Joined: Oct 2020
It's disheartening to see some of the negativity in these forums. It's impossible to create a game that satisfies everyone's desires, but it would be great if more people focused on what this game does well instead of what it lacks. However, people's attitudes are difficult to change, so I'm here to inject some positivity. Yes, I'm a fanboy, and I'm aware of it.
I've invested over 750 hours in early access, which surpasses the amount of time I've spent on any full-release game by a significant margin. If early access was the only version available, this game would still provide more value and enjoyment than any other game I've ever played. To me, this game is revolutionary. It brings one of my favorite fantasy settings to life in a way that no computer game has ever done before.
Are there things I wish were different, added, or omitted? Of course. But complaining about minor details, especially when there are so many incredible things about this game, is incomprehensible.
If this game's early access was released as a finished product, I would consider it one of the best games I've ever played. But with the recent information they've released, the Panel from Hell, and things that people have noticed in videos and screenshots, I feel like a kid waiting for Christmas morning. Some of the features that they've added, which haven't even been discussed, but were noticed by sharp-eyed observers in videos and screenshots, are fantastic.
46 subclasses? How will I ever decide? Oh, wait...I can play through multiple times, multiclass, and/or change my class mid-playthrough...that's amazing!
The level of detail in the city of Baldur's Gate...I've spent hours exploring the Druid Grove and the Goblin Stronghold, and it might take me days to see everything in this city!
The voice-acting, romances, all the cool side characters and stories...
I can't wait for the full release of this game; it's driving me insane!
Who else is excited about this game? What are you looking forward to the most? Who's boarding the Fan Train?
Jhe'stil Kith'rak
Jhe'stil Kith'rak
Joined: Oct 2021
I am hyped. Here are the (new) things I am most excited for:
-The Dark Urge: FINALLY, an origin DESIGNED for the custom player character, a reason to have a custom character and still have a unique story tied to the main plot. As someone who complained about the tradeoff between PC and Origin, I feel very heard about this issue.
-Karlach: Wholesome, gregarious, fun, full of banter, and not as domineering as some of the other womanly romance options (Mainly talking about Lae'zel and Minthara demanding your submission, not Shadowheart).
-The city of Baldur's Gate: Sprawling, full of ambient noises and conversations, bustling, with different camp options.
-All of the subclasses per class! So many options and builds and encouragements to customize!
-Customization of equipment, characters, builds, and so much more.
-The sheer replayability potential, which, if combined with a large and sprawling game and world, can make for an explosive combination.
Remember the human (This is a forum for a video game):
Joined: Oct 2020
Another window into my excitement... I am 53. I played lots of computer games from a very young age. The first game that I ever fell in love with and played over and over was Pools of Radiance. The amount of time that I have spent tabletop gaming, reading DnD books, and playing specifically DnD CRPGs is staggering and it's all because of one computer game that I fell in love with.
And I am falling in love all over again.
Joined: Aug 2021
100% agreement with everything you said. I think the reason so many of us have been on the forums obsessively since the PFH is we're trying to substitute talking about the game for playing it.
And really, I think many of the folks complaining about minutiae feel much the same way, but they might not know it.
Joined: Jun 2022
I'm pretty excited about all of it and never had a doubt in Larian, so I know I'll enjoy the experience tremendously  Just wanna start the game and completely lose myself in it as I drain every single ounce of its content while trying to accomplish a perfect 100% playthrough. I guess one thing I'm quite happy about is Dark Urge and that Karlach is now an Origin companion, which is absolute perfection since I'm gonna be playing as a Seldarine Drow Dark Urge Ranger with Lae'zel, Shadowheart and Karlach in my party, so it's gonna be an awesome female drama party! And I got to see Queen Vlaakith! 
Joined: Jul 2017
Who else is excited about this game? What are you looking forward to the most? I definitely am. As for what I'm looking forward to the most... dunno really. It's nice just finally playing a new D&D CRPG. Kingmaker and WotR are great, and I love the ruleset, but there's a lot of things in D&D I prefer like the gods and locales.
Nobody's perfect... I'm a nobody.
Joined: Dec 2020
I'm very excited actually, but that doesn't stop me from venting my frustrations for what I do see. It's SO close, so of course people are going to be talking about it. Just because it's not 100% positive like the subreddit appears to be doesn't mean it's a bad thing. I'd much rather see a variety of opinions on it.
As for what I'm looking forward to, a massive world to explore, monsters to kill, gear to get, levels to get, etc.
