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Originally Posted by fallenj
Also, you can take out gold you would get from selling or give more when buying to increase vendor favor. I did this for first two vendor's since its just them for a while.

Yeah ,this was in EA already, but it was nerfed considerably since Patch 9 (it used to be that 150 gold were enough to max attitude with anyone, while now it requires almost 20X as much).
The Charisma thing on the other hand wasn't a thing back then.
What's worse, it seems that its impact is MASSIVE, too.

Party control in Baldur's Gate 3 is a complete mess that begs to be addressed. SAY NO TO THE TOILET CHAIN
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Originally Posted by Tuco
Originally Posted by fallenj
Also, you can take out gold you would get from selling or give more when buying to increase vendor favor. I did this for first two vendor's since its just them for a while.

Yeah ,this was in EA already, but it was nerfed considerably since Patch 9 (it used to be that 150 gold were enough to max attitude with anyone, while now it requires almost 20X as much).
The Charisma thing on the other hand wasn't a thing back then.
What's worse, it seems that its impact is MASSIVE, too.

Interesting, I never checked in EA, just presumed it was that way and yeah there is a real dif.

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Also, if you check the screenshot Dumblepig-guy just posted, you'll see he gets an indication of the "discount percentage" he gets during the transaction (which honestly i thought he was pulling out of his ass).

It's worth stressing that that percentage is nowhere to be seen in the "mouse and keyboard version" of the UI and it appears only on the controller version.

Party control in Baldur's Gate 3 is a complete mess that begs to be addressed. SAY NO TO THE TOILET CHAIN
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So 22 Cha with the hat from Rolan in Act 3, all speech skills expertise with tadpoles, and +1 persuasion / deception ring and it says -100% discount but stuff still costs money frown

I never bothered with the attitude thing because I heard it resets too fast.

Between 20 and 22 CHA, or taking the ring on and off, the prices did change but not a lot.

If you don't use a CHA main, Just use Wyll and take the persuasion expertise from his pact upgrades.

Or is it only proficiency with pact stuff, which wouldn't work because Wyll already has that:

So persuasion expertise is only for rogues or tadpole power?

Yea its only with illithid power

Actor feat is also only proficiency. The illithid power counts as both proficiency and expertise, nice to have on a char with 20-22 CHA and the +1 speech skills ring.

Welp, feed Wyll some tadpoles.

Last edited by DumbleDorf; 22/08/23 06:49 PM.
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Originally Posted by DumbleDorf
If you don't use a CHA main, Just use Wyll and take the persuasion expertise from his pact upgrades.
As I said, that's not the issue.
I know how to work around the limitation now that I know it's there.
I just find the implementation annoying and I don't understand why the check couldn't just be made on a "party's best value" or rather "party average".

Encouraging the player to metagame the shit out of the UI and micromanage characters is never particularly great.

Party control in Baldur's Gate 3 is a complete mess that begs to be addressed. SAY NO TO THE TOILET CHAIN
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I didn't steal much and I didn't invest in any vendor and I ended the game with 25k+ gold after paying for some expensive plot-related things (access to someone's house, and whatever other things NPCs wanted to sell me).

I didn't find any amazing items I'd like to buy like Robe of Vecna in BG2, or belts for Giant Stength, something to add spell slots, whatever. Honestly, items seemed quite underwhelming to me, most were adding bonuses that I could barely see purple being much better than blue. One spell, or advantage on rolls... Not too exciting :<

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Just another quick check I did, that same armour thats 1500 gold at 15 persuasion is 3100 gold with -1 persuasion.

You can only get 15 persuasion in Act 3, and the illithid expertise as well needs the astral tadpole at the end of act 2, but even before then I had around -44% or so discount.

I didn't realize until this thread why it shot up to -76% in act 3, which was due to just clicking on every tadpole power on my MC.

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Originally Posted by Reverie
I didn't steal much and I didn't invest in any vendor and I ended the game with 25k+ gold after paying for some expensive plot-related things (access to someone's house, and whatever other things NPCs wanted to sell me).

I didn't find any amazing items I'd like to buy like Robe of Vecna in BG2, or belts for Giant Stength, something to add spell slots, whatever. Honestly, items seemed quite underwhelming to me, most were adding bonuses that I could barely see purple being much better than blue. One spell, or advantage on rolls... Not too exciting :<

Actually yea, somewhere in Act 2 I bought the +1d4 halberd for Lae'zeell because the construct glaive kept stunning her, but shortly thereafter I find some other glaive with +1d4 radiant and permanent light so she doesn't need darkvision anymore.

Items that are always worth buying are the ones with +1 spell DC, so while the +2 CHA hat does the same as the +1 DC hat, I can pass the latter to Jaheria who I'm also using as an offensive backup caster, or do the same with gale.

