Originally Posted by Norrec69
If Alfira became a companion that would be pretty baller. But thats like dlc lvl stuff id wager.
A part of me is kind of glad they didn't mostly based on how Halsin turned out, but then another part of me is like, we don't have a bard companion, or a sorcerer or monk or paladin for a good playthrough, but we have two druids? Seriously?

At the same time, I do enjoy the storyline she has now, especially since my Tav was a bard, and the relationship she has with Lakrissa, so I feel like having her as a companion might take away from that. Maybe, I don't know, I'd still be down for her as a DLC companion either way though. And at least then,

Alfira running off to join you as Durge won't feel as manufactured as it does now considering she doesn't even hint at wanting to be an adventurer with Tav or any other origin when the interactions preceding that are the exact same.

Last edited by Chant to Green; 29/11/23 08:34 PM.