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#890488 02/09/23 08:35 AM
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Can we lease have a good, powerful ending to astarion?
After going through the whole story together, all the endings seem extremely heart breaking.
Maybe like an option to make him remember everything once he ascends?
Anything to continue romance? I feel like after the ending, companions dont have many romance options anymore.

Would be nice to continue romancing companions after their story end, especially Astarion, every ending of my favorite companion just leaves a deep hole

Its all well written yeah, but an optional ending to this, a powerful yet happy ending would be nice to see frown

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Him ascending is supposed to be the bad ending.

I don't want to think about why my eye is itching.
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Ascension should be the bad ending, Astarion has to kill several thousands of innocents in order to become stronger. Such a sacrifice should and did take its toll on his mental state, further worsening his urge to control both his fate and the fates of others.
However. Not ascending him does leave a bad taste in your mouth for two reasons at least:
1. Him remaining a vampire spawn comes with its downsides, one of which is the inability to stay under the sun. Through the course of the game Astarion has a chance to bask in the sun, has other privileges he'd been missing for many decades, and now that the tadpole is gone, everything is ripped away from him again. He has to come to terms with the consequences of his decision, and instead of focusing on that, the game ending plays it off as a joke. It would be great if that scene was somehow balanced.
2. Him not ascending means we have 7k+ vampire spawns going to the Underdark. These are not self-sufficient, strong-willed creatures, we're talking 7k+ tormented souls without any training or experience whatsoever wandering freely somewhere out there. There are numerous ways to get to the surface in Act 1 alone, imagine how many of those 7k+ will eventually climb up and succumb to their hunger. It's an entire evil army we can't even control... Releasing them is considered a good action, but it's stupid as hell, I can't understand why everyone just agrees with it and never brings it up again. Make it not 7k+ at least, that's way too much xd

Last edited by Dotsat; 02/09/23 04:36 PM.
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Agreed. The way the writers joke about his suffering really killed the mood for me

Dotsat #890664 02/09/23 04:05 PM
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Originally Posted by Dotsat

Make it not 7k+ at least, that's way too much xd

I immediately engaged headcanon mode and reduced that to 700 (+6) spawn. 7k seems ridiculous for a number of reasons; 700 is still a lot, still a problem, but felt much more reasonable.

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It kind of - kind of - makes sense to have that many spawns if we take into account that they've been accumulating for (roughly) 200 years. If we count (roughly), then 7000÷200=35 spawns per year. Seems okay-ish to me. Still... too many overall spawns. The best thing to do would be to reduce Cazador's hunting years from 200 to maybe 100, then reduce the victim count accordingly. It would still be around 3k people, which is still an army... but at least that's not 7k.

Another solution would be to hard lock the victim count to 666, keeping only 'elite' spawns (and eating everyone else). The number would make sense, considering that the ritual itself is of a diabolic origin.

Last edited by Dotsat; 02/09/23 04:55 PM.
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I initially chose to let him ascend to avoid the ABSOLUTE FLOOD of hungry vampires, as it seemed it would cause thousands of deaths and was the difficult-and-complex-but-ultimately-correct-choice, but then I realized Astarion was not actually happy with it and I decided to go back and let the world burn instead ¯\_(?)_/¯

Dotsat #890769 02/09/23 07:08 PM
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Originally Posted by Dotsat
It kind of - kind of - makes sense to have that many spawns if we take into account that they've been accumulating for (roughly) 200 years. If we count (roughly), then 7000÷200=35 spawns per year. Seems okay-ish to me.

I just can't believe Cazador (well, his minions) getting away with disappearing that many people every year without being caught. Baldur's Gate isn't that big, it's not NYC. It'd be very risky, even if you're just targeting people you think no one will miss (which they definitely don't do - the Gur miss their kids quite a bit!). It seems like a shockingly big number for the sake of being a Shockingly Big Number. Also, IIRC Astarion says he was one of Cazador's first spawn, and describes a victim taken ~170 years ago as one of his own first. That points to a much lower starting rate which slowly ramped up over the years as more "employees" showed up and everyone got better at their "jobs".

Originally Posted by Reverie
I initially chose to let him ascend to avoid the ABSOLUTE FLOOD of hungry vampires, as it seemed it would cause thousands of deaths and was the difficult-and-complex-but-ultimately-correct-choice, but then I realized Astarion was not actually happy with it and I decided to go back and let the world burn instead ¯\_(?)_/¯

You can kill them without ascending him - did you see that option?

