Joined: Oct 2020
There is old saying in czech ... Ask me anything you want, anything i want i may answer.  And so, since Larian didnt promised us any AMA in this PFH, but its probably our last chance to some mutual comunication ... I just thought why dont ask some questions? Maybe they pick one or two to answer.  No speculation, no promotion of (mega)topics thousand times repeated, no complaining about the game please ... just ask your questions.  Here are some from me: Can you please tell us what races will be in final game? And wich classes will be origin companions? What will be final level cap?Thank you in advance. 
Last edited by RagnarokCzD; 26/06/23 06:19 PM.
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings.  Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!
Joined: Dec 2020
Not sure if any of these have been answered already, but:
1. Are Acts level capped?
2. What is the final origin companion count?
3. Any word on official modding tools/support?
old hand
old hand
Joined: Apr 2022
1.) Certain spells we probably won't see in the game like Phantom Steed. But what about all the utility cantrips: Druidcraft, Prestidigitation, Shape Water, Mold Earth etc. pp. Are they implemented at all? If so, can you please show us some cool tricks at the PfH and how the NPCs react to them? 2.) Will the spell "Tidal Wave" be available and how does it work on a vertical map, e.g. when cast from the defensive wall of Druid's Grove or in Baldur's Gate above the stairs. Does the water rush down the stairs then? Can you please demonstrate this animation in the PfH? 3.) Do we have all Common Backgrounds including all variants (like Mercenary Veteran & Soldier or Faction Agent & Acolyte) for a wide range of variations? Or did you cut down the more special (Faction Agent) Backgrounds to the usual ones (Acolyte)? 4.) Is a party of 5+ possible, at least with your Mercenary system? Has the maps been adapted for the modding scene in terms of complications, e.g. the boat in the Underdark and pathing for a larger party? How many characters can I create for my custom party from the very beginning? Only four or more? Could I create more custom characters promptly or do I need to have played through Act 1 first or something similar obstacle?
Last edited by Lotus Noctus; 26/06/23 07:45 PM.
Joined: Jul 2014
Not sure if any of these have been answered already, but:
1. Are Acts level capped? I'm not even sure how I'd feel about this. There are good arguments both in favor and against using this expedient. 2. What is the final origin companion count? I'd be more curious to know the number of companions in general, regardless of these being "playable Origins". And yes, I'm saying this because I'm under the impression these numbers will in fact be different. Metacommentary aside, thinking on my feet I can't come up with a single question that I would expect them to answer openly. Maybe: "So, are we getting this partial or total revamp of the dialogue system that will allow more party members/companions to contribute to a conversation?"
Joined: Aug 2021
There is old saying in czech ... Ask me anything you want, anything i want i may answer.  And so, since Larian didnt promised us any AMA in this PFH, but its probably our last chance to some mutual comunication ... I just thought why dont ask some questions? Maybe they pick one or two to answer.  No speculation, no promotion of (mega)topics thousand times repeated, no complaining about the game please ... just ask your questions.  Here are some from me: Can you please tell us what races will be in final game? And wich classes will be origin companions? What will be final level cap?Thank you in advance.  I think they kinda saying they will be showcasing all playable races and classes during the last PFH in the latest community post.
Joined: Dec 2019
has the same amount of detail and work gone in to good characters as the current ones?
Joined: Jul 2022
Was anything done about the infinite long rest spam?
Will there be difficulty levels on release?
Also. How. Many. Gigabytes??
Last edited by neprostoman; 26/06/23 08:51 PM.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Mar 2022
My biggest question can be summarized in one word : orgins? We know pretty much nothing about it, bare some datamined content. Considering that compromises has been made for their inclusion, I would like to be excited about it.
Joined: Jun 2023
Also. How. Many. Gigabytes?? Steam page claims 150. I, as guess, assume it's will be little over that number. Also, "neprosto man" in my language means " no easy man". Question: "How many zones will be in the game?"
