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Originally Posted by Cawyden
Me too and there are others as well. But the hate he receives is sometimes quite irrational. Not that people need a reason to dislike or hate a character, that is fine, but sometimes there are even made up stories about him as if there was a need to justify how people feel about him.

Which ones are you think about? Are you referring to the theory that the Emperor infected us with the tadpoles to start with? That's he's the opening cutscene illithid? If so I think that's probably correct. It's consistent with it's actions in the dialogues. The guardian dangles the promise of cure before our eyes and the they are forced to reveal their true form they state that tadpoles aren't an infection - they are part of a process of evolution.

When the cinematic first came out I took the Emperor's disinterest in the mind flayer bodies he was floating above as indicative of illithid disregard for life BUT, once you find Gortash's journal, that changes. Gortash tells us The Emperor is the pilot of the Nautaloid. Those are the foes he conquered when he took over the ship and he's just making sure they aren't moving.

Of course this is just a guess - sorry if I'm putting words your mouth smile You might be thinking of something else.

I see The Emperor as boss like Amelyssan, someone we have to work with despite seeing their manipulations. But, unlike Amelyssan, we never really get a good "time to bring down the boss" moment like we do with Raphael.

Now it *is* fun to have to piece together his identity - to critically read his comments, to see the consequences of becoming illithid, to realize that he's yet another villian etc . . . "So you only fed on the brains of criminals but you also ran the largest criminal organization in Baldur's Gate? Sounds like ranching. You brought humanoids into a life of crime and when the were caught you were ready to eat them."

DM can I *please* get an insight check? I've figured this out and want to say something to the mind flayer

Compare this Omelleum who only consumes people who attack the society and is on a search for an alternative. Omelleum comes across as sincere and the Emperor comes across as the manipulator it is.

Based on postings on reddit it seems people who took the Emperor ending are more satisfied with the outcome than people that went with Orpheus [spoiler]and then are forced to have someone turn into a mind flayer or have Lae'zel leave with Orpheus

Well that is the garden path, sure smile The question the OP raises is: why is the alternative path so poorly supported? Yes, I want to: A) take down our manipulator and B) have the choice to resist the tadpole power rewarded

I played EA and I disliked daisy. I don't see the appeal. Daisy was obviously evil and so not tempting at all for my good playthroughs (and I don't play evil).

I don't play evil either. One of the major flaws of the game is that there isn't an ending for good aligned players. You are forced to go with evil #1 (emperor) or evil #2 (orpheus) and of the two Orpheus is the lesser evil and the one that has never wronged you.

Did you never feel tempted by Daisy's seductions? I'm not talking about K-I-S-S-I-N-G I mean resolving an issue with AUTHORITY. I mean: [illihid] [detect thoughts], I mean using the power from the Omelleum potion.

After Daisy came to you in a dream you could talk to you companions about how you kissed them or not. With the emperor we get nothing. And the sceptical Tav gets terrible lines. "you disgust me" isn't what I want to say. I want to say. "I know you infected me", I resent you for dangling a cure you never intended to deliver

And it is kind of ironic if people are praising Daisys seduction attempts and then be heavily offended by a shirtless Emperor who is open for romance (if you did not try to kill him before), although in contrast to Daisy he might actually be sincere with his feelings (at least according to the dev notes in the game files).

This is a key point. I've already made but I want to underline it. Daisy's real seduction attempts were not shirtless encounters - they were using the tadpole powers. Daisy's seductions were like the seductions of Raphel - we could take the easy path or hard one.

And this is also true of the Guardian except that good-aligned players are punished for avoiding his seductions

With Daisy if you used the powers one too many time then Nere could dominate you. You have become a true soul and can be manipulated those with greater authority.

With the emperor, players who avoid the tadpoles get nothing. No powers, no satisfying dialogue, no extra boss fight. Avoiding evil? Bad choice Tav

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I'll preface this by saying, hi, hey, I'm an EA player, which is gonna colour my views a bit

I don't find the Emperor or his storyline very engaging. As the Dream Guardian, his schtick of "I'm protecting you but I have secrets that I'm very obviously keeping from you" genuinely less interesting than the outright predatory seduction Daisy had. And the funnier thing is, in Larian's attempt to make the Guardian (and by extension the tadpole powers) seemingly more trustworthy and a more tantalizing option, they kind of failed. I ended up not trusting either, but with Daisy at least, I was invested and curious on what their angle was. With the Dream Guardian, it felt obvious that there was a shoe waiting to drop, which leads into...

The Emperor themself. It's probably more due to late in development rewrites, but the story kind of grinds to a halt when he's introduced, with his fancy cutscene monologue about his backstory and lore importance. It feels less like an organic plot beat and more like playing catch-up with the rewrites.

I don't think he's poorly written, there is some merit to the idea on whether having the memories of his previous life means he is still who he was. But I don't think that's explored as well as it could be, and Larian plays a bit fast and loose with it later with regards to Karlach and Orpheus. And I think that, with the revelation on what group he was a part of when he was roaming Baldur's Gate, and his enthralling and use of Stelmane, his threats to do the same to you, make him far less of an alluring option than Larian thinks he is. I feel like, given more time, a few more passes and adjustments to the script, he could've been the morally gray and complicated character they wanted him to be. As it stands, he's kind of too obviously untrustworthy and alien and dismissive of humanity to be that.

All in all, I feel like with the way most the rewrites and differences between EA and full release played out, they either should've stuck to their guns and committed to the original drafts or they should've taken more time to iron out the kinks on the current script, because the seams and holes are unfortunately very easy to see

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Joined: Oct 2020
Originally Posted by Moongerm
Originally Posted by Cawyden
although in contrast to Daisy he might actually be sincere with his feelings (at least according to the dev notes in the game files).

It feels to me that he is in-fact not sincere with his feelings in that regard, given that if you reject him too harshly during his romance
he reveals his exact relationship with Duke Stelmane and tells you some messed up stuff about what he could have done to you too and that he will continue to use you until the whole Absolute thing is over, even threatening to force you to turn into a Mindflayer. The entire romance is a front.

Reject him too harshly is a nice way to say that you outright insult him by either saying that he is a freak or that he is doing a human impression, basically telling him that you still not trust him and treating him like he is not a feeling person. I know gamers can't know this until they check the game files, but there it says that manipulations are no longer necessary (as he says too - no need for subterfuge anymore). If you are constantly being antagonistic with him, insulting him, not believing a word he says then he finally treats you harshly back - you are not his trusted ally but he has no choice - and while he threatens you, he never forces you to anything, he is just angry at this point. And to be honest - what can he say or do to make you trust him if you still don't trust him? Whatever he says some people always expect him to be lying or being manipulative and surprise - usually he does speak the truth. He hides information, yes, e.g. that
he is a mindflayer, things from his past that doesn't matter and things that would give you a hint that he might be a mind flayer. The only thing I found in the game (and I checked the game files too) that comes close to lying is when he feigns surprise at the tentacle/oubliette in moonrise towers.

If you play the game accepting his help and being trusting of him you can see that he is actually quite nice and no matter if you trust him or not, if you tried to kill him before or not, he does keep his word in the end and does not betray you (I don't count the control ending as betrayal as this is the same ending for every character that takes control). And in the end he leaves you be. If you play solo without companions he will even tell you that you have become important to him.
And if you play as Karlach and you are about to die he will be sorry about that
. Why would he show sympathy at this point if everything is just manipulation?
And if you transform into a mind flayer you can actually stay together with him.

We also know from the game files that his grieving of Duke Stelman is genuine. And when he tells you that he would never lie to you - that was meant to be the truth and genuine too. It is in the dev notes, internal comments to give the cinematic and voice actors information how things are meant. But with a mind flayer it is very difficult to express things - you can't see if he is smiling or not for example.

Joined: Mar 2020
Joined: Mar 2020
Originally Posted by Cawyden
Whatever he says some people always expect him to be lying or being manipulative and surprise - usually he does speak the truth. He hides information, yes, e.g. that
he is a mindflayer, things from his past that doesn't matter and things that would give you a hint that he might be a mind flayer. The only thing I found in the game (and I checked the game files too) that comes close to lying is when he feigns surprise at the tentacle/oubliette in moonrise towers.

Guardian second dream - 2:26. "Just like you I was infected by a mind flayer parasite. Just like you I seek to be free of it"

Even the most lawyerly interpretation of that line doesn't hold water because "it" clearly refers back to the tadpole. The outright lies and half truths in that conversation were not just protection, they were manipulation.

But we know from multiple other dialogues - confirmed by the murder of Ansur - that the Guardian does not seek to be cured and indeed would not accept a cure were it offered to them.

(meta - as I read Salo's post I think the rules on this subforum have changed and we can freely discuss spoilers in threads marked {spoilers} )

Why would he show sympathy at this point if everything is just manipulation?

Because that's part of the manipulation. Just like Cazador instructed his spawn to show sympathy for the ones they fed on. Have you ever tried to win the [intelligence] battle with the mind flayer in the crashed ship? You feel compassion and then love as it eats your brain.

Here's a line I would like to see added:

"you've threatened for force me but I think you are bluffing. You know that thrall is less useful to you than an ally. Your attention would be divided between siphoning Orpheus' power and forcing us to enact your will. The absolute could easily take advantage of your divided attention and you would be lost"

We also know from the game files that his grieving of Duke Stelman is genuine. And when he tells you that he would never lie to you - that was meant to be the truth and genuine too. It is in the dev notes, internal comments to give the cinematic and voice actors information how things are meant. But with a mind flayer it is very difficult to express things - you can't see if he is smiling or not for example.

If that's true then it's bad writing because it's inconsistent with so much of what has been said in the rest of the game.With the Sharess' Caress nymph a wizard can mention that mind flayers are literally incapable of feeling desire or affection. When you ask the Emperor if it regrets killing Ansur its answer is an intellectual one. "I regret that it was necessary" Even Omelleum dances around this when you save him - "I too . . . feel some some warmth". Which is a line like the ones you read in vampire stories "l remember what is to feel and I believe would have felt the same way towards you when I was alive"

(sorry, not sorry, I like reading trash)

What is the actual line? Is the voice actor asked to *convey* emotion or does it explicitly say the Emperor feels emotion? Just because the delivery is designed to be persuasive doesn't mean it is.

