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Hey guys,

I was just looking at available mods for an upcoming video... And I found THIS ONE : Album of Artifact.

This mod add tons of magical items to the game and most of them sounds VERY appealing to me.
They look powerfull and gorgeous ! I wish the game could have such items without mods !

There are a lot of unique and very interresting weapon skills, a ton of new feature, new effects and so on...
All these items looks appealing even if you - don't have less than 50% HP - don't dash - don't stand on a surface - don't shove - and so on!

I wish so much that Larian get inspired by this mod for items !
We would feel so much more powerfull without conditions with such items !

Look at the pictures to see all of them and look at the gif to see their animations / VFX ! This guy has done an awesome job !

EDIT : Balance is not at all the purpose of this thread. Most of those items are obviously too powerfull for level 1-5.
However, here's a few to whet your appetite :

THIS BOW IS A CRAFTABLE ONE ! You have to find a specific crystal in the underdark to create it. Unique AOE attack !
[Linked Image from]

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GLOVES THAT GIVES YOU CLASS RESSOURCES BACK to enjoy your class a bit more during a day ! Interresting !
THE ARMOR ADD A NEW WILSHDAPE FORM for even more variety /uniqueness !
[Linked Image from]

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So appealing ! (sure, probably a bit too powerfull at low level but there are a lot of cool offensive spells !)
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A UNIQUE SPECIAL ATTACK THAT USES YOUR CLASS RESSOURCE ? Bards can use their bardic inspiration with Phalar Aluve for a good weapons attack (very good for a melee bard build).
@Ragnarok : THIS is the kind of things GM4 meant when he said that Phalar Aluve should not just be a +1 weapon. Ask him if you don't trust me, I'm sure he would agree that this one is cool !
[Linked Image from]

A STAFF WITH A UNIQUE HEALING SKILL ? It would make so much sense for so many builds !
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ADDITIONNAL DAMAGES / RESISTANCE AT EACH TIME ? Those items visually look so cool on top of increasing their power ! My characters want them !

Definitely a mod I will download DAY 1 if Larian don't offer us really cool, unique and rewarding magical items like that.

Last edited by Maximuuus; 22/12/22 08:20 AM.

French Speaking Youtube Channel with a lot of BG3 videos :
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Thanks for sharing this. Good stuff.

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Seems a little overpowered, doesnt it? :-/

I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings. frown
Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are! frown
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Originally Posted by RagnarokCzD
Seems a little overpowered, doesnt it? :-/

Even if, Maximuus didn't suggest to copy paste those into the vanilla game. Those are just templates to draw inspiration from. Sometimes less is more and having a staff that just grants you a certain spell is a good enough design. It is surely better than some overcomplicated stuff like the new paladin's gloves smile
And there are a few cooler designs in the initial post as well! I absolutely love the blood blade on a sorcerer! Looks so cool and creates a narrative just by its looks

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Definitely not balanced, but this looks like far more of what I would expect from Baldur’s Gate items.

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Originally Posted by Maximuuus
GLOVES THAT GIVES YOU CLASS RESSOURCES BACK to enjoy your class a bit more during a day ! Interresting !
[Linked Image from]
Halsin’s Vigor!🐻🐻🐻

The horn of owlbear calling is adorable!

[Linked Image from]

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not sure whats the big deal is yeah i mean its ok like the healing staff and they look cool
The class items are ok and i think more items wound need that limit. For casters like druid and rangers we could do with items that buff pets and wildshapes.. Don't think that wisdom stat stacking will work out though, without heavy balancing. Larian looks to be tight on time as is at this point it looks to me like they wont get to that August release.

For other items they would need a bit more balacing but its not really that much different from what we got so far. The fire robe is cool add a nice hood and you are set! All that a side to me it looks like you just want that 50% items gone. Don't get me wrong i don't like that 50% hp gimmick as well smile Because players will just play around it anyway...

Last edited by Lastman; 22/12/22 06:39 AM.
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Man look at the 2 staff in the mod... then go on fextralife and look at BG3's staff... same with the bow, same with the robe...

Don't get me wrong, some items in.BG3 are fine... but many of them are completely useless most of the time (because their power is defined by non sense conditions) and only a few of them feel unique.

Items in this mod looks epic while most items in the game look like magical junk designed by a video game developper more than artefact designed by a GM/a powerfull enchanter.

Last edited by Maximuuus; 22/12/22 07:05 AM.

