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So as I promised I will make a solo complete run w/o tadpole w/o save scuming w/o prebuffed ambushing single class. And if i die then it will be ower.
Just some note.
The video is booring I know nothing about editing and I don't even want to edit. Because credibility. But if someone want to watch it, they are some intresting interactions and mybe I can teach someone something new. I also don't have huge tools for video recording and YouTube don't allowed me to upload in 1080p. That's mean I take more time to take from a Television to a computer then to upload. Then just to make the video.
I also want to say that I have a 2 year old at home and she is stealing my mouse jumping on me hitting the keyboard randomly this is the extra difficulty . So in some video I just changed to controller because of this.
So all in all this is why I think the game is easy on tactician.

ACT1 part 1-2

I suggest to watch them in x2.

Last edited by ZOZO1006; 13/10/23 04:46 PM.
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Look. I am not suggesting that there isn't a need for a harder mode. Not at all. I personally hope everyone can find a way to have fun with the game and that all skill levels and play styles are accommodated for the game. I am 100% about everyone getting what they want out of this amazing game.

I want to point out a few things that the advocates like the one above seem not to understand.

Are there ways and strategies that allow the players to be significantly overpowered in the game? Absolutely. Name one game of this type where there aren't some exploits. Heck, BG1 and 2 had HUGE issues that way. Does the mere presence of these strategies in and of themselves make the game "too easy"? Not in my view. If you know every encounter and the best strategy for defeating it, including proper builds, buffs, skills and going into a combat pre-buffed with precisely the buffs necessary (not simply the ones that would most reasonably be used, but specifically the ones that win), of course you are going to crush it. But the reasonable fact is that not every player is going to build their character pitch perfectly, nor orchestrate their build/gear/spells perfectly. This doesn't make the game 'easy'. It makes you a good player, better than most.

I also want to point out that foreknowledge of the encounters, both near and far ahead, becomes invaluable information and is a formidable weapon in the players' arsenal. Far beyond simply save scumming, knowing what is coming at the end of a dungeon and beyond informs combat strategy in that it lets you know what to tackle, when and what resources to use to optimize the next encounter. That alone, can trivialize certain encounters. As a past veteran of the multiple playthrough of BG1 and 2, knowing where the story is going can really help you in ways that simply reloading won't.

Showing long videos proving something can be done, doesn't prove anything. And it doesn't help. We know that it can be done. We are jealous of the fact that you can do it and we can't. So, posting these videos doesn't strengthen your case, so much as make you look like you are showing off. As a side note, if you like making movies, I recommend that you try your hand at making walkthroughs. I'd watch them, so that I could get better at the game myself. But uploading excessively long videos "just to prove your point" isn't helping the situation. We get it. The devs get it. Please stop.

I personally hope that they do get to the point where they can help players like you out. In the present, there are a lot of tweaks that need the DEVs attention at the moment. I hope that you support getting things that are actively in need of being addressed before any potential "enhanced tactician" mode gets worked on. In the meantime, if you have specific tweaks or suggestions on how to fill out the various encounters to facilitate the mode you want, I am sure that posting details would be helpful for the future enhancements you are requesting.

But simply saying "too easy, make it harder" (in whatever form you are suggesting, i.e. a new enhanced mode), probably isn't helping. Even if they had a full staff to work on nothing but that, I imagine it would take months or years to implement.

Last edited by The Spyder; 14/10/23 12:45 AM.
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I'm very curious how a solo Astarion is going to crush Cazador.

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Part 3-4
When the dice isn't in your favor.

Well I don't know yet about Casador.
I played a 1 times with Astarion til act3 but it was with my wife. So it's the first time I do solo til the end with him. I remember I needed to roll a huge saving trow but I failed as a Beast Master. I will see if I die there I will upload it to.

Yes I know that knowing what will happen is power. But as you see in the end the dice just was not in my favor and I stepped in a huge pile of sh.
But as I wrote before the difficulty increase need to happen because there is a huge possibility that some folks will replay this game. And when they have knowledge combat becomes booring. Or if some dnd veteran start to play the game.