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Originally Posted by Tarlonniel
I just can't believe Cazador (well, his minions) getting away with disappearing that many people every year without being caught. Baldur's Gate isn't that big, it's not NYC. It'd be very risky, even if you're just targeting people you think no one will miss (which they definitely don't do - the Gur miss their kids quite a bit!). It seems like a shockingly big number for the sake of being a Shockingly Big Number. Also, IIRC Astarion says he was one of Cazador's first spawn, and describes a victim taken ~170 years ago as one of his own first. That points to a much lower starting rate which slowly ramped up over the years as more "employees" showed up and everyone got better at their "jobs".

Correct me if I'm wrong, but as far as I know, Cazador has social influence he can use to avoid getting into too much trouble. Also Baldur's Gate might not be the biggest city, but I'm pretty sure it gets plenty of visitors from other areas, some of which can be conviniently snatched before they have a chance to make themselves known. Their first stop would probably be a tavern anyway. I definitely do agree with you when it comes to numbers, though.

Originally Posted by Tarlonniel
You can kill them without ascending him - did you see that option?

Maybe, it happened a while back. That option is kind of... way too cruel, I think? The alternative is very stupid, but I don't want to be responsible for the deaths of 7k+ people XDDD

Last edited by Dotsat; 02/09/23 07:36 PM.
Dotsat #890789 02/09/23 07:46 PM
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Originally Posted by Dotsat
Correct me if I'm wrong, but as far as I know, Cazador has social influence he can use to avoid getting into too much trouble. Also Baldur's Gate might not be the biggest city, but I'm pretty sure it gets plenty of visitors from other areas, some of which can be conviniently snatched before they have a chance to make themselves known. Their first stop would probably be a tavern anyway. I definitely do agree with you when it comes to numbers, though.

I don't think either of those things solves the problem.

Astarion tells us that most people don't know Cazador is a vampire lord (how true this is, I'm not sure - apparently some folks know it quite well). If Cazador is trying to keep his status a secret, then needing to use social influence to cover things up is already a failure. Someone has caught on. Someone has acquired knowledge they can use against him. He's been forced to spend some of his own influence to fix things - and who else knows now? It's not a good situation.

Preying on visitors also isn't a very good idea, I think. They're just as likely to have people looking for them as anyone else - in fact, it might be even harder to figure out whether they have powerful friends or family or employers back home, since there's not much opportunity to investigate their background. Wandering vagrants? Probably not a problem. Sailors? Not a bad target - it's a port town, lots of them arriving or departing daily, and I doubt it's unusual for a few to go AWOL while ashore. Criminals on the run (like our squiddy friend eats)? A bit more dangerous, but neither they nor their friends/families are likely to approach the authorities. Those are the groups I'd expect to be targeted. But not too many, not too often.

Dotsat #890800 02/09/23 08:07 PM
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That number of vampire spawn in the underdark just felt all wrong. This is what I did
I didn't ascend him but also I killed the spawn. Might seem a bit strange but to me they were both the better choices. Luckily the Gur leader also agreed (Let Astarion do the talking when she turns up in the lair) so I felt good about it overall. I just had visions of the peaceful myconnids being overun by a bunch of vampires with absolutely no self control as they have no experience in excercising such followed by the rest of the countryside outside the underdark - there are plenty of places where they can come back out.

# Justice for Astarion
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What fascinates me most is that
7k people take up a *lot* of space.

Realistically, Cazador can exploit events that result in waves of refugees. If they have family, people will assume they just didn't make it. If you go to an authority, it can be easily written off.

It doesn't take many corrupt guards to set this up. Just don't count how many people enter the city. Or, have your corrupt guard lead them to "a camp for refugees", human trafficking 101. You can even have the absolute cult be in on this! Gain Cazador's support through calculated terrorism.

That being said... it seems this value exists because "set 10 vampire spawns free in the underdark" may be a lesser evil, but 7k really makes you think. At the same time, given our available responses to ascended Astarion... Larian seems to expect us to be shocked that he changed.

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What fascinates me most is that
7k people take up a *lot* of space.

Realistically, Cazador can exploit events that result in waves of refugees. If they have family, people will assume they just didn't make it. If you go to an authority, it can be easily written off.

It doesn't take many corrupt guards to set this up. Just don't count how many people enter the city. Or, have your corrupt guard lead them to "a camp for refugees", human trafficking 101. You can even have the absolute cult be in on this! Gain Cazador's support through calculated terrorism.

That being said... it seems this value exists because "set 10 vampire spawns free in the underdark" may be a lesser evil, but 7k really makes you think. At the same time, given our available responses to ascended Astarion... Larian seems to expect us to be shocked that he changed.

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These 7000 spawns are quite unbelievable to me, especially because I don’t get to see them. Where are they? Certainly not in these two cells I find. And how did Cazador feed them all for all these years? It’s a miracle Baldur’s gate is still populated.