Last edited by KillerRabbit; 19/10/23 07:49 PM. Reason: pronouns - I keep forgetting The Emperor no longer has sex or gender
Joined: Oct 2020
Joined: Oct 2020
Originally Posted by KillerRabbit
Which ones are you think about? Are you referring to the theory that the Emperor infected us with the tadpoles to start with? That's he's the opening cutscene illithid? If so I think that's probably correct. It's consistent with it's actions in the dialogues. The guardian dangles the promise of cure before our eyes and the they are forced to reveal their true form they state that tadpoles aren't an infection - they are part of a process of evolution.

I did not meant him being the one tadpoling us - the cinematic is old and it is not a 100% match and there is an issue with the mind flayer at the goblin camp either telling you it is the one tadpoling you (if you do the speak with death spell) or not (if the goblin king is doing it). But I do think it was him. The mind flayer in the cinematic is a renegade one - it was surely him that took out the others. It makes sense that it was the Emperor and I don't mind him doing it. He had not much time and needed allies to help him, there weren't that many options.

I meant other things,
some people saying the Emperor forced the tadpoles onto them (esp. astral one) or forcing them to become a mind flayer. He does no such thing. He asks us to use the powers as it makes us stronger, and that is correct. He does not ask us to transform into a mind flayer, we have to ask him if we can transform. He also asks us to use the astral tadpole but you can decline. Only if someone took tadpoles before you have to make a Wis save if you want to put it away for later (you can always stomp it though) - but this is not his doing but you are basically fighting your own urge (tadpoled influenced) to evolve.
Saying that he constantly is lying to you is also incorrect. Or that he betrays you in the ending - if you free Orpheus he will leave because you betray him - he said several times that he is sure that Orpheus will kill him (and likely tav + co too). And some other stuff like Duke Stelmane was his girlfriend etc. which is not true - he tells you it was not love and she was a business partner. But yes, she apparently was his thrall and I can understand people being upset by this.

He is definitely not an altruistic person, his only goal is his freedom but his goal aligns with yours and both you and him are stuck with each other and I think this is the main problem people have with him
(aside from customizing a hot guardian that turns out to be a (still hot if you are into it) mind flayer

I don't know if he knew that in the end your infection will be cured. It doesn't matter that you took tadpoles - you are tadpole free at the end (if you don't transform). He does think that he is a better version of his previous being, that he is superior now. So he encourages us using the powers. But you can play the game without using the powers and he will ask you but never force you to use tadpoles or the power. As I said, I don't know if he suspected a cure is possible (he says the tadpole can't be removed due to the netherese magic so maybe at the end it would be possible) or if he indead thought there is no cure that you would survive and hoped you would embrace becoming a mind flayer and "The greatest ally he could have wished". He is manipulative sure (although not always) but when he tells you that you need more information and normal cures won't work it is actually correct.

Originally Posted by KillerRabbit
Now it *is* fun to have to piece together his identity - to critically read his comments, to see the consequences of becoming illithid, to realize that he's yet another villian etc . . . "So you only fed on the brains of criminals but you also ran the largest criminal organization in Baldur's Gate? Sounds like ranching. You brought humanoids into a life of crime and when the were caught you were ready to eat them."

DM can I *please* get an insight check? I've figured this out and want to say something to the mind flayer

Compare this Omelleum who only consumes people who attack the society and is on a search for an alternative. Omelleum comes across as sincere and the Emperor comes across as the manipulator it is.

You can find reports and books about the knights and one is saying that they suspect the Emperor to be (redacted)
(->they might have been suspected him to be a mind flayer at some point) but that they can't find any nefarious actions. And Duke Stelmane was part of the leading council of Baldurs Gate and practically leader (aside from the Emperor) of the knights. There is also the guild and the Zhentarim... the knights weren't the only ones.

But again, it doesn't sound he like was doing "his city" a disservice (compare it with Gortash). And he is a mind flayer - he has to eat. He tries not to eat innocents but criminals (we don't know details - maybe not a simple thief but a murderer etc.). Same with Omeluum - he is eating persons acting against the society whatever that means. He also worked with a Lich before. I very like Omeluum too but he is also a mind flayer that needs to eat.

Omeluum was also manipulating us - he knew the ring he gave us doesn't do anything. He meant well though. Omeluum and the Emperor are mind flayers, illusions and manipulation is their language. They are still quite different from each other - I don't know if Omeluum remembers his past, he appears more alien to be compared to the Emperor, who sounds more like a normal person (for example if Omeluum speaks about him feeling warmth when he sees you). As the Emperor says, not all mind flayers are the same. While Omeluum does his research the Emperor is trying to influence Baldurs Gate 3 - and from what we could see in his hideout not for material wealth. He wasn't destabilizing or hurting the city apparently - and given his past with the city I wouldn't expect him to do anything to hurt Baldurs Gate.

I don't think Omeluum would have been able to do what the Emperor did - like appearing as dream guardian I mean. Just based on the way human speech and behaviour seems a little foreign and alien to him. But given his powers I would expect Omeluum to use manipulation and illusion if it helps him as well (and he does to conceal his presence, which is understandable).

The Emperor manipulates us to make us trust him, so that he can trust us instead - given that he was nearly killed in sleep by his former lover it is understandable that he is careful in this regard.

Originally Posted by KillerRabbit
Well that is the garden path, sure smile The question the OP raises is: why is the alternative path so poorly supported? Yes, I want to: A) take down our manipulator and B) have the choice to resist the tadpole power rewarded

You can take him down at the end, you are betraying him in this case. Yes he manipulates us to help him but I think Tav/player char can do more manipulation. I get it, people hate being stuck with him until the end.

Originally Posted by KillerRabbit
I don't play evil either. One of the major flaws of the game is that there isn't an ending for good aligned players. You are forced to go with evil #1 (emperor) or evil #2 (orpheus) and of the two Orpheus is the lesser evil and the one that has never wronged you.

I play good and still like my ending - it was a good ending.
Orpheus is dead but everyone else lives. Including the Emperor. I agree Orpheus isn't much developed, why should I care about Orpheus? Only reason is that in the future his powers might be useful again. But I rather stay with the Emperor who has actually protected us from turning into a mind flayer and becoming a thrall of the absolute and warned us about dangerous situations and who did not betrayed my trust. Orpheus didn't wrong you? He isn't barely there in the game - but if you turn against the Emperor Orpheus doesn't care at all about you and you get a game over. For him you are just a thrall or on your way to become a mind flayer - just like the Emperor told us. We also don't really know about Orpheus - Gith aren't really nice people too. I wouldn't say he is defintely the lesser evil. That would remain to be seen.

Originally Posted by KillerRabbit
Did you never feel tempted by Daisy's seductions? I'm not talking about K-I-S-S-I-N-G I mean resolving an issue with AUTHORITY. I mean: [illihid] [detect thoughts], I mean using the power from the Omelleum potion.

After Daisy came to you in a dream you could talk to you companions about how you kissed them or not. With the emperor we get nothing. And the sceptical Tav gets terrible lines. "you disgust me" isn't what I want to say. I want to say. "I know you infected me", I resent you for dangling a cure you never intended to deliver

I didn't use the powers because it was clear that using the powers are tied to Illithid options and making the tadpole stronger and you became more and more dreams by using them. So no, that was not appealing to me. There are enough other ways in the game to get the same results. Yes, some lines are lacking. I think everyone has the issue that sometimes Tav/player character says something that they hadn't in mind. Or they would have wished other lines. The emperor as daisy replacement was a late rewrite and it shows. I think there should be a line to tell the dream guardian that we know this is not his true form - if you speak with your companions after the first dream this is quite obvious.

Originally Posted by KillerRabbit
This is a key point. I've already made but I want to underline it. Daisy's real seduction attempts were not shirtless encounters - they were using the tadpole powers. Daisy's seductions were like the seductions of Raphel - we could take the easy path or hard one.

And this is also true of the Guardian except that good-aligned players are punished for avoiding his seductions

With Daisy if you used the powers one too many time then Nere could dominate you. You have become a true soul and can be manipulated those with greater authority.

With the emperor, players who avoid the tadpoles get nothing. No powers, no satisfying dialogue, no extra boss fight. Avoiding evil? Bad choice Tav

I agree that I think with the powers there should be drawbacks like you said with Nere. It would make it far more interesting and indeed rewarding. But this isn't the Emperors fault but Larians. I do like the Emperor because you can approach him in a playthrough like you hate his guts and don't believe a word he says and be antagonistic to the end or you are trusting him and it does feel different. There is also much we don't really know and with him as renegade mind flayer on top of that I just find him very interesting.

The thing is - hate him or love him, there are issues and I hope we get a more refined version someday. But they won't bring Daisy back when they decided to change it to the Emperor in the last minute. And I am glad they did. But they can improve him and I hope they do.

Joined: Mar 2020
Joined: Mar 2020
(preface - all this in meant in good fun it reads otherwise that's because I don't always rite words gud)

Originally Posted by Cawyden
I did not meant him being the one tadpoling us - the cinematic is old and it is not a 100% match and there is an issue with the mind flayer at the goblin camp either telling you it is the one tadpoling you (if you do the speak with death spell) or not (if the goblin king is doing it). But I do think it was him. The mind flayer in the cinematic is a renegade one - it was surely him that took out the others. It makes sense that it was the Emperor and I don't mind him doing it. He had not much time and needed allies to help him, there weren't that many options.

Interesting. We have very different attitudes on coercion. I'm imaging real life me waking up with, I dunno, denge fever, being forced to drive to the hospital AND THEN finding out that the person I gave a ride to the hospital infected me so they could hitch a ride. I imagine I would awfully angry. I wouldn't consider acting against them any form 'betrayal' no matter how nice they were on drive there. Any kind words would pale in comparison to their actions.

I meant other things . . .

Again on coercion - you are right to say that the emperor does not force you take the tadpole but this is clearly coercive, right? Giving someone something that forces them to survive a will check or become infected? It's a bit like a dealer persuading someone to try something once, then getting them addicted and then handing them a free sample once they've kicked the habit. Perhaps not force but a level of coercion that butts right up against boundaries of "force".

Also, if you are aggressive it does threaten to force you. No, it doesn't follow through but there is no mistaking the threat.

Saying that he constantly is lying to you is also incorrect.

Do you find the dream vision I linked to be truthful? Are they seeking to be free of his parasite? Is it right when tells us that Orpheus will attack us once freed? Was it being honest when it told us there was nothing of value in Ansur's lair? As you've said it misrepresented the relationship with Stelmane.

if you free Orpheus he will leave because you betray him

Don't think striking back at monster that likely infected you, lied to you and manipulated you can accurately be described as a betrayal. I also think that's a deeply flawed scene that only makes game logic - "oh you aren't going to kill the Lae'zel and the Gith that trusted you? Well say hello to the backup boss! I'm not going hide on another plane, I'm not going to run to the far reaches of the realms I'm going to become a slave again. Because: thing.