Last edited by ZOZO1006; 14/10/23 12:54 PM.
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We get it. The devs get it. Please stop.

How do you know that the devs get it if they haven't publicly talked about it, unless you yourself are part of the devs? This isn't a snarky comment btw.

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In the meantime, if you have specific tweaks or suggestions on how to fill out the various encounters to facilitate the mode you want, I am sure that posting details would be helpful for the future enhancements you are requesting.

yea i agree this would be more helpful, but at the same time i dont think we should discourage uploading solo gameplay footages either, who knows what issues we might uncover from those.

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Originally Posted by The Spyder
Look. I am not suggesting that there isn't a need for a harder mode. Not at all. I personally hope everyone can find a way to have fun with the game and that all skill levels and play styles are accommodated for the game. I am 100% about everyone getting what they want out of this amazing game.

I want to point out a few things that the advocates like the one above seem not to understand.

Are there ways and strategies that allow the players to be significantly overpowered in the game? Absolutely. Name one game of this type where there aren't some exploits. Heck, BG1 and 2 had HUGE issues that way. Does the mere presence of these strategies in and of themselves make the game "too easy"? Not in my view. If you know every encounter and the best strategy for defeating it, including proper builds, buffs, skills and going into a combat pre-buffed with precisely the buffs necessary (not simply the ones that would most reasonably be used, but specifically the ones that win), of course you are going to crush it. But the reasonable fact is that not every player is going to build their character pitch perfectly, nor orchestrate their build/gear/spells perfectly. This doesn't make the game 'easy'. It makes you a good player, better than most.

I also want to point out that foreknowledge of the encounters, both near and far ahead, becomes invaluable information and is a formidable weapon in the players' arsenal. Far beyond simply save scumming, knowing what is coming at the end of a dungeon and beyond informs combat strategy in that it lets you know what to tackle, when and what resources to use to optimize the next encounter. That alone, can trivialize certain encounters. As a past veteran of the multiple playthrough of BG1 and 2, knowing where the story is going can really help you in ways that simply reloading won't.

Showing long videos proving something can be done, doesn't prove anything. And it doesn't help. We know that it can be done. We are jealous of the fact that you can do it and we can't. So, posting these videos doesn't strengthen your case, so much as make you look like you are showing off. As a side note, if you like making movies, I recommend that you try your hand at making walkthroughs. I'd watch them, so that I could get better at the game myself. But uploading excessively long videos "just to prove your point" isn't helping the situation. We get it. The devs get it. Please stop.

I personally hope that they do get to the point where they can help players like you out. In the present, there are a lot of tweaks that need the DEVs attention at the moment. I hope that you support getting things that are actively in need of being addressed before any potential "enhanced tactician" mode gets worked on. In the meantime, if you have specific tweaks or suggestions on how to fill out the various encounters to facilitate the mode you want, I am sure that posting details would be helpful for the future enhancements you are requesting.

But simply saying "too easy, make it harder" (in whatever form you are suggesting, i.e. a new enhanced mode), probably isn't helping. Even if they had a full staff to work on nothing but that, I imagine it would take months or years to implement.

What, exactly, are we losing by having these uploads available to us? People in this very thread have suggested that anyone complaining about the difficulty is just bragging. Here are some gameplay videos showing how it can reasonably be done. We can, from the gameplay footage, infer what some of the problems are. They also serve as evidence that you do NOT need to build your character pitch perfect, *at all*, in order to achieve this, as the person is foregoing tadpole powers and cheesy prebuffing ambush tactics. They serve as a demonstration that people who complain about the difficulty really aren't complaining just because they cannot restrain themselves from using cheesy tactics or OP builds. To a certain degree, the detractors in this thread who say this issue shouldn't be addressed soon, are, at this point, coming across as unreasonable. Say the difficulty is too easy? "Oh you're just bragging." Provide video evidence? "Oh you're just showing off."