Jhe'stil Kith'rak
Jhe'stil Kith'rak
Joined: Oct 2021
I'm very excited actually, but that doesn't stop me from venting my frustrations for what I do see. It's SO close, so of course people are going to be talking about it. Just because it's not 100% positive like the subreddit appears to be doesn't mean it's a bad thing. I'd much rather see a variety of opinions on it.
As for what I'm looking forward to, a massive world to explore, monsters to kill, gear to get, levels to get, etc. When it comes from a place of love, anger can be good because it means you care.
Remember the human (This is a forum for a video game):
Joined: Jul 2021
Heck i am excited as all hell,and it might be one of the best games of all time for me. but just as bobby said above me, it is so so close just a few weird Larian kinks and homwbrews that needs straightening out to become really perfect.
Joined: Feb 2023
I'm also really excited to finally see the finished game after more than 2 years and over 150 hours of playtime in EA! I really liked what I've seen of the Dragonborn so far and can't wait to play the Dragonborn Sorcerer I wanted to from the start. I especially enjoyed the unique dialogue options and actions of the sorcerer, e.g. the reaction to the Sussur Tree. The banter with Gale is also fun and I can't wait to see how these things will continue to play out. Also the world itself feels very detailed, there's something to be seen everywhere. And knowing how much I liked DOS2 in that regard, I can't wait to explore more of it. I'm looking forward to finally seeing more of the companions' stories too, it feels like the really interesting parts are still to come. Of course there will be / are things I wish they changed or added, many people here have voiced great suggestions I'd love to see incorporated, but I have no doubt I'm going to spend more time playing the game than I probably should. And with how much I like DOS2 I'm sure I'll survive a bit of barrelmancy and other quirks as well 
Joined: Aug 2021
I think it's worth reiterating the point that if EA were the full game, while we'd have plenty to complain about in terms of unfinished stories, we'd still feel like we'd gotten our money's worth.
So far I've played 600 hours, so that's great entertainment at the cost of roughly $0.10 per hour.
And we're getting basically triple the content in a few weeks? BG3 is likely to be the cheapest-per-hour entrainment I've ever enjoyed
Joined: Mar 2021
I'm hyped as hell! I've got over 900 hours in EA so far, although some of that was forgetting to switch the pc off at night.
No game is perfect and Larian have a definite style, which I really like but some here obviously don't. Everything I've seen recently has me so excited to finally play the full version.
I loved what I saw of Karlach, a real breath of fresh air. I thought in the scenes they showed us, she came across as a real flesh and blood person. I really want to play a tiefling and romance her and I love the new mechanical changes which mean I can play a dex based class and fit her, Gale and maybe Shadowheart/Halsin/Jaheira into a balanced party.
I never play as evil because tbh I end up asking myself why would I do this for most evil options. However I'm really tempted by the Dark Urge origin because it looks like there will be a real strong narrative reason to lean in to this and not just do it for the sake of it. I still wouldn't go full murder hobo though, more manipulative, holding myself in check when it suits me and succumbing when the situation is right. I'm really interested to see if this is possible.
Joined: Apr 2004
Excited Big Time !!!! Played AD&D With High School Buddies in the Basement back in the 80's Played all the Computer Gold Box Games, BG1 BG2 ect.......I Will be spending Hours upon Hours on this Game with Many Different Group Combinations Been waiting a long long time for a game like BG3!!!!! Also Hopeing they Release a world Builder So I Can Play some Custom Classic Modules people will be creating!!!!!
Joined: Aug 2021
I am very, very excited! I've been playing over 900 hours in early access already (I've also spent a lot of time in character creation), and it still never gets boring.
From what I've experienced in early access, and from what I've seen in the panel, Baldur's Gate 3 will very likely become my most favourite game.
I don't think that everything is perfect, either, but for me, the things I like clearly outweigh the things I might have done differently.
I especially like the character writing. I think all of our companions are very well written, complex and nuanced characters, and I want to know more about them. They really have grown dear to me in early access. And I love Karlach already 😄
I always assumed that, since they are these complex characters, our companions could take different paths, depending on our interactions with them, and our actions in the world. I was very happy when the associate lead writer confirmed this, that our companions do "have the potential to grow and develop in interesting ways", and that it is our player character "who is influencing how they develop and who they become."
There would be so many possible different outcomes - not only for the overall story arc, or our own character, but also for each companion - the replayability would be incredible.
