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Personally I'm fine-as with Tactician.

I'm contemplating a solo necromancer beeline run and it's going to be challenging. I'm going to skip and avoid what I can because I want it completed in 80 hours. I don't know what specific gear I need, so it's going to be hard going. Heck, I might even go Balanced for speed of play.

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Originally Posted by FreeTheSlaves
Personally I'm fine-as with Tactician.

I'm contemplating a solo necromancer beeline run and it's going to be challenging. I'm going to skip and avoid what I can because I want it completed in 80 hours. I don't know what specific gear I need, so it's going to be hard going. Heck, I might even go Balanced for speed of play.

Just curious if you being fine-as is with tactician applies to ACT 1 , 2 AND 3?

I got to say if people can do solo runs on this game with Tactician .....there is a huge problem.

DOS 2 at least had the Lone-Wolf Buffs specifically to get you over the hump to do so.

Nothing wrong with you doing it to have fun, you get my point smile

Last edited by xSneakyGuyx; 29/09/23 01:35 PM.
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This guy s doing it with no save scuming no tadpole powers and only single class.

Last edited by ZOZO1006; 29/09/23 06:12 PM.
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Originally Posted by xSneakyGuyx
Just curious if you being fine-as is with tactician applies to ACT 1 , 2 AND 3?

I got to say if people can do solo runs on this game with Tactician .....there is a huge problem.

DOS 2 at least had the Lone-Wolf Buffs specifically to get you over the hump to do so.

Nothing wrong with you doing it to have fun, you get my point smile

For me, going single class necromancer no save-scumming is going to be tough throughout Acts 1-3! I'm thinking end of Act 2 as being particularly challenging. Any must-do set piece fights. Probably dump Cha for RP reason.

That said, thinking to go Balanced simply because of time consideration + I like TT numbers. Tactician has some numbers bloat that doesn't mesh well with the narrative. Some of those Act 3 Banites are almost as powerful as Kethric! And Balanced has almost all of the enemy DPR from Tactician anyway.

Is soloing on Tactician really a problem? AI doesn't compare to human DM, enemies and treasure are in static places which players on 3rd run+ will know well. The biggest complaints I hear about solo-running is the repetitiveness from using same tactics over again + time spent in encounters. (Which is why I'm picking the most flexible class and intend to skip optional high cost/low reward encounters.)

The biggest lone-wolf buff would be inventory management. Which is true all difficulties anyway.

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Ai is a litte problem.
The main issue is the enemy's in the game dont have abilities acording to they lvl. For example a lvl 12 wizard have magic missile misty step counter spell and that's it and mybe 1 more cc. There is no challenge its not about the ai.
Lvl 12 - 16 enemy's have 14-21 armor class and that's it. Armor saves spells abylitys are not existing.

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Beating the game with salami. This is a joke.

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Buffed Raphael fight on tactician as lvl 1.
Generally he can do this because enemy's don't have armor class and hp in act 3. And they are stupid don't search for hidden characters. And also if we play solo and drink an invisible potion the combat will reset.

Last edited by ZOZO1006; 30/09/23 03:10 PM.
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I have to agree, i have played the game on tactician mode whole time since launch and it feels like its normal difficulty, not that hard. But it seems to depend on classes your party has, some are clearly superior and some are very weak, mostly casters are weak and fighter / monk is strong.. you can tell it that often githyanki groups are most difficult battles and they are 90% fighter or monks...

Before you disagree try make lvl 8 group of 4 sorcerers or 4 wizards, then compare it to group of 4 fighters or 4 monks.

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I think most of the enemy's are designed against spellcasters.
For example spellcasters don't have boost to they attack rolls like tavern brawler or enhanced weapons.
Also funny thing that most of the enemys have higher saves then armor class. And the fact that every enemy cleric know only 2 spell command and bless. So bless is giving saving throws. And almost all wizard enemy's are waisting they spellslots for counter spell. Instead useing haste or fireball or upcasting hold persone.

About figthers and monks they are stronger because they have some abilities what the developers don't taked it away.
And mostly the use shield and the basic full plate armor +shield is almost equal to the hardest bosses armor class what is around 20. Monk enemy's have high dex and wisdom and so they get minimum 18 armor class what is also more then most of the main bosses.
But it isn't enough because they are use at lvl 12 2d4+2 healing potion sometimes. I mean seriously almost all container in ac 2-3 have big hp potions.