The +1 DC staff from the mushroom town vendor I've never taken off on my sorc since I got it, meanwhile Jaheira uses the fire staff thats +1 to ranged spell DC but also firebolt cantrip and 1 click of fireball. Also the cantrip on that staff uses her wisdom stat for DC not Intelligence, so along with shillelagh and the ring that infuses weapons with spell damage, she has the full complement of melee attack powers spells > spells powers weapons gear.

How much I wish I could have quicken spell on druids too, but that would be broken.

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Originally Posted by Reverie
I didn't steal much and I didn't invest in any vendor and I ended the game with 25k+ gold after paying for some expensive plot-related things (access to someone's house, and whatever other things NPCs wanted to sell me).

I didn't find any amazing items I'd like to buy like Robe of Vecna in BG2, or belts for Giant Stength, something to add spell slots, whatever. Honestly, items seemed quite underwhelming to me, most were adding bonuses that I could barely see purple being much better than blue. One spell, or advantage on rolls... Not too exciting :<

Actually yea, somewhere in Act 2 I bought the +1d4 halberd for Lae'zeell because the construct glaive kept stunning her, but shortly thereafter I find some other glaive with +1d4 radiant and permanent light so she doesn't need darkvision anymore.

Items that are always worth buying are the ones with +1 spell DC, so while the +2 CHA hat does the same as the +1 DC hat, I can pass the latter to Jaheria who I'm also using as an offensive backup caster, or do the same with gale.

The +1 DC staff from the mushroom town vendor I've never taken off on my sorc since I got it, meanwhile Jaheira uses the fire staff thats +1 to ranged spell DC but also firebolt cantrip and 1 click of fireball. Also the cantrip on that staff uses her wisdom stat for DC not Intelligence, so along with shillelagh and the ring that infuses weapons with spell damage, she has the full complement of melee attack powers spells > spells powers weapons gear.

How much I wish I could have quicken spell on druids too, but that would be broken.

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Originally Posted by Reverie
I didn't steal much and I didn't invest in any vendor and I ended the game with 25k+ gold after paying for some expensive plot-related things (access to someone's house, and whatever other things NPCs wanted to sell me).

I didn't find any amazing items I'd like to buy like Robe of Vecna in BG2, or belts for Giant Stength, something to add spell slots, whatever. Honestly, items seemed quite underwhelming to me, most were adding bonuses that I could barely see purple being much better than blue. One spell, or advantage on rolls... Not too exciting :<

Actually yea, somewhere in Act 2 I bought the +1d4 halberd for Lae'zeell because the construct glaive kept stunning her, but shortly thereafter I find some other glaive with +1d4 radiant and permanent light so she doesn't need darkvision anymore.

Items that are always worth buying are the ones with +1 spell DC, so while the +2 CHA hat does the same as the +1 DC hat, I can pass the latter to Jaheria who I'm also using as an offensive backup caster, or do the same with gale.

The +1 DC staff from the mushroom town vendor I've never taken off on my sorc since I got it, meanwhile Jaheira uses the fire staff thats +1 to ranged spell DC but also firebolt cantrip and 1 click of fireball. Also the cantrip on that staff uses her wisdom stat for DC not Intelligence, so along with shillelagh and the ring that infuses weapons with spell damage, she has the full complement of melee attack powers spells > spells powers weapons gear.

How much I wish I could have quicken spell on druids too, but that would be broken.

Joined: Sep 2020
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Originally Posted by Reverie
I didn't steal much and I didn't invest in any vendor and I ended the game with 25k+ gold after paying for some expensive plot-related things (access to someone's house, and whatever other things NPCs wanted to sell me).

I didn't find any amazing items I'd like to buy like Robe of Vecna in BG2, or belts for Giant Stength, something to add spell slots, whatever. Honestly, items seemed quite underwhelming to me, most were adding bonuses that I could barely see purple being much better than blue. One spell, or advantage on rolls... Not too exciting :<

Actually yea, somewhere in Act 2 I bought the +1d4 halberd for Lae'zeell because the construct glaive kept stunning her, but shortly thereafter I find some other glaive with +1d4 radiant and permanent light so she doesn't need darkvision anymore.

Items that are always worth buying are the ones with +1 spell DC, so while the +2 CHA hat does the same as the +1 DC hat, I can pass the latter to Jaheria who I'm also using as an offensive backup caster, or do the same with gale.

The +1 DC staff from the mushroom town vendor I've never taken off on my sorc since I got it, meanwhile Jaheira uses the fire staff thats +1 to ranged spell DC but also firebolt cantrip and 1 click of fireball. Also the cantrip on that staff uses her wisdom stat for DC not Intelligence, so along with shillelagh and the ring that infuses weapons with spell damage, she has the full complement of melee attack powers spells > spells powers weapons gear.

How much I wish I could have quicken spell on druids too, but that would be broken.

Joined: Jul 2021
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Originally Posted by DumbleDorf
Originally Posted by Tuco
If you are telling me that I've been paying the entire game massively inflated prices just because my main character isn't charisma based (and In fact it's a barbarian with 8 CHAR) then I would ALSO count that as a shortcoming of the game having a stupid implementation for this stuff.