I love the cinematic dialogues - and the voice acting is just perfect.
And even with only a few lines of dialogue, the NPCs I've met in early access all have their own personalities. I think I'll spend hours just talking to each and everyone in Baldur's Gate - and then use a spell or take a potion to talk to every animal 😂
I wish people would talk a bit more about the other romance scenes we've seen in the panel, like the incredibly cute dinner date scene with Karlach. Or the little glimpses we got from other scenes, like the rowing boat scene with Gale, dancing with Wyll, or Astarion accepting to be hugged and hugging back (which was quite touching, I think), for example.
I think the idea of the Dark Urge is very interesting - we can have a background story like the other origin characters, while still being able to create our own character, and choose our own path. I like that we can choose to resist the dark urges, or give in.
I can't wait to explore Baldur's Gate, from what I've seen, it looks beautiful, with much attention to detail.
And I want to know what's really going on - who is the Absolute, and will we ever get rid of this creepy tadpole?
There's much more I could write (and maybe I will later), but I think it should be clear that I like this game, very much.
So one ticket for the train, please!
Joined: Oct 2020
Been on the Fan Train since day 1 of early access, and it's only went up from there. 3ish more weeks!
Jhe'stil Kith'rak
Jhe'stil Kith'rak
Joined: Oct 2021
Remember the human (This is a forum for a video game):
Joined: Jun 2019
I'm Not sure a 53 yr old could be anymore excited for August 3rd, ( crossing fingers July 31st, ) morning than I.
As I posted earlier, I never finished BG1 @ 2 PLAYING 2 again just to kill time, its ok. Not the story just the graphics and 2d ugh
Playing console games back in the day, I just had a hard time adjusting to the mechanics of the game. I'm all about Dnd and have been since the late 70's when a neighbor, a older kid we called scooby turned me on to my first dnd game. I started as a gladiator, you know to get a level under my belt. Been in love ever since.
I am happy with the direction Larian went with BG3 , still wish I could look up lol
however compared to 1@2 , way better IMO
DRAGON FIRE-AND DOOM Dragons? Splendid things, lad-so long as ye look upon them only in tapestries, or in the masks worn at revels, or from about three realms off... Astragarl Hornwood, Mage of Elembar - Year of the Tusk
Joined: Oct 2020
old hand
old hand
Joined: Apr 2022
I'm so hype for The Zhentarim & The Guild, Multiclassing and am one of those who converted from RTwP to TBM, but by conviction.  Of course for the party size there is still a lot of room for improvement *cough*. With all the good things going on, Larian should also benefit, so a friendly reminder: If anyone still has a negative review on Steam or GOG or anywhere else, don't forget to revise it to positive. At the latest after the first playthrough. ;-)
Last edited by Lotus Noctus; 10/07/23 07:27 AM.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Jul 2009
It's disheartening to see some of the negativity in these forums. It's impossible to create a game that satisfies everyone's desires, but it would be great if more people focused on what this game does well instead of what it lacks. However, people's attitudes are difficult to change, so I'm here to inject some positivity. Yes, I'm a fanboy, and I'm aware of it.
I've invested over 750 hours in early access, which surpasses the amount of time I've spent on any full-release game by a significant margin. If early access was the only version available, this game would still provide more value and enjoyment than any other game I've ever played. To me, this game is revolutionary. It brings one of my favorite fantasy settings to life in a way that no computer game has ever done before.
Are there things I wish were different, added, or omitted? Of course. But complaining about minor details, especially when there are so many incredible things about this game, is incomprehensible.
If this game's early access was released as a finished product, I would consider it one of the best games I've ever played. But with the recent information they've released, the Panel from Hell, and things that people have noticed in videos and screenshots, I feel like a kid waiting for Christmas morning. Some of the features that they've added, which haven't even been discussed, but were noticed by sharp-eyed observers in videos and screenshots, are fantastic.
46 subclasses? How will I ever decide? Oh, wait...I can play through multiple times, multiclass, and/or change my class mid-playthrough...that's amazing!
The level of detail in the city of Baldur's Gate...I've spent hours exploring the Druid Grove and the Goblin Stronghold, and it might take me days to see everything in this city!
The voice-acting, romances, all the cool side characters and stories...
I can't wait for the full release of this game; it's driving me insane!
Who else is excited about this game? What are you looking forward to the most? Who's boarding the Fan Train? Hype only sets you up for diappointment and makes you overspend.