Last edited by His Dudeness; 26/06/23 09:24 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
Who are the remaining nonorigin and origin companions? Torgal wants to know! ![[Linked Image from media.tenor.com]](https://media.tenor.com/4HQ6vlnN32MAAAAC/torgal-torgal-puppy.gif)
Joined: Oct 2020
I think they kinda saying they will be showcasing all playable races and classes during the last PFH in the latest community post. Its implyed, yes ... But it can be also read as trase to launch day, that is also getting closer.  --- @Icelyn OMG! Cuteness overload! <3
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings.  Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!
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Volunteer Moderator
Joined: Feb 2022
The main things I want to know are indeed the full list of playable races/subraces/classes/subclasses/backgrounds so I can while away the time in the run-up to release coming up with the custom character concepts I'd like to play. I'd also want to know origin and non-origin companions and their races/classes/backgrounds, mainly so I didn't duplicate with my custom characters (I still recall that the first character I rolled for patch 1, knowing practically nothing, was a half-elven trickery cleric). Beyond that, I'd most want to know whether the features or changes I really want to see in the game but haven't been confirmed yet will be present. Taking a pessimistic view, that's so if they're not I can get over my disappointment well in advance of the game releasing and refocus on all the stuff I know I'll still enjoy about it, or in the best case scenario so that I can be even more stoked for the full release than I already am! So, for me, my next five top priority questions would probably be: - Have the stealth and ambush mechanics been reworked to be more satisfying and challenging to play?
- Has enemy AI been improved to be more distinctive, varied and effective?
- Will we be able to have party conversations, eg to hand over to other party members in the course of a discussion, and will our party (either human or AI) be able to be more vocal about decisions and events?
- Have you made any changes to enable us to better integrate our custom characters into the lore and history of the world, and the stories told in the game?
- Will our custom player characters be fully voiced?
I've probably forgotten something that I think is even more important than some of them, though!
"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"
Joined: Apr 2023
I'm personally hoping for something more detailed than just classes and races, especially since only Monk and Dragonborn are left from the PHB (Artificer would be nice, but not super crazy for me). However, if we get a complete list of subclasses and/or backgrounds that would be amazing and would really help me conceptualize my PC.
Aside from that I'm also curious about gameplay features. Most notably how resting will be updated as well as if the paladin oath criteria will be clarified.
Volunteer Moderator
Volunteer Moderator
Joined: Aug 2021
How has the reaction system evolved since patch 9? Which abilities have been added to it? Sneak Attack? Featherfall?
I don't know if Larian would answer this in the PfH, but is the Risen Road really blocked near the tollhouse, or can we travel in the direction leading away from Baldur's Gate?
Has anything changed in regards to the tension between the urgency of the story and the way camp scenes unfold?
Can anything be said about the possibility of a day/night cycle?
Joined: Oct 2020
My questions would be:
1) Will you show us some plate armor models? With the corresponding gauntlets and boots for them? Are the issues of the armor not aligning correctly and leaving gaps, something only seen in EA's incomplete models, or is it a design decision for aesthetics and thus, will affect the whole game? I assume not, but i have to ask, sorry :3 . We saw some datamining from early patches showing pretty awesome armors, but then something happened, the models were altered and they looked... wrong, unaligning etc. I still have no idea if this was only in EA and it's not an issue, or they were changed on purpose, to correspond to other models you created for said armors, but have not yet shown. So in general, a look in plate armors, who were completely absent from EA, would be appreciated. As eye candy.
2) Will you tell us what races and subclasses should we expect? Are we going to see some fan favorite subclasses although not in PHB, like Hexblade, and some races like Aasimar and others? I don't have a problem actually, but it would be nice to know, because i am reaaaaally slow with character planning :P
3) Is the final game going to sport actual cloth physics? Like the cloths from robes or cloth pieces from armors or chains actually moving with the wind?
4) Are you going to show us a multiclass character, and how multiclass will work in BG3? Should we expect the exact same thing as in tabletop 5e(with multiclass spell slots for example).
