So at one point it is possible to find out that your guardian, The Emperor, is actually Balduran, for whom the city of Baldur's Gate is named. I had a severe problem buying this though, because

- he is (or was) human, and humans only live up to ~120 years max.
- he says after Baldur's Gate was built up he went out adventuring again but met with poor luck.
- he says he was turned into a mind flayer a few decades ago, some time after Moonrise Towers became an illithid colony.

Thus despite not having Elminster's excuse of being an archwizard, Balduran somehow managed to live for over a thousand years, during which he spent 90% of his life wandering the world unsuccessfully without being recognized by anyone or having his explolits recorded, despite the fact that he was already a well known, and important person.

This just doesn't make any sense without having some sort of explanation, and it really needs a pretty strong explanation to be believable. Even just saying he was ceremorphosed a thousand years ago and only came into the service of the story's particular Elder Brain in the past few decades would be an improvement.

Last edited by eris; 29/08/23 05:32 AM.