Joined: Aug 2023
Can we please get an option that allows us to CHANGE our appearance mid-game?
How could Larian omit such an important RPG feature? Why are we force-locked into one appearance for the whole playthrough?
This is an RPG. People want to change their looks as they progress through the story, as they change gear, they may change class, they make choices (evil/good), and may want to reflect these choices on their character looks. Why are we force-locked into one look for the whole (100hr+!) playthrough? If you can pay and change Class/Skills, you should also be able to change Hairstyle and Tattoos. Just add a freaking barber or the option to change our appearance at a mirror, Larian. How could this be omitted during 6 years of development? Why didn't Early Access testers mention this?
Considering that the game is suffering from the usual Character Creator lighting issue, the lighting during the CC room is different from the lighting in-game, and your looks end up being completely different. All colors have a different tint to them when in game, and we need to be able to change our appearance until we find what works best. We can't be repeating the Nautiloid every single time just to see how a certain skin color looks in-game.
Make this happen ASAP, Larian. Please!
Last edited by Strudel; 15/08/23 12:16 AM.
Joined: Jul 2023
Good question. Seems like a strange omission. Hopefully they add this soon like they did for Dragon Age Inquisition.
He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster.
If you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you.
Joined: Aug 2023
They did have this as an option in Divinity 2. You could even edit the Origin characters. No clue why this is not a thing in BG3.
Joined: Oct 2020
Joined: Aug 2023
I've seen it, though "cooking" means that it may arrive in a patch in 3 months from now. Honestly, I will shelf the game until then...
This needs to be a priority patch ASAP imo. Next patch should include it.
Joined: Jul 2014
Nah, "changing appearance mid-game" is in no way an "absolute priority" among the things this game needs to do better. Hell, one could even argue that probably it shouldn't need to be a feature at all, since you are supposed to decide who/what you are at the beginning of the joruney and not change your mind every 30 minutes, but yeah, I get it... People who constantly whine for convenience at expenses of commitment always win these battles on the long run.
Joined: Oct 2020
I can see changing minor things like hairstyle and things like that.
Otherwise totally changing your appearance should get a reaction of "who the **** are you?" Or "what happened to you?"
Joined: Aug 2023
+1, a Vendor in Camp or something similar. At the very least to be able to change hairstyle, beard and makeup options.
Joined: Aug 2014
I agree it's an RPG, with multiplayer, with RP potential. Hence you don't change things you couldn't logically change. Hair, facial hair, piercings, sure. Head, body, skin color - no. Respec should be disabled in multiplayer too to avoid any "Wtf you're a Paladin now? Who's going to pick the locks then?" nonsense. For me, the cosmetic stuff doesn't matter one bit until gameplay, bugs obviously and badly written Act III scenes or plot holes and errors are fixed. That said, I would like armor designs for medium and heavy that look more real and less fancy, pronto.  I absolutely hate how my Fighter looks since Plate Armor. Even the elven king in LotR 5 armies looks down to earth compared to my basic Fighter, and the entire party in their fancy kits actually. The decorations are so over the top it's distracting.
Joined: Aug 2023
Nah, "changing appearance mid-game" is in no way an "absolute priority" among the things this game needs to do better. Hell, one could even argue that probably it shouldn't need to be a feature at all, since you are supposed to decide who/what you are at the beginning of the joruney and not change your mind every 30 minutes, but yeah, I get it... People who constantly whine for convenience at expenses of commitment always win these battles on the long run. It's one of the most requested features so I don't care what you think. It's an RPG. It is inconceivable that you can't change your Hairstyle or makeup in a 100hr playthrough. I can only agree that we shouldn't be able to alter our Race (though the Shapeshifter Mask from the Deluxe Edition does EXACTLY that, and it fully works in-game).
Last edited by Strudel; 15/08/23 08:56 PM.
Joined: Aug 2023
I agree it's an RPG, with multiplayer, with RP potential. Hence you don't change things you couldn't logically change. Hair, facial hair, piercings, sure. Head, body, skin color - no. Respec should be disabled in multiplayer too to avoid any "Wtf you're a Paladin now? Who's going to pick the locks then?" nonsense. For me, the cosmetic stuff doesn't matter one bit until gameplay, bugs obviously and badly written Act III scenes or plot holes and errors are fixed. That said, I would like armor designs for medium and heavy that look more real and less fancy, pronto.  I absolutely hate how my Fighter looks since Plate Armor. Even the elven king in LotR 5 armies looks down to earth compared to my basic Fighter, and the entire party in their fancy kits actually. The decorations are so over the top it's distracting. Agreed. Changing your Race or your Face shouldn't be allowed. However, not being able to change your Hairstyle in a 100hrs+ playthrough is preposterous.
Joined: Jul 2014
It's one of the most requested features so I don't care what you think. I wasn't asking for your approval, but thanks for the feedback.