Nurr nurr, but like why does this still cost money?

[Linked Image from]

100% discount get (I looked up spoilers and found +2 CHA hat here).

And thats a nice chest armour for Jaheira currently, in my next playthrough I'll make a gith sorc for it.

Also it was the same in BG1&2, higher CHA = lower prices.

And as already mentioned, you can just use a hireling for this purpose, you dont need a CHA main.

But even without a hireling, you have Wyll, and I think he can get expertise from a pact thing too? Or even if you waste a feat or tadpoles on him.
Are you using some Mods? Or does that discount only happen on lower difficulties?
When I open the trader menu, it doesn't show any indication of a discount. Just the sympathy value.

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Originally Posted by Brir
Originally Posted by DumbleDorf
Originally Posted by Tuco
If you are telling me that I've been paying the entire game massively inflated prices just because my main character isn't charisma based (and In fact it's a barbarian with 8 CHAR) then I would ALSO count that as a shortcoming of the game having a stupid implementation for this stuff.

Nurr nurr, but like why does this still cost money?

[Linked Image from]

100% discount get (I looked up spoilers and found +2 CHA hat here).

And thats a nice chest armour for Jaheira currently, in my next playthrough I'll make a gith sorc for it.

Also it was the same in BG1&2, higher CHA = lower prices.

And as already mentioned, you can just use a hireling for this purpose, you dont need a CHA main.

But even without a hireling, you have Wyll, and I think he can get expertise from a pact thing too? Or even if you waste a feat or tadpoles on him.
Are you using some Mods? Or does that discount only happen on lower difficulties?
When I open the trader menu, it doesn't show any indication of a discount. Just the sympathy value.

No mods, tactician, discount only shows in controller UI.

But its easy to test for yourself, click on a vendor with an 8 CHA, -1 persuasion char, then try again with Wyll and see the price difference.

Last edited by DumbleDorf; 22/08/23 07:27 PM.
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I had no idea I was getting such an enormous discount. It explains a disconnect I had in a conversation with Tuco, though. I couldn't figure out why he kept saying the price of certain potions were higher and how I wouldn't have enough money in act 3; all the while I was in act 3 with more money than I could reasonably spend.

It just happened that I was playing a warlock with the astral tadpole talent. I guess it makes a huge difference in pricing. More than I would have anticipated, by far.

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Yea I didn't even know why my discount went so high in act 3 until this thread. The astral tadpole upgrade makes a huge difference.

If I had realized this sooner I would have at least used the +1 persuasion ring when buying stuff, I think you get it in act 2 where you meat Jaheira from the tiefling kid. I bought it and used it for a bit until I had 2 strong caster rings to use instead.

So 15 persuasion halves the prices on everything compared to base price.

Also if you want to metagame you don't take persuasion / deception / intimidation proficiency and just use Wyll to buy stuff in act 1&2. I have Persuasion locked in from chargen, and intimidation from dark urge background. The tadpole power counts as both proficiency and expertise in all 3 speech skills.

Also sorry for the mega multipost above, I got a gateway timeout and kept hitting refresh :x

I try to delete the extra posts and it goes to another gateway timeout.

Last edited by DumbleDorf; 22/08/23 07:50 PM.
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Thanks DumbleDorf.

That's kind of stupid game design to hide this information from people who use mouse and keyboard, but at least now I know that I don't have to pay >10k gold to by a piece of armour.

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One thing I also do in act 1 is I don't buy anything from merchants until level 4 and 18-19 CHA.

If you want to fully metagame that, you buy what you want from Ethel and also beeline her hut for the +1 stat upgrade so you can have 20 CHA at level 4, and then you go shopping.

Unless you want to waste the stat upgrade on Wyll (bad idea), companions can't get 20 CHA until level 8, Mc can have it at level 4.

Last edited by DumbleDorf; 22/08/23 09:03 PM.
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Originally Posted by Tuco
Also, if you check the screenshot Dumblepig-guy just posted, you'll see he gets an indication of the "discount percentage" he gets during the transaction (which honestly i thought he was pulling out of his ass).

It's worth stressing that that percentage is nowhere to be seen in the "mouse and keyboard version" of the UI and it appears only on the controller version.

Ya the ui is different, mouse & keyboard get a bar on the right side.

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Strongholds, you gotta repair them, pay for upkeep, do sidequests

Minthara is the best character and she NEEDS to be recruitable if you side with the grove!
Also- I support the important thread in the suggestions: Let everyone in the Party Speak
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I'll be the noob to ask: "what is +1 DC?" I tried Googling dnd 5e DC, it just says "difficulty class". So what, it adds +1 on rolls? To saving throw or hit or some such? That doesn't sound all that exciting, I much preferred my staff that gave me a free Fireball cast and the mace with free Sunbeam + lowHP protection was my favorite item throughout the game ^^'

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