Last edited by ZOZO1006; 30/09/23 07:02 PM.
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If you multiclass monk thief-rogue and 1 level of something to give you heavy armor, you end up with 20+ AC that deals 100+ damage per turn at level 9.. Also dual wielding fighter + thief-rogue can do a lot of damage especially on first round of combat.

Which brings me to my point of this post, there is a lot of spells and abilities that give you buffs for multiple rounds.. i tend to finish 90% of opponents in 1-3 rounds on tactician mode making them quite pointless to use an action on. Just like a lot of spells are quite pointless to spend entire action on them, they are so weak that bonus action would be more appropriate and it would also buff the caster classes a bit so they can cast 1 useful spell and 1 spell that is crap but is fun variety spice so you dont always use just 1-2 spells every combat.

Most difficult battles is where someone mind controls my fightermonkrogue combo and then he/she kills one of my party members on first round, then i end up with just 2 playable characters as one is dead and one is mindcontrolled laugh

Last edited by Modder; 30/09/23 07:25 PM.
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Originally Posted by monteirotorres
An additional "Hardcore" or "Seasoned Tactician" mode with increased difficulty would be super cool.

  • Limit saving the game to long rests, no quicksaves allowed
  • Critical failures (and misses) should have more consequences (maybe add a 5% chance of breaking the weapon and requiring having it repaired)

Weapon and item degradation sucks, its just extra boring crap to take care of repairing. Better to have a demoralised effect or something after critical misses.
No quicksave is also sucky, too much to be repeated due to crashes and whatever. That would definitely need to be a toggle option.

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We played and finished with my wife the game ones. And we started a new game with a bard warlock duo.

I dont wanted to post until the end but I doubt anything will change.
So we are around the half of act3 . And if anyone think that Anakin Skywalker was bad in jedi kindergarden . Then multiple it by two and take away the children's jedi power, and that we are. So that in our game there arent any deaths any mindflayer power no pre buffing .
With a lvl 2 spell darkness we are just murdering almost every enemy . They are just standing there like a dump f..k. This is PiñatasGate III.

So I don't know why it's so hard for caster.
I cannot imagine that sorc or wizard have different time. Specifically because they can Cast infinite necromancer spell.

Last edited by ZOZO1006; 01/10/23 05:57 PM.
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Originally Posted by monteirotorres
Originally Posted by Bg3 player
instead of adding HP or enemy numbers, it would be more interesting to reduce numbers of long rest / time you can do (maybe by limiting food), prohibiting respecs, and limiting save-reloads.


Combat is not super easy, but getting ready to it IS.

An additional "Hardcore" or "Seasoned Tactician" mode with increased difficulty would be super cool.

Some suggestions, which I believe should be simple to implement (well, maybe not SIMPLE simple, but doable)

  • Make pickpocketing harder and with harsher consequences
  • Using stolen itens in front of original vendor should have some consequence
  • Increase cost of scrolls, maybe make them harder to find too
  • Limit resting to safe areas
  • Limit saving the game to long rests, no quicksaves allowed
  • Make supplies harder to find, make them rot, or simply Increase the number of required food to rest
  • Split required resting supplies between edibles and liquids
  • Using Teleportation circles requires you to be standing next to one
  • Using Teleportation circles without resting causes psychic damage
  • Increase the cost of ressurection and respec tenfold (Withers)
  • Add material component cost to to revivify spell (500 GP?)
  • Dead characters could miss the XP earned from enemies killed while they were dead
  • Critical failures (and misses) should have more consequences (maybe add a 5% chance of breaking the weapon and requiring having it repaired)
  • We should be unable to tune the difficulty down in this hardcore mode
  • Naturally, with pain comes gain! So, it would be nice to see some hall of fame for people who beat the game in this mode. Or maybe exclusive content of some kind.

P.S. I simply LOVE the game and I find it very pleasing to play already! Looking forward to play it all over again in a harder mode!

Some of these are very valuable suggestions, i agree with that add some limitations on resting and teleportations.

Now, players can teleport to their camp and have a long rest, this allows players to face almost every battle at their best state, and makes adventure lose stress.