Joined: Feb 2021
I agree it's an RPG, with multiplayer, with RP potential. Hence you don't change things you couldn't logically change. Hair, facial hair, piercings, sure. Head, body, skin color - no. Respec should be disabled in multiplayer too to avoid any "Wtf you're a Paladin now? Who's going to pick the locks then?" nonsense. For me, the cosmetic stuff doesn't matter one bit until gameplay, bugs obviously and badly written Act III scenes or plot holes and errors are fixed. That said, I would like armor designs for medium and heavy that look more real and less fancy, pronto.  I absolutely hate how my Fighter looks since Plate Armor. Even the elven king in LotR 5 armies looks down to earth compared to my basic Fighter, and the entire party in their fancy kits actually. The decorations are so over the top it's distracting. Agreed. Changing your Race or your Face shouldn't be allowed. However, not being able to change your Hairstyle in a 100hrs+ playthrough is preposterous. Why not? It could be done by magic if you care about immersion...it's a single player game afterall, no reason to take away fun from ppl. What bugs me more than abscense of appearance editor mid game is the abscense of Transmog system or at least stat swap so we can keep desirable armor skin without loosing stats...sometimes even boots\gloves do not match + no option to hide cloaks. It's dissapointing that such a great game doesn't have both Magic Mirror & Transmog system, though I think that we will get smth like DoS2 Magic Mirror soon enough.
Joined: Jul 2023
I'd be ok with not being able to change face,gender, etc as long as we can at least customize hair, makeup and body art. Eye colour is in the middle, I'd like to but would understand if we couldn't.
Joined: Jun 2022
It's dissapointing that such a great game doesn't have both Magic Mirror & Transmog system, though I think that we will get smth like DoS2 Magic Mirror soon enough. Hopefully they do add Transmog because it sucks looking like a random dumpster clown instead of a badass adventurer. Not to mention that there is no point in having so many cosmetically unique items which serve no gameplay purpose, such as Lae'zel's boots, Karlach's clothes/boots, Minthara's gloves, Astarion's clothes etc... very beautifully crafted pieces, but they're useless in actual gameplay. Would love to preserve some character's origin appearances and hide some pieces for others. For my own character I'd love to keep the Drow armor since she's a Drow, but instead I gotta look like a clown Paladin wannabe despite being a stealth Ranger  As for changing our appearance, another person on the forums mentioned that the feature is confirmed to be in the works by a dev member, so could probably be one of the upcoming features with Patch #2.
Joined: Feb 2021
It's dissapointing that such a great game doesn't have both Magic Mirror & Transmog system, though I think that we will get smth like DoS2 Magic Mirror soon enough. Hopefully they do add Transmog because it sucks looking like a random dumpster clown instead of a badass adventurer. Not to mention that there is no point in having so many cosmetically unique items which serve no gameplay purpose, such as Lae'zel's boots, Karlach's clothes/boots, Minthara's gloves, Astarion's clothes etc... very beautifully crafted pieces, but they're useless in actual gameplay. Would love to preserve some character's origin appearances and hide some pieces for others. For my own character I'd love to keep the Drow armor since she's a Drow, but instead I gotta look like a clown Paladin wannabe despite being a stealth Ranger  As for changing our appearance, another person on the forums mentioned that the feature is confirmed to be in the works by a dev member, so could probably be one of the upcoming features with Patch #2. So true, there is so many nice looking gear pieces without stats even...and so many armor\clothing pieces which we are unable to loot. Sure with mods I can get some of them but their stats is another problem without Transmog feature. I have no doubt that they will add Magic Mirror from DoS2, because, obviously, they've done it before, but what worries me is Transmog, though DoS2 have a mod for such things, far from perfect, but Devs should know how important such feature is. They even can implement crafting\enchanting with a feature to swap stats\quality from one item to another. Well, we can only hope...
Joined: Aug 2023
If adding parlours to do this throughout the game uses too many resources right now with the bug fixing they are doing they they should at least add the option to do it in camp.
We need to able to change cosmetic stuff. I love starting a character with long hair and then "cut" it or "see it grow out" for roleplay reasons. Events change your character and you should be able to reflect it in how they look. Maybe my character is wearing a braids in combat but when I know I'm gonna be socializing I may want a loose.
About changing the actual appearance (not race, mind you), I think we should at least have a one time opportunity to change it like the mirror in Divinity 2.
Hopefully we won't have to wait long for it... If it takes the time of my entire first playthrough for them to put it in, it's really gonna suck and affect my first time experiencing the game.
Last edited by WildWyvern; 18/08/23 02:11 AM.
Joined: Jul 2023
Cd projekt added this feature for cyberpunk 2077 later in one of the patches. Larian will do the same
Joined: Jan 2018
Yeah, I really want this feature. It’s not uncommon for me to get 3 or 4 hours into a game and say, “on second thought, I think I actually should have gone with a different look.”
I recently decided to scrap my playthrough 45 hours in because I rushed through act 2 and was disappointed with the consequences of my haste. But then I restarted 3 more times after that because I would make my characters and only after staring at them in dialogues and cutscenes for a few hours would I determine that I just wasn’t feeling the look.
Joined: Oct 2020
Changing your haircut or makeup later on makes sense, and I doubt it would be a big techincal hurdle for Larian to overcome in order to implement it. But if it comes down to transfering resources from something else in order to implement this... Well, the game has much more important things that needs fixing first.
Last edited by Peranor; 18/08/23 08:46 AM.