Joined: Jul 2014
Probably, I think she started out as a cleric, then was changed to a paladin when she became a potential party member and Karlach was re-imagined as a barbarian. Speaking of which, it's almost unsettling how much better the original datamined character model for Karlach looked: ![[Linked Image from cdn.discordapp.com]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/579802831888842762/1124319646737252474/304-1647203821-1260014624.png) ...compared to what we are getting: ![[Linked Image from live.staticflickr.com]](https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53004412459_a00ad54bec_h.jpg)
old hand
old hand
Joined: Mar 2022
Probably, I think she started out as a cleric, then was changed to a paladin when she became a potential party member and Karlach was re-imagined as a barbarian. Speaking of which, it's almost unsettling how much better the original datamined character model for Karlach looked: ![[Linked Image from cdn.discordapp.com]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/579802831888842762/1124319646737252474/304-1647203821-1260014624.png) ...compared to what we are getting: ![[Linked Image from live.staticflickr.com]](https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53004412459_a00ad54bec_h.jpg) I fail to see the difference between both models. I think the equipment combined with the lighting makes a world of difference there.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Jul 2009
Joined: Jul 2014
I fail to see the difference between both models. . I feel compelled to suggest trying glasses. The difference isn't even subtle. They have two completely different facial structures.
Last edited by Tuco; 30/06/23 06:15 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
Speaking of which, it's almost unsettling how much better the original datamined character model for Karlach looked:
...compared to what we are getting: I hope that is just a difference between PC and Playstation. As for original topic: I'm hoping Alfira.
Joined: Apr 2023
I fail to see the difference between both models. . I feel compelled to suggest trying glasses. I fully agree with you Tuco. I have no idea why they tried to make Karlacj cute and soft, when that's not what she is about, I was honestly hoping for an incredibly buff rough looking, rugged Karlach.
Last edited by Brewman; 30/06/23 06:15 PM.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Jul 2019
Probably, I think she started out as a cleric, then was changed to a paladin when she became a potential party member and Karlach was re-imagined as a barbarian. Speaking of which, it's almost unsettling how much better the original datamined character model for Karlach looked: ![[Linked Image from cdn.discordapp.com]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/579802831888842762/1124319646737252474/304-1647203821-1260014624.png) ...compared to what we are getting: ![[Linked Image from live.staticflickr.com]](https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53004412459_a00ad54bec_h.jpg) I fail to see the difference between both models. I think the equipment combined with the lighting makes a world of difference there. Both have too much scarring.
Joined: Oct 2020
Speaking of which, it's almost unsettling how much better the original datamined character model for Karlach looked: Agreed ... she was badass.  Hope they didnt scrap that head and we can at least use it on our PC. O:)
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings.  Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!
Joined: Aug 2021
Speaking of which, it's almost unsettling how much better the original datamined character model for Karlach looked:
...compared to what we are getting: I hope that is just a difference between PC and Playstation. As for original topic: I'm hoping Alfira. she has been shown a lot with just character assets as her face. so definitely not her.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Jul 2019
I fail to see the difference between both models. . I feel compelled to suggest trying glasses. I fully agree with you Tuco. I have no idea why they tried to make Karlacj cute and soft, when that's not what she is about, I was honestly hoping for an incredibly buff rough looking, rugged Karlach. Because the vast majority of players don't want a romance option that is horribly scarred? Honestly she still is too horribly scarred. Hopefully we will be able to fix that.
Joined: Apr 2023
Okay so I've been thinking aboout this a lot. 1. It's NOT Alfira, she was in the Druid camp when the ship crashed. I'm happy with this, we already have too many tiefling companions. 2. It's definitely not Minthara, Razglin or Gut. 3. It's not Sazza, she was imprisoned by the time the ship crashed. 4. It's not Aradin or his crew, they were off trying to find Nightsong. 5. It COULD be one of the guys in the Jergal Temple, although I find it very unlikely. 6. I'm kinda hoping that it's the deep gnome dude that we save from the windmill. 7. It could be a brand new NPC that we never saw before.
Joined: Apr 2023
I fail to see the difference between both models. . I feel compelled to suggest trying glasses. I fully agree with you Tuco. I have no idea why they tried to make Karlacj cute and soft, when that's not what she is about, I was honestly hoping for an incredibly buff rough looking, rugged Karlach. Because the vast majority of players don't want a romance option that is horribly scarred? Honestly she still is too horribly scarred. Hopefully we will be able to fix that. I'm pretty sure that artistic license and anyone's appearance is not a democracy. I'm also pretty sure that a vast majority of palyers aren't into gay stuff but we still have Astarion. Also, Karlach being this brutally buff woman was her whole sex appeal, and now its gone. Thank you and your convenient taste of what is attractive. (You already have SH for convenient beauty, and she has a scar accross her face anyway).