French Speaking Youtube Channel with a lot of BG3 videos :
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This is a video game you need vertical item progression ... First off that bow is not that good apart from having an good effect look. Second do you really need a fireball on every class??? i would say no, not at all. infact i would slap that to a class that can cast it already if anything and even then fireball should be a spell always not an item. SO not a fan not really. LIke i said the healing staff is ok because it adds a new thing and the casting is interesting(will walls block those orbs?) But again i would limit the class that can use it.
You get the same robe it's just for poison btw...

Casters can use other weapons as well so focusing on staffs only is bad but ok larian does the same thing wish they didn't.

What are this useless items you talk about? Can we get examples maybe they will fix them.

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Cool Mod, but should absolutely stay a Mod and not be baseline in the game haha, those items are totally broken and make many class abilities obsolete.

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Originally Posted by Lastman
This is a video game you need vertical item progression ... First off that bow is not that good apart from having an good effect look. Second do you really need a fireball on every class??? i would say no, not at all. infact i would slap that to a class that can cast it already if anything and even then fireball should be a spell always not an item. SO not a fan not really. LIke i said the healing staff is ok because it adds a new thing and the casting is interesting(will walls block those orbs?) But again i would limit the class that can use it.
You get the same robe it's just for poison btw...

Casters can use other weapons as well so focusing on staffs only is bad but ok larian does the same thing wish they didn't.

What are this useless items you talk about? Can we get examples maybe they will fix them.

What are you talking about ? I've wrote "inspired" and npt "should add" especially because some of these items would be too powerfull. I've also wrote that fireball would be too OP at low level.

On top of that why the hell would you use a staff that gives an offensive spell or a healing skill with all your characters ? Just use it on the character you want...

You are mostly right for the robe. I forgot about it because I mostly never use poison spells. Fire and lightning are usually more appealing to me but that's just my taste.

The bow is intereesring because it is a craftable one and because it has a very unique and usefull weapon attack. There's not a lot of item in BG3 that have unique and appealing attacks.

You are foccussed on balance but this is not AT ALL the purpose of this thread.

Originally Posted by Ferros
Cool Mod, but should absolutely stay a Mod and not be baseline in the game haha, those items are totally broken and make many class abilities obsolete.

I don't get it at all.

Last edited by Maximuuus; 22/12/22 08:15 AM.

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I had prepared a lot longer reply written on my phone ... sadly forum decided to logout me before i finished it, and no matter what i tryed i was unable to restore it. frown
Sometimes i really miss Ctrl+Z there. :-/

Well ... briefly then:
I feel very confused by this topic, the more i read it, the more confused i am ...

Staff that gives us a spell ...
That is something we allready have, several of them actualy, and not just staves actualy ... so what inspiration is there?

> Fireball ... the most favourite (but also most common) spell tied to DnD ... completely free and with no restrictions or drawback ...
I really liked that animation, until i noticed that its just Runepowder explosion, scaled down. frown

What i dont understand about this is that i thought that Maximuuus is one of most vocal people around here, who fights against "anybody being able to cast spells from scrolls" bcs it "makes classes less meaningfull" ...
How exactly is this staff any different? O_o

> Healing Magic Missile ... hey, also very nice looking animation, i love the visual ...
But again, often repeated problems with Larian items are "being too gamey" and "not really feel like DnD" ...
How exactly is staff that gives us spell, wich dont exist in DnD supposed to "feel more like DnD"? :-/

And dont even let me start about making classes obsolete with dual wielding this two staves with your fighter ... wich would only take 1 Feat! And you have it all! laugh Meele dmg, strong range AoE spell, multitarget healing ...

Im sory, if that feels agresive, but im really lost here ...
Casting a scroll > bad ... throwing a potion > bad ... wearing a staff that allows us either > cool, great, awesome!
[Linked Image from]


Next ...
There is this bow ...

How is Bow that infuses arrows with superstrong AoE FORCE (wich by wiki definition is pure magical energy, so ... not really sure how exactly it got on that arrow) damage ... once again by spell that dont even exist in DnD.

Any better than a Bow that infuses arrows with Single Target Lightning damage, while condensating small charge to release much stronger attack once uppon a few shots? O_o

Seriously, im quite sure that Maximuuus was repeately talking about how much he hates Lightning Charges items ... now another item that does almost the same thing is good?

Okey, lets say it was not about the bow ... but about that crafting quest ...
Have you heared about Sussur weapons?
Where is that "inspiration" Larian is supposed to get from this? Like this time we dont gather bark from the Underdark, but a Rock (oh im sory, Crystal) from the underdark ... is that the big revolution?