He is definitely not an altruistic person, his only goal is his freedom but his goal aligns with yours and both you and him are stuck with each other and I think this is the main problem people have with him

Yes, you are right. I think people resent not having their choices matter. In WOTR you have the choice to work with evil mastermind who manipulates you to bring the hammer of justice down on their head. But because the goal of the good Tav is avoid becoming an evil, soulless monster and save the city at the same time the need to have a mind flayer makes your victory feel like a defeat. And the metaphysics doesn't really satisfy. If Orpheus' mom had the power to bring down an entire empire with swarms of elder brains on its side then Orpheus can disrupt the Netherbrain.

I don't know if he knew that in the end your infection will be cured. It doesn't matter that you took tadpoles - you are tadpole free at the end (if you don't transform)

Yes. But someone needs to transform -- you need to destroy the soul of either Orpheus or Karlach even if you have Gale in your party. I tried multiple options - Karlach, Orpheus, Tav + suicide. None of them felt good. I left the game thinking "well that sucked" (despite enjoying much of the game - the ending wasn't fun)

but when he tells you that you need more information and normal cures won't work it is actually correct.

Yes but that's a pretty generous reading of his lawyerly words. It's a bit like saying Mizora is right to ask for Karlach's head because she indeed heartless

You can find reports and books about the knights and one is saying that they suspect the Emperor to be (redacted)
(->they might have been suspected him to be a mind flayer at some point) but that they can't find any nefarious actions. And Duke Stelmane was part of the leading council of Baldurs Gate and practically leader (aside from the Emperor) of the knights. There is also the guild and the Zhentarim... the knights weren't the only ones

Yes. But the true goal of the Knights is to corrupt the leaders of Faerun and by making Stelmane a thrall The Emperor was serving the devil inside the shield. And we know from the tunnels after the morphic pool that the Knights were smugglers and thieves - like the Zents and Guild.

But again, it doesn't sound he like was doing "his city" a disservice (compare it with Gortash). And he is a mind flayer - he has to eat. He tries not to eat innocents but criminals (we don't know details - maybe not a simple thief but a murderer etc.). Same with Omeluum - he is eating persons acting against the society whatever that means

It would be like the Penguin saying that he was doing good work for Gotham by cannibalizing members of the Joker's gang. (as well as the members of his gang that were slated for execution anyway) And I don't believe The Emperor - they've been dishonest in all their dealings with Tav thus far. I think it was eating its own criminals, The Emperor was ranching humans.

He also worked with a Lich before. I very like Omeluum too but he is also a mind flayer that needs to eat.

That is right and it's a mark against Omellum which is balanced by his decision to end that relationship and seek an ethical alternative.

Omeluum was also manipulating us - he knew the ring he gave us doesn't do anything.

Oh come on! smile YES, that needs to be changed but we both know it did something in EA. Larian probably didn't want to pay that voice actor to come balck and change his lines.

I accept Omeluum as an exception to the rule but not The Emperor - Omeluum doesn't have any thralls, isn't dominating others, isn't manipulating others and hasn't established a brain ranching system. If Blurg hadn't called on him it would have been content to study mushroom samples in some lab somewhere.

The Emperor manipulates us to make us trust him, so that he can trust us instead - given that he was nearly killed in sleep by his former lover it is understandable that he is careful in this regard. [/spoiler]

I get it, people hate being stuck with him until the end

smile And that his "join the Netherbrain" makes little sense. And the forced nature of the "you must have a mind flayer" with you. And it's just a boring boss battle. Auntie Ethel and Raphel are so much better. The battles were more interesting and I felt like a hero at the end. I saved the innocent both of whom become something more than damsel in distress in the end.

I play good and still like my ending - it was a good ending.
Orpheus is dead but everyone else lives

I'm glad you enjoyed it but you also kill Lae'zel and the Gith that trusted you. You let an evil mind flayer with plans to restablish the BG branch of a criminal organization controlled by a devil go free.

I agree Orpheus isn't much developed, why should I care about Orpheus?

Because he is out to destroy a soul devouring lich on verge of godhood. Imagine how much destruction the Gith could do if they had a god on their side and not just an uber-lich. And because Lae'zel trusted you and helped you when you needed it most.
Orpheus didn't wrong you? He isn't barely there in the game - but if you turn against the Emperor Orpheus doesn't care at all about you and you get a game over.

It would be great if they changed that! Imagine how much better the game would be if you could smash the evil manipulator and start an epic quest to invade the hells.

On the lesser evil - the kid in the Creche tells us that Orpheus teaches compassion.

Originally Posted by KillerRabbit
Did you never feel tempted by Daisy's seductions? I'm not talking about K-I-S-S-I-N-G I mean resolving an issue with AUTHORITY. I mean: [illihid] [detect thoughts], I mean using the power from the Omelleum potion.

I didn't use the powers because it was clear that using the powers are tied to Illithid options and making the tadpole stronger and you became more and more dreams by using them. So no, that was not appealing to me.

[spoiler]I didn't use them either - but I like to feel like I'm being rewarded for resisting temptation. I like to feel like I was tempted to do evil but didn't. Without evil options good options are meaningless. Raphael's deal provides a good example - Tav can just say "okay I agree" and have the hammer. Or they can have a really difficult side quest that delivers good loot.

[quote]Yes, some lines are lacking. I think everyone has the issue that sometimes Tav/player character says something that they hadn't in mind. Or they would have wished other lines. The emperor as daisy replacement was a late rewrite and it shows. I think there should be a line to tell the dream guardian that we know this is not his true form - if you speak with your companions after the first dream this is quite obvious.

On this we agree completely - which is why I hope changes are coming.

I agree that I think with the powers there should be drawbacks like you said with Nere. It would make it far more interesting and indeed rewarding. But this isn't the Emperors fault but Larians. I do like the Emperor because you can approach him in a playthrough like you hate his guts and don't believe a word he says and be antagonistic to the end or you are trusting him and it does feel different. There is also much we don't really know and with him as renegade mind flayer on top of that I just find him very interesting.

Glad we agree on the drawbacks. I don't find the "I hate your guts" dialogues with the emperor very dissatisfying. Tav sounds like a xenophobe who is repelled by slimy skin and tenacles not someone like, say, chapter 3 Mayrina who was manipulated by evil monster but is ready to strike back at her manipulator. And I think Emperor = Larian. Larian decided to ditch daisy because people weren't using tadpole powers and they wanted people to do that.

Which is best explanation for the mind flayer transformation at the end. "AREN'T THESE POWERS K00L? - WE SPENT LOTS OF TIME MAKING THEM -USE THEM WHEN YOU REPLAY DAMMIT"

The thing is - hate him or love him, there are issues and I hope we get a more refined version someday. . . . But they can improve him and I hope they do.

And you found a way we could end on a point of agreement (*) Well done, you.

(*) as long as I do some light editing wink

Last edited by KillerRabbit; 19/10/23 11:07 PM. Reason: why is the "discover mistakes" button labeled "post'?
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Originally Posted by Gray Ghost
Where you and I differ is that I don't really think that the writing starts from a good place. I think that from the start of the game the foundations set by the writing were bad, and that the ultimate outcome we got was pretty much inevitable based on that. If the writing seemed good initially, then it's just because it's still starting small, planting the inocuous seeds that will grow into what problems we see down the line.

And even if what you were saying is the case, I am very hesitant to put a poor game down to lack of effort by the creators. From everything I've read and watched and learned about game development, it's a difficult, complicated job there comes a point where sometimes sacrifices in quality HAVE to be made in order to actually get the game to ship. I clearly am not inclined to give Larian a lot of grace on this game, but unless I hear it from someone on the team, I won't believe that the poor writing is a result of "taking the easy route." That makes it sound like at some point they decided to just stop putting in effort when what I expect happened is that soemwhere along the line, poor planning meant that they had no other choice but to let things fall to the wayside because that was the only way to actually finish the game, not because they just didn't want to put the work into it.
Okay, not to comment directly on Ixal's opinion, I do have to make the note that BG3's main story is LITERALLY a rehash of Baldur Gate 1's story. In that, the PC starts off investigating an iron shortage only to discover that it's being artificially created by someone agitating for war in order to gain political power in the region only to then discover that the end goal for getting that power is in service to the cult of the Dead Three and the PC is a Bhaalspawn. Just replace iron with tadpoles and add a (poorly executed) EXTRA twist after the war for political power on behalf of the Dead Three with a Bhaalspawn PC reveal to include the Netherbrain nonsense and voila. BG3.

While writing can be difficult, the vibe check set for telling if fanfiction is going to be terrible is that rehashes canon with some OC DONUT STEEL characters whose purpose is bloating the main story with their own pretentious backstories using name recognition to get an audience writing an original story wouldn't.

The fact that the above could be said about BG3 says enough, I think.

Last edited by Rahaya; 20/10/23 03:45 AM.
Joined: Oct 2020
Joined: Oct 2020
Sorry, to be sure put everyting in spoiler tags...

And I really want to tell you that I appreciate the friendly discussion we have, that isn't possible with everyone.

Originally Posted by KillerRabbit
Guardian second dream - 2:26. "Just like you I was infected by a mind flayer parasite. Just like you I seek to be free of it"

Even the most lawyerly interpretation of that line doesn't hold water because "it" clearly refers back to the tadpole. The outright lies and half truths in that conversation were not just protection, they were manipulation.

The guardian says "I WAS infected" - that is true. He is just now a full mind flayer where before he was an elf infected with the tadpole. "I seek to be free of IT" - IT means in his case the brain and enslavement. Of course he can't say that because at this point we don't know he is a mind flayer yet. But that is hardly a lie - he wants to be free of the brain and not being a thrall / slave to anyone, in our case the tadpole would lead to the same enslavement.

There are definitely things that you can accuse him off, but to call him a liar because of this line is in my opinion being very sensitive/picky. Have a look at our companions what they say and do, they have secrets, manipulate and/or say awful things (Lae'zel with her flaying people line). And people are cool with them but if the Emperor keeps things secret it isn't. But you can not recruit or kill of your companions and I think that you can't do the same with the Emperor if you don't like him just increases the hate he gets.

Of course, there are definitely things with the Emperor where I totally understand when people are upset by it, but sometimes there are just things I personally find incredible unfair - like expecting him to be some perfect being - someone that no one in the game (even not the player in most cases) is - perfect nice and altruistic person, never lying, never hiding any information (like he has to spill everything about his person on the first meeting? Who does that?)... and he isn't. But no one ever said he is? But I get the impression every line of him is being presented as proof how mean and evil he is. Does anyone do that with Shadowheart or Lae'zel or Astarion?

