Joined: Oct 2020
That’s understandable; however minor illusion has never been used in my play through. Am I overlooking something about that one?
Joined: Aug 2022
If you're the type to sneak around, it's a great way to divert NPCs attention elsewhere (They will walk toward the illusion and stay there for a little while). Manually activating the turn based mode also helps.
I use it, for instance, when stealing from the Zhents at the Goblin Camp.
Joined: Jun 2022
Useless honestly.
Her Sacred Flame was already useless enough due to its terrible 50%-60% accuracy, so giving her a Fire Bolt that is even lower (30%-40%) and uses a completely different main stat is even worse so I removed it from the ability bar in an instant. I just give her a Crossbow and go Dexterity with her. Much more useful that way.
Volunteer Moderator
Volunteer Moderator
Joined: Feb 2022
I would prefer being able to choose their racial cantrip  Agreed ... and to choose Gale's starting cantrip too. Or at least be able to swap them at first level up. Fire Bolt may be more useful (for setting stuff alight even if hit percentage is rubbish for direct attacks), but not necessarily when everyone has it. And I'd always prioritise spells that make RP sense to me in any case. I think many of the cantrips could fit with Astarion and Shadowheart's backgrounds but Fire Bolt isn't one of them to my mind. I just don't feel right using it with them. It suits Gale, though!
"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"
Joined: Aug 2022
Fire Bolt may be more useful (for setting stuff alight even if hit percentage is rubbish for direct attacks), but not necessarily when everyone has it. And I'd always prioritise spells that make RP sense to me in any case. I think many of the cantrips could fit with Astarion and Shadowheart's backgrounds but Fire Bolt isn't one of them to my mind. I just don't feel right using it with them.
It suits Gale, though! Pretty much exactly how I see it! Useless honestly.
Her Sacred Flame was already useless enough due to its terrible 50%-60% accuracy, so giving her a Fire Bolt that is even lower (30%-40%) and uses a completely different main stat is even worse so I removed it from the ability bar in an instant. I just give her a Crossbow and go Dexterity with her. Much more useful that way. Yeah, I don't think I will ever use SH and Astarion racial cantrip ever anymore. It does not fit from a RP stand-point, but also not a useful option in their build. Like you said, SH has better alternative and so does Astarion.
Community Manager
Community Manager
Joined: Jul 2022
Could you please add the the patch version #, like so: "Patch #8 - Of Valour and Lore - v."
Thanks a bunch! Added! Thank you for bringing it up!
Joined: Oct 2020
Useless honestly.
Her Sacred Flame was already useless enough due to its terrible 50%-60% accuracy, so giving her a Fire Bolt that is even lower (30%-40%) and uses a completely different main stat is even worse so I removed it from the ability bar in an instant. I just give her a Crossbow and go Dexterity with her. Much more useful that way. I typically don’t use it for direct attacks, I use it for environment attacks. And with my builds, I tend to have to resort to yeeting candles lol. But yeah I agree it’s best to let us change them out at first level up.
Last edited by avahZ Darkwood; 15/12/22 04:09 PM.
Joined: Nov 2020
To run this application, you must install missing frameworks for .NET. ...
Dotnet v7 already installed on C:/program Files/...
have to try to start BG3.exe directly...
Joined: Oct 2020
Level 5, yay.
Any word on Pact of the Blade in this or previous patches? Wyll feels very incomplete without the Pact of the Blade.
Don't you just hate it when people with dumb opinions have nice avatars?
Larian alumnus
Larian alumnus
Joined: Aug 2022
Hey everyone, just a general thank you / bow for your Suggestions & Bug Reports in the forums! The team is documenting/investigating/testing/fixing as much reported issues as we can. Don't forget to comment the Bug Reports threads you also experience instead of creating a new one, as it helps us prioritise the issues to the development team. We hope you're enjoying the EA Patch #9 so far!  💡 Note that if you need technical support instead, our Tech team is here for you.
Last edited by Nicou; 16/12/22 03:47 PM.
