on the subject of updating misleading info... please for the love of GOD update the forum banner to say 3rd instead 31st
I know. I talked to Salo about this at Ghent and she told me she'd been trying but has been facing technical issues with the banner update. She's not forgotten and this will get changed asap.
I think I've already said this, but it may have been in another thread, but from talking to Mollygos at the event, it is correct that 3 August is the release date for the full game for everyone on the PC (with Playstation in September). I assume that anyone purchasing on or after 3 August won't get a free upgrade to the Digital Deluxe edition so will miss out on all those extra goodies unless they paid for them, but would be able to play straight away, though I didn't explicitly ask about that. This is still just hearsay so I'd still recommend waiting for the official announcement that I am assured is coming, if more slowly than planned, but thought it worth sharing anyway.
I also got the impression that Larian are releasing the PC version as soon as possible, so what retaining the 72h early access would have meant wouldn't have been getting the game on 31 July, but rather not being able to play act 2 until 6 August, and if so I'll call that a win. (Plus anyone not getting the PC Digital Deluxe edition not being able to play until 6 August, but I'm not sure if that's even possible, because as far as I know everyone buying the PC version is still getting a free upgrade to Digital Deluxe.)