So, title might not explain it, but during my first playthrough of BG3 I came to encounter several NPCs that seemed to hold a massive Party member vibe about them. Now given the amount of voice acting in this game, I can understand the need to limit the party rooster to the one we have, but what if we could dream a little? what if our rooster of potential party members where not limited by these things, but rather went the good old BG1/BG2 Route.
If that was the case, what characters that we meet in our story, would you want as party members? And how/when do you think we could recruit them?
For myself, there are a few (Beware of spoilers):
Alfira - No questions asked, between her personality and the initial interaction outside the grove, she plucked at my heartstrings. Even more so during my Durge playthrough when she arrived at camp. What if that camp scene was her introduction to the group? With the Durge situation offering you a wisdom save to battle your urges to slaughter her?
Aradin - For a more grey/darker kind of playthrough. I liked him as a character concept and I can see us recruiting him either to help us bring the tieflings down, or to join us in the hunt for the Nightsong. Might need a bit of a payment/promise of payment?
Kagha - Yes, another druid, but I think she could add a interesting dynamic to the group. Perhaps Halsin might force her to join the group or she asks herself if she can join to atone for her actions with the shadow druids?
Ellyka - Another favorite, even with the small encounter. I could see us rescuing her from the Githyanki Creche, before she dies by their hands?
Dead harper drow - The one found in Grymforge. What if she was still barely alive when we arrive? It could add a really nice intro to the Harper story in act 2.
Zevlor - End of act 2, a clear contestant for a party member that might join to reclaim himself from his failures. Plus we've had alot of interactions with him already.
Got a few others as well, but this feels like a decent start for a discussion, no?
Do be mindful of spoilers, because I believe this discussion will be full of them!