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#866426 20/07/23 12:05 PM
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Out of all of the amazing things you can do to represent your character, I really really wish there were better options for fat body representation in the game, hopefully it can be something you can implement later on!
I have seen arguments that fat bodies wouldn't survive or couldn't do this or that... but there are dragons in the game with spells and so this isn't relevant. It is a fantasy game.
Please I hope it is considered <3

Last edited by The Red Queen; 20/07/23 05:27 PM. Reason: Edited to bring into line with moderator guidance on constructive posting after no response from OP to Private Message
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I'd like to see more variation in body options in general. Let's just say I heard of the bear incident and got excited that we'd gotten some new body types ^_^;;

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I'd love fat bodies too!

... because it's fun!
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No "thicc" for you. All races get "skinny" and some additionally get "swole".

Last edited by Buba68; 20/07/23 12:23 PM.
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Stop just stop, any adventurer with any amount of runtime, will not be fat. Its quite simple. And to the op, just because a game or setting has fantasy elements, doesnt mean everything is fantastical. All settings have their own internal logic, and D&D forgotten realms is no exception. Im not trying to fat shame, I would be regarded by some as fat at 120kg. But after a few months of adventuring, I wouldnt be anymore. Now would I be absolutely ripped? Probably not, but fat adventurers stop being fat quite fast. Either that or they give up or die, just as any other adventurer.

"They say he who smelt it dealt it."
Sooo technically... this burnt corpse is your fault officer."

Odieman #866439 20/07/23 12:24 PM
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Originally Posted by Odieman
Im not trying to fat shame, I would be regarded by some as fat at 120kg. But after a few months of adventuring, I wouldnt be anymore. Now would I be absolutely ripped? Probably not,
Imma sure you'd be deliciously tubby [BATTS EYELASHES]

Odieman #866441 20/07/23 12:25 PM
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Originally Posted by Odieman
Stop just stop, any adventurer with any amount of runtime, will not be fat. Its quite simple. And to the op, just because a game or setting has fantasy elements, doesnt mean everything is fantastical. All settings have their own internal logic, and D&D forgotten realms is no exception. Im not trying to fat shame, I would be regarded by some as fat at 120kg. But after a few months of adventuring, I wouldnt be anymore. Now would I be absolutely ripped? Probably not, but fat adventurers stop being fat quite fast. Either that or they give up or die, just as any other adventurer.
You know, you can be curvy, you can be overweight and then you can be obese.

Nobody asks here (I think) about 250kg people running around the countryside (though I think 200kg for a dragonborn wouldn't be overly dramatic).

Casters have no reason to have a sixpack, their literal job is reading and waving hands.

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I'd also like to see more body type variations, including fatter ones. Hopefully this might be something that can be added later.

And I don't want to see this turn into a discussion of whether or not the amount of exercise our characters undertake in the course of the game would lead to losing weight. It's irrelevant in a fantasy game and I've never yet seen that discussed without it slipping into anti-fat tropes that are unacceptable here. So unless people are willing to spend the time and effort to educate themselves fully on that topic so they can manage to discuss it without, quite understandably, causing offence, then they're better off just saying they're happy with the body types already present and leaving it at that.

And asking people to "Stop" expressing any view that is not against forum rules is not on. But at the same time, characterising arguments as "ridiculous" comes across as confrontational. Let's turn the heat down.

"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"
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Fat bodies would be cool, but sadly I can't remember seeing a good adaptation in video games - talking here about cases with player equipment not extra models. Usually they tend to be just slightly wider muscular bodies (SWTOR for example - but they have much simpler models and lower graphics quality to begin with - no where near the graphical fidelity of Larian's BG3). Problem is that the larger volumes tend to cause stretching on textures to a larger degree than just when you add muscles (might not be too bad on cloth, though folds usually look off since they would behave differently, but once your chainmail starts getting stretched it looks bad). More importantly those volumes tend to cause a lot more clipping and are harder to rig and still look good (primarily the stomach area) - which requires custom solution which again ain't something that is usually doable for player characters due to the higher amount of animations that they tend to have. Going from slim to big tough guy is usually much easier to solve since movement isn't that different - you might just want to add custom animations, but even with standard ones its usually not causing too many issues.

So while I would love to have the option I understand Larian not prioritizing it as it comes with a lot of work for even just a decent result (which often isn't good enough for player expectations in AAA-games). Also with all the races and sizes I think Larian has already had its fair share of these problems to begin with. I can imagine rigging and animation teams start sobbing if you ask them to add one more bodytype for all the options XD

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Saints Row the Third had fat bodies done right.

Also, I want to second RQ and advice anyone who wants to approach this discussion do it in a casual manner and with as little prejudice as possible. Having fat bodies in games like BG3 opens up new RP tropes such as a wealthy merchant or a fat warlock-by-chance. It can even be a side effect to your sorcery. I find those a lot of fun to explore and those are the right reason to have an option like this.

Last edited by neprostoman; 20/07/23 01:10 PM.
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Originally Posted by LechugaCansada
Out of all of the amazing things you can do to represent your character, I really really wish there were better options for fat body representation in the game, hopefully it can be something you can implement later on!
I have seen ridiculous arguments that fat bodies wouldn't survive or couldn't do this or that... bruh...there are dragons in the game with spells and... there is no argument. It is a fantasy game.
Please I hope it is considered <3

Yes, yes 1000 times. I want to make my Tavy Soprano Barbarian. We have the male pattern baldness, we just need his goliath size frame and belly.

