If you are a new player of the BG series or D&D turn based games in general, there is a streamer on YouTube that meticulously goes through each action that he takes and leaves no stoned unturned as far as exploration goes.

His stream name is "CMDR Jorval" on YouTube, I have learned how to play Astarin {almost} like a pro.
He is currently playing two character with the full release, Bard streams on Saturdays and Paladin on Sundays, check him out, i believe you wont regret it, he plays the game, doesn't waste your time with a$$ kissing the audience or other worthless banter, just fun game play with full commentary of how and why. Oh, and he is fun to watch with time just slipping ever so fast.

Larian Studios should sponsor him, he is that good! (Larian, you don't believe me, just check out one of his recorded streams)

He also has EA streams of the Druid, Ranger and Barbarian

Last edited by hotmac; 12/08/23 09:10 PM.