Larian Banner: Baldur's Gate Patch 9
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Krom Offline OP
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Let me start by saying, that this game story and character wise, and how you can deal with quests, is amazing. Literally amazing. I am having tons of fun, and the experience so far has been pretty awesome. There are however a few problems and one of them is at least mind boggling, in a way that i have never encountered in a game sporting fantasy armor before, DOS2 included, which is a Larian game.

There is a visual glitch/problem with plate armors. No boot model can match them, and anything you put on looks completely separated and out of place, with large gaps between kneecap and boot. This did not happen in EA. Something bugged with armor and especially medium and mostly plate armor after patch 7-8. Up to then, it was fine. I will provide screenshots, to make a point, since it's easier to show, than to describe.

So here we are, in EA, through a mod showcasing how heavy-plate- armor looks. All normal, nothing out of the ordinary, as would expect the kneecaps are covering the boots normally, as they should

[Linked Image from]

Now, after patch 7 or 8 landed, something changed with armors, and heavy armors bugged out. And in a way that made anyone notice how weird it looked compared to the original. Since however it was not released yet, we thought that this was something that would be ok for the release. Well, it was not. The visual glitch persists, and makes ANY kind of boot model you try with plate armor, to look wrong, separated, out of place.

This is the currect version of the game, i explain in the screenshot and point the problem. Make a comparison with the previous one. With the original, you could wear whatever you wanted, paint it and be done. Now, no matter what you do it looks wrong.

[Linked Image from]

No matter how many times i said that i saw a problem with this, no one payed attention to me. I get it, not many people play with heavy armors, or care maybe, but this just looks wrong, while the original looked perfectly normal. I cannot understand what went wrong, but please Larian, i know you watch the forums, can you guys look into it?

For me, it does take away something from my enjoyment of an otherwise fantastic game, since this armor bug bugs me visually. Your game has so many wonderful and detailed creations into it, and you have put so much effort, and you deserve a lot of applaud for that.

But please don't neglect heavy armor enthusiasts like me .___. , we wanna look cool too. So, can we please fix the problem? I never imagined this would happen for release .__., although i understand that provided this is a bug/glitch, the large amount of variables and the pressure for release might have played a role.

P.S. You have made Ketheric's armor available, as you said, on a side note. Ketheric's armor was THE one plate armor that did not suffer from the kneecap-boot problem. Only Ketheric's chest is available though. No gloves, no boots-duh-, and no helmet.

P.S.2 Nightsong's armor looks ok, it doesn't suffer from the same thing too. Again, it is unobtainable.

P.S.3 and the case in point. In your digital artbook, you show your concepts of art for all armors, and how you intended them to look. It is pretty evident, you want the armor to look like the screenshot of the EA i posted, where it looks normal, faithful to your concept. So what happened?

Again, congratulations for your game, it is probably the most remarkable experience story and character wise i had with cRPGs.

So please, pleaaase look into this problem. I want to like the character i make, but i can't get any kind of the plate armors to look normal on me combined with any boot model.

I hope this time i might get an answer.

Last edited by Krom; 13/08/23 09:09 PM.
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You are using the wrong URL. Right click the image, open image in new tab, use that URL.

[Linked Image from]

Also need to adjust your video settings. All your colors are so washed out!

Last edited by Warlocke; 13/08/23 06:41 PM.
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Thanx for the input about the screens, i will fix it when possible:3

About the colors, maybe it's the fog from hdr, doesn't look like that in game :3

For the issue at hand though, i hope it gets fixed

I feel like *that* npc in games that talks about a terrible prophecy but no one takes them seriously

Then it happens:P

Last edited by Krom; 13/08/23 06:55 PM.
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Man I wish there was an alternative to this super high fantasy super decorated late game look. I don't like my characters looking so fancy, like they are wearing some Victorian age ceremonial coronation armor, rather than actually going to combat.

The only technical glitches I've noticed are the cloaks clipping left and right. And scabbards and quivers missing, surely that must be a bug.

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I dont know if what i posted is a glitch, a bug, a 3D modeling problem, or simply the wrong models for plate instead of the correct ones were put in the game files.

I do know though that it looked fine, and now it doesn't.

For the ceremonial looking armor instead of practical armor, i agree, i would prefer a more rugged and *seen a lot of battles* type of armor instead of the fancy adornments and embossements, but this is a design decision. They decided to go for more high fantasy and flashy impractical look, ok, i respect that.

