM.
Alixdragon -==(UDIC)==- Der einzige Mensch, der Dir im Weg steht, bist Du.
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But now all goblins are angry. And Gutt ist left...
Where is the fun in such an endless fight? AND There are some other groups like the spiders waiting for me in the dark... also big fights... And the witch in the swamp. I read the solution for the witch, sounds horrible.
My problem is 70% of the gaming time is fighting and only 30% exploring. Hope the easy mode or some mods/cheats will correct this. I have no problem to Play the game later many times, to explore all the corners, but with this stupid fights?
(What I also dislike are the long speeking dialogs. I read the text fast and must wait until the video is over!) Ah, yes. Unfortunately killing Gut before Ragzlin would have been better  . You don’t need to go back outside and kill those goblins, you can just quick travel away after killing the goblin leaders and informing Halsin (at least I assume that you need to tell Halsin. The spiders and Ethel (the hag) are also optional. You can skip those fights if you don’t mind missing a sidequest associated with Ethel. The spiders aren’t related to any quest, and you can sneak past them to get a gem you need to open a spell book. The fights shouldn’t take nearly as long as they have been, once you get the hang of them. But it’s undeniable that a lot of the game is either fighting or talking. That’s a good thing as far as I’m concerned, but if you’re not keen then either perhaps the game isn’t for you, or as you say, you’re better off waiting for full release and a possible story mode that lets you run through the stuff you don’t like.
"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"
Joined: Mar 2003
Ok quest solved, all 3 are dead. Big Party in the camp! Lets take a look at the underground now.
I have the book! Only the boss-spider left (I Love astarions sneek)
Lets see how far I can go and after that I wait for the final game! (I Played all larian divinity games, so I hope they will find a way for adventurers like me)
Thanks again for helping me
Last edited by Alix; 07/09/22 04:42 PM.
Alixdragon -==(UDIC)==- Der einzige Mensch, der Dir im Weg steht, bist Du.
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Ok quest solved, all 3 are dead. Big Party in the camp! Lets take a look at the underground now.
I have the book! Only the boss-spider left (I Love astarions sneek)
Lets see how far I can go and after that I wait for the final game! (I Played all larian divinity games, so I hope they will find a way for adventurers like me)
Thanks again for helping me Well done! There is very definitely a trick to winning the queen spider fight fairly easily. You’ll be able to find it on the internet but I won’t say here in case you want to try to work it out for yourself.
"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"
Joined: Mar 2003
Thanks, I'll try to figure it out. For now I am glad to save helsin and get some "feeling" how the game mechanic works.
If they sometimes finish the game, the start will be much easyer.
Last edited by Alix; 07/09/22 05:47 PM.
Alixdragon -==(UDIC)==- Der einzige Mensch, der Dir im Weg steht, bist Du.
Joined: Aug 2022
At the windmill, have your melee fighters set their attacks to non-lethal when fighting Fezzerk (you find this option in the same place where it shows your spells and abilities, under "Passive".) Just focus on him, the rest will run if he surrenders.
I'd use the ogres for only the absolutely toughest fights. (1. The goblins outside in the big goblin camp courtyard. 2. Boss Ragzlin. 3. The githyanki patrol if you or Laezel fail deception check).
With Glut, tell her about your parasite and tell her you want her to look at it. She will then walk off to her room. Follow, then close the door. Talk to her there, tell her you're gonna kill her, then when fighting starts have Shadowheart or Gale cast Silence on her or she will scream for help. Position casters outside the silenced zone, dps her to death.
Around goblins, try and do what you did at Minthara: Destroy war drums before fighting starts by using sneak. At boss Ragzlin, destroy the drum on the right side of the stairs from a position up on the rafters.
It's a tough fight even if they can't use war drums, though. Position your party members so that they can't be pushed or hit down to the spider pit. Use sleep or thrown bombs on enemies who are close to another. Take out Ragzlin as first priority, but he has both healers and dps (warlocks) in his group that can cast sleep on your party). Always make casters a top priority.. Spells that make enemies attack each other are also good here - make sure you have Gale (or yourself if playing wizard) learn spells like Hold Person or have Wyll get Crown of Madness spell when he levels up.
If enemy casters cast Sleep on you, have a character use shove on them to wake them.
Always take Shadowheart with you since you'll need healing, but also use scrolls with healing spells. Give some healing scrolls to Gale.
Also, remember that you learn the best strategies to fighting any enemy by replaying the fights several times. It takes time, but you will learn when and how to use each companion best in fights (or dialogue).
And seeing as you're heading to the Underdark next... try and save up some speed potions for a particular fight that will occur (possibly several times, but only once if you kill it before it flees...).
Last edited by Demothios; 08/09/22 05:49 AM.