Imagine a scene like this:
After entering a new dungeon(such as Ansur's Cave or Vampire's House in Chapter 3), you will not be able to return by same way or use teleportation, so you will have to save your spells when dealing with monsters on the way. Although your team can take short breaks, this is not enough to keep them in their best state, and your team will be exhausted in battle with the final boss of the dungeon. It will make encounter battles and boss battles more strategic and challenging, as you must allocate your resources carefully, rather than using all spells in an encounter battles then teleporting them back to the camp for a long rest.

If player can't defeat the boss, they may need to read more than an hour's saves, which is frustrating, so it is important to set the difficulty of the boss and the quantity of mid way supplies.

Okay, although I don't think the above idea will become a reality because it requires more work, it is still a good imagination.

In addition, anytime and anywhere teleportation also makes the weight-bearing function meaningless too.

At last, I suggest doing more creative work on the rules, since they have made adjustments to the 5e, why not do more? I don't think fully following 5e is a good idea because this is not a desktop game but a crpg, you can automatically get a complex calculation result by computer. Well, sorry, i'm just complaining about i prefer to rtwp

Last edited by ruine; 01/10/23 07:06 PM.
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I just recently beat BG3 on Tactician playing coop with a friend. Neither my friend nor I ever had any experience playing DnD or any other CRPG games like this before, so we were pretty much noobs coming into this game for the first time. I played as a Druid and my friend Barbarian, we were frequently rotating the other party members, and we weren't really familiar with multiclassing so we didn't really experiment with that until like maybe the final 3% of the game. I myself just recently got back into gaming after many years of being bored of video games so I'm very much a casual gamer, and a very rusty one at that.

Just want to start off by saying that this game was an amazing experience in many ways (and a heartfelt thank you to Larians for getting me back into gaming with BG3), but everyone here already echoed that sentiment so i won't go further into that.

Instead I'll keep to the main topic of this thread, which is the perceived difficulty level of the game on the current hardest mode.

Unfortunately I do have to agree that the game on Tactician does feel overall a tad too easy.

Specifically, Act 1 felt just right (could also be that we were still learning), but Act 2 and 3 failed to be adequately challenging in both our opinions, especially Act 3.

Which isn't to say that there weren't any challenging fights.

Off the top of my head, i can recall the fights against the
gith monks
, the vampire master
Cazador and crew
and the
Sharran cultists
being particularly difficult but in a really good way, because they challenged me to alter my strategy and explore all combat options at my disposal, instead of the usual "just spam the most powerful damage spells/abilities to quickly remove an enemy or two in a single turn."

There were probably more than just those, but in general the fights that were the most fun and memorable for me were the ones that made me think "if I just try to deal damage we will eventually get overwhelm, but maybe i can strategically cut off half of their forces with a well placed Wall of Stone," just as an example.

But unfortunately such fights were a bit far too few in between imo, especially considering that we are not by any means CRPG veterans and weren't even familiar with most of the "broken" builds and techs mentioned here.

That being said, if there's anyone who on the contrary feels that Tactician mode is currently too hard or just right for them, that's fine too and i dont wish for that to be taken away from them. If Larians ever does decide to make the game more challenging, i hope they'll introduce a new seperate difficulty level instead of changing Tactician from what it is rn.

Once again I just want to reiterate that I love BG3, it's a really great game but certainly still has rooms for improvements especially in this area of gameply difficulty (a couple other ones as well but those are outside the scope of discussion for this thread).

Last edited by KuroE; 01/10/23 06:55 PM.
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I guess you havent played with the 4x (dragon storm sorc/ tempest cleric/ evo wiz) water boy gnome strat. Q.Q
Maximise+ double damage AOE is a delete button strat already.
I was really surprised with patch 3 notes where they nerfed lightning charges riding stats. The only thing it did was nerf eldritch knights pew pewing with magic missiles. Now they are watered down to 1/3 caster reliant on tavern brawler to throw.
I dont know if it was warranted but double damage is OP. How about channel divinity forces spell to be casted through wisdom. So, A low wis score is punished.
Or; water/ wet status provides advantage to damage rolls so maximise doesnt stack with it. Frost is OP in its own right. But this change would keep lighning on top of frost in terms of damage.
Also Lorroakans staff staff should be int only. Similar to wizard 1 dip, scribing spells and casting with int.

Last edited by Harry7T; 02/10/23 07:02 AM.
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This is sadly the hardest fight In the game.
I really hope some developers see this and say it out loud.
We don't wanted it to be so easy. Lets do about it something.

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Having beaten the game on tactician with a solo tavern brawler barbarian, I agree (I say beaten, but it got too easy so I kinda lost interest halfway through act 3).