As I said before - if you play like being trusting and nice to him you will see that he is nice in return. And when people say - yes, that is totally what he wants from you - then I can only say: yes, but why shouldn't I? We have the same enemy, we both want to be free (not being a slave, the player also normally would not want to be a mind flayer too), we both need each other. What do I gain from fighting him all the way when it works with him (aside from role playing reasons)? Yes, there is Orpheus as option, but he is a risk - we are fighting his honor guard, which see us as enemies due to our tadpole - it is like the Emperor said - with the tadpole in our head we are as good as mind flayers for them. And we know from the creche quest that their idea of a cure is to kill infected. We can also feel that Orpheus hates us (at least it is what the Narrator says in the Emperor reveal scene after the fight).

Don't get me wrong - I would love to have a persuasion option to have both the Emperor and Orpheus available. Hopefully they will add it.

Originally Posted by KillerRabbit
But we know from multiple other dialogues - confirmed by the murder of Ansur - that the Guardian does not seek to be cured and indeed would not accept a cure were it offered to them.
(meta - as I read Salo's post I think the rules on this subforum have changed and we can freely discuss spoilers in threads marked {spoilers} )

Sorry, but killing Ansur was not murder. It was self defense. Ansur tried to "mercy" kill him in his sleep. I would defend myself too if someone decided I am no longer like they wish me to be. Ansur even calls him still Balduran - if he think he is gone now, why does he not call him just mind flayer? And look at the letter that the Emperor wrote to Ansur - it is really heartfelt. He didn't want Ansur to be in pain and asked him to leave.

The Emperor does say at first he wanted a cure too but came to like what he is now. Not sure if a cure without his cooperation would work but Ansur wasn't able to cure him and yes, even if possible he wouldn't want it. But still, I don't think this is something to hate him for.

Originally Posted by KillerRabbit
Because that's part of the manipulation. Just like Cazador instructed his spawn to show sympathy for the ones they fed on. Have you ever tried to win the [intelligence] battle with the mind flayer in the crashed ship? You feel compassion and then love as it eats your brain.

Here's a line I would like to see added:

"you've threatened for force me but I think you are bluffing. You know that thrall is less useful to you than an ally. Your attention would be divided between siphoning Orpheus' power and forcing us to enact your will. The absolute could easily take advantage of your divided attention and you would be lost"

I have tried different options and looked at the game files for the beach mind flayer. He forces the feeling love on us so that we don't attack him and willingly let him eat us. I think when mind flayers eat brains the victim has an euphoric feeling. But that has nothing to do with the Emperor - why would he still manipulate us at the end when we are about to die (in Karlachs case)? There is nothing to gain. And he just leaves, he does not attack us (even if solo and no companions are around), he does not try to dominate us to make us a thrall, he does not try it later (going with the epiloge not in game but in the game files, where everyone meets 6 months later). He just leaves and might offer some parting words (even to a player who was mean to him before he wishes them luck in the future to get the allies they desire). Unfortunately, some dialog is hidden if you have no companions with you or are playing certain origins.

I like your line, they should add more options, no question. I am not even sure he would be able to make all of the companions a thrall (and if only making the player character a thrall the others would likely know it and work against him too so not helpful) or even only with Tav to keep it up for a longer time. We do know he can take influence - if you try to get into the upper city despite his 3 warnings, he will move you back on its own, meaning he took kind of control of Tav and group, at least for a short time.

Originally Posted by KillerRabbit
If that's true then it's bad writing because it's inconsistent with so much of what has been said in the rest of the game.With the Sharess' Caress nymph a wizard can mention that mind flayers are literally incapable of feeling desire or affection. When you ask the Emperor if it regrets killing Ansur its answer is an intellectual one. "I regret that it was necessary" Even Omelleum dances around this when you save him - "I too . . . feel some some warmth". Which is a line like the ones you read in vampire stories "l remember what is to feel and I believe would have felt the same way towards you when I was alive"

(sorry, not sorry, I like reading trash)

What is the actual line? Is the voice actor asked to *convey* emotion or does it explicitly say the Emperor feels emotion? Just because the delivery is designed to be persuasive doesn't mean it is.

Don't worry, I am not here to judge you smile.

Don't forget that a wizard will have knowledge from books and I don't think the writers of the books we encounter have met many renegade mind flayers. It even says in the book that mind flayers will try to isolate you - yet the Emperor encourages you to get allies (even non tadpoled ones like Jaheira and Halsin), and that you should pay attention to its actions and not its words - what ever the Emperor says to you, at the end you can see that he keeps his word and destroys the brain and leaves you be.

We also know that mind flayers are not soulless (as it is so often said), Withers himself uses the term apostolic souls - mind flayer souls can't be used by the gods. We know they have souls because Ed Greenwood the creator of the forgotten realms confirmed it. Anyway, as the Emperor said - not every mind flayer is the same. They have feelings, I think that is canon from other sources (I think they can grief the death of their favourite thralls so much they might even die from it too). Don't forget Omeluum feels too - Blurg says he knows that Omeluum feels regret for the actions of other mind flayers. I interpret his line "feel some warmth" differently, not that he doesn't feel it but that he doesn't find the correct words for it as he doesn't remember his past life and now has to learn about humanoids and their ways.

Here some screenshots from dev notes from the game files
If you romance the Emperor and (sorry that must be hard for some to read now) kiss his tentacles he will enjoy it:
[Linked Image from]

This is when he speaks about the now dead Duke Stelmane (I suppose you could argue that he is just sounding like it but doesn't mean it - but there is no proof for both that it is sincere or not)
[Linked Image from]

He does show genuine gratitude if you acknowledge that he has feelings:
[Linked Image from]

Here is the dev note regarding his line that he would never lie to you:
[Linked Image from]

And here the comment for the whole romance night - no need for manipulation anymore:
[Linked Image from]

I don't mind if people hate him - that is even understandable if you consider that he made the Duke a thrall. Although even with that we don't have all information. Stelmane is not a new character, there are pen and paper adventures with her and there is one where it says a mind flayer from the underdark (named Gruuk I think) was responsible for her stroke when he attacked her. But we don't know what made it into the game, Larian changed things. So maybe the Emperor is meant to replace Gruuk and is the one who gave her the stroke. It could also be argued that he found her with her stroke and with making her a thrall allowed her to "function" again in a way.

I don't think this is what happens but I want to say that there are things that we don't really know, we find books and information in the game but we had a rewrite and things changed (you can find in the game files for example that the Duke was at some time to be longer dead and the Emperor continued with her work) and additionally, if someone writes a book you have to keep in mind that you shouldn't maybe belive it to be true 100% too - that is what my history teacher even told me back in school about historic documents - always think about who wrote it and why would they write it? How would the content change dependend on their view? Not saying Larian went that way but like with the book about mind flayers - just because the "normal" mind flayers are evil (because the elder brains are apparently), doesn't mean that every mind flayer is (especially the renegade ones).

I would also not put "he worshipped a devil" on him because we don't get any information about that in game. I think this is from a source outside as the Duke and the knights weren't created by Larian. I don't think he would worship a devil, from his lines about Raphael he doesn't sound like he would do that but instead despise them.

I also understand if people hate him because he might be the one that tadpoled us. However, while I think it was him, it doesn't mean he was it. We don't have 100% proof. The biggest thing that is missing is a reaction from the player character upon seeing him in the reveal scene. The player character is a little frightened it seems but no response or recognition, no narrator telling us, yes, that is the one who put the tadpole into you. And if you play Durge, he wasn't responsible for tadpoling the player character. So for some people he is not the one and so this is not a reason to hate him. But you could interpret it as such and get a new impression. But even then, I don't mind if he did it to my character, it was a way to safe the city at last. And if you play evil, to get more power. Depends how you role play or not, maybe I see it just practical as way to get the game going on...

For me personally, I think he is an interesting character and it is fun to have a renegade mind flayer that is at least on the good side (working towards a good goal) for once and that we can interact with aside from killing it. And that he isn't the knight in shining armor - there are problematic actions he did (at least implied with the Duke, I don't count Ansur to this) and yes, he is out to ensure his freedom but he is not evil evil like Orin or Gortash who want to enslave everyone (or to simply kill everyone). And depending on your interpretations and experience with him (and we have in many cases not 100% proof to say he really means it this or this way so different interpretations are valid) you get a different experience and can see him as evil or at neutral alignment (if one cares about that).

Last edited by Cawyden; 21/10/23 08:45 AM.
Joined: Oct 2020
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Originally Posted by KillerRabbit
Interesting. We have very different attitudes on coercion. I'm imaging real life me waking up with, I dunno, denge fever, being forced to drive to the hospital AND THEN finding out that the person I gave a ride to the hospital infected me so they could hitch a ride. I imagine I would awfully angry. I wouldn't consider acting against them any form 'betrayal' no matter how nice they were on drive there. Any kind words would pale in comparison to their actions.

True, I understand if people hate him for that - but we don't know 100% that this was him. And Durge was tadpoled before, this is not on him.

Originally Posted by KillerRabbit
Again on coercion - you are right to say that the emperor does not force you take the tadpole but this is clearly coercive, right? Giving someone something that forces them to survive a will check or become infected? It's a bit like a dealer persuading someone to try something once, then getting them addicted and then handing them a free sample once they've kicked the habit. Perhaps not force but a level of coercion that butts right up against boundaries of "force".

Also, if you are aggressive it does threaten to force you. No, it doesn't follow through but there is no mistaking the threat.

The thing is - he asks you to use the powers to be stronger because he thinks you might be to weak. This is why he asks you to get allies too. And he is right - the powers make you stronger. And in the end it doesn't matter, you are healed from the tadpole. So why not use it? But of course we don't know this before - I even wonder if the Emperor could now it. I think (but this is just my opinion of course) that he thinks there is no cure and we are about to transform anyway so could use tadpoles to be stronger and it wouldn't change anything.

He is certainly disappointed if you don't use the astral tadpole. He wants us to be stronger and if we end up as mind flayer he is acutally happy and calls us the "best ally he could have wished for".

He does threaten us if it doesn't work that we trust him. If we don't trust him, he can't trust us and then he resorts to the only thing he has left - he makes it clear that he will do what ever is necessary to get the mission (destroy the brain) done. He wants his freedom but that aligns with our goal and basically with saving the world, so I think we could use better dialog options here too, like telling him that he will work with him because we need to destroy the brain but we are still not trusting him.