Armor that adds Wildhsape form ...
I mean, this may seems interesting at first sight ... but i cant help the feeling that the more you think about it, the more it become clear, that its absolutely stupid ...
"I take my shirt on and now i can turn into a bear, but once i get it off i forget what even is a bear!" Srsly? :-/

If there are supposed so be any way to gather new Wildshape forms, in my honest opinion it should be either consumable, that adds that option permanently ...
Or even better some kind of spell (or interaction) called something like "study the animal" where our druid would be able to cather intel about animal he actualy SEE in order to mimic his form any time later.


Items that refund resources ...
Same as abowe, i can understand why this may seem interesting ...

But then again i clearly remember (but if i mistaken you with someone else, i apology) Maximuuus beign strictly against original desing that allowed us to Long Rest without any restriction ... i believe that one of often used arguments against it was that "resources limitations and planing about their uses are one of core mechanics in DnD" ...
So how is THIS any better? :-/


Then we have here a Sword that "Sorcerer have to imbue the weapon with his blood" ...
Yeah, totally cool design!
(Wich animation it uses btw.)


That robe is nice ...
Except its just coppied Ring of Fire on different slot.

As in all other examples, i see no inpiration for Larian to take. :-/


That Frost scimitar seems nice ...
Not really sure how i feel about weapon giving resistance of oposite element than it provides for attack ... but i gues this combination kinda makes sense, so cool i gues.

Sadly i dont really know what is that Flamethief action, since screenshot dont tells us. frown

Still, nothing new ... Loviathar's Scourge gives resistances ...
And Everburning Blade gives bonus elemental damage ...


And finaly there is that Blade that GM4HIM would most likely like much more than Phalar Aluve ...
Yes, im sure he would ... it fits description of other example items he was describing in all those other topics.

I really wonder how would you explain corelation between weapon attack, causing damage to one additional target ... and cost of Bardic Inspiration. O_o
Did your bard fiddle so hard so it started to cut your oponents or something like that? laugh


Taken over and over ...
They ARE indeed interesting items, quite too powerfull for our level (yes, im aware you said it yourself Maximuuus, i just agree with you) but i just dont see anything new there ... nothing to be inspired by. :-/

And im really sory if next sentence will sound agressive ...
But the more i read this topic (and i was forced to read it whole again due to that morning logout) ... the more i cant shake the feeling that you somehow just dislike things Larian do, bcs Larian did it ... while adoring exactly same things that someone else did.
I really want to believe that this is utterly nonsence and i completely missed something very important ... but i just seem to be unable to read it any other way. :-/

I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings. frown
Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are! frown
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Originally Posted by Maximuuus
What are you talking about ? I've wrote "inspired" and npt "should add" especially because some of these items would be too powerfull. I've also wrote that fireball would be too OP at low level.
well i know what you said i was just commenting the items as they are... again you have a staff that gives you a spell not a good one but you got one.:)

Originally Posted by Maximuuus
On top of that why the hell would you use a staff that gives an offensive spell or a healing skill with all your characters ? Just use it on the character you want...

i was talking about giving the class limits to stop people from using it on everyone to keep the classes as different as much as possible . it's bad enough everyone can use scrolls. So i really dont want my pure fighters to throw fireballs let say just as example.

Here is a insipration for larian; give us weapons for casters that aren't strictly staffs and a few melee staffs would be cool as well..

Originally Posted by Maximuuus
You are mostly right for the robe. I forgot about it because I mostly never use poison spells. Fire and lightning are usually more appealing to me but that's just my taste.
you have a ring that does the same thing for fire and i'm sure we gonna get more items like that in full release.

Originally Posted by Maximuuus
The bow is intereesring because it is a craftable one and because it has a very unique and usefull weapon attack. There's not a lot of item in BG3 that have unique and appealing attacks.
yeah craftable items are cool but that's different topic anything can be craftable if they want and like i said in other threads i would love to see way way crafting but that's just me.
back to the bow i can think of lot of things you can do with bows crossbows and such . But i'm not gonna go post suggestion here cos i'm totally too jaded with Archery due no quiver and lack of proper arrow system to even bother with it.:)

like i said it looks cool but in the end it's just AoE arrow with more damage so kinda not that interesting it's ok for what it is.

This is what i think is a bad item from larian's+Grasp
so bad like some of those 50% hp items itjust means you gonna play around it... cheezing if you will..

Last edited by Lastman; 22/12/22 01:30 PM.
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Wow, once again Ragnarok wrote a wall of bullshit to say how stupid is a thread because once again : he completely missed the point, he's close minded and he's unable to think about the big picture ! What a surprise !

A robe with a unique design VS a ring we don't even see on our models.
A character imbuing a weapon VS a character having a random animation (no, I just tried and it's not the same at all).
A unique bow attack VS equip some boots to dash with them so you can collect charges that allow you to use a special attack with your bow.