Joined: Aug 2021
I fail to see the difference between both models. . I feel compelled to suggest trying glasses. I fully agree with you Tuco. I have no idea why they tried to make Karlacj cute and soft, when that's not what she is about, I was honestly hoping for an incredibly buff rough looking, rugged Karlach. Because the vast majority of players don't want a romance option that is horribly scarred? Honestly she still is too horribly scarred. Hopefully we will be able to fix that. she is someone who survived the blood war so staying scarless and pretty isn't really fitting her character.
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Joined: Feb 2022
Speaking of which, it's almost unsettling how much better the original datamined character model for Karlach looked: Agreed ... she was badass.  Hope they didnt scrap that head and we can at least use it on our PC. O:) I thought that the pic in the latest announcement was somewhere in between the two, and I think looks pretty cool. Though I might still prefer the top pic Tuco shared above, and I definitely agree the EA version wasn't badass enough, this doesn't seem a bad compromise. ![[Linked Image from clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com]](https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35190511/a97a6c375abd0fcf9306222916a0bbcaad1ab8f2.jpg)
"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"
Joined: Aug 2021
I feel compelled to suggest trying glasses. I fully agree with you Tuco. I have no idea why they tried to make Karlacj cute and soft, when that's not what she is about, I was honestly hoping for an incredibly buff rough looking, rugged Karlach. Because the vast majority of players don't want a romance option that is horribly scarred? Honestly she still is too horribly scarred. Hopefully we will be able to fix that. I'm pretty sure that artistic license and anyone's appearance is not a democracy. I'm also pretty sure that a vast majority of palyers aren't into gay stuff but we still have Astarion. Also, Karlach being this brutally buff woman was her whole sex appeal, and now its gone. Thank you and your convenient taste of what is attractive. (You already have SH for convenient beauty, and she has a scar accross her face anyway). what make you think Astarion=gay stuff O_o? everyone is player sexual.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Jul 2019
My guess would be maybe true soul Gut, since we know she is infected. Nay, origin means one can play as it, so it has to originate from the ship. As other pointed out Helia is the main suspect - she has been datamined in early patches, though as Larian got more thorough with what they ship with each path, we haven't heard of her in a while. We are still very short on good origins, so I hope the new origin will stand aside Karlach as a potential good aligned party candidate. You know what else was datamined early? Warforged, Aasimar, Tritons, Genasi, Lizardfolk, etc..., so datamined early doesn't mean shit. Warforged even had a voice line. On the other hand we actually see Alfira in the Baldur's Gate clip looking like a PC.
Joined: Apr 2023
Speaking of which, it's almost unsettling how much better the original datamined character model for Karlach looked: Agreed ... she was badass.  Hope they didnt scrap that head and we can at least use it on our PC. O:) I thought that the pic in the latest announcement was somewhere in between the two, and I think looks pretty cool. Though I might still prefer the top pic Tuco shared above, and I definitely agree the EA version wasn't badass enough, this doesn't seem a bad compromise. ![[Linked Image from clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com]](https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35190511/a97a6c375abd0fcf9306222916a0bbcaad1ab8f2.jpg) While this version of Karlach is not too bad, I really miss the rough and very angular look she had on the first picture that Tuco posted. She also had a very strong nose there, and her lips were also bigger. I am into that.
Joined: Jul 2022
Probably, I think she started out as a cleric, then was changed to a paladin when she became a potential party member and Karlach was re-imagined as a barbarian. Speaking of which, it's almost unsettling how much better the original datamined character model for Karlach looked: ![[Linked Image from cdn.discordapp.com]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/579802831888842762/1124319646737252474/304-1647203821-1260014624.png) ...compared to what we are getting: ![[Linked Image from live.staticflickr.com]](https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53004412459_a00ad54bec_h.jpg) She reminds me of Striga from the Castlevania series in the first picture, same energy. A very cool look was wasted there. The new one is fine, but nothing more.
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Joined: Feb 2022
Personally, I am not in favour of designing companions to be physically attractive romance options. I think they need to be compelling and interesting characters first, who are going to work in the party even if not romanced. And if they're cool characters then I reckon folk will fall for them even if they're not "pretty" by conventional lights. Look at Garrus in ME. Though I'll admit I never quite understood that, but not because of his looks. And all that said, attractiveness is extremely subjective anyway, and I think the original super-tough Karlach looks pretty hot!
And a reminder for anyone who needs it that both this forum and Larian's games are for everyone, regardless of sexuality, so let's make sure we're neither being dismissive nor talking disrespectfully of either LGB+ gamers or people who want to see LGB+ content in games. Amongst the latter of whom I'd count myself, as I'm definitely be playing gay, bi (and trans and cis male characters) as well as straight cis women like myself. I'll admit I do tend to default to the latter but for me one of the brilliant things about roleplay is being able to put ourselves in the shoes of characters with different sexualities, genders, ethical frameworks and experiences of race from our own.
And I would also disagree that there is anything necessarily gay about Astarion (or indeed Karlach) and can see them working as romance options for all genders, but would advise anyone who is not able to discuss that point sensitively and respectfully to avoid it entirely at least on these forums.
"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"
Joined: Jul 2014
I'm kinda hoping modders will find a way to swap the old one back into the game.