I will reiterate what I said earlier: I think *almost everyone* will eventually realize that this game's max difficulty is very, very easy. You do not need to be smart, or some up with super clever tactics, or arcane super-optimized builds, for this to be the case. If you don't find the game to be very easy, I think it is almost certainly a function of you simply being more unfamiliar with the game or the genre than others. Again, on max difficulty in my run through I did not optimize *at all*. I wore gear based on what I thought looked the coolest and that led to me running around for a huge chunk of the game with explicitly inferior gear compared to what I had available. You do *not* need to optimize, even a *little*, to make this game easy.

I will add my voice in that I don't think this is some "minor issue" that the devs can "eventually help players like you." I suspect that a lot of people are hitting this issue where combat becomes trivial and boring, once they get over their initial unfamiliarity with the system. I think this is rather a large issue. It was for me, at least, because it was a major reason why the last act of this game was such a chore for me to play through, and a major reason why I will not be doing a new playthrough anytime soon.

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Originally Posted by WizardGnome
What, exactly, are we losing by having these uploads available to us?

you have missed the point of my post. Videos of the nature above are not born of the desire to share information. If they were, they would be short(er) and specific to point out an issue (or a design flaw possibly), which would indeed be very useful. Those videos are born of frustration and with the expectation that volume will "Make the point". Which is why I suggested that Walk through or strategy videos would be a better use of the time and resources.

I will reiterate what I said earlier: I think *almost everyone* will eventually realize that this game's max difficulty is very, very easy.

You are confusing learning how to master the game with it being "easy". The first time I played BG1 (and the second, third and quite probably fourth), I couldn't defeat Saravok. I just took the "win" if I got to the temple. Now-a-days, I fight the battle to the end. And I can usually do it on the first try. It is by no means an easy battle by most independent standards. But I got MUCH better at it over time. I believe this what you perceive as happening with this game. Either that, or you massively overestimate other gamers as being on your level. I am sure, if I replay this game enough times (and I plan on doing that), I'll get to the point where I can defeat A certain Sharan High Priestess. As it is now, No way. But it will never be an "easy" battle. I will get better at it.

I will add my voice in that I don't think this is some "minor issue" that the devs can "eventually help players like you." I suspect that a lot of people are hitting this issue where combat becomes trivial and boring, once they get over their initial unfamiliarity with the system. I think this is rather a large issue. It was for me, at least, because it was a major reason why the last act of this game was such a chore for me to play through, and a major reason why I will not be doing a new playthrough anytime soon.

I hear you. The combat becomes easy for you. I very much hope that you get a tougher mode at some point in the future.

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I think most of the game difficulty issues can be laid squarely at Larian's non compliance with 5e - including dropping multi-classing requirements. Already the rogue/paladin played here would not be allowed (needs dex, str, cha >= 13 - and the more you dip into MC the more cumbersome these requirements become, as they should). Also, a rogue/paladin is very overpowered due to sneak smite etc - and that is the fault of 5e.... BUT Larian's changes (BA projectile shove, scroll use for all, potions - esp haste - all over, BA potion drink, overpowered magic etc) are, imo, the main cause of (lack of) difficulty issues. A 5e core rule setting would help - but there's still too much stuff around. Are there mods that *remove* consumables and magic items from world and encounters? But it' s more than this - the ability to switch on TB-mode, freeze time, do what you want, position, attack - with no enemy zone perceptions checks - is stupendously unreasonable and a design failure of note. All these issues were raised countless times during EA - and nothing happened.

I also agree that foreknowledge is exceptionally powerful, so these playthroughs need to be taken with a pinch of salt...that said, Larian should have at least required a high skill check to get enemy stats + info. Handing it out for free is just stupid and cheap. PF:Km/WotR did this well - and Solasta too for that matter. How would you know this info in game, automatically?

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As I mentioned before. I am not a youtube person I don't want to live from that. I definitely don't care how good or not good I play. I think if I want credibility I need to upload full video.
And not just broken combinations one shooting every thing.