5) Is the game going to have only some basic armor models, like the ones we have seen, or are there unique armors and items as well? Like in BG2, you could craft the hammer Crom Faeyr, and the Red Dragon Plate armor etc, is there something similar? And since this is leading to Grymforge, will be able to craft adamantine plate as well there? or just Splint?
That's about it :p
Joined: Apr 2020
Here are some questions :
1/ How many classes possible for the multiclass ? (2 max ? 3 classes ?) 2/ Does multiclass respect the min ability requirements (13) and the official spell slots calculation ? (I would love to plan the build for my character in advance) 3/ level cap (ideally average expected level at the end of each act : ex. around level 8 at the end of Act I, around level 11-12 at the end of Act II etc...) 4/ how many companions (or a range : ex. : more than 10) 5/ full list of races and classes/subclasses 6/ rough game duration : ex. Act 3 as big as Act 1 (or Early Access), Act 2 twice the size of Act 1 7/ features such as : less cheesy stealth, day/night, random encounters & treasures... 8/ no more sorcerer with 4 fireballs per turn ? 9/ other party members able to interact even if they are not the character having initiated the dialogue/interaction : ex. you can you use your best persuader instead of the initial clicking character, or the best arcanist, or nature expert etc. 10/ any significant changes in the action economy ? (shove as an action ? 2nd sneak attack attempt off-hand possible for rogues ? hide as a full action except for rogue ? max one levelled spell by turn ?) 11/ possibility to roll for your stats at character creation ?
Thank you
Last edited by Lunar Dante; 27/06/23 07:28 PM.
Joined: Aug 2021
My questions would be:
1) Will you show us some plate armor models? With the corresponding gauntlets and boots for them? Are the issues of the armor not aligning correctly and leaving gaps, something only seen in EA's incomplete models, or is it a design decision for aesthetics and thus, will affect the whole game? I assume not, but i have to ask, sorry :3 . We saw some datamining from early patches showing pretty awesome armors, but then something happened, the models were altered and they looked... wrong, unaligning etc. I still have no idea if this was only in EA and it's not an issue, or they were changed on purpose, to correspond to other models you created for said armors, but have not yet shown. So in general, a look in plate armors, who were completely absent from EA, would be appreciated. As eye candy.
2) Will you tell us what races and subclasses should we expect? Are we going to see some fan favorite subclasses although not in PHB, like Hexblade, and some races like Aasimar and others? I don't have a problem actually, but it would be nice to know, because i am reaaaaally slow with character planning :P
3) Is the final game going to sport actual cloth physics? Like the cloths from robes or cloth pieces from armors or chains actually moving with the wind?
4) Are you going to show us a multiclass character, and how multiclass will work in BG3? Should we expect the exact same thing as in tabletop 5e(with multiclass spell slots for example).
5) Is the game going to have only some basic armor models, like the ones we have seen, or are there unique armors and items as well? Like in BG2, you could craft the hammer Crom Faeyr, and the Red Dragon Plate armor etc, is there something similar? And since this is leading to Grymforge, will be able to craft adamantine plate as well there? or just Splint?
That's about it :p at least the robe physicals is confirmed. in the city view demonstration video, you see Gale's robe is swinging when he's jogging.
Joined: Apr 2020
Bonus Question: Will we have a Gnome Illithid as companion ? Like them
Last edited by Lunar Dante; 28/06/23 09:31 AM.
Joined: Jan 2021
I'd like to see/hear Larian highlighting content for Evil characters this time around. We know they have gotten lots of feedback, It would be great to see if/how they took that to heart. Also, I know most players prefer playing good characters, but almost all of the PFH/preview highlighted content so far has not really shown the other side. Surely statistically by now it's time to throw a bone?
Aside from that, I'd like to know more information about our remaining companions, as well as the Origins characters. Karlach is still an Origin.....right?
I'd like to know more about how this game connects to the first two.
Joined: Jun 2020
Will any improvements be made to rogue sneak attack? It's wasted for the round if you miss with your action, instead of letting it trigger on off hand attacks, etc. Will we get other rogue subclasses? SoulKnife? Will we have more face/head options in the release? Can we choose to remove bodyhair on half elves or other races?