If there could be such a thing in the future, what should it have? My list as follows.
* Enforce the restriction of having to have it on your classes spell list to use. Ability checks for higher level spells maybe not needed.
* Enforce spell preparation only at Camp during Long Rest. (Seriously, if they want out-of-combat utility spells to be always available, why do you even need to prepare them? Why make players go through the hoops to unprepare something - prepare Knock - cast Knock - unprepare Knock - prepare the original spell back. That's a lot of unnecessary clicks.)
* use correct distance of 5ft. for Shove
* D&D push distances for reference: Thunderwave 10ft, Repelling Blast 10ft, Pushing Attack 15ft, Gust of Wind 15ft per turn (Gust could be a 30ft push in BG3 if it can't be a persistent effect you can redirect every turn to reduce the number of attackers over 10 turns)
* goal = reduce the amount of instant kill or win pushing while keeping it a valid tactic in combat
* Only one extra attack. No extra spells.
I would prefer DMG MAGIC ITEMS instead of the abundant junk with conditional properties in BG3, but that's probably beyond the scope of a difficulty setting. Attunement is not a must have as long as the itemization doesn't get out of hand.
I would also prefer them not messing with Action economy and opening the door for all kinds of broken nonsense, e.g. giving Thief a 2nd Bonus Attack, or making items that give extra Bonus Actions. That should probably also be a part of the core game instead of one difficulty setting. Giving a Barbarian/Thief MC more Frenzy bonus attacks is stupid and broken on any difficulty.
And the difficult one:
* Meaningful restrictions to Long Rest would be needed to create combat challenge through resource management rather than buffing enemy stats and giving them abilities like Unstoppable. What could they be? Random encounters in and out of camp? Disable fast travel to safe locations? More "no rest" zones?
* use more realistic jump distances as per 5e rules to allow movement abilities like the Jump spell and Misty Step to retain their value. This mostly pertains to high Strength characters that have been given superhero style jumping ability that also greatly extends their movement range.
* Remove magic heal and only use it to stabilize a dying character.
* Disable in combat, distributing consumables before combat should be a meaningful choice
* Change into an AC 10 Attack Roll and DC 5 Dexterity Check to catch thrown potion, which puts it in the target's inventory. If potion misses or isn't caught, it is simply destroyed.
* Add AC for destroyable objects. Firing an arrow or Fire Bolt to cut a distant rope should not be an automatic success. Normal rope has 10 AC and 2 HP so it's not hard. But there needs to be a difference between a 1st level somebody and a 12th level Elven Archer doing the Robin Hood stuff.
Rule of cool or improvement over core rules that is not OP and should REMAIN:
* Potions as Bonus Action
* Telekinesis slams over 30ft long (need their damage buffed for a 5th level spell in BG3 still, and/or be turned into a Bonus Action. A BA Telekinesis slam/reposition with slightly higher damage would be worth a 5th level slot + Concentration. And move friendlies without damaging them.)
* Wizards learning all Cantrips. They should. Knowing only 3 or 4 and completely unable to cast the rest, ever, is lame. There's an optional rule in 5e called Cantrip Formulas that lets you learn all but have to prepare like leveled spells. Use that or give them all for free.
Last edited by 1varangian; 15/08/23 10:19 PM.