But even with that, the armor looked fine as shown in the first screenshot i posted. The release of the game however, something is all kinds of wrong in the knee section of the armor, something that wasn't an issue before.

And the result is that you can't have a normal look in heavy armor, no boot model fits you whatsoever, they all never align correctly with your armor. A problem, that people that go for light armor never experience. And, we never experienced it as well, when we went for the mod that put heavy armor on EA. But something changed, and created this problem.

It's kind of tiring in the end. You see something that webt wrong, you identify a problem, no one from larian answers, you will never know if they ever fix it as it was before, or that's it, you are stuck with a plate look that is missing alignment, something much worse than clipping. Something missing.

Oh well

Last edited by Krom; 13/08/23 08:51 PM.
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I noticed that on +2 plate armor, the shoulders are missing on Shadowheart, and also on my own high elf. But putting the same armor on Astarion or Lae'zel, the shoulders show up.

Not sure if this is a bug or a strange design choice.

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Shoulders missing on certain characters is a bug.

The problem i described is however something that doesn't make sense to me.

EA armor didn't have this problem. Even githyanki half plate used to look like armor, a bit more bulky. Now, it's missing all the pants waist down and looks like a spandex suit.

And the plate armors never aligning with any boot model and looking out of place, that's a direct result of the same problem, the armor models shrunk down and changed, and that's how it created gaps with the boot models and it doesn't align correctly.

The chest armor models shrunk and lost both length and volume, especially at the kneecaps, and the boot models stayed the same, so now they can never align.

So, again, dear Larian, i ask of you to see and address this issue please .___.

Last edited by Krom; 14/08/23 07:56 AM.
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Honestly? I think it looks fine. It looks as if the knee and leg actually has space to bend now. Historically no one actually travelled in full plate armor. It was too heavy and cumbersome. If they had to go a distance they had horses or something else carry them. Our characters? They're travelling the Swordcoast on foot. Their armor needs to allow them the flexibility to travel long distances comfortable. That first EA screenshot looks like a nightmare to walk long distances in. The current version looks a lot better simply because it appears as if the joints can actually flex and bend properly now.

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With all due respect Arthain, but it doesn't look fine. It looked fine in the first screenshot. You can bend your knee perfectly normally in plate armor, If you couldn't, you wouldn't be able to fight.

I actually used to make medieval armor as well as a hobby. You can look on any video on youtube about how you wear armor to see that it is exactly like the first screenshot.

In any way, thanx for your input, but i will have to disagree both from experience and from the previous knowledge of how it looked. As it looks in every other game.

If you also want to get more technical, plate armor had interlocking plates for a reason, especially between legs and shins. If it didn't, you would risk the whole cuisse dropping and immobilising your leg, or the kneecap cutting into your leg.

Anyway, the point is not from a practical standpoint, since this armor is not practical, it's aesthetic, it looks like i cant have a normal aligned uniform look, something that was actually possible in EA(let me remind you even githyanki half plate looked normal back then)

Why should i get the shaft for preferring heavy armor?

P.s. i totally respect your point of view. And what you suggest already exists in game. If you want to go visially for 3/4 armor, wearing leather boots, you totally can.

But when you decide to wear boots with metal coverage, aka plate boots, then it looks just wrong. And it didn't use to look wrong.

With the way it looked before, the correct one, both aides worked. You wanted leather boots for whatever reason, it works, you want full plate? Same, it works. Now those who wear full plate are locked out of a normal look like the one of the first screenshot.

P.s.2 if you pay close attention, in the second screenshot you still would have the flexibility problem, the kneecap is still covering the knee. The problem was not joints being free, but that the kneecaps now dont cover the metal plates of the boot, they don't interlock any more. Which is all kinds of weird, having a gap there, and historically could also spell trouble

Last edited by Krom; 14/08/23 04:46 PM.
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Ok after some investigating on my own, i have no idea if this is a problem, or it was Larian's conscious decision to change the armor models during early access.

And although it's a disappointment, a big one of sorts if that's the case, can we at least get a heads up, if it's something that's going to get looked at? I mean, it's a huge game, maybe you didn't have time to fix it before release.

But if this is final, and nothing is changing, i would like to know, for now i stopped playing, since i can't really enjoy my character visually, armor really looks so much worse than EA. There's not even one heavy armor in the game that doesn't suffer from the same problem.

I understand tons of bugs are being looked into, so i do not expect a solution now, but at least to know if Larian is acknowledging that it's a problem to be looked at :<

Last edited by Krom; 19/08/23 02:42 PM.

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