I really feel they should compile them all into one UI and let us set everything as we wish. As it is not, we have two seperate UIs for reactions (not counting popups) and different reactions can be found exclusively in one of those two UIs, and some of them aren't even reactions.
I totally agree.
I haven't tried a lot yet but I saw that AOO still have the old toggle system + are still mostly alone in the "passive" tab of the UI.
It does not work. It is confusing and tedious.
Now that we have reactions, I don't want to micro manage toggles for AOO on top of managing the reaction system.
Reactions allow to fully choose when you want to use them. Toggle don't and AOO are still triggered the first time it applies, consuming your 1/turn reaction ressource (I guess it is).
Just imagine loosing your chance to react with a counterspell because an AOO has triggered automatically... or imagine toggling OFF AOO each time you think you may use your reaction for something more important...
It clearly does not work. AOO are reactions and players should simply interact with them as reactions...