But he does not force you, not even if you free Orpheus (which I find strange actually).

Originally Posted by KillerRabbit
Do you find the dream vision I linked to be truthful? Are they seeking to be free of his parasite? Is it right when tells us that Orpheus will attack us once freed? Was it being honest when it told us there was nothing of value in Ansur's lair? As you've said it misrepresented the relationship with Stelmane.

Don't think striking back at monster that likely infected you, lied to you and manipulated you can accurately be described as a betrayal. I also think that's a deeply flawed scene that only makes game logic - "oh you aren't going to kill the Lae'zel and the Gith that trusted you? Well say hello to the backup boss! I'm not going hide on another plane, I'm not going to run to the far reaches of the realms I'm going to become a slave again. Because: thing.

Yes, I find the dream guardian to be truthful, just not in his form (as I said, it is clear that this is not the true form). And it fits to what the Emperor says in the game later too - his one goal is freedom (and being alive). Not free of the tadpole but enslavement by the elder brain. And I believe him when he says Orpheus will kill him - he is a mind flayer, Orpheus and his honor guard are gith. They hate mind flayers, they were enslaved by them a long time ago. They would kill them on sight. It is even required for a gith to kill a mind flayer to get a certain status and recognition (Lae'zel talks about that). And on top of that he uses Orpheus power to protect himself and us, basically using him. And Orpheus honor guard attacks us too and even says that we reek of Illithid. And after the fight after the reveal of the Emperor you can ask him what would happen if we would free Orpheus and we will tell you that Orpheus would kill him and us (because with tadpole we are alreay mind flayer to them). And we know from the creche quest that gith cure infected by killing them. And the narrator even says that we can feel Orpheus hate for us. So yes, I totally believe the Emperor when he says Orpheus will kill him and likely us. He can't know that Orpheus can indeed be persuaded.

But I think they need to remove that he just leaves. Either he can be persuaded (with a high DC and maybe only if we have been trustworthy) to work with Orpheus (and Orpheus needs to be persuaded too) or at least he could fight us (although I don't think he has a chance against the full group) or he could at least be persuaded to stay and see what happens - if we have to kill Orpheus because he tries to kill the Emperor he can still eat his brain. Of course if Orpheus drop his protection of us when he is attacked we will all turn to thralls, so game over I guess. But if the Emperor joins the brain he is enslaved anyway so no difference.

And yes, he tells you that there is nothing to be found in Ansurs lair, that the wyrm is dead and that is true from his point of view. He is surprised too that Ansurs ghost is still there. Or did you mean his greatsword as treasure or his helmet? I think for him it is just a waste of time and you have the trials that might hurt you. So I don't see anything wrong with that.

Originally Posted by KillerRabbit
Yes, you are right. I think people resent not having their choices matter. In WOTR you have the choice to work with evil mastermind who manipulates you to bring the hammer of justice down on their head. But because the goal of the good Tav is avoid becoming an evil, soulless monster and save the city at the same time the need to have a mind flayer makes your victory feel like a defeat. And the metaphysics doesn't really satisfy. If Orpheus' mom had the power to bring down an entire empire with swarms of elder brains on its side then Orpheus can disrupt the Netherbrain.

As I wrote before, mind flayers are not soulless and not necessary evil. I don't feel defeat that we have to use a mind flayer - we can use the Emperor who is actually quite reasonable and not like the other mind flayers who are under the brains control only interested in making everyone a slave. The Emperor is not like them. I think the most good ending would be to have both the Emperor and Orpheus.

Originally Posted by KillerRabbit
Yes. But someone needs to transform -- you need to destroy the soul of either Orpheus or Karlach even if you have Gale in your party. I tried multiple options - Karlach, Orpheus, Tav + suicide. None of them felt good. I left the game thinking "well that sucked" (despite enjoying much of the game - the ending wasn't fun)

You can use the Emperor then no one else has to transform. If you go with Orpheus there is a way to not have someone transform and using Gale as bomb. But it is tricky, you have to ask the Emperor for the tadpole to transform but then change your mind and free Orpheus anyway. There are more steps, I have found it on reddit and can ask someone if you like to know and don't find it. But yes, it is not something you naturally stumble upon.

In my ending I did not have to kill Lae'zel, I know if you have her with you you can persuade her to be ok with killing Orpheus. I didn't have her with me and so it wasn't a problem either. I could persuade her to stay with me at the end and she was content with that, not following Orpheus or Vlaakith but just her own will.

Originally Posted by KillerRabbit
Yes. But the true goal of the Knights is to corrupt the leaders of Faerun and by making Stelmane a thrall The Emperor was serving the devil inside the shield. And we know from the tunnels after the morphic pool that the Knights were smugglers and thieves - like the Zents and Guild.

It would be like the Penguin saying that he was doing good work for Gotham by cannibalizing members of the Joker's gang. (as well as the members of his gang that were slated for execution anyway) And I don't believe The Emperor - they've been dishonest in all their dealings with Tav thus far. I think it was eating its own criminals, The Emperor was ranching humans.

I wrote it in my other post - we have no information (that I am aware of) about devil worshipping of the knights or the Emperor. And how he talks about Raphael and devils I highly doubt he would worship one. This devil worshipping is from outside the game source I think and I don't know if Larian kept it in the game. Doesn't look like it so I wouldn't put it against the Emperor. Same with the "true goal". Nothing in game that I am aware of (and I try to read everything I find) confirms this. They were a criminal organisation, they even have an assassination list, that much is sure.

There is a book in game that confirms that the Emperor eats criminals - convicted it seems as it was described the person he ate was wearing prisoner clothing. And here I disagree - I don't think the Emperor was always dishonest. He was trying to make us trust him and hiding his true form but that doesn't mean everything he said was a lie or that he was always dishonest. He tells us he is like us (he was an adventurer before and it has a double meaning because we are like him (at least part) Illithid), that he wants to be free, that the tadpole is not an usual one, that it can't be removed without killing us, that we find answers in moonrise towers, that the Gith should not get the artifact, that he prevents us from turning into a mind flayer and become a thrall.... that is all true.

Originally Posted by KillerRabbit
I accept Omeluum as an exception to the rule but not The Emperor - Omeluum doesn't have any thralls, isn't dominating others, isn't manipulating others and hasn't established a brain ranching system. If Blurg hadn't called on him it would have been content to study mushroom samples in some lab somewhere.

smile And that his "join the Netherbrain" makes little sense. And the forced nature of the "you must have a mind flayer" with you. And it's just a boring boss battle. Auntie Ethel and Raphel are so much better. The battles were more interesting and I felt like a hero at the end. I saved the innocent both of whom become something more than damsel in distress in the end.

I'm glad you enjoyed it but you also kill Lae'zel and the Gith that trusted you. You let an evil mind flayer with plans to restablish the BG branch of a criminal organization controlled by a devil go free.

Omeluum is different but as the Emperor says (and what is true about every human as well) - there are different ones. Omeluum and the Emperor are both renegades and special but different.

No I didn't had to kill Lae'zel as I wrote above. The Devil thing is not in game and we don't know if Larian kept it so no issue for me. I don't think the Emperor is evil though, not good either actually but compare him to Gortash and Orin and tell me he is like them? As you said, the guild and Zhentarim are criminals too and the guild still cares about the city and helps fight for it. Baldurs gate is corrupt, but that doesn't mean the Knights were actually harming the city - as I said, in game book says no nefarious intent could be found.

Ok that is game play reason to not like the Emperor - I did not fight him and still found the end battle nice with the time limit and the dominated dragon and saving the world at the end.

Originally Posted by KillerRabbit
Because he is out to destroy a soul devouring lich on verge of godhood. Imagine how much destruction the Gith could do if they had a god on their side and not just an uber-lich. And because Lae'zel trusted you and helped you when you needed it most.

On the lesser evil - the kid in the Creche tells us that Orpheus teaches compassion.

To be honest I don't really care about Lae'zel. I even had to make sure I don't get her killed in the beginning because I won't turn against the tieflings and are not watching her fighting against them. And from my characters point of view I don't even get the hammer because we can still get it later and free Orpheus. When did Lae'zel helped me when I needed it most? Depending on how you play but I had her barely with me and she even tried to kill me before. So basically I don't trust Lae'zel too much.

Also stupid that we can't just resurrect Orpheus.

I guess his compassion ends if you have a tadpole in your head but are not turned yet. Because he will not save you as the game shows us.

I agree that they need to flesh Orpheus out more and it would be good to have an alternative to the Emperor earlier. They praise all the different paths but with the Emperor players are kind of railroaded, that is true. I wouldn't even mind to have Orpheus as romance option.... they also need to rework if you play as gith, from what I heard it really feels like you barely are recognized, only Lae'zel. That is disappointing.

So I think we actually agree a lot but interpret the Emperor differently. Maybe I am biased because I really liked my dream guardian (that voice is amazing) and like the Emperor too. I see his flaws however and understand if people don't like him because of his actions. I just think some things are open to interpretation and it isn't necessarily always meant to be evil and manipulative - there is also room for him to show genuine feelings and care if you interpret it that way and there is also room for these different views.

Sorry if I won't answer directly on new postings from you, I have very little free time due to real life and need some time to play the game too - but I will be back smile

Last edited by Cawyden; 21/10/23 08:46 AM.
Joined: Mar 2020
Joined: Mar 2020
Thanks for the kind words. I'm also enjoying the conversation smile Because this is long and you don't have time to reply I'll respond in more than one post. Two, brief, notes (for now)

Knights of Shield

The Emperor isn't a devil worshiper - it's more like Krolla. The secret lord of the shield is a devil who is seeking to become a god with the portfolio of corruption. Gargauth doesn't really care about the things that the Knights care about - getting rich, gaining new lands and aristocratic titles - he cares about corrupting the governments of Faerun. So while the members of the Knights have the same aims as the members of the Zents and Guild the true aim of the Knights is political corruption just as the Zents were once concerned with spreading Bane's tyranny.

By corrupting Stelmane he is advancing the cause of Gargauth and helping him move from demi god to god.

"seek to free of it"

I think had already responded to that with my 'lawyerly' comment earlier but, again, that's a very lawyerly reading and one I think any fair judge would rule against. In that sentence "IT" clearly refers to the tadpole. And, at best, it's a half truth.

I think if you find such sentence construction truthful you have to likewise conclude that Mizora was telling the Wyll the truth about Karlach. Karlach is indeed heartless

I'll say more on this later but as I reconstruct the emperor's evil plan it was: take over the nautaloid, grab some humanoids to infect, get them to become half illithid or full mind flayer and use those transformed humanoids to take down the elder brain.