I really would have liked a cure for vampirism, not only for Astarion but also as a solution for the spawns. Freeing them seems like an absolute crazy idea, yet it is apparently the “good ending”. I tried all other option: killing them or leaving them imprisoned in their cells. None of them felt right. I really wanted a middle option. If not a cure, then a way to imprison them in the mansion and put them under supervision. They could be set free after receiving some training on how to control their urges.
Ok, maybe the mansion is too small for 7000 spawns. However, if they fit into the "cellar", there should be room somewhere I think.

I also would have liked to discuss the 3 vampire lessons with Astarion, that you can discover with wisdom checks when clicking on the skull of Cazador’s old master. It shows that Cazador was once a victim too, how the cycle tends to repeat itself and how it always leads to misery.
It could eventually be used on an ascended Astarion to make him see things differently? I didn’t ascend him. Is there an option to discuss it then?

Dotsat #891172 03/09/23 12:57 PM
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You do have a third option.

Astarion doesn’t ascend, you release Cazadors 6 spawn into the Underdark and kill the other 7000, saying they would pose too much of a risk if released. Shadowheart disapproves, Astarion agrees and even the Gur in the end will agree with you that this was the best option. Not a very feel good one though, ut makes a lot more sense.

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Actually, there is a magical item from BG2 - "Cloak of Dragomir"

that can allow vampires to move under sunlight.

I hope the studio can provide this item, so that the ending can have more possibilities.

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A "Good" Astarion ending is bittersweet, but I can accept that. I just wish there was more interaction with him besides couple of lines. Seems like Astarion has a whole LOT MORE to say when he is ascended + all the steamy parts.

The "Bad" ending is just outright awful. The only way for you to stay together is to become his spawn. There is no way of persuading him to make you a true vampire or to stay as you are (warmblooded).

Another thing is that there is no way of controlling the brain together, it is only the MC and the rest of the companions became thralls.

Very disappointing...

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Originally Posted by andromeda087
The "Bad" ending is just outright awful. The only way for you to stay together is to become his spawn. There is no way of persuading him to make you a true vampire or to stay as you are (warmblooded).

To be fair, I think it makes perfect sense the bad ending is... well, bad. That's the consequence of you choices and his whole story: you let Astarion kill 7000 people and become an evil monster, even more power-hungry that before. That's the only logical thing that he wants to control his lover and not make them another vampire as powerful as he is now. Because, you know... vampire lords prefer to have servants over competitors. "Trust me, it doesn't happen".

I'm actually surprised he lets Tav decide if they want to become a spawn instead of just do this forcefully.

Last edited by Phea; 05/09/23 12:40 PM.
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Well, he was a monster (vampire spawn) to begin with, yet you can "fix" him so to speak if he stays a spawn.

I'm not a DnD person, I've no knowledge of the lore and all the nuances of it. I'm going by what the game shows us is possible. According to Raphael a vampire ascendant is a different new kind of "animal". He says that all the arousals of men will return to him, the appetites of men, he'll feel no hunger and fear no sun, yet all his vampiric powers will be increased. He will be a LIVING vampire that is according to Raphael. So it is safe to assume that an ability to feel love/passion/anger/jealousy etc could potentially return to him.

And even if feelings are not involved where is the common sense, did he become stupid all of a sudden to set aside his best most loyal ally? After going through all the trouble of getting you on his side? He says it himself that he is still vulnerable, not in control of his new powers, so why would anyone do a such a stupid thing of throwing away your "partner in crimes" who can and already did protect you and stood by your side? I guess common sense is not common in games smile

And if you play Astarion origin you can ascend and be all goody if you chose to. You can have a love interest and care for her. Kind of inconsistent...

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I don't mean literal monster (although it's technically true), I mean you allow him to become a mass murderer. And by doing this you reassure him his hunger for power is the right thing. You can't just blow up you family and 6000+ innocent people in bloody devilish ritual and stay a good person. As for the Astarion origin - Larian gives the player total freedom and it's the player's "responsibility" to play a consistent character, but if he doesn't want that - he can do otherwise. If you think about it, no player character in this game is consistent, because you can at first do only evil choices and then suddenly only good choices. Larian give you tools, it's up to you how you use them. But NPCs have their own psychology, agenda and personality and can't be 100% controlled by player's wishes.

I don't think he becomes stupid all of the sudden - although maybe the writer could prepare this situation a bit better. At first Astarion is in a uncertain place - it's not clear how he will change (and let's remember he is not a good person from the start). He wants power and when he gets it (again, commiting mass murder as a result of devilish pact with an archdevil)- he corrupts it. This is the consequence of evil choice.

As a post scriptum I will add, that according to D&D rules vampires emotions twist when they become vampires. Love can turn into possessiveness et cetera. But still I think it's less important than the logic of his character arc.

Last edited by Phea; 05/09/23 01:26 PM.
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