To confirm, the Digital Deluxe Edition upgrade for owners of the Early Access game on PC extends to those that purchased the game on GOG too, it's not just for Steam đź‘Ť
I assumed so, but thank you for confirming @Salo.
While you are here would you be able to elaborate for me on one thing from the update:
Are you planning to purchase it in Early Access before launch? You’re going to get a free upgrade to the Digital Deluxe edition on launch day!
What does launch day mean exactly? I hope that’s not 31st of the August as than we would miss out on early access to 1.0 act1!
As at this moment early access is on sale, so every copy sold is Digital Deluxe. Am I right presuming, that at some point before the release early access will stop being sold, the game will be split into base and DD versions, and early access player will be upgraded to DD? Or will early access to be sold right up until 31st or August and anyone who buys it will get early access to act1, and DD will get more pricey on the release?
That got complicated quickly. Really I am looking is a confirmation that we will get early access to act1, and not have to wait for Digital Deluxe upgrade till 31st of August, salivating as others get to play BG3 72 hours earlier