In a guess about the original plot - where tadpole abuse made you a true soul - it was best make the emperor's lanceboard pawns into half illithids because full mind flayers and thralls are easily controlled by elder brains. The emperor would lose the tug of war for control of the puppets. Also, full mind flayers have a difficult time infiltrating human cities.

When the ship crashed the plan altered and the plan became - manipulate the few pawns it has left.

( I can't figure out how Shar was involved - hopefully the authors will tell us one day)

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It is a good idea to keep the posts rather short and have several instead - at least for me it is easier to answer then when I have a little time. So I guess back to spoiler tags?

Originally Posted by KillerRabbit
Thanks for the kind words. I'm also enjoying the conversation smile Because this is long and you don't have time to reply I'll respond in more than one post. Two, brief, notes (for now)

Knights of Shield

The Emperor isn't a devil worshiper - it's more like Krolla. The secret lord of the shield is a devil who is seeking to become a god with the portfolio of corruption. Gargauth doesn't really care about the things that the Knights care about - getting rich, gaining new lands and aristocratic titles - he cares about corrupting the governments of Faerun. So while the members of the Knights have the same aims as the members of the Zents and Guild the true aim of the Knights is political corruption just as the Zents were once concerned with spreading Bane's tyranny.

By corrupting Stelmane he is advancing the cause of Gargauth and helping him move from demi god to god.

Thank you! That is interesting but as I said - we don't get any information (that I found at least) in game for it. So at this point it could be still true but we don't know if Larian went with this route or changed it. But in any case I don't think the Emperor is aware of it (it says in the wiki that the highest lord knows about it but most of the others don't) and if he is,
I don't think he would do anything to empower a devil.
He is aware how dangerous that would be (see his comments about Raphael). So I really wouldn't hold that against him.

You could also say that taking over the knights by enthralling the (possibly devil worshipping) Duke might have steered the order away from their original goal and allowed him to do something better for his city. It doesn't look like was interested in riches but to have influence over the city. And in the ending he says "his city" so it seems he as a certain attachment to the city.

Originally Posted by KillerRabbit
"seek to free of it"

I think had already responded to that with my 'lawyerly' comment earlier but, again, that's a very lawyerly reading and one I think any fair judge would rule against. In that sentence "IT" clearly refers to the tadpole. And, at best, it's a half truth.

I think if you find such sentence construction truthful you have to likewise conclude that Mizora was telling the Wyll the truth about Karlach. Karlach is indeed heartless

I'll say more on this later but as I reconstruct the emperor's evil plan it was: take over the nautaloid, grab some humanoids to infect, get them to become half illithid or full mind flayer and use those transformed humanoids to take down the elder brain.

In a guess about the original plot - where tadpole abuse made you a true soul - it was best make the emperor's lanceboard pawns into half illithids because full mind flayers and thralls are easily controlled by elder brains. The emperor would lose the tug of war for control of the puppets. Also, full mind flayers have a difficult time infiltrating human cities.

When the ship crashed the plan altered and the plan became - manipulate the few pawns it has left.

( I can't figure out how Shar was involved - hopefully the authors will tell us one day)

Yes, the IT definitely means the tadpole as he was talking about that just a sentence before. That much is clear. Still, there is a difference to Mizora/Karlach. Mizora is technically right that Karlach has no heart but because of that either Wyll is punished or Karlach has to die while with the guardian it doesn't really matter. He could have said, "Like you I seek to get my freedom back and not become a thrall to the Absolute" and it would change nothing - aside from you not being able to find some dishonesty in this line.

What he means of course is not the tadpole but the enslavement by the elder brain. He does sees you already as (part) Illithid and says so later - he is just a little further in his evolution process. So I see that this sounds like a lie (and technically is) but for him I think isn't really, as tadpole just means enslavement and this true for both him and you. I also personally don't mind as he was hiding his identity and so while he could have avoided it by choosing a different way to say it, it doesn't really change what he meant for me - he wants freedom, so do I.

It is possible that he believes or knows a cure is indeed possible - the ceremorphosis process is stopped by him / Orpheus powers and we see in the end that the brain can be commanded to kill the tadpole. Meaning even if he was tadpoling us (but we don't know 100% if that was him) and asks us to use the tadpoles and their powers he might know that we can be cured later, so no actually harm is done. But he does prefer us as Illithid / part Illithid at least because we get more powers and are more likely to get the job done.

Still, there is a lot unclear and we can only speculate.

Last edited by Cawyden; 21/10/23 02:27 PM.
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And in the end it doesn't matter, you are healed from the tadpole. So why not use it? But of course we don't know this before - I even wonder if the Emperor could now it. I think (but this is just my opinion of course) that he thinks there is no cure and we are about to transform anyway so could use tadpoles to be stronger and it wouldn't change anything.


1. You are roleplaying a good character anything that moves you closer to being an evil creature is to be avoided. In BG1 resisting the pull of evil was rewarded. You could either embrace evil and have the ability to use vampric touch or you purify the unholy power and focus on healing others.

2. Right he believes the cure in both impossible *and* undesirable. He's evil - his nature compels him to dominate and control others and he wants to become the same.

And it would be nice to prove him wrong the same way we proved Sarevok wrong in BG1 and ToB - Sarevok believed that we needed to embrace Bhaal's powers to succeed. We didn't and indeed his choice embrace the evil inside was his undoing.

So, again, I would like to have good ending - one that give us a choice between competing evils but of the two evils Orpheus is the lesser one.

The Emperor might not have known he was serving a devil but if he efforts didn't corrupt the government of Baldur's Gate he would have been removed from his position by the devil. I think this is a place where Larian understood the FR lore and used it appropriately - the Knights are agents of corruption whether they know it or not . . .

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Originally Posted by KillerRabbit
2. Right he believes the cure in both impossible *and* undesirable. He's evil - his nature compels him to dominate and control others and he wants to become the same.

And it would be nice to prove him wrong the same way we proved Sarevok wrong in BG1 and ToB - Sarevok believed that we needed to embrace Bhaal's powers to succeed. We didn't and indeed his choice embrace the evil inside was his undoing.

So, again, I would like to have good ending - one that give us a choice between competing evils but of the two evils Orpheus is the lesser one.

Yeah it's kinda sad that currently, the only way to prove him sort of wrong (and I am betting it won't ever be mentioned again) is to turn on him when you enter the Prism in the beginning of act 3, beat his slimy ass and only when he's laying on the ground give him a hand lol. And I could do that with 0 tadpoles absorbed on tactician, eat dust Emperor! Proving that all I need is myself, without any extra illithid bits!

But then, when I told him 'hell no' to the Astral tadpole, he gave me one anyway for 'safe keeping', in case I change my mind (the only place where not absorbing any tadpoles has some type of unique outcome, aside from Jaheira's truth potion interrogation, until ofc Larian tries to push it on you anyway, despite constantly resisting it).

[Linked Image from]

But then again, I think stomping on the tadpole while he's watching is more fun...

And yeah, this is my 1st run where I truly committed to not munching on tadpoles. 1st run ever I didn't munch until I read somewhere that it doesn't change the endings (which imho should be freaking changed - actions have consequences, yada yada) at all then I munched, in my 2nd run I munched cause it was my 1st ever tactician and I thought the difficulty was gonna be harder, but it's basically "balanced+", but on my current 3rd run I am not munching out of spite and collecting all the tadpoles in my inventory - thank goodness they're pretty light.

By the end game I am gonna make a picture out of all the tadpoles collected in my inventory, with the astral one being the center piece. Also, I am thinking, during the final fight against the brain, when Emperor shows up I am gonna throw the astral tadpole at him to ensure the killing blow. My master evil plan. Just to rub it in. astarionhappy

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old hand
old hand
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I usually drop the astral tadpole on the ground as I'm exiting the prism, but saving it to lob at him is a much better idea. laezelapprove

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you end up with some mind powers anyway, even if you say no to every option to take one and pass every test = Larian force feeds it to you after a cut scene... i stopped playing my 'good' Tav at that point and started my evil run

p.s, i like the idea of tossing it at him in the prism... will have to do that later

Luke Skywalker: I don't, I don't believe it.
Yoda: That is why you failed.
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Originally Posted by KillerRabbit
And in the end it doesn't matter, you are healed from the tadpole. So why not use it? But of course we don't know this before - I even wonder if the Emperor could now it. I think (but this is just my opinion of course) that he thinks there is no cure and we are about to transform anyway so could use tadpoles to be stronger and it wouldn't change anything.


1. You are roleplaying a good character anything that moves you closer to being an evil creature is to be avoided. In BG1 resisting the pull of evil was rewarded. You could either embrace evil and have the ability to use vampric touch or you purify the unholy power and focus on healing others.

2. Right he believes the cure in both impossible *and* undesirable. He's evil - his nature compels him to dominate and control others and he wants to become the same.

And it would be nice to prove him wrong the same way we proved Sarevok wrong in BG1 and ToB - Sarevok believed that we needed to embrace Bhaal's powers to succeed. We didn't and indeed his choice embrace the evil inside was his undoing.

So, again, I would like to have good ending - one that give us a choice between competing evils but of the two evils Orpheus is the lesser one.

The Emperor might not have known he was serving a devil but if he efforts didn't corrupt the government of Baldur's Gate he would have been removed from his position by the devil. I think this is a place where Larian understood the FR lore and used it appropriately - the Knights are agents of corruption whether they know it or not . . .

1. You can play like you want, you could also play evil if you like. I do play good but still it comes down to how you play your character (or just personal preferences). Using tadpoles if the Emperor assures you aren't going to affect you negatively to increase the chance of success is not evil - you do not hurt anyone by using tadpoles. The Emperor is preventing our transformation and we keep our mind/selves. But you don't even havve to use more tadpoles. You can play the game without using one.

2. This includes 1. - YOU have decided that YOU see the Emperor as evil. But I don't. And I don't think he is - compare him with Gortash or Orin. Sure, he is out for himself, but that doesn't make you evil. And please don't say all Illithids are evil, because this is not the case - "normal" Illithids are under the brains influence and the brain seems to be evil (at least that is what the Emperor says). But just like humans, there are always exceptions to the rules and not every mind flayer is the same - especially renegeade ones. Or do you see Omeluum as evil because he has to eat brains? That is hardly his fault. And the Emperor has to eat too and as the in game book showed (I checked it again and it even says condemned prisoner - meaning someone sentenced to death) that he indeed tries to not harm innocents. Like the one person who saw him one time - the Emperor did not kill him but instead just made it so that the guy would think he saw Duke Stelmane and not a mind flayer. He could have easily killed him and let him vanish, but he didn't which fits to him trying to not affect innocents.