Joined: Jun 2022
At the windmill if you dont want the xp just concentrate on killing Fezzerk This. If you get Fezzerk’s HP low enough, he’ll surrender and the rest of the goblins will run away. not always; if you don't have Will i.e, never talked to him yet then you also don't have this sidequest and its a normal fight to the death... still pretty easy to pull them into one of the homes
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At the windmill if you dont want the xp just concentrate on killing Fezzerk This. If you get Fezzerk’s HP low enough, he’ll surrender and the rest of the goblins will run away. not always; if you don't have Will i.e, never talked to him yet then you also don't have this sidequest and its a normal fight to the death... still pretty easy to pull them into one of the homes Fair enough. I didn’t have Wyll in my party and he surrendered, but I had got Wyll in my camp.
"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"
Joined: Aug 2016
Both of them can easily be taken out if you create a choke-point with grease and cloud of daggers at a narrow passage way of your choice. In fact, you will win most fights in early access using this strategy.
Last edited by cool-dude01; 08/09/22 12:38 PM.
Joined: Mar 2003
I took a look at clouds of daggers in you tube .. never use it. But maybe I should try it. Thanks.
But for now I finish playing.. 5 game crashes yesterday. Two of them with "crash the PC" thats too much for 3 hours of playing.
Last edited by Alix; 09/09/22 05:31 AM.
Alixdragon -==(UDIC)==- Der einzige Mensch, der Dir im Weg steht, bist Du.
Joined: Jun 2022
yes if you don't long rest a lot the game scripts will cause crashes... even on good systems because Larian linked the story events to long rest at camp so skipping rests makes them play out of sync how many hours of play will matter more on smaller setups like laptops and this build still has at least two major patches before they can start working on reported [or unreported script errors]
i think its great you are learning and it will not take long to come to grips with how D&D battles are played
Luke Skywalker: I don't, I don't believe it. Yoda: That is why you failed.
Joined: Mar 2003
To know how D&D Battles are playes is helpfull, for playing BG3. And I will play the game if its ever come out of the early access! Never give up!
But I think I never like this way of dice game fights! Too much calculation! Too much random results. Of course you can save befor your hit and if you miss ->reload. But reload take a lot of time.
I never need so much camping and resting in a game! 2 Healing spells! Two time create rain! ... And whats especially hard to know, within a fight only one use of an effective spell like vampirism.
"I need to sleep!" is the most used word of my party! These sleepyheads!
cant use healing potions, there are no much arround. Not much traders. Healing spell need to sleep, so I went to camp!
A lot to do for the reviving lich there ... I need to collect money!
Better? weapons (+1 is not so much) cost 1500 and more. Collecting collecting, whatever I found: Potatoes, carrots, cups, plates, knife shields... there is a lot to sell before you can buy one macical weapon.... and then 60 hitpoints for one enemie of 4 or 5! 15+1 weapon, best 70% chance... 4 rounds only for one of them to kill! I try to Keep alive for the next fight or run away with one caracter and use the lich for revive and then the next enemie with 60 hitpoints and 4 rounds!
Where is the fun in such an way to fight. Astarion is the only one usefull. maybe clouds of daggers ... will look for that spell. The Idea is use it in a doorway and stay behind the door. sounds good Yes There is much to learn. But I dont like fighting in this difficult way. I only learn it.
But I think there will be an easy or better very easy mode and some cheating mods. There are so much interesting things to read and figure out in the game... but this dammed fights destoy all fun.
BTW: thanks for the help here. I never reach the mushroom underground without you.
Last edited by Alix; 10/09/22 06:39 PM.
Alixdragon -==(UDIC)==- Der einzige Mensch, der Dir im Weg steht, bist Du.
Joined: Oct 2020
Hmm...It might be you need a fighter in your party, someone who can draw heat away from the less armored fellows. Healing spells aren't really very helpful in combat, because they cost an action to cast, or a spell slot that could otherwise be used better, so I'd keep it to potions. It also sounds like you're letting people 'bleed out' you can use the "Help" action to keep them from dying, or you can even 'Throw' a potion at their body to heal them.
The only sticking point I can think you might be having in the crypt is perhaps you're making all your attacks with disadvantage because nobody can see in the dark down there.
Joined: Mar 2003
Oh I have a fighter! I play the barbarian. But its not fair, that the enemies always remove more HP from me, than I can remove from them. Throw a potion I never tryed. Maybe I should. And "the help me up" action is only possible when 2 member stand nearby.
Flee from fights sometimes help me. But for now I finish and wait for the easy mode.
Alixdragon -==(UDIC)==- Der einzige Mensch, der Dir im Weg steht, bist Du.
Joined: Oct 2020
I'd really like to help you. If you're taking too much damage, then maybe it's an Armor Class problem, coupled with a lack of terrain control, if you put grease down you can keep a lot of enemies from swamping you all at once. Barbarians are nice too, because they can be damage dealers and tank-y depending on what the party needs, try using a shield with your Barbarian and give him some other buffs to keep him around long enough for your artillery to do the damage.
Which fight in particular is giving you such trouble? Being able to take out Minthara, means you must be doing something right, if you're trying to clear out the goblin camp outside, that's a tall order for anyone.