On my first play through I won the fight first time on tactician, but RNG mattered and it was freaking hard! I read Isobel's AC and HPs have been buffed a bit, so sounds like she can survive the all important round 1.
TBH, it's a preview of those hard Act 3 encounters where you try to save NPCs. It's much harder than Act 1, you're playing with the big boys now.
Is it fair? Not really. I think I was on half resources. If I had been fully out with no Sanctuary, would've 'failed'.
Totally unexpected? Again, not really. There's an inn with a protection of light around it, why wouldn't Moonrise attack it? There's also some dialogue at the entry bridge that strongly hints someone or something isn't right.
Here's the thing though, I feel I missed out a little by saving Isobel. The subsequent dark events sound cool and foreboding. I'll try to win in 2nd play through of course, and I'll be better prepared, but I won't reload if I fail.