Additionally, I said my PERSONAL head canon is that he didn't know there is a cure. But after speaking with other people and seeing in game that Tav at the end simply commands the brain to destroy the tadpoles I do think now (and that is why I changed my earlier post) that the Emperor COULD HAVE KNOWN that there is a cure. He says because of the netherease magic the tadpole can't be removed, but this would imply once the magic influence is removed, you can remove the tadpoles too. Aside from ordering the brain to kill the tadpoles - as Illithid I think he would have known that better than Tav or we.

That being said, he definitely prefers us as Illithid, as he said himself, it gives us more power and improve our chances of success. If there is no downside to it, then there is no harm in using them. You don't end up as mind flayer or with holes in your head. And he does not force us to become a mind flayer in the end - you can ask him to transform you so that you can use the stones yourself, but he even asks you if you are sure because it is not reversible. If he is so evil wouldn't he try to force us into a mind flayer or lie to make us one knowing it can't be reversed?

You seem to be set on the idea that he is evil and that is fine. But that doesn't make it true or what Larian was going for, you know. There are things unknown to us and open for interpretation.

3. That is completely speculation - sorry but this isn't even in the game, there is no text nothing to indicate that they are devil worshipping. We don't know if Larian kept this or not - this is you metagaming. And to say the Emperor must be evil because otherwise the corresponding devil would have removed him is reaching too - there are other knights of the shield orders too, not just the one in Baldurs Gate. The city is already corrupt, even without the knights. And maybe the devil would just play the waiting game as mind flayers only live a short time - what is 100 years for a devil? That is really not a reason to hate the Emperor in my opinion but do what you want. I understand people being upset by things we do know about him but this is really reaching.

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@ Nicotta. Love the post! While I do like the "crush it" option the idea of bringing down The Emperor with a thrown tadpole is so fun I might just have to take your suggestion.

@ussnorway While our actions differed it seems we had the same reaction!

Oh so the main path in the game is evil - I guess BG has gone from "can you resist the evil inside" to "you should embrace the evil inside - it's fun!" (tell me you can't imagine the Larian CEO saying that)


This is:
A) my attempt to get @Salo or however combs these forums to notice that some people are not happy with the end game

B) just good fun.

I'm not here to ruin your fun.

If you want to see The Emperor as good - as it want you see it - that's great. That's fun for you. OF COURSE this is all IMO. It's video game forum and this is all interpretation of text that has multiple authors, has been revised several times and is designed to support different playthroughs. We're all staring at ink blocks.

That doesn't mean I'm not going argue vigorously smile I do think I'm right! But I also enjoy hearing about your experience. But, yes, yes, yes we all just talking about interpretation. It's just a game.
Using tadpoles if the Emperor assures you aren't going to affect you negatively to increase the chance of success is not evil

As DM I would totally accept that from a player and remove the alignment violation check away from the character sheet. But - and I'm going to have to bleed over into your #2. Yes, mind flayers - with a handful of exceptions - are intrinsically evil. They create thralls, dominate and feed on others. Omelleum's do exist but they are exceedingly rare.

(and the emperor isn't an Omelleum - he acts like a independently evil mind flayer)

So swallowing tadpoles - inching closer to becoming a creature without an apostolic soul - is something that threatens alignment. And doing while being manipulated by an evil mastermind should impact DM rulings I think good roleplay would involve discovering evidence of the emperor's evil and finding a way to cut the strings.

Omelleum vs the Emperor

Omelleum's alignment is true neutral. As he is listed in the FR books. (with a different name) Omelleum joined a scholarly society, he has tried to find a moral alternative to brains and has come up with the same one I use with Astarian: if they attack your party you can feed.

The emperor is evil. Yes because he is a mind flayer - which are evil monsters - but because he does not act like Omelleum. He acts like a Manshoon or other evil mastermind. Is he nice to us if we are nice to him? Sure, the same way I'm nice to scratch. If we are good we get scritches but if we make master mad . . . Btw, did you notice that if you click on the dog collar in his lair you automatically put it on? Read that interaction again keeping in mind that the believes that Illithid are the superior species. He likes us if we act like a good girl.

In bullet point


No thralls
No domination
Solitary study
Tries to help extract tadpole
No evidence of belief in the superiority of illithids
Constant search for alternative to brains


Controls diabolic criminal organization
Dominates and manipulates others
Believes mind flayers are a superior species
Encourages Tav to become half illithid
Ranches humanoids

The Knights of the Shield

Let's be clear - there is no doubt in the FR lore that the Knights are an evil organization. AGAIN, I am not saying The Emperor is a devil worshiper, I'm saying he works for a devil. The purpose of the Knights of the Shield is Garguth's purpose. Just like in 3.5 DnD the purpose of the Zhentarim was the purpose of the Church of Bane.

Was The Emperor (TE) "worshiping a devil" by corrupting the leadership of Baldur's Gate? No but he was advancing the interests of devil. If the BG did not engage in corruption the leadership would have been removed - TE would have lost its position. And a mind flayer in an excellent corruption agent.

To belabor the point - TE might not have known but he would have been replaced as leader if Garguth wasn't happy. The Knights do what The Shield tells them to do.

Sure, as you suggest, Larian could have changed the lore. But they didn't. Why have the Knights and some other random criminal organization? Why make the corruption of BG's leadership be part of the story? Why have Wyll comment on it? Wyll's story - what little of is left of it - is about discovering that the Knights were at the heart of corruption in city. The leader of Knights made a duke into a thrall, smuggled, killed the protector of the city. TE was an end boss before the dead three strolled back into town.

And thus my upset - we have to choose between two evils.

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Originally Posted by KillerRabbit
If you want to see The Emperor as good - as it want you see it - that's great. That's fun for you. OF COURSE this is all IMO. It's video game forum and this is all interpretation of text that has multiple authors, has been revised several times and is designed to support different playthroughs. We're all staring at ink blocks.

Don't worry - you are not ruining my fun with the game but I do think I will leave the discussion to actually play it again and to have fun.

My goal was to show others (who might just read the comments here) that there aren't just Emperor haters out there and that not everything that people post are necessarily the one truth - a lot of things are quite open to interpretation and it is good to remind people of this.

I don't mind if people hate the Emperor or are unhappy with him. I see potential for improvement too and of course it makes sense to get Larians attention. I hope for more Emperor content, with fixes regarding the time line and more dialog option, even possibly having Orpheus has second option early in act 3 would be nice too (even for me as Emperor fan). I am always for more options.

But I must say, I am actually aghast how people are dissecting every dream guardian and Emperor line and interpret it with the worst/most evil meaning possible - I don't think this is done for every other character in this game. Just because the Emperor is withhelding information and giving half truths at some point (and once feigning surprise about the colony in the moonrise towers) doesn't mean he is lying all times like it sometimes sound from others.

I am also wondering if everyone is playing just perfect beings that never use the persuasion, intimidation or deception options, never steal, never lie, only kill if you are attacked (and knock out isn't possible). You can manipulate more than the Emperor actually and the real master manipulator makes you not aware of the manipulation. In that regard you can even say Tav is a better manipulator than the Emperor.

You can still beat the game with being antagonistic to him and not using tadpole powers, he is only asking (and once if you are mean to him and he is at the point where he can see you will never trust him threatens you), but the point is, he does not force you to take the tadpoles or become a mind flayer. Not that it makes a difference - you are already carrying a tadpole - either you are cured or turn anyway.

And no, I don't think the Emperor is good. I see him as neutral. He is not evil - he isn't doing to people what Gortash or Orin is doing.
He does not kill or dominate everyone around us. We only know about the Duke but even then a lot of things are unclear. There is no information that he was dominating others or had other thralls.
We do know that he had opportunities to kill innocents and didn't do it - like the one eye witness - he could simply have killed him, it was even a security issue for him but he didn't. He could kill or dominate us in the end (especially if playing solo) - he doesn't. He is actually quite nice to someone who even tried to kill him before at the end, hoping they will find the allies they desire in the future. And we know that his actions during his knights of the shield time was not seen as nefarious by others.

Additionally and contrary to your points Omeluum vs Emperor - he eats brains, yes, so does Omeluum. But the Emperor says and we know this is true because we have an eye witness, eats condemned (sentenced to death) criminals. We have no proof that this is not true. You choose to believe Omeluum when he says he only eats those against the society (whatever that means) but choose to see the Emperor as liar.
He believes he is superior to his former self because he has now other abilities and powers and can think faster (and fly and read minds, and use telekinesis). He was a fighter before, not a wizard. But he is not wrong - if we use the tadpole powers we are getting stronger, more powerful. The Emperor is right when he says that increases our chances to defeat the brain. He is clearly against the grand design and the usual mind flayer goals. And as being half illithid is not an issue at all in this game and you are cured at the end, it is hard to argue against using the tadpoles. It has no negative impact. If this was the case and the Emperor was clearly hurting us with asking us to take tadpole powers it would be a different story. But it isn't. You are already carrying a tadpole - as I said - take more tadpoles, it doesn't matter if you are going to be cured anyway or if there was no cure you would turn eventually so taking more tadpoles or being half Illithid wouldn't make a difference either.

You know, I am not sure if you are trolling me or being actually serious, but the collar thing is obviously a bug. Same thing happens with his sword. If the Emperor would have influenced us to wear the collar or moved it on his own I am pretty sure we would have gotten a narrator line and our character and companions reacting to it. Or are you going to try to convince me that the Emperor wants us to use his sword, because .... reasons? You also can't click the soup recipe, I wonder what nefarious meaning this could have.....

According to the dev notes he is more treating us like a parent would treat a child on an occasion, but that depends on the dialog option. I think the Emperor is actually more patient and nice to a player character hating on him than the other way around.

Regarding the knights - sorry but we have to agree to disagree here. I can't fault the Emperor about something he can't know. And there is no proof the devil was even able to get him replaced. He is trapped in a shield. He can communicate it seems but that doesn't mean he can do a lot of other things. And contrary to your speculation that is not supported by any text in game, there is a in game note that says that the Emperor did not do any nefarious actions. I think that speaks for itself.

