Extremely disappointed in Larian. They seem to either not know or not care that they have gamers in Africa. All the other continents got a time listing.
The time of 5pm for us on cat is ok better then the time Sven claimed in the interview.
Because no city got a dot? Mine didn't as well...
But I assume we all know how timezones work, so no hurt feelings.
It's not about whether we can figure out the time.
It's not about a city. If you look at the map you see each and every other continent gets atleast 1 time zone listed. Africa doesn't get one. That is extremely disrespectful. Some would classify it a lot harsher .
It's starting to become a trend as we weren't afforded the opportunity to buy the physical CE either.
It's starting to feel like Larian is happy to take our money from steam and gog but don't care that they have gamers from our continent