Honestly, I've never used the Friends spell because I know it aggroes characters after it wears off, which seems to negate any benefit it could have in the moment. Can anyone tell me when the spell is actually useful? Genuinely, it seems like Friends and Charm Person are two spells that just are bad and wouldn't provide any real benefit.
Friends is extremely useful, I use it all the time. It makes social scenes A LOT easier, advantage is quite strong, and only becomes stronger if you already have good charisma.
Think of situations like saving Mayrina AND getting the hags hair for example. You need to pass a DC20 persuasion roll, I played a bard with expertise, so +5+4 with advantage.
This VERY difficult check all of a sudden becomes a 75% chance to pass.
Just treat it like stealing and teleport out immedately, or leave the area. Then, you will not have any problems.
If you leave and then come back later, characters will not be hostile to you