It has come to my attention that all the time of EA, we have not seen any plate armor models, except from mods. Those mods showed the armors fine, but about 2 patches ago, something changed in the game files that the mods showed correctly as it is proven now.

The plate armor with the boots has misalignment issues. Namely, gaps between kneecaps and boots/shinguards. Something that should not happen in plate armor. Normally the kneecaps cover the shinguards for several reasons, aesthetic and functional.

In the last patch, we saw the paladin. Again no plate, but we did see the oathbreaker knight npc. And his appearance has some concerning facts or flags that i have to point, to at least try to find out what is exactly the problem.

The oathbreaker knight npc uses the plate+1 model we saw in mods, the boots of striding of patch 9, and an unknown glove and helm model all in a dark colored theme. Again we see the problem that was detected in previous patches, is confirmed here. There are again misalignment issues between the leggings and the boots, namely the boots of striding are covering the kneecaps in a weird way, although it should be the other way around. Maybe the boot model is not the correct one, but the animated armors use the same models so i guess this is it, although boots of striding are classified as medium armor. Is it placeholder? I don't know.

I ust want to know however what is going on with plate armor models, why do they look so... Misaligned, when we see them? It's the first time i see design like this, and as an armor enthusiast and someone who is involved with how armor is made and worn, i would like to know more, as i am a bit troubled.

Nicou, i understand this is not one of your biggest concerns, and i also understand that you have tons of things to do, but would it be possible to calm my concern a bit with a tiny bit of info about this issue? Will we have proper corresponding boots and gloves for the various plate armors? With no misalignment issues like those? Even in the game awards trailer, the armors we saw were... Missing plate again. If it's something in progress that is to be polished as release nears then ok, i get it, but we haven't seen anything. Is a tiny bit of info possible, please? :3

A picture of the oathbreaker knight below for reference. We can notice that by comparison, the plate armor models from 2 patches ago had bigger kneecaps, and the smaller ones now have some missing parts that create the misalignment issues.

Happy holidays!

P.S. The githyanki half plate also used to look ok, it had actual pants and its leggings aligned correctly even with the metallic boots. Some patches ago it started looking like a spandex suit that leaves your legs bare(!) and has the misalignment issues again. Why? /Scratch head

Last edited by Krom; 26/12/22 08:26 PM.