I play as casual as it just can be. Hells I don't know how many hours I upload but I just taked 1 rest. I rarely use smite and don't use multi class or respec or tavern brawler.
I am almost sure I play as intentionally they wanted us to play the game. I got a lot of bugs in the run but I went with the bad results and the bugs as well.
I also suggested to watch it on x2 time speed.
So here are the next two. If someone don't want to watch it then don't. I am just giving my feedback.

Here is why I think tactician is to easy part 5-6.

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Maybe you could add some timestamps of fights that you think illustrate your thesis. We can then skip to that point to see if we agree or disagree and go back to see context and preparation.
Anyway, thanks for the effort, even though I totally disagree with the game being too easy.
I can somewhat undertstand your frustration however, as I have had difficulties with some bosss fights on the normal level, but when I switch to explorer, I find that also much too easy. So I would like a difficulty inbetween these.

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Well i just squeeze out the minimum time I have for this.
I play this solo on my free hours and soon my wife will go back to work I can't do this anymore.
That is why I dont want to bother with editing. For sure I could educate myself. But you need to consider I have a 2 year old and sheet needs attention as well .
An I have an older daughter she need sometime help with learning. I am not complaining I just say it is what it is. But I am not living from youtube and I don't want in the future as well.

All what I try to do in this solo run isn't really so broken. I think most of the time the ai the lack of tools to deal with the player. Those things are clearly visible and broken.

Because the real broken things are way above our imagination.

For example :

What I mean that this is way above those other solo play video's from sin or any youtubers that are making solo kill this and that videos.

And by the way I know another method how to get infinite spells. I just find it to broken its absolutely obsolete any kind of difficulty. This is why I try to show and play as a casual player with credibility. To show that the difficulty is not hard even like this.

Last edited by ZOZO1006; 16/10/23 12:47 PM.
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I was thinking about how it is hard to "unlearn" what you know about an upcoming encounter to bring back the challenge. When you know what is coming, even if you are only subconsciously preparing for it, it's still easier. One thing I think would be very cool would be if we do the stealth cheese on an enemy, they run off and try to hide, which removes them from the map if we cannot perceive them. Then they sneak around for a while looking for you. That would make some of the stealth gameplay a lot more challenging and fun (because it always feels a little like cheating to sneak attack at range then run away, rinse repeat).

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Trying to solo run this game or any cRPG is just miserable. Game is pretty easy especially when you have your 4 man squad set up. Aside from act 1 Anders unloading smites, theres nothing I found threatening. Encounters definitely need a mechanical upgrade.

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Here is why I think tactician is to easy part 7-8.

Intresting timestamps in part 8.
51:33 and 1:14. I try to point out that the enemy caster design is garbage.

I wanted to show how is it possible to reach lvl 8 in act 1 but sadly Glut died I don't had luck with the rolls.
Well I actually think this is the most unlucky act1 Run that I ever had.

Last edited by ZOZO1006; 17/10/23 06:04 PM.
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Any player can make the game more difficult by either creating a less powerful character, not equipping the better weapon or armor, ot even reducing the size of the party from four to three or less.

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cool idea

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Yeah what a cool idea I really like this smart player's.
Telling console players and cloud gaming players to play with mods. Or telling people hou wants to play a multiplayer game with friends and family . To play alone or remove they friends or family .

Omg. This feedback is genius my friend you just won the Oscars.
Why are you not reading previous comments or just ignore this thread if you don't want to read .
If you don't want to understand other people's frustration it's OK it's perfectly fine.
But to go and insult them with this kind of comment.

Yeah it's a cool idea. I think it's soo cool that I will steal this idea and I will write to every soccer stadion.
If the enemy is to weak just remove more and more players until your team will lose. Or better remove soccer boots because they are to powerful just kick the ball barefoot.

Last edited by ZOZO1006; 18/10/23 05:53 PM.
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Let’s take it down a notch. No need to get heated.

"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"
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I mean this is like saying an FPS game is too easy just to have someone else tell you "why don't you use only the starting pistol," like yes that would make the game harder but at that point might as well go play a different game.

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