Dear Larian, these two topics/suggestions/grievances have been discussed previously in several threads over and over. Im putting them forward here in suggestions rather than general discussion, for orders sake/ as a reminder.
1. Deity Choice for Paladins. In the Forgotten Realms, MOST Paladins are devoted/dedicated to a deity (see Sword Coast Adventurers Guide and also quotes from the creator of Forgotten Realms for reference). Yes its true, one is not required to choose one game mechanically in the PHB, but thats in large part due to WotC wanting to cater for all settings, both Homebrewed and otherwise. But BG3 is set in the Forgotten Realms, and in the forgotten Realms, Paladins serve deities. And lets face it thats where their power comes from.
So adding a deity choice for Paladins makes much more sense for BG3 than the absence of it which BG3 currently has. In fact currently the Player Character Paladins are lore breaking and against the norm (in the forgotten realms). You can either copy the cleric dialogue choices over with Paladin of "insert Deity" instead of Cleric of "insert deity". I also believe you have some written code for this actually already finished for Paladin but previously scrapped.
2. Racial Ability Bonuses from PHB.Not the simplified non default option you have chosen. You had this already during 3 years of EA but chose to change it just before release (Gods know why, but there it is). A major part of BG3 players who are either also D&D players or ppl who have played EA over and over, miss the default system (and most if not all agree that it should atleast be an option). And there have been several heated threads here on the forums on this subject, as Im sure you know.
I myself and a lot of other ppl who dislike the current implemented system, would really like the PHB Racial ability bonus system at least as an option, without having to resort to mods. So either the PHB system as an option or some sort of compromise, where Humans, Shield Dwarves and Half elves(?) keep the PHB system, while the rest of the races have the +2/+1 system. Or maybe even better, Humans +1 to all as in PHB, and the rest with the +2/+1 but with Shield/Mountain Dwarves getting an extra +1 to STR and Half Elves getting an extra +1 (that cant be combined with the other +1). That way we who want the PHB system can allocate the +2/1 to the appropriate ability as in PHB, and the 3 races as mentioned remain unaffected (which is really the root of the problem currently).
Personally I wanted to play Human or shield dwarf Paladin as my first playthrough, but due to the two issues above, I really cant bring myself to do it. And I know there are a lot of players who share my feelings on this. With the extreme success of BG3, Im sure were now a minority, but still a substantial percentage %.
Other than that, Id like to Congratulate you on an excellent game and release, the two issues above fixed would make it a definite 10/10 for me

(9.6 atm). Currently 100 hrs in on the dot, did everything humanly possible to do in Act 1 and 2, and just got to act 3. I think your 60-80 hr playthrough estimates were quite modest :P. Anyway, if you dont get game of the year and decade, then something is seriously wrong with the voting system