Then he's asking for "lore/role play" explanations but he's in love with the helmet that allow you to move faster but only when combat begin !
Then he imagine stupid builds to "prove" how overpowered are those items even if he know that everyone already agreed on that.
Then he's asking why an item who's effect could be written in the DMG look "more like DnD".
Then he's talking about the items that are already in the game but he forgot to mention that there are only 3 or 4 weapons out of 42 that have unique attacks and only 1 that deal additionnal damages without conditions.

What's next ? Arguing that those items does not look more unique than the 14 items that are useless except if you are under 50% HP or the 7 adamantium items that you cannot equip as a set because they all have the same effect ?

I won't even pay attention to his references to other threads. Sorry to write that but it doesn't feel agressive : it just feel ridiculous.
A very usual RagnorokCzD post.

Last edited by Maximuuus; 22/12/22 02:28 PM.

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Originally Posted by Lastman
i was talking about giving the class limits to stop people from using it on everyone to keep the classes as different as much as possible . it's bad enough everyone can use scrolls. So i really dont want my pure fighters to throw fireballs let say just as example.
Here is a insipration for larian; give us weapons for casters that aren't strictly staffs and a few melee staffs would be cool as well..

Oh yeah I'm in line with you about scrolls and this staff is obviously OP. I was more thinking about items with charges / day as we already have. There are currently 0 weapon in the game that gives you offensive spells.
I would not mind if my fighter was able to cast 1 fireball / day... I'm even sure he wouldn't because I would not equip a quarterstaff on my fighter.

Originally Posted by Lastman
This is what i think is a bad item from larian's+Grasp
so bad like some of those 50% hp items it just means you gonna play around it... cheezing if you will..

Definitely agree. I would personnaly add few of them, especially sets of items introduced in patch 7 (I think).
Such items are the majority of artefact you have in a playthrough and most others are just not really epic/memorable even for a level 1-5 party.
I mean... I like +1 weapons... But I'd like items to enhance my build and make me feel that my characters are more unique than that without having so painfull gameplay consequences.

Last edited by Maximuuus; 22/12/22 02:02 PM.

French Speaking Youtube Channel with a lot of BG3 videos :
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Originally Posted by Maximuuus
Originally Posted by Lastman
i was talking about giving the class limits to stop people from using it on everyone to keep the classes as different as much as possible . it's bad enough everyone can use scrolls. So i really dont want my pure fighters to throw fireballs let say just as example.
Here is a insipration for larian; give us weapons for casters that aren't strictly staffs and a few melee staffs would be cool as well..

Oh yeah I'm in line with you about scrolls and this staff is obviously OP. I was more thinking about items with charges / day as we already have. There are currently 0 weapon in the game that gives you offensive spells.
I would not mind if my fighter was able to cast 1 fireball / day... I'm even sure he wouldn't because I would not equip a quarterstaff on my fighter.
hehe you really dont like poison i see smile

here you go it gives you poison offensive spell

i mean it is what it is.

Definitely room for improvement when it comes to Itemization on a lot of levels i guess i'm going to leave it at that and hope for the best.

ow and larian when it comes to staffs please for the love of ... give Topple weapon attack damage all other weapon attacks have it no reason this one is left out dry.

Last edited by Lastman; 22/12/22 02:23 PM.
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Originally Posted by Lastman
Originally Posted by Maximuuus
Originally Posted by Lastman
i was talking about giving the class limits to stop people from using it on everyone to keep the classes as different as much as possible . it's bad enough everyone can use scrolls. So i really dont want my pure fighters to throw fireballs let say just as example.
Here is a insipration for larian; give us weapons for casters that aren't strictly staffs and a few melee staffs would be cool as well..

Oh yeah I'm in line with you about scrolls and this staff is obviously OP. I was more thinking about items with charges / day as we already have. There are currently 0 weapon in the game that gives you offensive spells.
I would not mind if my fighter was able to cast 1 fireball / day... I'm even sure he wouldn't because I would not equip a quarterstaff on my fighter.
hehe you really dont like poison i see smile

here you go it gives you poison offensive spell

Haha yeah, I forgot about this one ! So let's say there's one smile

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On the bright side ... im no longer sory ...
Now i just wonder why i even bothered apologizing ... do good to the devil, hell will be your reward ... i gues. :-/

Lets see then:
Originally Posted by Maximuuus
A robe with a unique design
So ... the inspiration that Larian was supposed to took from this "marvelous mod item" ... was to paint regular Sorcerer robe more red.

Originally Posted by Maximuuus
A character imbuing a weapon
True ... animation is from Shillelagh ... my bad.

