So, I'm just wandering around and chilling, and not having a care in the world.
My party is level 5 now and I stumble upon what I assume is the "third" point where you have an interaction with Lae'zel, but... silly me, I did not manage to get her before that point (since there was nothing really pushing me to the north of the cliff, I manage to skip it, and when I go there those tiefling are dead, the cage opened and... well you can assume the rest. Although it's nice to see the game as a life on its own, it creates an issue where the encounter you get with her she's still at level 1 (and gets pretty easily destroyed...).
Is that normal? One would assume at least she gained a few level, although I understand the issue it creates for the customization of the character, it would be a better situation than her just being killed because of it.
In the meantime I'll try to save her but I'm no god.