ohh MG.. I just got here and I feel like I'm back in the SWG days.. what.. are..these.. forums!!!
and I feel like they might be run on the same severs because the lag is real.

Not to take away from your awesome game, I'm loving it. And I had no intention of buying it, but I sure am glad I did!! (I think Xcom was the last turn based type game I played and I hated it). But I have played D&D since I was a kid so..

With that said just a few complaints: why is every freaking NPC trying to hit on me every freaking time I have a conversation with them!!!! it really is beyond creepy. Can we just have normal friendships in this game?? AND, I send someone back to camp and its like I cut them in the throat! Why all the hate??!! Just freaking chill out. Not to mention, it is obviously intended in the game to have these hirelings and to swap out NPC's/companions as you need to. SO WHY IS IT SO FRACKING PAINFUL TO DO SO!! Both RP wise and mechanics; return to camp, stay behind, join me, leave camp.. return to camp, stay behind, join me, leave camp and all the repetitive dialog at each step..just shoot me now please. How much longer can you possibly make it.

And on XP gain, I wish that non combat XP gains were in line with combat ones. Example: a certain tower, you come across some 'mech' type guardian things. If you work out the non combat resolution, your party gets 75XP. Now I'm pretty sure based on previous combat encounters I would get about 25-75XP each, if I just decided 'frack it' and kill them. Which, in the end, would be way more than 75XP.

So why is there a greater reward for just playing a straight up evil kill everything in sight character. I almost feel like its more effort trying to play a good to neutral good character than a complete a$$ hat evil dude.