Anyway, cuting yourself is still allready in game, so the inspiration is ... ???
I gues we would never know.

Originally Posted by Maximuuus
A unique bow attack
Unique? O_o

Allow me to present you some other "AoE Bow attacks":

Originally Posted by Maximuuus
VS equip some boots to dash with them so you can collect charges that allow you to use a special attack with your bow.
Its funny that when you have nothing to say, you randomly pick up completely different item, nobody was talking about, just to have something to complain about. laugh

Now ...
Lets return to comparing Bow to Bow. wink

I shall even quote the important part for you:
Electric Blood: When the wielder deals damage using this weapon, they gain 2 Lightning Charges.
No boots mentioned ... no boots needed ... what a surprise. :-/

Really ... was it even worth making up that nonsence, when we all have proof that it was nonsence so easily reachable? :-/
Not really sure what your goal was, if you never used the item and dont know what it does ... you could just say it. :-/

Originally Posted by Maximuuus
Then he's asking for "lore/role play" explanations but he's in love with the helmet that allow you to move faster but only when combat begin!
Again ... you are making stuff ...
I mean, its kinda funny to observe you arguing with yourself, but what is the point?

Originally Posted by Maximuuus
Then he imagine stupid builds to "prove" how overpowered are those items even if he know that everyone already agreed on that.
Im not really sure if i would call equipping two weapons on Dual Wielding Fighter "a build". laugh

But i noticed that you ignored my question ... let me repeat it:
Since you dont want people to use scrolls as they want ... bcs scrolls provide magical powers that anybody can use without any limits (except they are on one use) ... how are staves (or any item actualy) that provide exactly same magical powers, ACTUALLY without any limits (since they have unlimited usage) ... any better?

Originally Posted by Maximuuus
Then he's asking why an item who's effect could be written in the DMG look "more like DnD".
Anything can be written there, as long as WotC aprooves it ...

Still, you didnt answer the question ...
You are running in circle ... "it would be more like DnD bcs it would be written in DnD book" is basicaly just the same as "it would feel more like DnD, bcs it would feel more like DnD".

I shall presume there is no real reason at all. :-/
And this is just your personal way to say "i dont like it" ...
For the record ... you can just say that, there is no shame in having different taste. :-/

Originally Posted by Maximuuus
THREE weapons out of 42 that have unique attacks

only 1 that deal additionnal damages without conditions.
Challenge accepted!

So unique attacks: (This one would fit into next category "additional damage" without conditions aswell)

Not sure if i should count Tyr's protection as "unique attack" ... but i gues not, still why not just mention him without counting it? laugh

Additional damage without conditions:'s+Scourge's+Snare (This is not really any condition ... just chance to proc.) (There is no condition for damage.)

Theese are ... lets say arguable if they fit into this category ...
There is not really any condition ... you attack, and next attack you have additional damage ... so in my opinion, certainly:

And if i would want to be really precise ... +1 IS additional damage. :P

There is even weapon with +2! And healing!

And just for the fun of it ... it was not specified WHO is supposed to receive this additional damage ... so: laugh

And ofcourse generic vendor stuff:

Ladies and gentleman!
Allow me to present you 5 out of 3 weapons that have unique attack. laugh
And 42 out of 1 weapons that give additional damage without a condition. laugh

Still not sure what this have in common with the fact that everything included in this "mod Larian should get inspired by" was allready in game ... so there is really nothing left to "be inspired by" ... but at least you have CORECT numbers at your disposal. wink

Originally Posted by Maximuuus
What's next?
Showing you where you were wrong.
Done. smile

Last edited by RagnarokCzD; 22/12/22 03:11 PM.

I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings. frown
Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are! frown
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I guess you could have said : "showing that I absolutely don't understand what you wrote and/or mindfuck everything to prove I'm right" = done.
As I said : very usual RagnarokCzD post. Thank you for having completely made this thread unreadable, once again.

Last edited by Maximuuus; 22/12/22 03:23 PM.

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Why is this argue happening, even? Hm...

Edit: I mean, it is clear as day that we all want the best for the game, less we wouldn't be here. It is normal for the games to draw inspiration from successful mods. Man, mb they'd even hire this creator, because he does some sick visual effects. That alone makes this thread extremely valid.

Edit 2: Once again, design is not all about balance and numbers and such... it is not a contest between vanilla and modded LOL

Edit 3: Unless it is? I think the structure of the post (many all caps) plus the OP's remarks on existing items in the other threads contributed to the reserved, or even slightly negative attitude of the whole thing. But it once again comes from caring for the game I suppose

Last edited by neprostoman; 22/12/22 03:40 PM.
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