The game world needs to establish what people believe happens when you die, and then stick to that expectation.

It makes absolutely no sense that everyone cries and makes such a big deal of Mystra's reported request that Gale 'sacrifice himself' (i.e. Shadowheart sees it as unthinkable! As a Shar worshiper no less!) when the expectation is for death to just be going on to an afterlife, possibly as a lover for Mystra again....

I would gladly accept a game world in which death is believed to be final, but in a conversation just next to it, we have NPCs telling us that death is not the end, just the start of an afterlife.

I hate how revivify is only applicable to team members. Why cant I resurrect an NPC that happened to die next to me, if I can get there in 10 turns or less? Part of the power-fantasy of these classes is being able to resurrect, it shouldn't feel like just a game mechanic to save an expensive scroll.

Last edited by Tottenheim; 07/08/23 09:26 AM.