I was going to literally roleplay him in one of our RP runs in the Multiplayer Guild that we have scheduled for next month and approach every situation the way I think Tony Soprano would.

Originally Posted by The Red Queen
I'd also like to see more body type variations, including fatter ones. Hopefully this might be something that can be added later.

And I don't want to see this turn into a discussion of whether or not the amount of exercise our characters undertake in the course of the game would lead to losing weight. It's irrelevant in a fantasy game and I've never yet seen that discussed without it slipping into anti-fat tropes that are unacceptable here. So unless people are willing to spend the time and effort to educate themselves fully on that topic so they can manage to discuss it without, quite understandably, causing offence, then they're better off just saying they're happy with the body types already present and leaving it at that.

Amen Sister.

Last edited by Blackheifer; 20/07/23 01:19 PM.

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I think it is funny that we got genital customation etc, before having real choice in body type (I have no problem with fat people not being in the game, but skinny bookworm wizards etc would have been nice)

I would have tied the body type to the stats themselves, instead of letting us choose.
So if you have 17 str, you have muscles. If you have 9, not.

If you have high constitution, you have more bodyfat (resistance to alcohol, poisons, how long you can go without food etc) and so on

Qoray #866495 20/07/23 01:25 PM
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Originally Posted by Qoray
I think it is funny that we got genital customation etc, before having real choice in body type (I have no problem with fat people not being in the game, but skinny bookworm wizards etc would have been nice)

I would have tied the body type to the stats themselves, instead of letting us choose.
So if you have 17 str, you have muscles. If you have 9, not.

If you have high constitution, you have more bodyfat (resistance to alcohol, poisons, how long you can go without food etc) and so on

But what about old man's strength? ;D

Blackheifer #866503 20/07/23 01:37 PM
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Originally Posted by Blackheifer
I want to make my Tavy Soprano Barbarian. .
Damnit! Now I want to roleplay Bianca Castafiore! Acoustic damage and alll!

Dennis Roussos is easier - take a Dwarf ...

Last edited by Buba68; 20/07/23 01:40 PM.
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We can have fun with choosing genitilia so I do agree we should have a choice fo different body types, and boob sizes (goitta include the Dolly Parton types right, that's a real person), and muscular sizes. I want a literal wet noodle wizard, and a He-Man type supra muscular type too. More variety and options are great.

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Well, I think it could come across as kind of skeevy to be able to select specifically different boob sizes for female bodies if that weren't part of a comprehensive customisation system that let us adjust various body dimensions for all genders. Talking about it specifically in the context of making bigger-boobed characters possible is one way to make it sound a bit creepy, at least unless it's a request from big-boobed women for representation for themselves. If adjustment in both directions from what seems a reasonable average for a body type is what we're talking about, it could be done well, I guess. Especially if the options were kept within reasonable norms, and in general I'm in favour of options that allow us to represent more diverse characters. But this is one where I'd rather it wasn't done at all than done badly.

"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"
Odieman #866670 20/07/23 05:51 PM
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Originally Posted by Volourn
We can have fun with choosing genitilia so I do agree we should have a choice fo different body types, and boob sizes (goitta include the Dolly Parton types right, that's a real person), and muscular sizes. I want a literal wet noodle wizard, and a He-Man type supra muscular type too. More variety and options are great.
I agree, boob sliders is a must,

Originally Posted by Odieman
Stop just stop, any adventurer with any amount of runtime, will not be fat. Its quite simple. And to the op, just because a game or setting has fantasy elements, doesnt mean everything is fantastical. All settings have their own internal logic, and D&D forgotten realms is no exception. Im not trying to fat shame, I would be regarded by some as fat at 120kg. But after a few months of adventuring, I wouldnt be anymore. Now would I be absolutely ripped? Probably not, but fat adventurers stop being fat quite fast. Either that or they give up or die, just as any other adventurer.
yeah fat adventurers is about as realistic as wheelchair bound adventurers in D&D, why put yourselves in a wheelchair when magic can heal any physical aliments, why play a fat character when all that adventuring is going to cause them to lose all that weight

Qoray #866675 20/07/23 05:56 PM
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Originally Posted by Qoray
I think it is funny that we got genital customation etc, before having real choice in body type (I have no problem with fat people not being in the game, but skinny bookworm wizards etc would have been nice)

I would have tied the body type to the stats themselves, instead of letting us choose.
So if you have 17 str, you have muscles. If you have 9, not.

If you have high constitution, you have more bodyfat (resistance to alcohol, poisons, how long you can go without food etc) and so on
it wouldn't work for high metabolism races like Elves, Tieflings and Githyanki, Elves and Githyanki are supposed to be skinny and have you ever seen a Tiefling that wasn't hot, there's a reason why they're the hottest race.

Odieman #866729 20/07/23 07:40 PM
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Rarely read so much BS...sorry but there are even professional athletes that are chubby if not outright fat. Google butterbean for example. and you know how hard boxing is i hope. In addition...if we talk FR. ican only say "mirt the moneylender" as a first and there was a fat cleric of torm in one novel series i cant
remember just now.

A successful adverturer gets gold pretty fast and if you spend that on booze and food...gues what get fat. Even as an adventurer.

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This reminds me of the discussion I had a few weeks ago about racial ability scores. Some people get so bent out of shape about a Orc that happens to be weak or halfling that happens to be unusually strong. It's a fantasy world and doesn't have to be realistic. I have no desire to play a fat character but I also have no issues with them giving people the option too. If people want to roleplay as an overweight character than good on them. The fun of tabletop has always been for alot of people not being restricted by tight rules and being able to use their imagination

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