After sinking more than 1,000 hours into the game (600 EA), I can confidently declare it the best gaming experience I've ever had. However, that doesn't mean it's without flaws. There are bugs, like not being able to select your main character even when you choose the option to pick your avatar. There are also design issues, such as the difficulty of using Guidance when playing with friends since the option doesn't appear unless you're moving together like Siamese twins. Unbalanced mechanics are also a thing, like those infamous Iron Throne Traps. But even with these imperfections, it's hard to not give this game a solid 10 out of 10.
However, there's one issue that consistently bothered me – the complete lack of consequences associated with using illithid powers. On the other hand, there's no reward for resisting their tempting influence. I'm a big advocate for player choices. When a game allows you to choose between being good or bad, lawful or Chaotic, there should be some kind of result, whether in the story or in the form of valuable items. It doesn't need to be a perfect balance; one path could definitely offer more advantages than the other. But honestly, there should be some sort of outcome, right?
This issue becomes particularly glaring in a major part of the game – it feels like the whole setup is nudging you to tap into those illithid powers. Whether it's from the get-go or through relentless NPC prodding, it's clear the game wants you to indulge. It's honestly a bit of a downer to consistently resist these powers as you play through the campaign, only to be met with radio silence when it comes to recognition (not even a humble Steam achievement).
Furthermore, as if that weren't enough, you're essentially pushed into embracing the full Mind Flayer transformation towards the end. Alternatively, you're left with the equally unenviable choice of allowing a close companion to undergo the transformation. It's like being caught in a lose-lose situation. You can invest your entire gameplay experience in making decisions that firmly reject any interaction with these mind-altering creatures. You can even be in complete alignment with an NPC who vehemently opposes the very essence of mind flayers. Yet, none of this carries any weight. It's a tough pill to swallow, being compelled to align with the Emperor or witness your companion embracing the Mind Flayer fate. This remains true even if you've meticulously crafted your in-game journey around avoiding these creatures. It's truly perplexing, to say the least.
So my suggestion is: Offering a form of recognition or reward for those who actively abstain from employing the Illithid Powers. This could manifest as a potent artifact or a narrative-driven item, such as a tool enabling the confrontation of the Elder Brain without the necessity of forming an alliance with a Mind Flayer or subjecting a companion to Mind Flayer transformation.
Last edited by Balbaroy; 30/08/23 06:27 PM.