I had to install a +80% health and +4 to all attacks and such mod to make it remotely challenging. And even then I didn't have to try particularly hard. I want to have to use potions, scrolls, tactics and tickle out every last advantage.

"But you could just not play optimally and just enjoy the game!" - well, I do! I absolutely love all aspects of the game to bits, but I also really enjoy the puzzle solving part, which means finding all the best build and gear combinations and using elixirs. And the more I play, the more that becomes the most enjoyable part. So please Larian, let me enjoy many more playthroughs by adding an absolutely ridiculously broken, near impossible difficulty. You're the best.

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So recently there was a tweet that tried to make BG3 into an action game. Well I have my opinion about it that I like fifa games but I don't want bg3 to be a soccer game.

But that's not what I wanted to tell.
I think the reason the ppl want bg3 to be a real time with pause.
Because in act 2-3 the difficulty in the game is so easy the enemy's that we facing are literally piñatas.

So they want to skip the booring figths. Because they know that that the enemy cannot do anything and probably will die. And they don't want to wait 20 booring turns to have it end.

The same thing is happening in Owlcat's pathfinder games. After Act 2-3 ppl are getting very powerful and they just turn off turn based combat to speed up the game. Because they already know that they will tear down those monsters .

So mybe we just need more difficulty.

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Another thing I wanted to point out.
The game starts really great with the no chance to win against the 3 cambions and the mindflayer as a lvl 1 character.

I had a good feeling vibe vs Grym because I needed to understand how to beat it. That was also cool.

And in act 2 starting scary with the shadow curse. But the enemy's are really weak. And it's killing the VIBE the fact that we can get immune to the shadow curse. Thats leaving us to face weak monster w/o any downside.

And act3 have complete garbage difficulty.

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Joined: Sep 2023
Originally Posted by ZOZO1006

So recently there was a tweet that tried to make BG3 into an action game. Well I have my opinion about it that I like fifa games but I don't want bg3 to be a soccer game.

But that's not what I wanted to tell.
I think the reason the ppl want bg3 to be a real time with pause.
Because in act 2-3 the difficulty in the game is so easy the enemy's that we facing are literally piñatas.

So they want to skip the booring figths. Because they know that that the enemy cannot do anything and probably will die. And they don't want to wait 20 booring turns to have it end.

The same thing is happening in Owlcat's pathfinder games. After Act 2-3 ppl are getting very powerful and they just turn off turn based combat to speed up the game. Because they already know that they will tear down those monsters .

So mybe we just need more difficulty.

I think this is one of the interesting drawbacks of turn-based combat.

I think for the real interesting fights, the ones where you really have to put your characters to the test, turn-based is definitely superior.

But that's not every fight. There are a lot of fights where you can easily roll over the enemy. Not every single fight can be designed to be edge-of-your-seat, will-I-win-or-lose interesting. We'll call the first type of fight, the really important ones, "vital" fights, and this second type of fight, "marginal" fights.

DnD 5e tries to make marginal fights more interesting through a resting mechanic. You might not LOSE these fights, but you could definitely spend too many resources on them, essentially leaving you underprepared for the vital fights. An "attritional" fight.

The problem is, well, BG3 has not solved the "resting problem" in DnD computer rpgs. You pay zero penalty for resting up to maximum resources between each fight. There is no "attrition." Immediately undercutting the importance of marginal fights.

So immediately, any fight that is not well-designed enough to potentially wipe your party, serves almost no mechanical purpose.

But...really, in any RPG, this is sort of the MAJORITY of fights you'll get into. So what makes them so bad in BG3?

Well BG3 is turn-based, and not only is it turn-based but the turns are *long.* (Turns are long in tabletop, too, but in tabletop you can more flexibly arrange the story so that resting is more meaningful.)

Meanwhile, real-time with pause? You could get into tons of "marginal" fights. The originals did have tons of "marginal" fights. But in rtwp they don't feel so bad, because you mow right through them. They're even used to psychological effect. In ToB, where your characters are as powerful as demigods, they pull a stunt multiple times where they throw TONS of enemies at you - enemies where even 2-3 of them would have killed you at lower level - just to have you mow them down. It serves to make you feel as unstoppable as you canonically are, at this point; it really lets you know how far you've come. If these fights were in turn-based, though, they'd feel tedious and boring.

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