Retired Senior Community Manager - Baldur's Gate III & Larian Studios ► Twitter Nicou
Joined: Dec 2022
Joined: Dec 2020
I have some issue with saving. I can save, but then I'm locked in the screen with the saves and can only close the game completely. Edit: This fix Next, try browsing to the 'C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Local\Larian Studios' folder and rename the 'Baldur's Gate 3' subfolder. The easiest way to get there would be to copy the line below into the location bar in Explorer and hit Enter. %LocalAppData%\Larian Studios
This folder contains the saved games, configuration files and a level cache folder. Deleting or renaming it will get the game to recreate it on startup; playing the game from a different Windows user account would effectively do the same thing. With Steam/Galaxy running and cloud support enabled, the client would just download the cloud copy of your existing profile. Next, extract the replacement folder from this download into your '..\Local\Larian Studios' folder, start the game and see if you can make a manual save successfully. If so, exit and copy a couple saves from the renamed folder into the newly created profile's ..\Savegames\Story folder. If that continues to let you start the game, load the saves and re-save, move the rest of the saves over. worked for me. there are some fixes in this t6hread for the savegame issue
Last edited by fylimar; 17/12/22 05:15 PM.
"We are all stories in the end. Just make it a good one."
Doctor Who
Joined: Dec 2022
Hi there!
I'm new to the forums, and I'd like to report an odd bug I've stumbled into on my paladin playthrough. Where is the best place to report it?
Joined: Oct 2020
Hi there!
I'm new to the forums, and I'd like to report an odd bug I've stumbled into on my paladin playthrough. Where is the best place to report it? https://forums.larian.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=postlist&Board=89&page=1
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings.  Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
- Added a ping system, usable outside of combat and during your turn in combat.
Can someone explain what it does ? It just sheds some light around the object for a short while and then disappears. No clue what changed. Someone proposed elsewhere that it was a multi-player thing, could you then add that to the label in the popup so single players shouldn't continually wonder what we must do with this ?
Joined: Sep 2021
Also looking for an ETA or general idea of Patch 9 for the MacOS version.
Joined: Dec 2020
Also looking for an ETA or general idea of Patch 9 for the MacOS version. Also looking for that ETA update. It's no longer early January...
Joined: Jan 2021
This makes me wonder if Mac will also be available for full release in August 2023, or is that the PC release date?
Joined: Jan 2023
It's the 19th of January..... and still waiting on the MacOS Patch 9.... I'm not getting impatient ..... I'm not getting impatient ..... here's hoping for a weekend release?!?!!?
Joined: Oct 2021
magnificent work as usual, I really like the flight animation and the way it behaves
however... (regular people problems) - the invisibility state is still hardcoded to disappear on looting, which makes it rather useless, especially if it only lasts a minute, this one is meant to be the exploration one - the dedicated action to dismiss the summon (or any enchantment you gave it when summoning it) disappears upon reloading since it is not saved - my cat weights 200kg. as a druid, I can tell this is a bit too much.(data says 5kg, I'll check and come back)(nevermind, it was me, cats used to weight 5tons...) - reducing a cat doesn't decrease its size / weight, I guess tiny is the smallest size ? - bards can't learn enlarge / reduce when they should - gnomes can't fit in the dragon's lair back entrance when they can if they *disguise* as a dwarf. cats can't either and neither can reduced humans, this is a really weird hole. (this one is a bit more complex... humans disguised as gnome or halfling cannot fit but they do if they disguise as a dwarf. I broke the cats and my reduce spell, it was on me. the test seems to be "size small or tiny or dwarf", the tag to test should be "really_dwarf" maybe ? fixing disguise self so that it doesn't alter the body was the correct interpretation if you go by the rules) - jack of all trades doesn't apply to initiative rolls, where it should. - feather falling into the grove from the elevator and then talking to the druids at the arch will break the cutscene and makes absolutely no sense
(*irregular* people problems) - the game hangs when trying to trigger riposte (battlemaster reaction) against an already dead enemy - I also noticed the game panicking for several minutes when there is no good option to take in a fight but I guess it's my fault at this point
I encountered those while testing that my mods worked so maybe definitely the cat thing is on my side but the rest is mostly legacy from older patches... and, since I had to start again on every fix, I obviously only tested the beginning... your game is getting big, you know... also, note that I go by the rules as written in the book but I perfectly understand that you do whatever you want... I'll mod it to my liking anyway ^.^'... except for the invisibility thing since it is hardcoded T.T
Last edited by auriejir; 06/02/23 12:13 PM.