I am glad we agree that Omeluum is a good one (or neutral, that is fine). Now, that is just me trying to be funny and at the same time trying to visualize how I experience the Emperor prejudice - let me write what I suspect a typical Emperor hater would write about Omeluum if he was faced with the same prejudice and hate:

- He worked with a lich! A lich! Lichs are evil - that is canon, so Omeluum was working for someone evil, hence Omeluum is EVIL
- He says he only eats brains of people that are against the Society. He doesn't say the ones that ATTACK the society. So if someone just has a different opinion he kills them too! He says it practically.
- The society is not a good organisation, some people there are evil! They abused the poor Gith kid. So again, Omeluum is with a evil organisation!
- He makes us interested in a ring that might help us (MANIPULATION!) and then admits that it didn't do anything! This was dangerous, we could have relied on that ring! He is also LYING to us! He is so dishonest - everything he says can't be taken for the truth, it is all a lie and manipulation!
- He disguises himself so people don't recognize him in the city - again MANIPULATION, he is not showing his true self!
- Did I mention that he is a MIND FLAYER? They eat BRAINS - EVIL!!!!!
- We don't know if he dominated people before or had thralls before - who says Blurg is not a thrall?!
- His extraction of the tadpole made it worse! I had no powers before because I never used a different tadpole and after Omeluum I had! And it even says in the game the tadpole is stronger now!

So, sorry and again, I hope you don't take it seriously and I don't mean you. It is just the normal crazyness dealing with a lot of anti Emperor postings I see popping up (e.g. on reddit).

I just wish people hating the Emperor wouldn't often come up with such strange reasons for hating him. I mean, it is ok to hate him, no justification at all required. It is also understandable to ask for improvements. But I think there is no such exaggeration with any other character - they lie, they manipulate, they say evil things, do evil stuff and no one bats an eye. But the Emperor says one half truth and some people start to post that he is always lying...

I will also bid farewell - as you said, it is supposed to be fun and I rather play the game to have fun. I like to thank you for your thoughts and the acutally entertaining discussion. I hope my above attempt on being funny is not totally off the mark (afterall I am german, everyone knows we have no humour right?). It is interesting to see what people think but when it comes down to things that feel so alien to me to take them as reasons to hate this character there is not really something left for me to say. I do agree with some things and hope for improvements, but I do enjoy the Emperor and dream guardian so mayybe I just see things from a different direction.

Last edited by Cawyden; 25/10/23 02:27 PM.
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It's been fun and I think you succeeded in the task you set out to do - you made it clear that some like The Emperor and are satisfied with his ending.

I'm not satisfied with it I really hope Larian changes it. The requirement for a mind flayer at the doesn't feel tragic, or interesting, or fun. It feels contrived, it feels like a Deux ex Machina. Brain big so you need mind flayer stuff. Nope the Gith Messiah won't do. Nope the god watching the wizard won't do. Gotta be a mind flayer

And as someone who only plays good characters, sitting by while a helpless prisoner has his brain devoured doesn't feel good. Neither does it feel good to sit side by side with a monster who is admiring the restraint and mental domination of said helpless prisoner. "beautiful, isn't it?"

I know you think much of the resistance come from the sex scene but that's not it for me. I'm upset at how poorly supported "distrust the emperor" is handled before and after that.

My experience:

* stabs emperor

* next dream "I trust you've come to your senses" I'm back on trust path for some reason! No, I've not "come to my senses"! No option to stab again, to yell at, spit in it's face. Just "okay I totally trust you after it became clear you were coming to me a false form, tell me truthworthy one what do I do next"?

* Brings emperor down to 7 hps - gets end game warning. Annnnd I'm back to trusting the emperor. "no: yes we need each other but we are not friends"

*next dream - sitting side by side with emperor while it admires its evil actions. The lines for a distrustful Tav are just awful. Tav sounds like a xenophobic idiot and not someone horrified by the emperor's actions.

Now I do think the supporting materials make it clear that the emperor was evil? Absolutely. But is that reflected in Tav dialogues? No. Is that reflected in the options available to good Tav? No. The good Tav has to choose between competing evils. The "you need a mindflayer" ending doesn't feel tragic, that moment holds no pathos - I just feel like the game cheated, like my actions didn't matter in the end.

Is Orpheus a good guy? No. But a Gith civil war is probably a good thing.

Before you go:

No, not trolling at all and I don't think it's a bug. Remember the previous dialogue? "I will be your shield, you must be the weapon" We are the emperor's sword. We, the adorable pet on the path to become something greater. Paternalistic does cover the tone, doesn't it? We are dealing with a member of a superior species.

Last bit on the Knights of the Shield - you can't invoke FR lore when it suits you and ignore it otherwise. I'm willing to go with apostolic souls - Greenwood is *the* loremaster - but the Knights *are* an evil organization. And there is nothing that suggests that the lore has been changed. If these are friendly thieves why use the name of the knights and not - say - some sub unit of the guild?

Also, I like Germans. I've spent lots of time reading German philosophers and I know some Germans who are very funny. Thanks for the exchange!

auf Wiedersehen

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Originally Posted by KillerRabbit
It's been fun and I think you succeeded in the task you set out to do - you made it clear that some like The Emperor and are satisfied with his ending.

I'm not satisfied with it I really hope Larian changes it. The requirement for a mind flayer at the doesn't feel tragic, or interesting, or fun. It feels contrived, it feels like a Deux ex Machina. Brain big so you need mind flayer stuff. Nope the Gith Messiah won't do. Nope the god watching the wizard won't do. Gotta be a mind flayer

And as someone who only plays good characters, sitting by while a helpless prisoner has his brain devoured doesn't feel good. Neither does it feel good to sit side by side with a monster who is admiring the restraint and mental domination of said helpless prisoner. "beautiful, isn't it?"

They could keep the requirement but allow for Orpheus and the Emperor together so that you can free Orpheus and still no one has to turn into a mind flayer.

There is the option to just use Gale without Orpheus or someone else required to turn, but you have to select a certain selection of dialog lines and Lae'zel has to be in the party. It would be good if this would be easier to achieve, so that it isn't missed so easily.

But yes, I don't mind if they would even get rid of the requirement. As long as they don't get rid of the Emperor because I do enjoy the character. But I understand that if there is one character you don't like for whatever reasons and he/she is forced onto you and have to keep listen to this character and interacting with it, it becomes tiresome and it only fuels the hate for this character. So I think it would really be a good idea to have Orpheus as option available as early as possible (likely beginning act 3 then) as alternative.

Originally Posted by KillerRabbit
I know you think much of the resistance come from the sex scene but that's not it for me. I'm upset at how poorly supported "distrust the emperor" is handled before and after that.

My experience:

* stabs emperor

* next dream "I trust you've come to your senses" I'm back on trust path for some reason! No, I've not "come to my senses"! No option to stab again, to yell at, spit in it's face. Just "okay I totally trust you after it became clear you were coming to me a false form, tell me truthworthy one what do I do next"?

* Brings emperor down to 7 hps - gets end game warning. Annnnd I'm back to trusting the emperor. "no: yes we need each other but we are not friends"

*next dream - sitting side by side with emperor while it admires its evil actions. The lines for a distrustful Tav are just awful. Tav sounds like a xenophobic idiot and not someone horrified by the emperor's actions.

Now I do think the supporting materials make it clear that the emperor was evil? Absolutely. But is that reflected in Tav dialogues? No. Is that reflected in the options available to good Tav? No. The good Tav has to choose between competing evils. The "you need a mindflayer" ending doesn't feel tragic, that moment holds no pathos - I just feel like the game cheated, like my actions didn't matter in the end.

Is Orpheus a good guy? No. But a Gith civil war is probably a good thing.

No, it isn't just the sex scene - I mean, people who were not begin trustworthy and empathic towards him should get a different scene, with him fully clothed and not leading to a romance. Currently it is only not possible if you tried to kill him before from what I heard. But I get that as I wrote above, that he rubs some people the wrong way (which is fine) and then is forced onto them. This can only lead to more hate towards him.

And as you wrote as your personal experience - he should react differently if you are continuingly challenge and antagonistic towards him. He might still try to get onto your good side but there is a point where it is clear that is not going to happen and he needs to acknowledge it better. But this is a problem from the late rewrite I think, but it should definitely be corrected and the dialog improved.

That is where I disagree - I don't think he is evil or that what you discover in game (by books e.g.) only leads to the conclusion that he is evil. There is also proof that in my opinion shows he isn't.

I get that having to kill Orpheus is tragic - however he is going to be as a leader, at this moment he is a prisoner and helpless. It is not like a all good playthrough should feel like. But I can't just betray the Emperor, who I don't think is evil and who was protecting and working with me the whole game. To be able to free Orpheus and keep the Emperor would a complete good playthrough for me. If you feel he is evil, they could add an option so you can still kill him at the end. I know you can if you turn into a mind flayer.

Originally Posted by KillerRabbit
Before you go:

No, not trolling at all and I don't think it's a bug. Remember the previous dialogue? "I will be your shield, you must be the weapon" We are the emperor's sword. We, the adorable pet on the path to become something greater. Paternalistic does cover the tone, doesn't it? We are dealing with a member of a superior species.

Last bit on the Knights of the Shield - you can't invoke FR lore when it suits you and ignore it otherwise. I'm willing to go with apostolic souls - Greenwood is *the* loremaster - but the Knights *are* an evil organization. And there is nothing that suggests that the lore has been changed. If these are friendly thieves why use the name of the knights and not - say - some sub unit of the guild?

Also, I like Germans. I've spent lots of time reading German philosophers and I know some Germans who are very funny. Thanks for the exchange!

auf Wiedersehen

I still think it is a bug - other items are affected too and I just learned that if you press ALT to highlight and then select the item the auto equip does not happen. And as I said - if that would haven been intentional, Larian would have added some comments from narrator or companions.

Fair enough but I think we are all guilty of this - we pick what we think fits best. We know that Larian did changes compared to the canon like making Balduran elf. And the canon Knights don't have the Emperor as member I think. Maybe the knights are considered evil because of the devil behind the scenes but as this is only known to very few people I don't think that this means all members of the order are evil. We do have confirmation in game that his actions weren't seen as nefarious (from outside the knights, I think it was a different faction).

I know you see it differently, we have to agree to disagree here. For me the Emperor is not evil, he is neutral. But even if he were evil, he is more complex then just "evil mind flayer" to what others like to reduce him.

And I think it is just normal that if you are nice to people, they are nice to you and if you are mean and insulting and antagonistic towards them they will be more aggressive and similar to you. No reason to say - see? He is mean to me and that only because I was mean to him!

I don't know if you are aware, but on the Larian Discord there is the BG3 feedback channel and people can submit suggestions and bugs there. Might be a good second option to get Larians attention.

So, I will still be lurking but need some time off for now.

Best wishes,

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